HomeMy Public PortalAbout13) 10E Primrose Redevelopment ConceptsMANAGE ME NT SERVIC ES DE PARTMENT M EMORANDUM DATE: November 20,2018 TO: The Honorable City Council FROM: Bryan Cook, City Manager By: Brian Haworth, Assistant to the City Manager SUBJECT: PRIMROSE REDEVELOPMENT CONCEPTS RECOMMENDATION: The City Council is requested to: AGENDA ITEM 10.E. 1. Review and provide input on proposed redevelopment concepts for City-owned properties at 5922 and 5934 Primrose Ave. (APNs 8587-014-904, -905); 2 . Direct the City Manager to further pursue one of the concepts; and 3. Authorize the City Manager to secure professional services for feasibility reviews, if warranted. BACKGROUND: 1. In July 2018 , the Future Development of City Properties Standing Committee was presented with redevelopment options for three adjacent City-owned properties in the 5800 block of Primrose Avenue (otherwise known as the "Primrose Properties" depicted by Attachment "A"). Five of the proposals focused on new public facilities l ike surfaced and structured parking, a community center and neighborhood park; the remaining concept proposed a large mixed-use project (Attachment "B "). Given the programmatic and financial ·implications of each option, staff was asked to present them for Council deliberation . 2 . In September 2018, preliminary findings of the Downtown Parking Study Update concluded that the City's all-day public parking lot at the Primrose Properties (east side of Primrose, south of Woodruff) is underutilized. Findings also revealed that the lot could alleviate current and future downtown park ing demand through a number of parking management strategies, rather than increasing actual parking supply. City Council November 20 , 2018 Page 2 of 3 3. Earlier this month, demolition activities were completed at the Primrose Properties (two of the three parcels), resulting in the razing of previously vacant apartment buildings (Attachment "C"). The area-encompassing just over an acre-is now prime for redevelopment given recent conclusions on surrounding public parking needs, the availability of developable land and favorable economic conditions. ANALYSIS: Tonight, staff will present the six redevelopment concepts for Council consideration. Five of them focus on new community amenities; the other considers a large-scale mixed-use project. Attachment "D" summarizes each concept. As it pertains to the large-scale mixed -use project, staff was tasked to think both within and outside the confines of the project area and develop a concept that proposes a catalytic and destination-focused development (Option 6). This proposal aligns with the City's recently adopted General Plan, which looks to create a pedestrian-centric district of dining and other destination uses. Should Council wish to pursue this option, staff recommends the procurement of professional services to further identify associated development opportunities and challenges, as well as a strategy to move forward. As the City owns property in the area, this presents an asset that could be used to assist in financing a large-scale project either through a development agreement, public-private partnership or other arrangement. Outside analysis would help determine the level of City collaboration, including financial feasibility. It would also inform the City on how to decisively ex ecute such a project now or in the future, especially in the post-redevelopment era . Alternatively, if Council wishes to pursue another redevelopment concept, it may elect to secure professional services to confirm project costs, potential funding sources and a possible funding arrangement-especially if it pursues the community center or parking structure concepts (Options 3, 4 and 5). As these facilities require large upfront and ongoing costs, staff recommends further project scope refinements and financial reviews . Professional services fees for the above analyses are each estimated at a cost of less than $25,000 . Findings would be presented to Council in February 2019 . CITY STRATEGIC GOAL: Actions contained in this report align with the following strategic goals : governance , economic development, quality of life and sustainable infrastructure. City Council November 20, 2018 Page 3 of 3 FISCAL IMPACT: Council authorization to proceed with additional project reviews present a fiscal impact upwards of $25,000. Funding is available in Acct. No. 01-910-42-4231 . Project costs and required allocations to realize a final concept is unknown at this time, but can be presented for further Council review and approva ls as part of the City's annual budgetary process. ATTACHMENTS: A. Primrose Properties : Parcel Map B . Primrose Properties : Draft Prese ntation C. Primrose Properties: Demolition Photos D. Primrose Properties: Concept Summary <X: 1-z w ~ I (.) ~ 1- c::x: :t: +--~ 0 z (l) J-z w ~ I () ~ J- <( CITY OF TEMPLE CITY PRIMROSE PROPERTY STUDIES AUGUST 2018 GOODALE ARCHITECTURE PlJINNING ] ) :J .l } J ;e .· ... G !c0H 1~~R~ 1------....:SJc.;;.._T_E_A_N___;_A;_LY...;....;;..S,;;_I 5;..._-...;.C...;;U...;,.R,;.;.R..;.,;E;;;.;N...;,.T..;.....;..P..;..A,;.;.R..;.,;K...;,.I;_N,;;_G;;......;..R;.;;;;E;...;;Q;_U;;_I;_R.;..;;E;;.;;.M...;..E;;;;.N;...;;...;,.T...;,.S....;;.P...;;E;;.;.R...;;.....;;;;Z;_;;;O....;;.N..;..I;_N~G PI.J\NNING C I T Y 0 F T E M P L E C I T Y ·1 . P R I M R 0 S E P R 0 P E R T Y S T U D I E S 7 .118 -· i i j,_ I s~ ~IDE ADDITIONAL PARKING AT DEMOLITION SITE POSSIBLE BENEFITS -ADDITIONAL PARKING CONVENIENT TO STORES -MARGINALLY HELPS ADD CODE-REQUIRED PARKING POSSIBLE DEBITS ·INCREASES SUBUBAN SPRAWL IN DOWNTOWN ROUGH PROJECT COST $637,000 -Construction Cost $7,000 per stall = $490,000 -30% Additional Project Costs + Contingency= $147,000 Note: If improvements are added to northerly existing parking, (slurry coat, re-striping, lighting, bioswale, signage, landscape), assume an additional $300,000 for a total of $937.000. SCOPE! -REPL~ORTH PARKING WITH MINI-PARK -B~~MENT PARKING @ DEMOLITION SITE POSSIBLE BENEFITS -DOWNTOWN GREEN SPACE -MAINTAINS EXISTING PARKING COUNTS -ALLOWS MODEST FUTURE SOUTHERLY DEVELOPMENT POSSIBLE DEBITS -ENCUMBERS FUTURE NORTH DEVELOPMENT (EIR) -UNHELPFUL FOR OWNERS RE: CURRENT PARKING REGS ROUGH PROJECT COST $1,014,000 -Construction Cost 64 x $7,000 per stall = $448,000 -Construction Cost 22,000 Sq Ft X $15 = $330,000 -30% Additional Project Costs+ Contingency= $233,000 AACHI TECTIJAE ---------------------------------------=-------------------2---M __ I __ N __ I __ -P_A_R ..... K ___ +_P ..... A __ R_K __ I N~G GOOOI\LEI PI.JINNING C I T Y 0 F T E M P L E C I T Y I P R I M R 0 S E P R 0 P E R T Y S T U D I E S 7 118 SCOPE -CO~T RAISED OPEN AIR RECREATION DECK -10C! ~RKING SPACES-SEMI-SUBTERRANEAN liJIOSSIBLE BENEFITS -PROVIDES ACTIVE DOWNTOWN RECREATION -MODEST ADDITIONAL PARKING CONVENI ENT TO STORES POSSIBLE DEB ITS -ENCUMBERS FUTURE DEVELOPMENT (EIR) -HIGHEST AND BEST USE DOWNTOWN? ROUGH PROJECT COST $7,670,000 -Construction Cost 100 X $35,000/SPACE = $3,500,000 -Construction Cost Deck 40,000 Sq Ft x $60 = $2,400,000 -Additi onal Proj ect Costs+ Contingency 30% = $1 ,770,000 G~~HI~~A~ 1 ------3'-_~ __ I_S_E_D_R_E_C_R_E_A_T_I _O_N_D_E_C_K_O_V_E_R_S_E_M_I-_S_U_B_T_E_R_R_A_N_E_A_N_P_A_R_K_I_N_G PLANN ING C I T Y 0 F T E M P L E C I T Y I P R I M R 0 S E P R 0 P E R T Y S T U D I E S 7 118 G~g~~~A~~----------------<..;_3 __ s _E_M_I _-s_u_s_T_E_R_R_A_N_EA_N_PA_R_K_I_N_G_L_E_V_E___;_L> PlAN~liNG C I T Y 0 F T E M P L E C I T Y I P R I M R 0 S E P R 0 P E R T Y S T U D I E S 7 118 DRAFT SCOPE -CONSTRUCT QlliS~ 15,000 SQ FT COMMUNITY CENTER -100 PARKIN~I'JW:ES-SEMI-SUBTERRANEAN POSSM!Il."E BENEFITS -1me>'ODES ACTIVE DOWNTOWN RECREATION • .,OII!JEST ADDITIONAL PARKING CONVENIENT TO STORES POSSI BLE DEBITS -ENCUMBERS FUTURE DEVELOPMENT (EIR) -HIGHEST AND BEST USE DOWNTOWN? ROUGH PROJECT COST $1S,2?S,OOO -Construction Cost 100 X $35,000/SPACE = $3,500,000 -Constructi on Cost Ctr 15,000 Sq Ft x $470 = $7,050,000 -Construction Cost Roof Deck 15,000 Sq Ft. x $80 = $1,200,000 -Additional Project Costs + Contingency 30% = $3,525,000 G ~~HI~~A~ I--------4 __ C_O_M_M_U_N_I_T_Y___:_C_E_N_T_E_R___:_O_;;V_E,;.;.R..;,_;_S_;;E.;_M;.;..I-....;S;_U;_B;;_T.;;_E;;;;.R;,..,;;.;..;;R.;_A;.;..N.;;.;;E;;.;.A...;.;N;..;....;,.P..;..A..;.;.R...:..:K....:.I;.;..N..:......:....G PLJ\NNING C I T Y 0 F T E M P L E C I T Y I P R I M R 0 S E P R 0 P E R T Y S T U D I E S 7 118 DRAFT G ~coHI~~A~ , _____________________ 4_S_E_M_I-_S_U_B_T _E_R_R_A_N_E_A_N_P_A_R_K_IN_G_ C IT Y 0 F T E M P L E C IT Y I P R I M R 0 S E P R 0 P E R T Y STU D I E S 7 I 18 1 ~FF .f!'l. ;;i ,-..,r ~A;._.,. IC.. -----~'1. L GOOOJ\LEI AACHilECTUAE' _______________________ 4 __ R_O_O_F_R_E_C_R_E_A_T_I_O_N_D_E_C_K PLANN ING C I T Y 0 F T E M P L E C I T Y I P R I M R 0 S E P R 0 P E R T Y S T U D I E S 7 118 SCOA& -CCINSI'I"R\JCT 4-STORY CENTRAL DOWNTOWN PARKING ~RKING SPACES POSSIBLE BENEFITS -ADDRESSES OWNER/DEVELOPER PARKING CODE REGS -POSSIBLE FUNDING VIA DOWNTOWN PARKING DISTRICT -FREES DOWNTOWN SURFACE LOTS FOR DEVELOPMENT POSSIBLE DEBITS -INITIAL CONSTRUCTION FINANCING -TRANSIT AND RIDE-SHARE MAY MAKE OBSOLETE? -ALLOWS NO FUTURE URBAN DEVELOPMENT OF SITE -SCALE IMPACTS ON WESTERLY RESIDENTIAL ROUGH PROJECT COST $17,550,000 -Construction Cost 500 X $27,000/SPACE = $13,500,000 -Additional Project Costs+ Contingency 30% = $4,050,000 ARCHITECTURE ____________________ s __ s_-L_E_V_E_L_s_T_R_u_c_T_U_R_E_D_P_A_R_K_I_N_G_ GOO DALE I PLANNING C I T Y 0 F T E M P L E C I T Y P R I M R 0 S E P R 0 P E R T Y S T U D I E S 7 118 SCOPE -PUBLIC PRI~T~RTNERSHIP -OBTAIN E~G B OF A PARKING -CONSWI!fi.J.t:"N-STORY CENTRAL DOWNTOWN PARKING -CO!liS'f~ 14,000 Sq Ft ALLEY RETAIL/RESTAURANTS ~SIBLE BENEFITS -INCREASES PEDESTRIAN VITALITY OF DOWNTOWN -PROVIDES HOUSING BUFFER ALONG PRIMROSE -FREES DOWNTOWN SURFACE LOTS, ALLEYS FOR DEVELOPMENT -POSSIBLE NON-PROFIT AFFORDABLE HOUSING DEVELOPER POSSIBLE DEBITS -CHALLENGES OF PUBLIC PRIVATE COLLABORATION -FINANCING CONSTRUCTION ROUGH PROJECT COST $25,194,000 -Constr uction Cost 500 X $27,000/SPACE = $13,500,000 -Construction Cost Res 14,000 Sq Ft x $200 = $2,800,000 -Construction Cost Retail 14,000 Sq Ft. x $220 = $3,080,000 -Additional Proj ect Costs + Contingency 30% = $5,814,000 GOODALE I ARCHITECTURE ________________ G.;...__o_;o;._w;....;._N_T_o;;_w.;...;_;.N__;_M~I;;_X;.;;;;E;.;;;.D_-....;.u....;;.s...;;;E;....;D;;_E;;;;.v....;....;;;;E;.;;;;L....;;.o....;..P....;.M....;..E;;;;.;N;_;_;_T PLJ\NNING CIT Y 0 F TEM P LE C I T Y I PRI M R 0 S E P R 0 PERT Y ST U DIES 71 18 ----------------------------- GOOOI\LE I AHCHI1EC1UAE ---------------------:------6--T_Y_P_I_C;....A __ L_P...;.A...;.R....;._K __ I N...;....;.G_L_E_V~E_L PU\NNING C IT Y 0 F TEMP LE CITY I PRI M R 0 S E P R 0 PERT Y S TU DIES 7118 GOODi\LE I MCHITEClUAE ______________________ ....;;6;__T..;...Y..;_;_P..;...IC.;:;;.;A~L....;;P..:.A...:;R:..:.:...:K~I N...:;G..;:;....:L=..:E=-V.:..=E .=.L PL\NNING C I T Y 0 F T E M P L E C I T Y I P R I M R 0 S E P R 0 P E R T Y S T U D I E S 7 118; CITY OF TEMPLE CITY PRIMROSE PROPERTY STUDIES AUGUST 2018 GOODAL E ARCHITECTURE PLANNING DRAFT NARRAIIW.. St!OPE • De ~li~--e;cming parking lots. • (<¥i~ ""(from grade), 18' high retail (36,000 squa re feet), w ith 3 ~V decks) of parking above (400 spaces). '."""'fd Alte rnate 2 for typ ical pa rking floor layout) ,. ;;BO parking spaces for reta il; 120 spaces for Las Tunas reta il support. POSSIBLE BENEFITS Provides robust support for both existing downtown infrastructu re, (more restaurants, etc.), and possible higher density retail/commercial devel - opment (theaters, residential, office, etc.). • Universal benefi t to downtown businesses might be supported by a park ing distri ct fund. POSSIBLE DEBITS • Initial costs . • Initial 'miss ing tooth' of the B of A surface parking. • Most sca le impact s on north and west residential sites. ROUGH ORDER OF MAGNITUDE: $14.5 Million • 36,000 squa re feet retail shell x $225/sf = $8.1 Millio n • 400 cars x $16 ,000/car = $6.4 Millio n GOOOALE I Mrn lrrrnmE --------------------------------------------------~A~Lr_e~R~N~A~r~e~2~A~: __ s~r~R_u~c~r~u~R~e~o~P~A~R ~K_t _N~G~o~v~e ~R_R~er~A~IL~-~G~R~o~u~N~o~L~e~v_e~L PWI~ING C IT Y 0 F T EM P L E C IT Y -P R I M R 0 S E A V E N U E P A R K I N G STU D I E S 0 6 . 2 0 1 8 0 1-z w ~ I 0 ~ I- <( PHOTO CREDIT: ILIANA FLORES ATTACHMENT D REDEVELOPMENT CAPITAL PROGRAM CONCEPT COST CONSIDERATIONS 1. Additional Surface $ 637,000 Allows for site redvlmpt. Parking 1/ /mglementation : Additional parking. > 2 yrs. Additional maintenance. 2. Mini-Park and Parking $ 1,014,000 Retains parking counts. Adds green space. Passive recreation use. /mgl ementation: Additional maintenance. > 2 yrs. Challenges site redvlmpt. 3. Raised Recreation $ 7,670,000 Program intensive. (L T) Deck Over Semi-Active recreation uses. Subterranean Parking Parking (additional v. use). Additional maintenance. Prevents s ite redvlmpt. lm{2/ementation : Additional impact analysis. > 3.5 yrs. F inancing considerations. 4. Community Center $15,275,000 Program intensive . (L T) Over Semi-Act ive recreation uses. Subterranean Parking Parking (additional v. use). Additional maintenance. Prevents site redvlmpt. lm{21em en ta tion: Additional impact analysis. > 4 yrs. Fi nan cing cons iderations . 5. Five-Level Structured $17,550,000 Program intensive. (L T) Parking Ad d itional parking. Additional maintenance. Prevents site redvlmpt. lm{21ementation: Additional impact analysis. > 4 yrs. Financing considerations. 6. Downtown Mixed-Use UNKNOWN Program intensi ve. (L T) Development 2/ Destination focused. Additional maintenance. Additional impact analysis. lm{2 /eme ntation: Fin ancing considerations. > 10 yrs. Private sector driven. 1/ Assume an additional $300K to improve north erly exis ting parking lot. 2/ Presentation app roxim ates a $25 .2M pr oject cost; s taff recommen ds furthe r analyses . Leg end (L T )-Long -T er m (end of docum ent) 1/ Assume an add itional $300K to improve northerly existi ng parking lot. 2/ Presentation approxi mates a $25.2M project cost; staff recommends further analyses. Legend (L T) -Long-Term