HomeMy Public PortalAboutMinutes - 1965/10/28 - SpecialC I T Y O F T E M P L E C I T Y PARKING COMMISSION Minutes of Special Meeting October 28, 1965 1. CALL TO ORDER: Chairman Kettle called to order the Special Meeting of the Parking Commission at 3:04 P.M. at City Hall, 5938 North Kauffman Avenue,for the purpose of determining regulations con- trolling use of parking lots within the Parking Districts. 2. The Chairman opened the meeting with the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. 3 ROLL CALL: PRESENT: Commissioners: Martin, Merritt, Nunamaker, Saunders, Kettle ABSENT: Commissioners: None ALSO PRESENT: City Manager, Karl Koski Traffic Engineer, George Envall 4. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Commissioner Martin moved to approve the minutes of the regular meeting of August 11, 1965; seconded by Commissioner Saunders and carried. 5. SPECIAL BUSINESS: Commissioner Nunamaker suggested placing a temp porary time limit on parking lots within the Parking Districts as long as they will be available with temporary improvements, and he suggested a two hour parking limit on all lots except the lot be- hind the Alpha Beta Market which he suggested leaving as all day parking. In response to the Commission's question as to when these temporary lots would be ready, City Manager Koski stated that he expected to have the lots in operation prior to Thanksgiving. Commissioner Nunamaker also suggested that Primrose Avenue, north of Las Tunas, be made two hour parking up to the public parking lot, adding that after July of 1966 when the parking lots are completed, the Commission could determine regular time parking for the various parking areas. Commissioner Saunders asked which new areas are going to be involved. The City Manager indicated the specific lots involved on the Parking District exhibit map. There was discussion regarding placing the two hour parking on Primrose Avenue. Traffic Engineer Envall pointed out that there is two hour time limits from Las Tunas north to the alley on Primrose, but that a recent postcard check indicated that the majority of residents on the street indicated they did not wish two hour parking limits on the rest of the street. Commissioner Nunamaker felt that there was a need for time limit parking on the street. Mr. Envall stated he will make a license plate check of the cars parking on Primrose Avenue to ascertain if these are employees or residents, adding that all streets leading into the center of the business district should then have two hour parking within one half block. Discussion led to the problem of employee parking within the City. Mr. Envall pointed out that when employees of business are re- stricted from using parking lots, then they use the streets. When two hour time limit parking is posted on the side streets, then they move to another street where the problem begins anew. Commissioner Nunamaker stated that the parking lots were purchased for turnover and that when all lots are completed and permanent, all lots next to businesses should have two hour parking limits. Engineer Envall suggested that some portions of lots should have shorter parking time limits rather than just the two hour time limit. Commissioner Nunamaker asked for a Staff study on costs of patrolling lots in order to determine what charge could be made for selling parking permits for all day parking when this becomes necessary. Commissioner Nunamaker then toned to have the Tr.cfFic Commission make a license plate check of cars parked on the streets leading into the business district in the area from Kauffman to Cloverly Avenue and bounded by Woodruff and Workman, to ascertain the per- iod of time cars are parked, and if they are employees of business, and to study the possibility of placing two hour parking restric- Page 2 PARKING COMMISSiON SPECIAL MEETING October 28, 1965 tions for one half block beyond the alley or commercial frontages on said streets. Seconded by Commissioner Martin and carried. The City Manager asked what the decision was of the Commission re- garding the other lots in the Parking Districts as far as recommen- dations as to type of signing. For the purpose of identifying these lots, it was decided to use letters on the Parking District exhibit map. Commissioner Nunamaker moved to recommend that the six parking lots be limited to two hour parking from the hours of 9:00 A.M. to 6:00 P.M., Sundays and Holidays excepted. Seconded by Commissioner Saunders and carried. Lots identified are as follows; Parking District #1 - The two adjoining lots south of and adjacent to the alley South of Las Tunas and between Cloverly and Primrose Avenues (A and B); the lot south of and adjacent to the alley facing Primrose Avenue (C -2); the five lots south of and adjacent to the alley facing Temple City Boulevard (0); the lot south of and adjacent to the alley facing Camellia (E). ?arking District #3 - The lot north of and adjacent to the alley North of Las Tunas and facing Temple City Boulevard (G). Mr. Envall then asked if the $1.00 fine for parking over time limit posted, would be the same for the off - street lots as it is for on- street violations. The City Manager replied that there is no other way to handle it now, although a chance may be forthcoming. Commissioner Merritt asked if the money derived from fines on the parking lots would go to the Parking District, to which Mr. Envall answered that the Parking District does not pay for enforcement, therefore the monies would go to the City. City Manager Koski advised the Commission that the Courts have asked the City to reconsider the $1.00 fine as it is out of context with every other city, $2.00 being the standard fine. He informed them that the Staff is working on this and that he would bring this before the Council for consideration. Commissioner Merritt asked if traffic enforcement is paying for itself, to which the City Manager answered that it was not and adding that the $2.00 fine would be in line with other cities. Commissioner Merritt inquired when demolition work would commence on District #1. Mr. Koski replied that it would begin possibly the following week, and he outlined the schedule. Commissioner Saunders asked if these lots are going to be temporarily black - topped until the lighting is put in. Mr. Koski indicated in the affirmative, adding that they will be single lined, with wheel blocks, and with entrance and exit signs. Commissioners Saunders then suggested that it would be prudent to have a notice in the newspapers so that people are aware that this is temporary until utilities are installed underground and permanent asphalt applied. The City Manager stated that this could be in the Chamber newsletter so that the merchants will be informed. Mr. Koski apprised the Commission that since their last meeting, details of installation of the underground facilities have been worked out with the major utility companies, and that after several discussions and re- evaluations on the part of the telephone compary, they were able to work all details for the mall on the south side of Las Tunas. Work will begin right after the first of next year. The decision was made not to begin in December because of conflict with business operations during the Holidays. Commissioner Nunamaker referred to the Parking District Exhibit map and made note that the Commission failed to consider the parking lot that the City is leasing in rogard to time limit parking, and he directed attention to the second lot south of the alley facing Primrose Avenue on the map. He then amended his motion as follows: " That the six parking lots, including the second lot south of the alley facing Primrose Avenue, be restricted to two hour parking " " Page 3 PARKING COMMISSION SPECIAL MEETING October 28, 1965 limits from the hours of 9:00 A.M. to 6:00 P.M. Sundays and Holidays excepted." Seconded by Commissioner Martin and carried. Mr. Koski advised that on District #4, the City has an appraisal of $45,000 where the engineers estimated $37,5000. The City Attorney will request an authorization for another appraisal. On District #3, a diagram is being prepared and .proposed assess- ment is being computed. 6. ADJOURNMENT: Commissioner Nunamaker moved to adjourn to the regular meeting on December 8, 1965, unless otherwise called. Seconded by Commissioner Martin and carried. Meeting adjourned at 3:58 P.M. to the regular meeting on December 3, 1965, at 3:00 P.M. at City Hall, 5933 North Kauffman Avenue. ATTEST: City Clerk Chairman