HomeMy Public PortalAboutMinutes - 1970/04/16 - RegularPARKING COMMISSION CITY OF TEMPLE CITY • Adjourned Meeting of April 16, 1970 INITIATION: 1. Chairman Armstrong called to order the adjourned meeting of the Parking Commission at 3:00 p.m. in Council Chambers of City Hall. 2. Commissioner Kettle led in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. 3. Roll Call: Present: Commissioners Kettle, Lookabaugh, Millham, Nunamaker, Armstrong Absent: None Also Present: City Manager Koski Director of Public Works Pizzorno Traffic Engineer Envall 4. Approval of Minutes - Special Meeting of April 9, 1970 Commissioner Millham corrected the minutes on. Page 1, Paragraph 2, Item 4, line 13, to read: "by May 30, 1 970" in place of "this date," then moved to approve the minutes as amended. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Nunamaker and carried unanimously. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: 5. PARKING DISTRICT NO. 3 - Additional Parking - Study Public Works Director stated that pursuant to the commission's recommendation at their special meeting of April 9, 1970, an Engineer- ing and Planning Study proposal to evaluate off- street parking requirements for Parking District No. 3 had been received by staff from Krelle & Lewis, Inc., copies of which were in the commissioners folders. The proposed study would be performed in two basic phases, Phase I to include an evaluation of existing parking facilities and requirements to accommodate future commercial expansion in the area, a review of future parking requirements for the Central Business District, Golden. West to Oak Avenues, insuring compatibility of a portion of the commercial area with that of the entire area, and the development of several preliminary plans for the expansion of the parking facilities within Parking District No. 3, including preliminary • cost estimates and recommendations for each plan. Cost of Phase I is $1,000. Phase II would include preparation of a precise plan for that alter- native selected from Phase I by the commission, including cost esti- mates of construction and an engineering evaluation of land acquisition, alternative methods of financing the basic plan selected, and an artist's rendering. Cost of Phase II would be $1500. Mr. Ray Lewis, Krelle & Lewis, Inc., stated that an overall look at the downtown area of the City is imperative to establish a criteria as to off - street parking requirements per square foot of commercial area, that parking requirements are not the same in each block in the downtown business district, that a preliminary study would be essential to the commission in its consideration of expanding existing off- street parking facilities in the City. Chairman Armstrong, refer- ring to Page 3 of the Krelle & Lewis proposal, asked about the 60 -day completion time required for each phase, noting that this would extend beyond the May 30 date that Mr. Ludlow would need an answer to his request for additional parking in. Parking District No. 3. Mr. Lewis advised that a progress report could be sent to staff and the commission during the preparation of Phase I apprising them .. of findings. City Manager Koski stated that the immediate need is to implement Phase I, that with this data the commission could meet with the City Council in a joint study session in May to review the pre- liminary study as outlined in Phase I of the Krelle & Lewis proposal. PARKING COMMISSION MINUTES -2- APRIL 16, 1970 • 5. UNFINISHED BUSINESS - PARKING DISTRICT NO. 3 In summary, Mr. Lewis stated that background data would be accumulated by his staff to substantiate parking facility requirements not only in Parking District No. 3 but throughout the entire Central Business District and from this information and analysis several alternate plans would be delineated for commission consideration in determining which plan would best allow for the potential growth of the business community and the most economical in terms of long range planning. Assuming that the study will reveal one or two acceptable bas:ic; plans, his firm would then enter into Phase II to develop more precise plans including cost estimates of construction, engineering evaluation of land acquisition, and alternate methods of financing these plans. In commission discussion it was the consensus that a preliminary study would be necessary to evaluate present and future parking requirements in the Central Business District, and in particular those in Parking District No. 3. Commissioner Nunamaker moved to recommend to the City Council initiating a study to evaluate the need for additional off - street parking facilities in Vehicle Parking District No. 3 as proposed by Krelle & Lewis, and appropriation of $1,000 for Phase I of the proposal. Commissioner Millham seconded the motion which carried unanimously. Mr. Ludlow asked at what point he might begin to develop his time schedule so that in turn the Community Redevelopment Council could begin to act. City Manager Koski stated that some direction would be forthcoming following the scheduled meeting on May 18 of the City Council and the Parking Commission. TIME FOR THOSE IN AUDIENCE WHO WISH TO SPEAK 6. Chamber Manager Gates asked about the disposition of the commission's recommendation for signing indicating public parking at the entrances to those lots which are not presently designated as such to conform with existing signing on several others lots within the district. Chairman Armstrong advised that this was submitted as a budget item in the preliminary 1970 -71 budget. MATTERS FROM CITY OFFICIALS 7. Chairman Armstrong requested that the mall areas in the Parking • Districts be maintained in good order on a regular basis. City Manager Koski advised that he will check into the matter further. ADJOURNMENT 8. Commissioner Millham moved to adjourn to May 18, 7:30 p.m., to a joint study session with the City Council. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Nunamaker and carried. Meeting was adjourned at 3:35 p.m. ATTEST: City Clerk •