HomeMy Public PortalAboutCOA Board 2016-04-27 '1? SEP 211 11 :3 rFI MEETING MINUTES \C Orleans Council on Aging Board of Directors Meeting ORLEANS TOWN rL_Ri( Wednesday, April 27, 2016t CALL TO ORDER: A quorum was established and the meeting was called to order by Chairman Fran Bonscher at 1:00 pm. MEETING ATTENDANCE: Board Members: Fran Bonscher, Phil Halkenhauser, Tim Linkkila, Judy Hunt, Sandy Marshall, Margie Fulcher Absent: newly appointed member, Bob Naigle COA Staff Present: Judi Wilson, Director; Mary Mador, Principal Clerk Others Present: Bonnie Engelhardt, Friends Liaison; and Jane Moroney, Orleans citizen. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: A motion was made by Tim Linkkila, which was seconded by Margie Fulcher, to approve the minutes of the March 23, 2016 Board meeting. Vote: 6(Y) 0(N) 0(A). PUBLIC COMMENT: The Chairman opted to begin the meeting with public comment, and Jane Moroney gave a presentation on the need for elderly housing in Orleans. She expressed concern that taxpayer money from the Community Preservation Fund is being given to (among other organizations) Habitat for Humanity rather than being used to provide elderly housing. She believes that Rock Harbor Village and Tonset Woods are insufficient to provide for elderly . living on Social Security, and expressed the hope that the Board of the COA would be vocal in advocating for additional senior housing to be built in Orleans. She reported that the current wait times for housing is long and the facilities aren't sufficient as things like dishwashers aren't included and residents often have to do stairs to do laundry. Chairman Bonscher said that the issue would be on a future agenda for the Board to discuss, and Ms. Moroney left the meeting. CHAIRMANS REPORT: The Chairman reported that Robert Nagle had been approved to fill the remainder of the term of the late George Dunn, and will serve until 2018. He has had recent surgery and was unable to attend the meeting, but will attend the May meeting. Veteran Board member Phil Halkenhauser is resigning from the Board, and a replacement will be needed. TREASURER'S REPORT**: Director Wilson reported that the finances of the COA are basically in good shape. Fitness classes have become very popular, and since fees were based on prior registration, the revolving program fund as increased. Other expenses and income are in line with projections. DIRECTOR'S REPORT**: Program Updates: • Day Center Update —The main focus of many COA programs is caregivers. Toward this end, Elaine Abrams, Maryanne Ryan and Atty. Coccoro will be presenting a program regarding legal issues for caregivers in May. • Community-Wide Read Program -The last event of the Community-Wide Read program featuring the book Being Mortal will be held on May 3rd at the Nauset Regional Middle School. Conversation Project Exec. Director, Harriet Warshaw, will be the featured speaker, and the event will be filmed for future use. There will be another"Death Café" in June. This is a conversation about end of life issues, death and dying. A prior presentation was very well 1 received. People seem to be more open to discussing these issues since the book discussion groups. • LGBT Program — Maryanne Ryan ran a very successful LGBT film festival on April 22-23. Only difficulty seen so far is that people sign up, but then do not come. Sixteen people were no- shows on Friday night, and since dinner was provided, it was a waste of resources. The Director commented that weather might have had something to do with it—it was a beautiful day after several cold rainy days. The no-show factor will be discussed by the LGBT Seniors Advisory Council. • Outreach: Maryanne Ryan is trying to organize volunteers and ensure that they adhere to the COA's Customer Service Policy. She and Sue Beyle are also discussing ways to make their confidential records more accessible to one another, while still maintaining confidentiality. Most other communities use some form of computerized records which is being investigated. Also, tablets could be used during home visits to be able to access resource information and client records. • Special Programs: • Regional SHINE training has not been given on the Lower or Outer Cape in many years, but it is now in progress at the Orleans COA. More people are taking advantage of the service, but trained volunteers are in short supply. The goal for hosting the program is to train new SHINE volunteers for the Lower Cape, including Orleans. • The COA is collaborating with the VNA on a fall prevention program. • A realtor open house is planned in collaboration with the Friends, with information packets being prepared and given to attending realtors so prospective buyers will know what elderly services are available in Orleans. • Personnel: • Personal Chef, Tricia Lyons, has been hired as a new kitchen vendor to help with food preparation for some lunch and dinner programs at the COA. She has also agreed to teach a class in cooking. • Gerry Golia, a part-time van driver substitute, has resigned to take a position driving for the Yarmouth COA in order to get additional hours. • Rick Sutton, who was hired as substitute custodian last fall to cover a medical leave, will also sub as a van driver as he has past driving experience with the transit authority and a local assisted living development. • CORI updates and CPR training are being scheduled for all those mandated. Drivers are mandated to have CPR training annually; other staff members (Day Center, kitchen, etc.) are mandated to have the CPR training every two years. • Buildings and Grounds: The floor replacement in the function rooms is tentatively scheduled for this summer, perhaps July, pending moisture test results. A copy of the scope of the work is available for anyone interested. • COAST: State Protective Services personnel met with Elder Services and all Cape COA directors for the first time to discuss the problem of elder abuse, which is becoming more common every year. September is a tentative time for the state to do regional training for mandated reporters (police, EMTs, social workers). Judi also passed out a copy of an item from the Cape Cod Times concerning the need for adult day care on the Cape. • Misc.: The staff is planning to transition to block scheduling, particular for fitness classes, to address class crowding. FRIENDS UPDATE: Bonnie Engelhardt reported that Friends-sponsored events, such as the Community-Wide Read and the Flower Arranging classes, are very popular. The Friends primary mission is supporting and publicizing the COA, and to that end, Bonnie showed a new bookmark and note paper featuring artwork by Karen North Wells, which Karen donated to the Friends. In addition, the Friends facilitated the printing of the COA monthly calendar in The Chronicle. 2 OLD BUSINESS: LOGO Committee: Director Wilson showed 3 sample logos prepared by Paraclete Press, based on suggestions from the Director and the Board. There was much discussion, but none were found acceptable and Director Wilson will return to Paraclete for another try. Transportation: The process for accepting the van from the CCRTA is moving forward. There is a specific process for the town to obtain the title from the state. Also, the COA staff are beginning to work on purchase specs for a new van. NEW BUSINESS: LOGO Committee: A policy for the use of the COA building is needed. Director Wilson researched researching other COAs and town building policies and presented an initial draft Building Use Policy. There is a deed restriction on the land where the COA stands stating that it must "be used for the benefit of Orleans seniors." There was consensus that due to the complexity and details involved, it should be brought before a committee for review. Sandy Marshall, Fran Bonscher and Tim Linkkila formed a sub-committee to discuss the draft. ITEMS FOR FUTURE AGENDAS: • Building Use Policy presented for next meeting and the board will continue to work on items for future agendas. • Support for elderly affordable housing. ADJOURNMENT: • With no further business, Chairman Bonscher asked for a motion to adjourn the meeting. Tim Linkkila put forth a motion which was seconded by Phil Halkenhauser. The meeting was adjourned at 2:28 pm. Vote: 6(Y) 0(N) 0(A). **Copies on file at Orleans Council on Aging The next COA Board Meeting will be held on Wednesday, May 25, 2016 at 1:00 pm Respectfully submitted, Mary E. Mador, Principal Clerk Orleans Council on Aging. Minutes approved by the Orleans Council on Aging Board at their meeting held June 22, 2016 3 • • . • • • • • • • • • • i