HomeMy Public PortalAboutCOA Board 2015-10-28 MEETING MINUTES '17 SEP 20 11 rr7m' Orleans Council on Aging Board of Directors Meeting z.--N—A 1 V(1-3-44 Wednesday, October 28, 2015 p.`- ,,_ TOM WWH CLERK CALL TO ORDER: A quorum was established and the meeting was called to order by Chairman, Fran Bonscher at 1:19 pm. MEETING ATTENDANCE: Board Members present: Fran Bonscher, Phil Halkenhauser, Sandy Marshall, George Dunn, Tim Linkkila COA Staff Present: Director, Judi Wilson, and Office Manager, Donna Faivre Others Present: Selectman (COA Liaison) David Dunford APPROVIAL OF MINUTES: • A motion was made by Tim Linkkila, which was seconded by Phil Halkenhauser to approve the minutes of the September 23, 2015 as amended. Amendment: change the first line under SHINE to read, "Ralph Cuomo, who has volunteered for SHINE for several years, will be retiring from this position at the end of this current open enrollment season." Vote 5(Y) 0(N) 0(A). CHAIRMANS REPORT: • Chairman Bonscher mentioned that the next COA Board meeting will be held on Wednesday, December 2, 2015 at 1:00 pm. There will not be a November meeting. Vote 5(Y) 0(N) 0(A). TREASURER'S REPORT**: • Director Wilson noted that we are on target for salaries and expenses for this FY. • Revolving accounts are healthy due to our fitness class participation in the summer months. DIRECTOR'S REPORT**: • Director Wilson introduced the new Day Center Director, Elaine Abrams to the Board. She spoke briefly about her educational and career backgrounds. Program Updates: Transportation: • Director Wilson had a meeting with Nauset Neighbors in an effort to alleviate the duplication of services when people call for transportation needs. • We are trying something new, "dinner out" on Thursday nights. We are running this as the same night as our transportation to LoCal Dinner on the suggestion of a few seniors who would like to eat out at dinnertime. Day Center Update: • Census was up but recently we have had several long term care placements. • We have introduced a new family newsletter, which goes out monthly. • New Day Center Director is working on special mailings in order to communicate with families and to introduce herself. 1 LGBT • A new advisory group has been formed to help move this group into the future. • They are planning a roadmap for the next 12 months. Program Updates: • SHINE has been very busy with open enrollment which ends on December 7th • Ask a Nurse Program has taken off! Sessions have been fully booked and the donor is very pleased with the progress made. They have offered to renew this grant in the future. • Game Night has been somewhat successful. Our numbers dropped a bit last month. • Friday Painters have their own show up in the function rooms and hallway areas. There are , some great pieces of artwork. • AOSC has taken some of the COA's art, not currently hanging, and has loaned it to Town Hall. • Maplewood Friends, Family and Forgetfulness will present a program on November 12th • New co-ed writing group will be starting in November. • FOCOA Holiday Floral Arrangement program is filling up! To be held on December 3rd • Holiday Dinner& a Show to be held on December 17th featuring the Surftones. We are running this event at night with a different format. Personnel: • New Day Center Director is up and running and we are very excited to have her join our team. • We have a new cook in our kitchen on Thursdays and she is working out quite well. • We are holding weekly team leadership meetings, which have been very productive. These have helped with delegation of work responsibilities and communications throughout the building. Buildings and Grounds: • We will have a majority of our building's sprinkler heads replaced as they were recalled many years ago. • Ron Collins is overseeing the replacement/repair of our function room floors. These have become a safety issue due to the buckling and pieces of the floor lifting out. Miscellaneous Updates: • Director Wilson mentioned that her term as the Chairman of COAST will end in January, but she will remain active and continue to attend their meetings. • The Tidings newsletter will be printed by a new vendor starting with our November-December issue. • The issues at Rock Harbor Village—tenant problems will be going to court. • Director Wilson will be meeting with the VNA to collaborate and work together. FRIENDS UPDATE: (presented by Director Judi Wilson) • The FOCOA will hold their Floral Arrangement program on December 3rd. Last year's program was very well attended. • The Friends will be sending out their annual appeal letter on November 13th asking for donations in order to assist the Orleans Council on Aging with its mission to enhance the quality of life for older adults and caregivers in our community. OLD BUSINESS: • Director Wilson mentioned that two communities have shown interest in an inter-municipal agreement for our Day Center Program. John Kelly will be reaching out to the two other towns and then they will all sit down for a meeting to discuss further. 2 • AOSC committee would like to recommend a change to the Policy for Exhibits (see draft dated 10/2015) to include the wording "for specific juried exhibits, the AOSC may collect entry fees from artists to offset the cost of insurance for the collection." Director Wilson will edit and provide the Board with a revised draft at their next meeting. Transportation Committee Report: • Director Wilson asked the CCRTA for a copy of their specs used in order to have a starting point to submit to companies for bid on our new van. She stated that we can possibly use the state purchasing bid info. Director Wilson is waiting for Paula George of CCRTA to send her this information. • Director Wilson asked Tom Daley for his help in reviewing the specs. • FOCOA are looking to help with our transportation needs and possibly put their logo or information on the van. • Chairman Bonscher asked Selectman Dunford if the town could accept the 2007 Ford van and also about maintenance. Selectman Dunford said that if it was accepted by the town it would be placed on the vehicle replacement plan. • Tim Linkkila put forth a recommendation that the town accept the 2007 Ford Van into the town's fleet for use by the COA Transportation program and be placed on the Town's vehicle replacement schedule. • The Transportation Committee will meet at a later date to draft up their recommendation letter to the town. Selectman Dunford suggested they address the following: Centralization, Demographics, CCRTA Changes, Costs and Resources. NEW BUSINESS: • Building Use Policy: Director Wilson has had two requests to use the building. We have to put a policy in place to address these requests. PUBLIC COMMENT: • None ADJOURNMENT: • With no further business, Chairman Bonscher asked for a motion to adjourn the meeting. Sandy Marshall put forth a motion which was seconded by George Dunn. The meeting was adjourned at 2:50 pm. Vote: 5(Y) 0(N) 0(A). **Copies on file at Orleans Council on Aging The next COA Board Meeting will be held on Wednesday, December 2, 2015 at 1:00 pm Respectfully submitted, Donna M. Faivre, Office Manager Orleans Council on Aging Minutes approved by the Orleans Council on Aging Board at their meeting held December 2, 2015 3