HomeMy Public PortalAboutMinutes - 1972/02/16 - RegularPARKING COMMISSION CITY OF TEMPLE CITY FEBRUARY 16, 1972 1. Chairman Nunamaker called to order the regular meeting of the Parking Commission at 3:00 p.m. in the Council Chamber of City Hall. 2. The Chairman led in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. 3. Roll Call: Present: Commissioners Kettle, Nunamaker, Ross Absent: Commissioners Clark, Millham Also Present: Planning Director Dragicevich Engineering Assistant, Robert Linares Chairman Nunamaker welcomed Commissioner Ross as the newest member of the Commission, appointed by the City Council to fill the un- expired term of Jack Armstrong. It was moved by Commissioner Kettle, seconded by Commissioner Ross, and carried, to excuse the absences of Commissioners Clark and Millham for cause. 4. Approval of Minutes The minutes of the adjourned meeting of November 1, 1971, and the special meeting of November 17, 1971, were approved as written by the following roll call vote: Ayes: Commissioners Kettle, Nunamaker Abstaining: Commissioner Ross UNFINISHED BUSINESS 5. REVIEW OF PROPOSED ORDINANCE RESTRICTING, EMPLOYER, EMPLOYEES FROM PARKING IN MUNICIPALLY OWNED PARKING LOTS Chairman Nunamaker advised that the proposed ordinance was originated for the purpose of alleviating heavy usage of all day parking in public parking lots which were created for customer parking. Earlier the Commission 'had attempted to solicit voluntary cooperation from merchants and employees to refrain from parking in public parking lots posted with two -hour restrictions; however, this effort had failed. At the November 17 meeting of. dip .Commission, several members of the business community spoke in opposition to the proposed ordinance, requesting that this matter be postponed until the February meeting of the Parking Commission. The Chamber of Commerce also requested postponement in order to review this issue with its members. Mr. Linares advised that, as an alternative to the proposed ordinance, the staff had prepared a postcard whtich could be used by merchants in requesting persons to park in public parking lots which are not posted with two -hour restrictions. Sample cards were made available to the Chamber of Commerce and the Commission for perusal. Planning Director Dragicevich stated that the Chamber Committee had met earlier in the day to discuss the proposed ordinance and to review the sample postcard and that members present in the audience may wish to address the Commission. Chairman Nunamaker invited persons present to express their opinion regarding the proposed ordinance. The following persons spoke in favor of using the postcard and in opposition to the proposed ordinance relating to use of municipal parking lots: Bert Anspach, Lieberg's, 9564 Las Tunas Drive; Dominic Mortellaro, Dominic's Shoe Store, 9629 Las Tunas Drive; Carl Ludlow, Stoppel's of California, 9615 Las Tunas Drive; Penny Graham, Graham's Music Store, 9616 Las Tunas Drive. PARKING COMMISSION MINUTES -2- FEBRUARY 169 1972 Mr. Matt English, Chamber Manager, stated that it was the over- whelming consensus of the Promotional Calendar Committee that a postcard of the type reviewed would be more effective in its purpose and less discriminatory than the proposed ordinance. The Committee was 100% opposed to the proposed ordinanceend wholly in favor of the use of the postcard. He pledged the support and cooperation of the Chamber in distributing cards to the business community, saying that a map showing designated locations for parking longer than two hours is a good idea. No one came forward in support of the proposed ordinance. In closed discussion, the Commission concluded that inasmuch as the business community is willing to utilize the postcard method to encourage all day parking in certain specified locations away from the immediate shopping areas, and the Chamber will cooperate in this effort, the proposed ordinance is unnecessary at this time. It was moved by Commissioner Kettle, seconded by Commissioner Ross, and carried, to table the proposed ordinance relating to municipal parking lots; and to implement the use of the postcards at the earliest possible date. Planning Director Dragicevich asked to be excused at 3:30 p.m because of required attendance at another meeting. 6. REPORT RE INSTALLATION OF BICYCLE RACKS ON PEDESTRIAN MALLS Mr. Linares advised that staff had investigated the installation of bicycle racks in the pedestrian malls pursuant to a request from Chairman Nunamaker at the November 1 meeting of the Parking Commis- sion. It was found that bicycle racks which are not being used at several locations along Las Tunas Drive and on Temple City Boulevard could be considered for relocation at mid -block locations on the malls, north of Las Tunas Drive, from Cloverly to Kauffman Avenues. Chairman Nunamaker stated that he had also requested staff to survey tenants and owners on the south side of Las Tunas Drive relative to their opinion on placement of bicycle racks primarily for the convenience of shoppers. Penny Graham, 9616 Las Tunas Drive, stated she would be in favor of a bicycle rack installation at..the mall entrance to her store. • Dominic Mortellaro, 9629 Las Tunas Drive, stated he was opposed to any such installation at the mall entrance to his building because it would interfere with shipping and receiving of merchandise. The Commission discussed appropriate locations for installation of bicycle racks in the malls, north and south of Las Tunas Drive, considering also the possibility of installations on portions of private property in the malls within the central business district. It was concluded that more information was needed. Commissioner Ross moved to refer this matter for study to the Chamber, recommend- ing that the Chamber work in conjunction with the city staff in regard to bicycle rack locations. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Kettle and carried. The Chamber was requested to report on this matter at the next regular meeting of the Parking Commission in June. 7. REPORT ON PUBLIC PARKING LOT NO. 4 - CAMELLIA AVENUE, SOUTH OF LAS TUNAS DRIVE Mr. Linares advised that pursuant to Commission request at their regular meeting held on October. 20, the public parking lot located on the east side of Camellia Avenue, south of Las Tunas. Drive, had been under observation to determine the percentage of occupancy. With the exception of the Christmas season, the subject lot was not used to full capacity, and that the number of parking stalls being utilized is still approximately 40%. " " " PARKING COMMISSION MINUTES -3- .FEBRUARY 16, 1972 Following brief discussion, it was moved by Commissioner Kettle to receive and file the report, seconded by Commissioner Ross, and carried. Staff was directed to report the results of the survey to Mr. V. F. Fisher whose interest instigated the survey. 8. ANNUAL REVIEW RE PERMIT TO CROSS OVER PEDESTRIAN MALL #3,, LOT . #5, PARKING DISTRICT #3 - 9611 LAS TUNAS DRIVE Mr. Linares advised that the City Council in granting permission to Mr. A. W. Driver, 9611 Las Tunas Drive, to cross over the pedestrian mall within the limits described, made certain stipula- tions, one of which was that the permit shall be subject to annual review. The Commission reviewed a copy of the conditions imposed by the City Council at their meeting of March 16, 1971, and agreed that the applicant had met the conditions as outlined. It was moved by Commissioner Ross, seconded by Commissioner Kettle, and carried, to recommend to the City Council that permission be granted to Mr. A. W. Driver to cross over Pedestrian Mall #3, Lot #5, Parking District #3, located behind 9711 Las Tunas. Drive, for a one year period. 9. TIME FOR THOSE IN AUDIENCE WHO WISH TO SPEAK: No one came forward. 10. MATTERS FROM CITY OFFICIALS: Mr. Linares advised that the staff is preparing a preliminary budget for the fiscal year 1972 -73, and requested the Commission to submit items they wished considered for the budget. Following: discussion of several items, it was moved by Commissioner Kettle, seconded by Commissioner Ross, and carried, to submit the following for budgetary considerations in order of priority: 1) Removal of the planter and ramp in Lot 5 of the Parking District #3, located between Temple City Boulevard and Camellia Avenue, north of Las Tunas Drive. 2) Installation of signs identifying each mall, to be located at the entrance of each mall. The removal of the planter and ramp in Lot 5 would provide additional parking space in a lot which is critically short of parking area. The installation of identifying signs at the entrance to each mall would be of benefit to the general public, 11. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, the meeting . was adjourned at 4:30 p.m. to the next regular meeting of the Commission on June 21, 1972, 3:00 p.m., in Council. Chamber of City Hall. ATTEST: Secretary Chairman