HomeMy Public PortalAboutCOA Board 2016-08-24 17 SEP 20 1118M ORLEANS TOWN CLERK MEETING MINUTES Orleans Council on Aging Board of Directors Meeting Wednesday, August 24, 2016 CALL TO ORDER: A quorum was established and the meeting was called to order by Chairman Fran Bonscher at 1:00 pm. MEETING ATTENDANCE: Board Members: Fran Bonscher, Tim Linkkila, Judy Hunt, Sandy Marshall, Bob Nagle COA Staff Present: Director, Judi Wilson; Mary Mador, Principal Clerk Others Present: Bonnie Engelhardt, Friends Liaison, David Dunford & Myra Suchenicz APPROVAL OF MINUTES: A motion was made by Sandy Marshall, which was seconded by Tim Linkkila, to approve the minutes of the June 22, 2016 Board meeting, as amended. Vote: 5(Y) 0(N) 0(A). PUBLIC COMMENT: No public comment. CHAIRMAN'S REPORT: In response to the mention of Board vacancies, Director Wilson reported that she has one person in mind to fill one of the vacancies on the Board. She would like to invite a couple of people to the Board's September meeting. There are two vacancies on the Board. Chairman Bonscher clarified the term length of Board members (3 years) and Officers (1 year). On a motion by Tim Linkkila, seconded by Bob Nagle, the current Chair, Vice Chair and Secretary were approved for a new term. Vote: 5(Y) 0(N) 0(A) DIRECTOR'S REPORT**: Program Updates: Day Center Update —The Inter-Municipal Agreement has been put into effect. Invoices have been sent to Chatham, Harwich and Brewster for the first month. No names are being used (initials only), but each participant's attendance is listed separately on the invoice for their town. LGBT Program —The Orleans LGBT program is so successful that it is the subject of a video to be premiered at a "red carpet" event in September. The New England Councils on Aging and the National Councils on Aging will send representatives, and the video will be used for training in the region and nationwide. Outreach: Food distribution has become a very large part of outreach. To supplement food aid to needy residents, the Friends of the COA gave all 49 recipients a Stop & Shop gift card for$25. The Federal food aid is often inappropriate for the diets of many adult elderly, and we have seen fewer people taking advantage of it for that reason. The Brown Bag program is very popular and provides fresh vegetables and fruits to further supplement food aid. Caregiver support groups also take a great deal of time. Often, representatives of the police, fire department and Elder Services are involved in this outreach. 1 A Mindfulness program, the AARP Safe Driver Program, and a Tech Café are in the works. The Tech Café presenter is unable to begin in the fall but hopes to get going in the spring. Three elections will be held at the COA this fall — in September, October (special election) and November(national elections). Fitness: The Chair Yoga program has been very well-received. There are now chair fitness programs for all 5 weekdays. The director is working on finding a replacement fitness program for Zumba. For now, Tai Chi, Morning Fitness and Yoga are scheduled. She would like to have regular fitness programs for all 5 days as well. Personnel: Day Center staff member Bill Garner has left the COA, and custodian Kevin Maynard has retired. However, two new subs began today (8/24) to train in the Day Center, and Rick Sutton has been hired as part-time custodian and substitute driver when necessary. The office is short-staffed, but is coping. Buildings and Grounds: The replacement floor is working well. It took a bit longer because the floor needed a special coating before being used, but it is fine now. We have contacted Ron Collins concerning how the floor should be maintained, since the old method should not be used. The custodians have done a great job with seasonal maintenance, and we have hired a landscaper to help with the maintenance of the garden. Orleans DPW has fixed the drain in the driveway, and the driveway is on the DPW list for crack fills. FRIENDS UPDATE: Presented by Bonnie Englehardt. The teacher for the planned Tech Café had to back out due to family illness. Hope to either find a replacement, or schedule it for later in the year. Bonnie was interviewed and has previewed the LGBT video and was very pleased. Friends were glad they were able to provide the $25 food gift cards. OLD BUSINESS: LOGO Committee: Director Wilson reported that none of the 3 sample logos submitted were acceptable, so the subcommittee has asked for new samples in time for the next meeting. Transportation: The town now owns Road Runner II (the big van). It has been inspected and new license plates are on it. The next subject is the purchase of a new van. Director Wilson has obtained Mass. DOT permission to use the purchase contract in place rather than putting out a RFT (Request for Proposal) and taking the lowest bid. She is waiting for news from the DOT as to where the 3 available chassis designs can be seen, hopefully somewhere just over the bridge. Drivers will be included in the final decision-making. Participant Behavior Policy: A draft policy was presented to the Board. Several amendments were suggested. It will be presented again at the September meeting. NEW BUSINESS: None 2 ITEMS FOR FUTURE AGENDAS • Affordable housing. It was decided to wait until the Board is fully staffed before beginning this discussion. Accessibility as well as affordability should be part of the discussion. • Age-Friendly Communities: The director is interested in this program, but hasn't the time. She will pursue forming a committee to investigate it further. • Program Coordinator The director would like someone to fill this role. Bonnie Engelhardt and Sandy Marshall offered to be "sounding boards" in defining the role and possibly engaging an outside professional to help as well. ADJOURNMENT: • With no further business, Chairman Bonscher asked for a motion to adjourn the • meeting. Tim Linkkila put forth a motion which was seconded by Judy Hunt. The meeting was adjourned at 2:26 pm. Vote: 5(Y) 0(N) 0(A). **Copies on file at Orleans Council on Aging The next COA Board Meeting will be held on Wednesday, September 28, 2016 at 1:00 pm Respectfully submitted, Mary E. Mador, Principal Clerk Orleans Council on Aging Minutes approved by the Orleans Council on Aging Board at their meeting held September 28, 2016 • 3 S I