HomeMy Public PortalAboutCOA 2017-07-26 MEETING MINUTES -17 OCT 4 5:05t`i" Orleans Council on Aging Board of Directors Meeting Wednesday, July 26, 2017 ORLEANS TOWN CLERK CALL TO ORDER: A quorum was established and the meeting was called to order by Chair Sandy Marshall at 1:00 pm. MEETING ATTENDANCE: Board Members: Sandy Marshall, Melora North, Judy Hunt, Judy Zimmerman COA Staff Present: Judi Wilson, Director; Donna Faivre, Office Manager Others Present: Town Administrator, John Kelly, Myra Suchenicz, Assistant Town Administrator, Bonnie Engelhardt, FOCOA Liaison APPROVAL OF MINUTES: A motion was made by Judy Zimmerman which was seconded by Judy Hunt to approve the minutes of the June 28, 2017 meeting. Vote: 4(Y) 0(N) 0(A PUBLIC COMMENT: None CHAIRMANS REPORT: • Chair Marshall passed around a letter from former Chair Fran Bonscher thanking everyone. • The Board has 2 vacancies and Chair Marshall called three people who might be interested in the positions. TREASURER'S REPORT**: • Director Wilson reviewed the financial report for June 2017 with the Board. Formula Grant amounts have been fully used for FY17. She also noted that the revenue received from the IMA for the year from the towns of Brewster, Chatham and Harwich. John Kelly mentioned that all three towns are interested in continuing the IMA. He suggested that we extend for 1 year and review again next year. DIRECTOR'S REPORT**: Program Updates: • Statistics: Director Wilson presented the COA stat report for June 2017. Transportation stats are down a bit as rides fluctuate. • Fitness Classes: All of our classes are very busy and almost at full capacity. • Mah Jongg: A social group of Mah Jongg players are now playing on Fridays and enjoying the use of the space provided. • Intro to Sailing: This program was so popular that we had a waiting list. • Cooking Classes: We had to add a second date for an additional class. Very popular. • Day Center Program: Census is at 23 (4 are in suspension at this time). 9 Orleans residents are in the program. Director Wilson mentioned that she will have Elaine Abrams, Day Center Director attend a future meeting to discuss the program. • Building & Grounds: The new Audio-Video system had its final tweaks completed last week and everything appears to be working smoothly. Ron Collins has a list of planned FY18 projects for the COA—see Director's report. • Community Meetings: Director Wilson attended the Town Summer Resident meeting at Town Hall to provide summer residents with information about the services and programs of the COA. She also attended a meeting with the Orleans Housing Authority and The Terraces. • New Logo: Director Wilson passed out the new logo for the Board to see. FRIENDS UPDATE: (Bonnie Engelhardt) • The FOCOA are willing to underwrite programs to help the COA. 1 OLD BUSINESS: • Board Charge: John Kelly spoke about the Board Charge (see draft of charge in packet). The purpose of the charge is so that we are all working towards the same goals. John explained to the Board that the Town Administrator is responsible for all personnel. Many times he has to meet with the BOS in executive session regarding personnel matters which cannot be discussed publicly. The BOS had to approve the new COA position. As for the budget, he explained that the COA Board can attend the public hearings. He hopes that with this year's budget we have addressed the needs of the COA. No other Boards have responsibility for the operating budget approval. Judy Hunt mentioned that the charge is good and that she is comfortable with it. Judy Zimmerman mentioned that she likes the order and it was clearly written. Sandy Marshall said you have given us some core responsibilities. Director Wilson said that the Board can identify maybe the top three priorities for the budget in September. We need to collaborate on priorities. The Board can participate in gathering the info and identifying the needs of older adults in our community. The Board discussed the word "evaluate and support" and to somehow work that into the new charge with different wording. Chair Marshall asked John Kelly to come back in September to finalize the charge. NEW BUSINESS: • Garden Maintenance: Director Wilson noted that we are spending money on the maintenance of the gardens behind the building, which is not in our budget. We have had to pay a landscaper to help maintain the plantings that have become overgrown. The Town administrator mentioned that we can get help from the Park's Department to help with the garden starting next year before the season begins. • Vehicle Replacement: See document in packet (Orleans COA Transportation Services). The 2007 Ford is always in the repair shop. It will not be a reliable vehicle for very long. The CCRTA will not replace the 2008 due to low mileage and year. We have to look at better options for our 2nd van. Chair Marshall said what would you like us to do? They discussed the best approach to vehicle replacement of the 2008 Ford. John recommended that the CCRTA supply a leased vehicle. Director Wilson has asked Tom Daley and Al Artwick from the Highway Department to go to the CCRTA and look at used vehicles that are turned in. One that might be in better working condition than the 2007 Ford van. The CCRTA will let us know when those vehicles would be available to look at. John Kelly said that we could consider putting ads on the vehicle that we own (2007 Ford) to help defray the cost of maintenance and keep it on the vehicle replacement list. Bonnie mentioned that possibly the FOCOA could come back with additional funds to help maintain the van if needed. John Kelly mentioned that maybe Congressman Keating's office could steer us in the right direction. ITEMS FOR FUTURE AGENDAS: • Fitness Policy ADJOURNMENT: • With no further business, Chair Marshall asked for a motion to adjourn the meeting. Melora North motioned to adjourn which was seconded by Judy Zimmerman. The meeting was adjourned at 2:50 pm. Vote: 4(Y) 0(N) 0(A). **Copies on file at Orleans Council on Aging The next COA Board Meeting will be held on Wednesday, September 27, 2017 Respectfully submitted, Donna M. Faivre, Office Manager Orleans Council on Aging Orleans Council on Aging Minutes approved by the Orleans Council on Aging Board at their meeting held on 927/17 2 L