HomeMy Public PortalAboutConscom 2017-08-08 Orleans Conservation Commission ? AUC v,� Town Hall, Nauset Room 2Ff Work Meeting, Tuesday August 8, 2017 Present: Rich Nadler, Chair; Charles Ketchuck, Clerk; Judith Bruce, Member; Ginny_ F ANS arber, Member; Walter North, Member; Eric Ehnstrom, Associate Member; John Y`E TRH CLERK Jannell, Conservation Administrator. Absent: Mike Brink, Vice-Chair; Donelle Denery, Member Eric Ehnstrom is a voting member. 8:30 a.m. Call to Order Continuations Anne L. Donaldson Trust and David C. Donaldson Trust 86 & 90 Freeman Ln. By Ryder and Wilcox, Inc. Assessor's Map 1, Parcel 7 & 8. The after-the-fact bank stabilization utilizing vegetated soil filled biodegradable bags. Work occurred on a Coastal Bank and on Land Subject to Coastal Storm Flowage. The applicant requested to continue this Hearing to the meeting on 8/15. Motion: A motion to continue the Hearing to the meeting on 8/15/17 was made by Judith Bruce and seconded by Charles Ketchuck. Vote: 6-0-0 • Revised Plans Cecil Newcomb and Ann Sigsbee 35 Keziah's Ln. By Ryder &Wilcox, Inc. Assessor's Map 49, Parcel 45. The proposed renovation to an existing dwelling, installation of a new septic system, terrace, and stone wall. Work will occur within 100' of the Edge of a Bog, Salt Marsh, Coastal Bank, Land Subject to Coastal Storm Flowage, and in the Pleasant Bay ACEC. The proposed revision includes the addition of two rain gardens. Dave Lytt le from Ryder &Wilcox, Inc. was present to represent the client. David stated the goal of the two proposed rain gardens is to eliminate issues with storm water runoff due to the steep gravel driveway on the property. The gardens will serve to redirect runoff away from the garage area as well as Lonnie's Pond, and intercept runoff containing pollutants that may find its way down the bank to the pond. Motion: A motion to accept the revised plan showing the addition of two rain gardens was made by Judith Bruce and seconded by Walter North. Vote: 6-0-0 30 Payson Ill LLC 30 Payson Ln. By Ryder & Wilcox, Inc. Assessor's Map 58, Parcel 16. The proposed demolition of an existing dwelling, removal of the septic system, and installation of a swimming pool. Work will occur within 100' of the Top of a Coastal Bank and within the Pleasant Bay ACEC. The proposed revision includes the expansion of hardscape within the 75-100' buffer. David Lyttle from Ryder and Wilcox, Inc. was present to represent the client David stated the design has not changed a great deal except for the addition of retaining walls around the pool area. He also provided revised coverage calculations and additional section views of the property. David stated since this revision was submitted last week, the applicants decided they would like to install new underground electric and cable utilities. The overhead lines will be removed and the utility poles are to be flush cut. David stated he would like to submit into the record the Agreement from the Orleans Conservation Trust stating acknowledgment and approval since one of the poles is located in the right of way leading to an OCT property. Judith Bruce asked if it is less disruptive to the wetland to flush cut the poles. David stated it was the suggestion from the contractor and John Jannell agreed it would cause the least disturbance to the area. Motion: A motion to accept the revised plan showing the additional retaining walls and hardscape; and the construction protocol for installation of underground utility lines, was made by Judith Bruce and seconded by Walter North. Vote: 6-0-0 Certificates of Compliance Alan and Lenore Chace 3 Bramblewood Ln. SE 54-1310 Request for Certificate of Compliance. The construction of a two level garage space onto an existing dwelling. Work occurred within 100' to a wetland. Motion: A motion to issue the Certificate of Compliance was made by Judith Bruce and seconded by Charles Ketchuck. Vote: Denise and John McGeough, Jr. 11 Gull Ln. SE 54-2183 Request for Certificate of Compliance. The renovations to an existing dwelling including the conversion of an existing deck to a screened in porch with roof deck, construction of a second floor addition, and construction of a shed. Work occurred within 100' of the Edge of Wetland and Edge of Salt Marsh. Motion: A motion to issue the Certificate of Compliance was made by Charles Ketchuck and seconded by Judith Bruce. Vote: 6-0-0 William Hardie and Marcie Truesdale 13 Quinn Rd. SE 54-2370 Request for a Certificate of Compliance. The replacement of an existing timber stairway. Work occurred on a Coastal Bank, Coastal Beach, and within Land Subject to Coastal Storm Flowage. Motion: A motion to issue the Certificate of Compliance was made by Charles Ketchuck and seconded by Judith Bruce. Vote: 6-0-0 Kenelm and Virginia Winslow 36 Gesner Rd. SE 54-1264 Request for a Certificate of Compliance. The rebuilding of an existing licensed pier located in the waters of The River. John Jannell read in the Ongoing Conditions which apply to all docks and piers. Motion: A motion to issue the Certificate of Compliance with the Ongoing Dock and Pier Conditions was made by Charles Ketchuck and seconded by Judith Bruce. Vote: 6-0-0 Administrative Reviews • Susan Filipp 32 Skymeadow Dr. The proposed pruning of dead limbs and removal of 5-6 dead trees. Work to be done by After Hours Tree Service. Motion: A motion to approve the Administrative Review was made by Charles Ketchuck and seconded by Judith Bruce. Vote: 6-0-0 Peter Van Oot & Alice Worth 25 Blueberry Island Rd. The proposed removal of grape vines and bittersweet. Work to be done by applicant. No action was taken at this time. Discussion moved to the meeting on 8/15/17. Clifford Hampton 40 Carlton Rd. The proposed treatment of bittersweet, and planting of 24 pasture rose. Work will be done by North Chatham Landscape. Motion: A motion to approve the Administrative Review was made by Charles Ketchuck and seconded by Judith Bruce. Vote: 6-0-0 Orleans Department of Public Works Sparrowhawk Landing The proposed installation of a 12' x 18' asphalt patch over the existing road bed. Tom Daley from Orleans DPW stated the asphalt landing is in need of repair. The plan is to stabilize the landing at this time by replacing the broken asphalt and restoring the area to what existed in previous years. Tom stated the landing is constrained by private property ownership on both sides and that damage to the asphalt is the result of vehicles trying to turn around in the small area allotted. Tom reported this is a temporary repair in response to complaints from the public, but would be open to revisiting this project with long term changes. Dick Colville, a neighbor, stated his thoughts on possible materials used to replace the asphalt and his concern for the deterioration of the landing. Rich Nadler stated his concern for using gravel on the landing as it would eventually end up in the salt marsh. Judith Bruce suggested landscape timbers to be used as containment so vehicles do not drive over the asphalt into the marsh. Tom stated at this time he is proposing a temporary solution but will entertain a more permanent method for the future. He mentioned he could have a consulting firm come look at possibilities for the future of the landing this week. Motion: A motion to approve the Administrative Review with the Condition that the DPW will present to the Commission at a later date, a long term solution to fixing/restoring Sparrowhawk Landing, was made by Ginny Farber and seconded by Judith Bruce. Vote: 6-0-0 Chairman's Business Approval of the Minutes from the Meeting on 8/1/17. Motion: A motion to approve the minutes from the meeting on 8/1/17 was made by Ginny Farber and seconded by Judith Bruce. Vote: 6-0-0 Motion: A motion to adjourn the Public Hearing was made by Judith Bruce and seconded by Charles Ketchuck. Vote: 6-0-0 The meeting was adjourned at 9:24 a.m. Submitted by, Molly Bates, Principal Clerk, Orleans Conservation