HomeMy Public PortalAbout15) 9A Primrose Properties - demolition closeout and site reuseMANAGEMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM DATE: February 5, 2019 TO: The Honorable City Council FROM: Bryan Cook, City Manager ;_/ Via: Brian Haworth , Assistant to the City Manager ([,___ By: Tinny Chan, Management Analyst ~ AGENDA ITEM 9.A. SUBJECT: PRIMROSE PROPERTIES: DEMOLITION CLOSEOUT & SITE REUSE RECOMMENDATION: The City Council is requested to : 1. Accept project completion for demolition activities at 5922 and 5934 Primrose Ave. (commonly known as the Primrose Properties) as performed by American Wrecking , Inc. for a final contract amount of $111,056.80; 2. Authorize the City Manager to file a Notice of Completion with the County of Los Angeles Registrar-Recorder and release the retention payment within 35 days thereafter; 3. Direct the City Manager to solicit proposals for the preparation of final design plans and construction documents for a new park and repositioned public parking lot at the Primrose Properties; and 4. Advise the City Manager on whether to solicit design and pre-development services for a new park at the Chamber of Commerce site. BACKGROUND: 1. On Oct. 2, 2018 , Council authorized a $120,200 contract with American Wrecking , Inc. to demolish former apartment buildings and other improvements at 5922 and 5934 Primrose Ave. (APNs 8587-014-904 , -905). Both properties were to be graded to a level condition with site utilities capped at street service connections. 2. On Nov. 20, 2018, Council reviewed six redevelopment concepts for the properties, which proposed various community amenities and a large-scale, mixed - City Council February 5, 2019 Page 2 of 3 use project. Staff was directed to initiate the planning process for Option 2: a design concept that calls for a new half-acre park and repositioned public parking lot for increased neighborhood compatibility (Attachment "A"). 3. On Jan. 21, 2019, the City Engineer confirmed the completion of all contractual obligations required of American Wrecking, Inc. and requested project closeout via Council action. 4. On Jan. 22, 2019, staff initiated a Request for Proposals for the Primrose Properties (i.e., final design plans and construction documents). The solicitation is scheduled for release on March 1, 2019. ANALYSIS: Demolition activities at the Primrose Properties are now complete, which were performed within contractually specified timelines and to the City Engineer's satisfaction. Project costs totaled $111,056.80, which was $9,143.20 under the initial contract amount. Savings were incurred through a reduced work effort that allowed sewer utility cutoffs on-site without extending the work into the street. In accordance with the California Public Contract Code, the City is required to retain 5% of the final contract amount or $5,552.84 (Attachment "B"). This payment will be issued to American Wrecking, Inc. within 35 days once the City Manager files a project Notice of Completion with the Los Angeles County Registrar-Recorder. Moving ahead, staff is preparing a Request for Proposals for pre-development activities at the Primrose Properties. The solicitation will be issued later this month; an award of contract is scheduled for Council consideration on June 4, 2019. As Council has expressed desire for a new park at the City-owned Chamber of Commerce property (Attachment "C")-and because the site would require park design and pre-development services similar to those of the Primrose Properties-Council has the prerogative to include and leverage the potential project as part of the upcoming Request for Proposals. In no way would this action obligate the City to procure such services. Instead, received proposals will: (1) inform Council on additional park planning costs for the Chamber of Commerce property; and (2) initiate formal Council deliberation on whether to pursue the potential park now or in the future. CITY STRATEGIC GOAL: Actions contained in this memorandum align the strategic goals of good governance and quality of life. City Council February 5, 2019 Page 3 of 3 FISCAL IMPACT: As it pertains to Recommendations 1 and 2: Project funds in the amount of $175,000 have been appropriated under the City's Capital Improvement Program, Account No. 60-980-82-6010 (CIP-12/Project No. 19-13). As total project costs are lower than what was budgeted, approximately $64,000 will be returned to the General Fund unassigned balance. As it pertains to Recommendations 3 and 4: There is no fiscal impact associated with the Request for Proposals. However, should Council pursue park design and pre-development activities at the Chamber of Commerce site-concurrent with those at the Primrose Properties-cost savings may be realized through leveraged resources and economies of scale. ATTACHMENTS: A. Selected Concept: Primrose Properties B. Retention Invoice: American Wrecking, Inc. C. Parcel Map: Chamber of Commerce Site NTA Invoice No.: CONTACTOR'S Invoice Date: PAY REQUEST _ Net Pay Amount: Base Cont"'actAmount Change Orders tc-Da:e Total Contract Amount to Date Amount Invoiced m Date Amount Invoiced Previously Currentlnvoic:e AI"!!O:Jn", Less Rete:1ticn $ :Nvc•:::;.;P.,gc 1 ~r: 1 12/21/18 105;503:96 I!Woice Perioct Project: Net Amount to be Paid for this_ Invoice Period (see below for any adjustments) Les:s :l:nour~l ·.v.t~J-.e~ f:;,r St:p .\I!Jti::.es fi;e~ fort.'". is ;:erbd {125% x s-P':l nct;cc il7:10u-.ts ·S~p 1\!'o:.i::e~ At:l!C:."'ed) N::~. \1::. D:a.te of Notice 1 I I Date of Releo:~~ i I P '..:$ a:'Tlo>JI'It of p:e·,ious S".o::l 1\b:ice:; ~~~~nich rn:>n:C:S were Yrit.hh~lcl bct cie3red bv Cen:xactorfo~ m!s .,eritl<:i [C!ea~::l S:o;; No~'OOS<J~ehcd) I I _l NET. PAY AMOUNT TO BE ISSUED TO CONTRACTOR FOR THIS PAY PERIOD Q.Jrrent Retention Amount Prior Total Re1enticn Amount ,T'OI:al Retention Amount tc O:ate Quantities and.Amounts agreed and acce-pted by Contractor rne Contractor certifies mt the work ccvered by this A.p;Jiication fur Payme:"it has been completed ir. accordance~ the Contrac::~ocuments, Ure.taH amoun~ 1'-.ave been, paid by the Contractor for work for which previoiJS Certificates fo;Payrnent were !ssueC and payments rece:ved frol':l the O.Vne'!', and 1tlat current payment shown heroin ,is noW.due. :f'~hisipector {QuanfitieS'Che.Ckecf andv1 Name: 1i)avid KeUy ,, ,; ... / ,Signature: j.__..r;-~~ -r _ nate: ~ 1/p.tlu:r ' ==---,=',.eo~nstru;::-: cth)n M~ger ~ !David KeJJy Signature: \.-,4. 41 .<'~ Date: ~ -_t/24119 Labor Compfsnce Approval Name: Si'gnature::·_ . -~ Date: :-7 i!1:=if/{,Pf1!'j ·· · r ==.:fP~"'J~·ectMana!Je-r .iTinnyCha~ Nar.'le: ~1-DL"l Signature: 15ate: from Stan to \completion !cnYaF,TEMPLE CITY -ABATEMENT AND DEMOLmON OF CITY ioWNi:D "PRIM~OSE PROPERTY" i24551 L.ee Ave., South El Monte, CA 9173S ' $120.200.00 ~S9;14320 __ , ____ ·._ S111,0SG.80 s: 11.056.80 ' $0.00 ' i $111,055.80 $5.552.84 \5.00% I $105,503.96 ' ~0 Arrcunt '1'\'i:h~e::C .. .a'-.25% so.oc so.oc .l\.mc:.J:it t,Vit~~e:::~ "''":2.5% Name: Signat!.Jre: Data; ~ ~Sigriat..re: oate: Name: Signature: Date: so.oc 50.90 I llu\s Ga!~ f!L&~/J I~ vz :__22---_[q r;e lty 1\pproval so.co $105,503.96 S5,552.84 so.ao $5,552.84 "' Roo:;:J.-.:'::~~~r.l:S=Ml>..'l: ... ~~er_..mz.tCIJII;o>:':V.!><o~T~ .. ,.;y,;;>:>.~.<~J'If;_'=f:.';O/S )> -: ~ I s;:: m z --l OJ J GOO DALE AACH ITEClUAE PLANNING \tl r ~ rL ~ \No o P ~ '-' F F A v E . L. A S luN AS O R \'.!£. ~ > .J tD >- \- v IJ.I ~ ().._ '£ U! f- SCOPE -REPLACE NORTH PARKING WITH MINI-PARK -REPLACEMENT PARKING @ DEMOLITION SITE -PER PARKS & RECREATION: SMALL PLAY AREA, CONCRETE TAl CHI PAD, PI CNIC AREA, SHADE SAILS, LANDSCAPE, AND POSSI BLE FENCING ROUGH PROJECT COST $1,014,000 -Construction Cost 64 x $7,000 per stall = $448,000 -Construction Cost 22,000 Sq Ft x $15 = $330,000 -30% Addi tional Project Costs + Contingency = $233,000 C) 2 MINI-PARK + PARKING C I TY OF T E MPLE CI T Y I PR I M R OS E PRO PERT Y STU DI ES 1111 8 ~ -; )> () I s: m z -; ()