HomeMy Public PortalAboutCOA Board 2016-09-28 La JyrlC rCn JCS' ell 14 MEETING MINUTES F �b iig.gd Orleans Council on Aging Board of Directors Meeting r_,R ERt4; I(d., CLERK Wednesday, September 28, 2016 CALL TO ORDER: A quorum was established and the meeting was called to order by Chairman Fran Bonscher at 1:02 pm. MEETING ATTENDANCE: Board Members: Fran Bonscher, Tim Linkkila, Judy Hunt, Sandy Marshall & Bob Nagle Absent: David Dunford and Myra Suchenicz COA Staff Present: Judi Wilson, Director; Donna Faivre, Office Manager Others Present: Bonnie Engelhardt, FOCOA Liaison APPROVAL OF MINUTES: A motion was made by Tim Linkkila, which was seconded by Sandy Marshall, to approve the minutes of the August 24, 2016 Board meeting as amended. Correction: Remove the words "Board Member" before Bonnie's name under Items for Future Agendas. Vote: 5(Y) 0(N) 0(A). PUBLIC COMMENT: No Public Comment CHAIRMANS REPORT: • Chairman Bonscher mentioned that there is a new person interested in joining the Board and Director Wilson will refer them to Town Hall. • Chairman Bonscher opened up the discussion on the topic of how the Board can help Director Wilson with a program coordinator? Fran, Tim and Sandy suggested doing program evaluations to see what the needs are. Bob Nagle suggested speaking with a consultant who works with non-profits to see how they are structured and maybe offer some assistance. Tim mentioned that the program evaluations will help us see what needs improvement and also a good tool for looking forward to future strategic planning. Director Wilson stated that we have to stay focused on programs and not personnel. Judy Hunt asked if the COA has a staff advisory committee. Director Wilson said that we have regular leadership team meetings. The Board discussed ways of helping to relieve the pressures of programming. Sandy Marshall will draft up a Program Assessment Form. Chairman Bonscher stated that a sub-committee will be formed and that the members of the "Board Program Assessment Committee" will be herself, Tim Linkkila and Sandy Marshall. TREASURER'S REPORT**: Director Wilson reviewed the financial report with the Board. DIRECTOR'S REPORT**: Program Updates: • Statistics: Director Wilson presented stats for the month of August 2016. • Transportation: We are waiting for contract from DOT to purchase van. • Fitness: We are reviewing instructor compensation for a small increase. • LGBT: We had a very good turnout for the MCOA film "Welcoming Place". There was representatives from MCOA and Elder Services in attendance. 1 • Day Center: The program continues to run short staffed. We are still looking to hire 1 additional employee. We need to educate people on the need to plan well in advance. Some people are waiting too long to place their loved one into a program. COAST is working with Cape Cod Health Care to address the issues surrounding not getting diagnosed on the Cape. There is only one geriatrician on the Cape who completes evaluations. • Outreach: SNAP (Food Stamps) has changed their system and is now all computerized. We are working with clients to navigate the new system. • SHINE: We have 2 counselors taking appointments for open enrollment. • Van Driver: We received a resignation from one of our drivers who has accepted new position, but she will continue to work for us providing transportation to the Symphony. Applications are coming into Town Hall for the new position. • Meeting Room: Floor samples have been given to a vendor to look at refinishing the floor. He is sampling various products. • COA Audit: New finance director requested our department have an audit review and it went very well. We have made quite a few changes over the past several years and he was impressed with what we have accomplished. • Grant Audit: We also had an audit of our LGBT and Transportation Grants through Elder Services and those went well also. FRIENDS UPDATE: (Presented by Bonnie Engelhardt) • The FOCOA paid for the red carpet and back drop for the LGBT Red Carpet showing of the film "Welcoming Place". • They are still working on getting Betty's Tech Café up and running. • The Art Reception/art show awards along with music by Bart Weismann was very well attended. OLD BUSINESS: • Director Wilson provided the Board with the final revision of the Participant Behavior Policy. Tim Linkkila put forth a motion to accept the policy, which was seconded by Bob Nagle. Vote: 5(Y) 0(N) 0(A). • She also mentioned that the next policy to review will be the Transportation Policy. • Judi Hunt asked about discussion on Affordable Housing? Director Wilson explained that there is a long waiting list for housing and we need to educate ourselves about the needs, especially accessibility because of 2nd floor apartment living. NEW BUSINESS: None ITEMS FOR FUTURE AGENDAS: • Transportation Policy PUBLIC COMMENT: None ADJOURNMENT: • With no further business, Chairman Bonscher asked for a motion to adjourn the meeting. Sandy Marshall put forth a motion which was seconded by Bob Nagle. The meeting was adjourned at 2:35 pm. Vote: 5(Y) 0(N) 0(A). **Copies on file at Orleans Council on Aging The next COA Board Meeting will be held on Wednesday, November 2, 2016. Respectfully submitted, Donna M. Faivre, Office Manager Orleans Council on Aging 2 • Minutes approved by the Orleans Council on Aging Board at their meeting held November 2, 2016 3