HomeMy Public PortalAboutORD-CC-1961} „ r ORDINANCE AN ORDINANCE VACATING DOGWOOD AVENUE IN THE Mt: SUBDIVISION IN MOAB. UTA H. sr IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL or MOAB, Section I. That the gall width of Dogwood Avenue betwoon Lot 1 thorough 6. Block " 3". Flat "C", Mountain View subdivision on the North and Lot 14, »l+ook "T". Plat "C". Mountain View Subdivision on the South and the full length of Dogwood Avenues botwoea U. 3. Highway 160 meths East and Hunteidge DAV. on the. West, as said Dogwood Avenue appears on the official plat of Maauntsla Viow Subdivision. Plat "C". !ilea in the Rocorder's Office of Grand Comity, Utah. on August 7. 193% as Mary No. 269333. and • *ocorded is book 3 of Plats. page 10. bo. sad the same is. viicatod and die. Glared so longer to be public property for use as streets. avenues, alleys, or pedestrian ways. The real property adjoiniag oXii abutting said VosemSAvense fro vacated is situatod in Oraad County. State of Utah, and particularly doss arlisei as follows: Lots 1, t, 3, 4. S. 6..of Sleek "B" Lot 14. Slunk "T" hfountsin Vier subdivisioa Plat "C ". according to the official plat thereat on file . iao►` tha a eau titer's Officer of said . County. Bootie* 2.. said vt►cation is made expressly sabjoet to all oxisting rights of way sad elteernoats of all public utilities .of aay and "Ivory triad and description, new located injoa, venter, or ever the confines of the paid Dog. wood ,Avers. so vacatod; sad also subject to tho right of wary theroaa for the purpose c.oriaspectiag, maistataing. repairiag, roplaciag. romoriag, altering. or re-routing said utilities sad all of thorn. !footles 3. ba the opinion of the City Council it to necessary t0 tho pea.", health and safety of tiro inhabjllirnts of Moab City, that Oils Ordinance shall bosom. effoctive immediatelf. . Thorefoare, this Ordkance shall take afoot 30 days Alto, its first publication. .r ,Vassal by the. City Cored of lam, Utak tide 37th day of Deete bott.. 1161.