HomeMy Public PortalAboutOrd. 0404 r ORDINANCE N0. 404 • AZT ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF LYNW'OOD, - CALIFCRNIA REGULATINGTRAVEL AND TRAFFIC IN APdD UPUN THE PUBLIC STREETS OF SAID CITY� PROVIDING A PEAIALTY FOR THE VIO- LATION THEREOF AND REP'r:ALING AL�L ORDIN_ , ANCES AND ALL PARTS OF ORDINAIdCES IN CONFLICT HERE�Y2TH The City Council of the City of Lynwood, California does ord.ain as follows: " ARTICLE I ' DEFINITIONS 3ection 1: Whenever any words or phrases used herein are not defined herein but are now defined in the Vehicle Code of this State, such definitions are incorporated herein and shall be deemed to apply to such worda and phrasea uaed herein. - Section 2: Whenever in this ordinance the following words and phrasea set forth in thia Article are used, they shall for the purpose of thie ordinance have the meanings respectively ascribed to them in thia Article. Section 3: ��'. Any atreet lesa than twenty-five (25) feet in vaidth between property linee. 3ection 4: BUSINESS DISTRICT. For the purposes of this ord- inance the words "Business Diatrict�� ahall have the same meanin� and defin- ition as ascribed to the �worda "Business District" in th.e Vehicle Code. Section 5: �OMNIERCIAL VEHICLE, The words °Commercial Vehicle" as used in this ordinance ahall be deemed to mean every self-propelled vehicle having a manufacturer�s rated ca.pacity of over two tona, designed for, or engaged in, the carrying of any materials, goods, wares, merchandise, freight, or other commoditiea, a�hether such vehicle be laden or unladen, or any ve- hicle whSch, having no such rating is nevertheless loaded, carrying or laden with more than two tons of any materials, gooda, warea, merchandise, freight or other commodities. Nothing 1n this definition contained shall be deemed to mean or include railroad, atreet or interurban railway cars, or vehicZea for the carriage of passengers. Section 6: LOADING Zone, That space ad�acent to a curb reserved for the exclusive use of vehicles during the loading or unloading of passengers or materials. � _lr Section 7: LI�IT LINE. A eingle white line not lesa than two inches in width painted on the surface oP a street or h].ghmay and erossing ` a lane or lanes'used by traffie on sueh street or highwaq, Sueh linea may , be placed at such places and at such angle or angles across such traPfic lane ox lanes as in the opinion oP the T�afPic Authority the Iimitatione , imposed thereby on approaching Lraffic may require. 3ection 8: OFFICIAL TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICEB, �7.1 signa, signals, markinga, and devicea not ineonaistent with thia ordinance placed or ereeted by authority of a public body or official having ,�urisdiction, for the purpose of regulating, warning, or guiding traffic, Section 9: OFFICIAL TRAFFIC,SIGNALB, pny device, whether manuaTly, eleetrically, or mechanically operated, by whieh traffic is alternately directed to stop and to proceed, and whieh ia erected by authoritq of a public body or oYfieial having �uriadiction. Section 10: PARKWAY� Tha,t portion of a street other than�a roadway or a sidewalk. ' Section 11: PASSENGER LOADZNG ZONE, That apace ad,�acent to a curb reserved for the excluaive use oP vehieles during the loading or unToading oY passengers. Section 12: PEDIBTAIAN. Any person afoot. 3ection 13; POLIGE OFF`IBER. Every ofPicer of the Police Department oP the City of.Lqnwoo@, California. Section 14; pSHALLa and °�1Y", p8ha11° is mandatory and �may° ia permiasive. . 9ection 15: (a) sT�P--when required meana oomplete cessatiott oY movement. (b) STOP OR 3TAND__�rhen prohibited means any atopping of a vehicle except when necessarq to avoid conflict with other traPfic or in compliance with the direction of a police officer or offiolal traffio � control device. � +2�, (e) PARK--the atanding of a vehiele, whether occupied or not, otherwiae than temporarily for the purpoae of and while actually engaged in loading_ pasaengere or materials. Section 16t °STREET° or "PUBLIC 3TREET" ahall include a11 public atreeta, high�ays, avenuea, lanes, alleys, courta, places, squares, curbs or other public ways in said City which have been or may hereafter be dedi— ' cated and open to public use, or euch other public property so designated 1.n ,any law of thia State. ' Section 172 TRAFFIC, Pedeatriana, vehielea and atreet or interurban cars either singly or together while ueing any atreet or purposes , ' of travel. ' Section 18: TRAFFIC AUTHORITY� Chief oY Police of the City of Lynwood, jCaI.iPornia, or his authorize@ and acting representative. Section 19. VEHICLE GODE, The°words nVehicle Code" shall mean . � and refer to the.Vehicle -0ode oP the State of Callfornia as same ,now exista or may hereafter be amended. ARTICLE II OBEDIENCE TO TRAFFIC.REGULATIONS gection 1: DUTIES OF POLICE. " (ay It shall be the duty of the officers of the Police Department to enforce proviaions of thie Ordinancse. (b) Officers of the Police DeparLment are hereby authorized to direct a].l traffie by voice, hand or signal in conYormance with traffic laws, proeided that, in the event of fire or other emergency, police officers may direct traYPic as conditions may require notwithstanding the provisions oP the traPfic laws. Section 2: OBEDIENCE TO POLICE, No peraon ahall willfully Pail or refuse to comply with any lawfu2 order, c23rection or aignal of a police oYficer. • Section 3. DIRECTION OF TRAFFIC. No peraon other than an officer ,• of the Police Department, or a person designated by the Chief oY Police, or an emplopee of the City of Lynwood who ia at the time engaged in the neBessary �� .. • • . ( . . . a - ' • i perPormance of hia duties for said City,' shall direot or attempt to directt ErafPic by voice, hand or other signal, except as required in the_Ve2iicle Gode of the State of California, and except that persons may operate, when and as herein provided, any mechanical signai erected bq order of the legia- lative body of.said City, or the Traffic Authority, 3ection 4: .PiJBLIC EP�IIPLOYEES T0 OBEY TRAFFIC REGULATIONB. The provisiona of this Ordinance shall apply to the driver of any vehicle owned or used in the aervice oP the United 3tates Government, this State, any county, city and county or municipal corporation, or other public agenoy, add it ahall be unlawful for any said driner to violate a�v oP the proyisions of this ordinance, exeept as otherwise permitted in thia ordinance. Seetion 5: ��TIONS TO CERTAIN VEFiICLEB. • (a) The provisions of this Ordinance regulating the operation, �.parking and atanding of vehicles ahall not apply to anq vehicle,of the Police Department or Fire Department, any public ami�ulance, or any public ut111ty vehicle, or any private ambulanee, which public utility nehicle or private ambulance has qualified aa an authorized emer�ency vehicle when any vehiole � mentioned in th3s aection ie operated,in the manner apecified in the Vehicle Code in response to an emergency call. (b) The foregoing exemptions shall not, however, protect the driver oP any such vehicle Yrom the consequeneea of his willPul disregard of the saf etq of others. - (e) The provisions of this Ordinance regulatin� the placing, parking or standing of vehicles or equipment shall not apply to any vehicle or other equipment oP a city department or public utility, or Pranchise or special permit holder oP a franahiae or permit isaued by said City oP its authorized officers, while same is neeessarily in uae for�conatruction or repair work. Section 62 REPORT;OF DAMAGE TO CERTAIN PROPERTY. . (a) The driver of a vehicle, or the person in char�e oY any aaimal, involved inany accident reaulting in damage to any property publiely owned or owned by any public utility, including but not limited to any _4,; . Yire hydrant, ornamental li�hting post, telephone pole, electric light or power pole, ornamental shade tree or other property of a like nature located in or along any atreet, shall within twenty-pour (24) hours after such � accident make a written report of suoh accident to the Police Department of eaid Clty. . (b) Every such report ahall atate the time when and the place . where the accident took place, the name and addresa of the person owning and of the person driving or in charge oP euah vehicle or animal, the license number oP every such vehicle, and ahall briefly describe the proper$y damaged in such acscident. AATICLE III TRAF'FIC CONTROL DEVICES 3eation 1: THE TRAFFIC AUTHORITY TO ERECT TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICEB The Traffic Authority ahall have the exclusive power and duty to plaee and � maintain or cause to be placed or maintained oYficial traffiu control devices when and as required under this Ordinance to make effective the proviaiona of said Ordinanee, and may place and maintain such additional traPfic control devicea as he may deem neceasarq to regulate traffic under thie Ordinance or under State law, or to guide or warn traffia. Section 2: THE TRAFFIC AUTHQRITY TQ INSTALL TRAFFIC SIGNALS, 3AFETY ZONES AND LANE3 FOR TRAFFIC. The Traffic Authority ia hereby authorized: ' (a) To install and maintain official trafYic signals at such � interaeetions and other places as he may deem rieceasary Por the regulation of traffic, (b) To establiah safety zones at such placea as he may deem neceasary Por �the protection of pedestrians. .(cy go mark lanes for t�aYfic on atreet pavementa at such placea as he may deem advisable, consiatent with the Vehicle Code and traYPic Ordinances oY said City. �'' . w� Section 3: OBEDIENCE TO TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES. (a) '£he driner of any vehicle and the person in charge oY any animal, and the motorman oP any street or_interurban car, ahall obey - the instructiona of,any oPficial traffic control device applicable thereto placed in accordance with this Ordinance unleas otherwise directed by a police oPficer, sub�ect ot the exemptions granted by 8eetion 5 of Article II oP thia Ordinance. (b) The driver of any vehicle and the peraon in eharge of any animal, and the motorman of any atreet or interurban car, ahall obey the inatructions of any barrier or sign eracted by any of the�public depart- ments of eaid City or public utilitiea in said City, or by any other peraon, purauant to law. Section 4: SIGNS REQUIRED� No provision of this Ordinance � for which signs or markings are required ehall be enPorced againat an alleged violator if, at the time and place of the alleged violation, an official sign or marking ia not in place and sufficiently leglble and vieible to be seen by an ordinarily observant person. Section 5: OFFICIAL TRAFFIC SIGNAL3, Whenever traffic is controiled by traffie control signals exhibiting the words "�": "CAUTIQN° OR °STOPu, or eshibitin� difPerent colored lighta succesaively one at a time, the following colors only shall be used, and said terma and li�hts ehall indicate as Yollowe: (a) Green alone or �GO°s ` , . 1. Vehicular traffic facing the signal ahall proceed either straight through or tmen right or left unlesa �� s�gn at such place prohibits either such turn, except ; 2. Vehicular traific ehall yield the right-oP-way to other vehicles and to pedestriana lawfully within the • intersection or ad3acent crosawalka at the time auch signal is exhibited. 3. Pedestriana facing the signal may proceed acrosa the •, roadway within any marked or unmarked croaswalk. (b) .Yellow alone, or with green, or ° CAUTION", when shown following the green or "�0 signal. �. _� 1. Vehicular traffic facing the si�nal shall atop beYore entering the nearest crosswalk at the intersection, . but if such atop cannot be made in safety a vehicle may be driven cautiously through the interaeetion. 2. No pedestrian facing such signal shall enter the roadway until green or ���0" le shown alone. (c) Red alone or "STOP"; 1. Vehicular trafflc facing the signa.l shall stop bePore . enteM ng the nearest interaection or crosewalk, or croseing the nearest cle�rly indicated limit line, and, except in the case of red flashing aignals only, shall remain standing un`til green or � is shown alone, or flashing amber is shown alone, except as provide d in ' , the next succeeding paragraph. � 2. At any interaection the driver of a vehicle whieh ia etopped as close as practicable to the right hand curb and at the entrance to the neareet crosswalk may make a 7right turn, unlesa traffic signa or signals in place otherwise direct, but shall yleld the right-of-rvay to pedestrians and other traffic proceeding as dlrected by the si$nal at said interaection, 3, No pedeatrian facing such si�nal shall enter the � _ � roadway until green or "GO" is shown alone, or flashing amber ie shown alone. . (d) The ringing of a bell in connection with any official , traffle signal shall indicate that a change is taking place or is to take place in said traffic signal. However, all traPfic shall be required to obey the direct- - ion of the signal itaelf; the ringing of a bell is to be construed merely as a warning to trafPic oP a change in signal. • (e) The motorman oP any street or interurban car shall obey all traffic signals as applicable to vehiclea. (f) No peraon ahall disobey the directions of this seetion � except when it is necessary to etop fo"r the purpose of avoiding an accident or in case of other emergency ' or when otherwise directed by a police official. Section 6: �ASHING SIGNALS. pVhen a yellow lena ia 111uminated' with intermittent flashes, drivers of vehicles may proceed through the intersection or past such signal only with added caution. 3ection 7: PEDESTRIAN MECHAI4ICAL OR PUSH BUTTON SIGNALB. No � person shall operate a pedeatrian mechanical or puah button signal other than a pedestrian for the purpose of immediately crossing the roadwaq. _7_ ARTICLE IV TURNING MOVEMENTS Section 1: 5IGNS PROHIBITING LEFT TURNS. The Traffic Authority may erect or place and maintain signa at any.interseotion prohibiting the makin� of left turna by drivers of vehicles wherever said Traffic Authority determines that such lePt turna would cause traffic congeation or traffic hazard and during the time auch signe are so erected or placed no left hand turna ahall be permitted at such designated intereectiona and it shall be unlawful for the operator or driver of any vehicle to make any left . hand turn in such interaection at euch timea. Bect3on 2S TURNING MARKER3. (a) 2'he Traffic Authority may place markers, buttons or aigne within or adJacent to intersections, indicating the eourae to be traveled by vehicles turning at such interaectione. (b) When authorized markera, buttona or other indications � are placed within an interaection indicating the course to be traveled by vehicles turning thereat, no driver of a vehicle ehall disobey the directions of such indications. , Section 3i U-TURNS IN CERTAIN DI3TRICTB. No vehicles ahall be turned at any time at any intersection or in any street in any bueinesa dietrict in a complete circle or except at interaections in such manner as to proceed in the opposite direction upon the street upon whtch said vehicle is traveling at the time oY entering said intersection, or at the time of commencing any such turn; provided no such turn shall be made at or in any intersection when traffic aigna are in place prohibiting such _ turning. ' ARTICLE V ONE WAY STREET3 AND ALLEYB, AND PARKING THEREON. Section 1: That State Street in the City of Lqnwood, California, between the 8outherly boundary of said City at Lynwood Road and the North- easterly boundary of said City at Genturq Boulecard, ia hereby dleided into two traffie lanea. All 5outherly or 3outhwesterly bound traffio ahall proceed only in the VPeaterly or ri�ht hand traffic lane oY said State Street; and all Northerly or Northeasterly bound trafPic ahall proceed -8- � only in the Easterly or right hand traffic lane of said State Street, exaept�a, that at intersections of sa�id State Street with other Streets or Avenues vehicular traYfic may make either right or left hand turns. Section 2: That no person, firm or corporation ahall park any ' vehicle or.ob�ect or thing along or ad�acent to anq of the.curba,.oP the Center parkways located within,said nortion oP State•Street betmeen the 9outherly boundary of said City at Lynwood Road and the Northeasterly � boundary of said Gity at Century Boulenard, Section 3: That the Traffic Authority shall post °One Way Traffic° signs and "No Parking" signs to comply with the requirements of.this Ordinance in each block of 8tate 8treet between the Southerly Boundary of -" said City at Lynwood Road and the Northerly boundary.of sald Clty at Century Boulevard. THROUGH STREETS, BOULEVARD STOPS, STOP INTERBECTIONS,.,AND-SPECIAL STOPS. Section 1: THROUGH STREETS. The fol�lowing streeta and parts of etreete are herebq declared to be through streeta (or Highways) within said City to-wlt: � 1. Atlantic Avenue, from the Northerly to the�Southerlq �,, City limita; 2. Long Beach Boulevard, from the Northerly to tl�e 3outherly City Limits; F. 3. Alameda 5treet, from the Northerly td the Southerly ' � City limits; 4, Imperial Highway, from Atlantic.Avenue to Alameda Street; 5. Abbott Road, Prom 3an Antonio Street to Atlantic Avenue: 6. Century Boulevard from Atlantic Avenue to Alameda Street; 7. `Tweedy Road from the EasterTy to the Westerly City limita; � • 8. Fernwood Avenue Prom the Easterly to the Weaterly City limil 9. Morton Road from Bullia Road to Atlantic Avenue; `�„ . +�;, 10. Josephine Street, Yrom Caress 8treet to Santa Fe Avenue; _ 11. Lynwood Road from Bullia Road to Alameda Street; . 12. Bullis Road from Imperial Highway to Carl�n;Avenue; . -9_ v . . . .. 13. California Avenue from Fernwood Avenue to Century Boulevard 14. State Street from Tweedy,Road to.Cedar Street, and, 15. 3anta Fe Anenue from Cedar Street to the 3outYierly City limits. Section 2S 3'he Traffic Authoritq shall erect a atop si�gn on each and every street interaecting any throu�h atreet or portion thereof at or near the entrance of such intersecting etreet to such through atreet or highway. Every such sign shail conform as to type, location and place- ment and in all other reapects to the requirements of the Vehicle Code relating to stop ei�na. Section 3: When a atop sign is erected and in plaae as herein provided at or near the entrance to any througYi atreet or highway, every driver or operator of a vehicle and every motorman or operator of a street or interurban car ahall atop such vehicle or car at or near the entrance to auch through atreet or high-way before entering the same, except when directed to proceed by a police, highway or traffic officer or traYfic control signal. 8ection 4S BTOP INTERSECTIONS AND STOP ENTRANCES THERETO. The interaections of etreeta within said City set forth in the uSCAEDULE OF BTOP INTER3ECTIOVB AND STOP ENTRANCESp hereinafter set Yorth in this Bection 4 of this Article VI pf this Ordinance ahall be and the same are hereby fixed, deeignated and eetabliahed as atop intersections in and for said City, and the respective entrance or entrancee to such respective etop interaections hereinafter set forth immediately following the description or desig�nation of euch respective atop interaections in eaid 9chedule are hereby fixed, designated and eatabliahed as the reepective entrance or entrances to such respective atop intersections at which all vehiclea, atreet cars and interurban cara are required to atop or be atopped before entering any such atop interaection Yrom any such entrance or entrancee f eo de signa ted: , The eaid 9chedule of atop intersections and etop.entrances here- inabove in thia Section referred to ia hereby Yixed, designated and esta� blished as followa: -10- ,� � All entrancea to the aiaove named streeta when posted by the TraYfic Authority. 3ection 5: The TrafPic Authority ehall erect a stop sign at or.x� near each atop entrance to. eaeh atop intersection within said City. ' Every such sign shaTl conform as to type, location and placement and in all other reapects to the requirementa of the Vehiele Code relating to stop signa: ` 3ection 6: When a stop aign is erected and in place as herein provided at or near a stop entranee to a stop intersection, every driner or operator of a vehiele and every motorman or operator oP a street or interurban car shall stop such vehicle or car at or near the entranee to such stop interaection before enterin� the same, except when directed to proceed by a police, highway or traffic oPficer or trafPic control aignal. � Section 7: II�ERGING FROM ALLEY OR PRIVATE DRIVEWAY, The driver ' or operator oP a vehicle or street or interurban car emerging from an alley, driveway, building, or from any other private property, ehall etop such vehicle or car immediately prior to drining therefrom into any publle street. No stop signa need be eracted however in the casea oP any sueh alleqs, dr3veways, buildinga or other private properties. • ARTICLE VII BGISCELLANEOLT3 DRZPING , ,$ection 1: INTERE'EHENCE 1qITH�FIRE APPARATU3. - (a) No vehicle and no driver oP a vehiele excepting an authorized �mergeney vehicle, or a vehiele oP a duly authorized member of the Fire Department of said city, , ehall follow any fire apparatus answering a fire alarm; � cloaer than 300 feet, or park any vehicle within 300 � feet of a Pire, or operate or park anq vehicle in such � � manner as to interfere with any appax�ua or line of fire hoae when in use at a fire or when in place for use in reaponse to a fire alarm. (b) No etreet or interurban car or vehicle ahall be drinen . , over any unprotected hose of the Fire Department vrhen placed or l�id down on any atreet, private driveway or , street or interurban car trACk, to be uaed at any fire or alarm of fire without the consent of the ofYicials of the Fire Department in command. 11— . . i .. r Section 2: DRIVING THROUGH FUNERAL E30CE33ION3. No driver of a vehicle dr motorman of a street or interurban car shall drive between the �vehicles comprising a funeral procession while they are in motion and when the vehicles in auch procession are conspicuously so designated. Section 3: RIDING ON MOTORCYCLES AND BIGYCLEB. A person operating .� a motorcycle or bycycle upon a atreet ahall not ride other than upon the permanent and regular eeat attached thereto, or carry ar�y other peraon upon such motorcycle or bicycle other than upon a Yirmly attached seat to the rear of the operators nor sha21 any person ride upon.a motorcycle or bieycle upon a street other than as above authorized. � Section 4: UNLAR'F'UL AIDING, No person ahall ride'on any street or interurban car or vehicle upon anp portion thereof not designed or - intended for the use of passengera. This proviaion shall not�apply to any emploqees engaged in the neceasary discharg� of a duty, or to peraons riding within truck bodies in space intended for merchandise. 3ection 5S CLINGING TO MOVING VEHICLE. Any person riding upon any bicycle, motorcycle; coas'ter, roller akatea or any toy vehicle, shall not attach the same or himself to any atreet car or moving vehicle upon any roadway. 3ection 6. VEHICLES AND BICYCLES SHALL NOT BE DRIVEN OR-ANIMAL3 BE.RIpDEN ON THE SIDEWALK. The drtver or operator of a vehiele or bicycle shall not drive or operate the same, nor shall the rider of any animal ride or drive such animal, within any aidewalk area or,any parkway except at a permanent or temporary driveway. A temporary drivewaq for the pruposea oY this seetion ie defined to mean a croasing or driveway suitably planked or othermiae protected to prev.ent in�ury to the curb or sidewalk. Section 7: NEV7 PAVEP,IENT, No person ahall ride or drive any animal or any vehicle or bicqcle over or across any newly made pavement or freshly painted marking in any street when a barrier or ai�n is in place •. warning persons not to drive over or acrosa auch pavement or marking, or when a sign is in place atating that the atreet or any portion thereof . ia closed. �l� ' , � - , Section $: SIDEWALKS, COASTING, ETC. No persons shall coast or propel.himself down, along, upon or over any sidawalk in any wagon, cart, �. hand-wagon, coaster,.bicycle or other vehicle, except at a permanent or temporary driveway. , �' Section 9: BACKING OF VEHICLES. Unleas in compliance with the :_ immediate direction or order of the Traffic Authority or any Police Officer oP the City oP Ly mvood to the contrary, no person shall back or operate in -�reverse gear any vehicle on any street within said City for a greater dis- . tance than is necessary in order to place such vehicle in position for the lawful operation thereoP in a forward direction,upon such-street. , ARTICLE VIII "�IISCELLANEOUS REGULATIONS RELATING TO USE OF STREETS Section 1: GAMES PROHIBITED IN STREETS, Unless by special written permit from the Traffic Authority first had and obtained,_ no pereon or per- sons shall play, carry on or engage in any game in or upon any street: , Sect�on 2: DANCING IN STREETS, No person shall d:ance or cor�duct any dance or engage in any dancing in any stree�t v��ithout a written permit from the Traffic Authority ao to do first had and obtained. Section 3: �HISITIONS, ETC: IN STREETS; No person shaTl conduct , or engage in any exhibition in any etreet or use any atreet or any portion thereof witriin sald City for any purpose other than street purposes without r written permiasion Prom the Traffic Aut&xorlty so to do,first had and obtained, Section 4: OBSTRUCTIONS IN STREETS, No person shall erect, construct, place, maintaln, leave or abandon any building, fence, porch, steps, poat, pole, track, wire, pipe, conduit or.other etructure in whole or in part in or upon any street within said Clty; and no person shall place, aPfix, paint, maintain, leave or abandon any sign, placard, notice, adver- , tisement, seat, bench, table, atand, material or other obstruction in any • street within said City; without a special permit in writing ,so to do first had�:and obte.ined from the TraYfic Authority, or the Street 3uperintendent, . or the City Council of said City; provided, however, that the provisions of this Section shall not apply: ` I .-13- r (a) To United States Mail Boxes; t (b) To poles and Pacilitiee oP public utilities lawfully using the public atreets of said City; (c) To portable and uaual garbage and rubbish recepta.clea � when conforming to and placed in accord.ance with the rules and regulations of said City with reference thereto; (d) To noticea, placa.rds, posters or any of the other articles or means above mentioned or referred to, erected or placed by any City or other public officer, officia.l or employee acting within, the scope of h1s or her office or employment ` � as such public officer, official or_employee.. Section 5: EXCAVATIONS IN $TREETS. No peraon shall dig in, excavate, tear up, deface or in,jure any atreet without an expreas written. . permit so to do first had and obtained.from either the Superintendent of Streeta or the City Council of said City and it shall be unlawful for any pereon to violate or permit or cause to be violated any oP the terms or conditiona imposed in any such permit if and mhen issued. ,� , Section 6: LIGHTS ON OSSTRUCTIONS. No person placing or maintainin@ any obstruction or making any excavation in any street ehall fail or neglect to provide, during the period between sunset of any day and eunrise of the ,, succeeding day, a suitable and adequate light to warn users of auch street of any such obstructiona.or excavations. Section 7: DEFOSIT OF RU&BISH IN STREETS, No person shall _. throw, depoait or place in or upon any,.atreet any glass, bottles, paper, rubbish, garbage (except in proper containers as permitted by law), or any unsightly, foul or nOxioue subatance. Section Sc EXPECTORATION IN STREETS AND PUBLIC FLACES, ETC, No berson shall expectorate on the floor or any other portion of any public building, hall or stairway or upon the floor or any other portion of any street car, bus, or other public conveyance, or upon any sidewalk within eaid City. - Section 9: HAULING MATERIALS. No person shall haul any�dirt, rubbish, debris, garbage, oil or other petroleum product, bricks, sand, gravel, cruahed rock or other materials in, upon or aLong any street unlees -14- � the same is contairied in a bodp, box receptacle or carrier which effeetively prevents any part of the load from leaking, aifting, dropping or being � depesited upon the atreet. The provisions of this 8ection ehall not apply to the elight leakage which is necesaarily incident to the careful and proper operation oY a motor vehicle. Section 18: ADVERTISING, ETC. VEHICLES, No peraon shall operate or c�l.ve, park or leave atanding any vehicle: (a) GVhile same ie being used for advertSsing purpoaes; or , (b) Any vehicle used for announcing or other purposes equipped with any sound producing or noise making device � or meana, or a sound ampliPying or loud apeakin$ device or means (other than sirens, horns, or amplifying devices required or authorized by law), upon any street at any time within said City while such denice or means ia in use or oper�tion; without first obtaining a,written permit from the Traffic Authority ao to do, or in any . manner contrary to any condition under. or pureuan� to which any such permit may be isaued. Tlie Traffic Authority may, sub�ect to the right of appeal to the City Council bg any peraon aggrieved, grant or refuse to grant any such permit. Section 11: �LO5ING STREETS TII�PORARILY. The TrafPic Authority � shall have the right, authority and po�ver at any time to close any atreet or any portion'thereoP temporarily to vehicular, pedeatrian or'other•trafPic when in the opinion oY such Tra4Yic Authority the public peace, health or safe�y requirea auch temporary closing; provided, however, that�in all , auch cases, wuitable signs shall be conapicuoualy posted giving notice of the fact that auch street or portion thereoY is closed, or a police officer or"person deaignated by the Traffic Authority ia present thereat for the � � purpose of giving auch notice. No person ,shall, in case any such atreet or portlon thereof is so cloaed, enter into or upon auch closed portion.or drive any vehicle in'to or upon the same contrary to any such notice or notices or the order or ordera of any such police officer or pereon so designated. Nothing herein contained ahall be construed as depriving the City Council and/or Street Buperintendent oY said City from concurrent power to likewiae temporarily close any street or portion thereo� within said City, but the delegation of power to Traffic Authoritq herein made ' ahall be construed as in addition.thereto. � . —Z5— � I 1 Section 12: LIGHT TRAFFIC STREETB, That the fol].owing atreete or portione thereof are herebq deeignated and eataIDlished as light traPfic atreete within said City, to-wit: All atreeta other than those deolared in thie Ordinance to be through atreets are hereby declared to be light traffic streete. Section 13: That the Traffic Authority is hereby authorized to immediately cause all atreeta a.nd portiona thereof established and designated by this Ordinance ae li�ht trafPic etreets to be clearly marked or sign- posted at their intersectiona with heavy traffic atreets or boundary lines oY said City of Lynwood with appropriate aigns displaying, in letters not lese than one inch in height, the words ��COIvIMERCIAL VEHICLES OVER TWO TON CAPACITY PROHIBITED". Af ter said signa have been so placed said . Traffic authority shall cause the said eigns ao erected to be properly maintained. Section 14: When the aigna hereinabove referred to in 8ection 13 of this Article VIII of this Ordinance are erected and in place, it shall be unlawful for the driver or operator of any commercial vehicle to drive or operate any such commercial vehicle in or upon any such light traffic street or portion thereof except when necessary to traverae the same for the purpose of loading or unloading, but then only by such deviatinn from the nearest heavy traffic street ae ie reasonably neceesary. 9ection 15: HEAVY TRAFFIC STREETB. All streeta within the City of Lynwood, California, designated under Article V as °Through Streeta" are hereby designated and establiahed as hea�y traffic atreete within the meaning of this Ordinance. 3ection 16: SIDEWALKS, PARKWAYS, MERCHANDISE, ETC. No person ahall leave or permit to remain in or upon any aidewalk or in or upon any parkway in any atreet within Eaid City, any merchandise, fruit or fruita, melon or melons, ve�etable or vegetables, meat or meats or any ba�gage or any article of personal property. � � t � -1 6 - Section 17: UNLAWF'UL TO VIOLATE TERMS OR CONDITIONS OF PEAMITS. �Nhenever any permit or apecial permit shall have been iasued by:either the Traffic AutY.ority, the Street Superintendent, or the City Council of said City, under or pursuant to the provisions of thie ordinance, it shall be unlawful for any person to violate, or cause or permit to be violated, or to fail or refuse to observe or perform any of the requirementa set forth in, any of the terma or conditiona impoaed in auch permit or special permit or sub�ect to which the same is authorized or granted. Section 18: UNPACKING IN STREETS, SIDEWALKS, PARKPJAYS. Except in the diacharge or performance of official duty, no person ahall place any boxes, barrels or other receptacles for or containing goods, warea, . merchandise or any other articlea or thinga in or upon any public street whether in the roadway or on the aidewalk or in the parkway thereof with the intent or for the purpose of unpacking or removing such contents thereoY upon such streets, aidewalks or parkways, and, except in the discharge or performance of official duty, no person ahal 1 unpack or the oontents of or from any such box, barrel or other receptacle Por or containing goods, wares, merchandise or anq other articles or thin�s while the same is in or upon any street, aidewalk or parkway; provided, hocaever, that the provisions of thia Section shall not preaent peddlera duly licensed by said City from merchandi�ing their produce or warea in a proper and usual manner incident to the business of peddling. The City Council hereby finds, declarea and determines, from experience of said Council and of the Police and Street departments oP said City in the past, that the depoaiting or placing of euch boxes, barrela and other receptacles and merchandise and the other articles hereinabove referred to in thie Section in or upon the atreeta of said City for the purpoae of removing the contents thereof in or upon such etreets, sidewalks or p�rkwaye and the removal of euch contenta therefrom and the placing or • accumulation of such'merchandise and articlea upon such etreets, sidewalks and parkways, whether for the purpoae of sale or otherwise, has been and f -1.7- is a publie nuisanee which interferes with lawful traffic and endangers the safety of the public and members thereof and that such nuisance - Will continue unlese the provisiona of this 3ection relating thereto are adopted and enforced and that therePore the Police"Department of said Gity and each and all of the police officers thereof are hereby authorized and inatructed to diligently prosecute all violations here�P and to summarily abate any and all auch conditions and nuisancea. It shall.be unlawful for any person to Pail or reYuae to immediately remove any of such boxes, barrela or receptaclea or merchandise or any of the other articlea referred to hereinabove in this Section from euch atreet, aidewalk or parkway upon order or inatruction of any Poliee OfPicer of said dity ao to do. .. ARTICLE IX ' PEDESTffiAN9 � 3ection 1: THE TRAFFIC AUTHOAITY TO.ESTABLISH CROSSWALKS, (a) The Traffic Authority ahall establiah, desi�nate and maintain crosswalks at�intersectiona and other placea.by appropriate devices, marks or lines upon the surface of the roadway as folloma: ' Crosswalka may be established and maintained by the Traffic Authority at all intersections where ° the Traffic Authority determines that there is : ', particular hazard to pedestrians eroasing the ' roadway, sub,ject to the limitation contained in � (b) of this section. , (b) Other than croaswalks at ihteraections no crossvaalk ' ehall be established iri any block which ie less than two hundred (200) Eeet in length, &lsewhere not more than one additional crosswalk shall be established in any one block and euch crosswalk shall be located as early as,practicable at mid-block. Section 2: CROSSING IN BU5INESS DI5TRICT, Except at intersec�ion crosewalks, no pedestrian sha.11 cross a roadway in any businesa dietri�t other than by a marked croaswalk. �ection 3: CRO55ING AT RIGHT ANGLEB, No pedestrian shall crosa a roadway at any place other tha.n by a route at right angles to the curb, or by the �orteat route to the opposite curb except in a marked crosewalk. • • . -18., Section 4� BTANDING IN ROADWAYS, No person shall stand, slt or remain in any roadway, other than in�a safety zone, if such action interferea with the lawful movement,oP traffic. This provision ahall not apply to any public officer or employee, or to the employee of any public utility or of any Yranehise or permit holder holding a franchise or permit from said Ctty or from any of its authorized officers when such person is necessarily,upon a street and engaged in, the perfor- , mance oP hia necessary.duty,therein, or to licensed surveyors or to members of their respecbive parties or crewe when actually and necessarily en�aged in :the performance of their proper Punctiona. � Section 5: ����IKING, No person while in or upon atty atreet �hall solicit a ride or rides from the driver of anq passir►g vehicle other than vehicles engaged in public tranaportation. Bection 6i PEDEBTRIANS STANDING ON SIDEWALKB,� No shall stop or stand on a sidewalk except as near,ae is reasonably physlcally posaible to the building line or the curb line at any plaae within aaid Ctty. ARTICLE X TRAINB� STREET,AND INTERURBAN CARS Section 1: STREET OR INTERURBAN CAR SPE�D, (a) _The motorman or operator of any street car or interurban car ahall not drive said atreet or interurban car at a speed exceeding the prima facie apeed limits fixed by the California Vehicle Code for vehiclea. (b) The provisiona•of this section ahall not apply when a � r street car or Snterurban car ia being operated upon a private right-of-way avhich ie efYectively protected ' from vehicular traffic, Section 2: TRAINS NOT TO BLOCK STREETS� No person ahall operate any train or train oY cara, or permit the same remain atanding, so as to block the movement of traPfic upon any etreet for a period of time , longer than five (5) minutes. � Section 3: DRIVING ON STREET OR IIQTERURBAN CAR TRACBB, The driver oY any venicle proceeding upon any atreet or•interur�an car track in front of a atreet or interurban car upon a atreet ahall remove such ` vehicle from the track as soon as practical aPter signal from the operator of said street or interurban car unless prevented by other vehiclea or while awaiting a traffic signal. �lg.. a � . 3ection 4: �OAADING OR ALIGHTING FROM STREET OR INTERURBAN CAR OR VEHIGLE. No person'shall board or alight�from any atreet or interurban car or vehicle whiTe auch street or car_or vehicle is in motion. Section 5: �LWAY GATES, No person ahall drine any vehicle through or under any safety gate or railroad barrier vuhich is maintained at a railroad croesing for the purpose'of warning persona of the approaah of a train or car, while such gate or•barrier ia closed or while it is being opened or closed. ARTICLE XI �iETHOD 0F PARKING - Section 1: pARALLEL 9PlTH CURB. Except as hereinafter provided, no person sha11 stand or park a vehicle in a roadway other than parallel with the edge of the•roadveay headed in the direction of traPfic and with - � the right hand wheela of the vehicle within eighteen (18) inches of the curb line or edge of the roadway; provided, however, that on the following atreets to-wit:, _ (a) On Lon� Beach Boulevard between Oakwaod Avenue and Magnolia 8treet; (b) On Iinperial Highway between California Street and� Fernwood Ayenue; ` � upon which said public atreets hereinabove specifically named in this �. Section angle parking is hereby permitted The Traffic Authority is hereby authorized and directed to indicate the placea where such angle par3sing ie`permitted by the painting of white angle linea at least two inohes in width upon the surface oP the roadwaq to indicate the proper angle for parking and after such mhite angle lines are so painted it ahall be unlawful for any vehicle to be parked or Por the driver or operator of any vehicle tb park such vehicle so that such vehicle or any portion thereof is perpendicularly over any such white line. ARTICLE XII � STOPPING� STANDING,AND PARKING. � ' Section 1: APPLICATION OF ORDINANCE. (a) The provisions of this Orclinance prohibiting the stopping, atanding or parking of a vehicle shall apply at all times or at those timea herein specified, except vahen it is neceasa.rq to stop a vehicle to avoid -20w conflict with other traffic or in compliance with the -- direction of a police officer or oPPicial traffic control ' device. (b) The provisione of this Ordinance imposing a time limit on standing or parkin� shall not relieve any person from - . the duty to obaerve other and more restrictive proviaions hereof or of law prohibiting or limiting the standing or parking of vehicles in apecified placed or at apecified . timea. 8ection 2: STOPPING OR STAIQDING PROHIBITED-_Np SIGNS REQTJIRED. No peraon shall stop, stand or park a vehicle, or any portion thereof� in any of the following placea. ° ' 1. Within any tunnel or upon any bridge, viaduct or aparoach thereto. � 2. Within any parkway. . 3. Within any interaection. Section 3: THE TRAFFIC AUTHORITY TO ERECT SIGNS. �e 'Craffic Authority may appropriately sign or mark the Pollowing placea and when. so si$ned or marked no peraon shall stop, stand or park a vehicle, or any portion thereof, in any of said places: 1: Any place so signed or marked between a safety zone and the neareat curb and any place within twanty (20) feet.of a point on the curb immediately opposite the mid"=block end of a safety zone. � 2. At any olace so sioned or marked within thirty (30} feet of any intersecting roadway in any busineas district except that a bus may atop at a designated bus stop. 3. At any place.so signed or marked ad�acent to, in front of or opposite any Yire atation, police station, theatre, school ground or public assembly hall, bus or passenger station, or . other gathering place. 4. At any place so signed or marked adJacent to and within thirty-five (35) feet of any street car tracks, interurban ` car tracks, or railroad tracka within said City. � 5. At any place so signed or marked within said City where in the �udgment of the Traffic Authority the parking or standing of any vehicle or any portion thereof would interfere with , or endan�er persons, property or traffic or would adversely aPfect or endanger the public peace, health or saPety or in any manner constitute a menace or hazard to pedestrians or other traffic at, in or about the location where auch signe or maxkings are so placed. - 6. I9henever the United States of America is at war with any other power or powera, at any place so,aigned or marked ' ad,jac,ent to or within sixty (60) feet of any plant or ' premiees actually engaged in the manufacturing, Pabricating assembling, handling or treatment of any material or materials, product or products, substance or substances, thing or things, �G�� I which relatea or pertaina to or is an any matter con- cerned with prosecution by the United 8tatea of America of such war. � Section 4i THE TRAFFIC AUTHORITY MAY PLACE "NO STSNDING" . SIGNS OR MARKS. The Traffic Authority may appropriately sign.or mark the following places and when so signed or marked no person shall atop, stand or park a vehicle in any of said places. L At any so marked place within thirty (30) feet of an intersection other than hereinbefore mentioned. 2. WitYiin twenty-five (25) feet of ffihe approach to the nearest line of a crosswalk. _ 3. At any p'!ace between the portal oP a tunnel and the neareat street intersection. � 8ection 5: CURB MARKINGS TO �INDICATE STOPPING AND PARKING ' . REGULATIONB. (a) The Traffic Authority is hereby authorized, sub3ect - to the provisions and limitations of thia Ordinance to place, and when required•herein ahall place, the following - �' curb markinga to"indicate parking or standing regulations, and said curb markings shall have the meanings as herein aet forth. 1. Red shall mean no stopping, standing or�parking at any time; ' except that a bus may etop in a red zone marked or signed as � a bus zone. � � 2. Yellow ahall mean no stopping, standing or parking at any time between 7:00 a. m. ancl 6:00 p. m, of any day except Sunday for ang purpose other than the loading or unloading of passengers or materials, provided that the loading or unloading of passengers shall not eonsume more than three (3) ` minutes nor the loading or unloading of materials more than � twenty (20) minutes. 3. VPhite shall mean no stopping, standing or parking for any purpose other.than loading or unloading of passengera which shall not exceed three (3) minut�s and such restrictiona ahall apply between seven a..m. and six p, m. of anq day except Sunday and except as follows: Rrhen auch zone is in front of a hotel the reatrictiona ehall apply at all times; When such zone is in front of a theatre the restrictions shall apply at all tinea except when such theatre is closed. 4. Plhi.te with the words °Taxi Stand" stenciled thereon in block letters at least three inches in height ahaZl mean that no vehicle shall atop, stand or park in the zone so marked except a taxi cab and then only a taxi cab operated by a person, Yirm , or corporation duly licensed by said City to operate taxi caba in said City and to whom such taxi cab stand has by . resolution of the City Council been particularly assigned. ' -22•, 5. Green ahall mean no standing or parking for longer than twenty (20) minutes at any time between 7:00 a. m. and 6:00 p. m. of any day except Sunday. (b) When the TrRffic Authority as authorized under this Ordinance has ceused curb markings to be placed, no person shall stop, stand or park a vehicle ad�acent to any such legible curb marking in violation of any of the provisions of this Section. Section 6: The Traffic Authority may appropriately sign or mark any place within said City where in the opinion of the TrafYic Authority any of the provisions of this Ordinance apply,; and aihen so signed or marked no person ehall atop, atand or park a vehicle, or any portion thereof, in any of said places or locationa, so signed or marked, contrary to the directiona, language or indications oY such signs or markinge at such place or location. ARTICLE XIII STOP�ING FOR LOADING OR UNLOADING ONLY Section l: THE TRAFFIC AUTHORITY TO ESTABLISH LOADING Zones. (a) The Traffic Authority is herebg authorized to determine and to mark loading zones and pasaenger loading zones �•.;;�: as followe: 1. At any place in any business district. 2. Elsewhere in front of the entrance to any place of buaineas or in front of any hall or place used for the purpose of public aesembly. (b) Sn no event shall more than one-half of the total curb length in any block be reaerved for losding zone purposee exclusive of the passenger loading zonea at the entrancee to public theatres. (c) Loading zones ahall be indicated by a yelloe✓ paint line atenciled with black letters, at least three inches in height, ��LOADING ONLY��, upon the tops of all curba ' - within such zones. (d) Passenger loading zones ahall be indicated by a white line stenciled with black lettera, at least three inchea in height. "PASSENGER LOADING ONLY", upon the topa of all curbs in said zonea: Section 2: �'FECT OF PERA4ISSION TO LOAD OR UNLOAD. (a) Permission herein granted to stop or etand a vehicle for ourposes of.loading or unloading of materials shall apply only to commercial vehicles and shall not extend beyond the time necessary therePor, and in no event Yor more than twentq (20) minutes. -23- . . � . ' j . - � . . (b) The loading or unloading oP material shall apply only + to commercial deliveries, also the delivery or pickup of express and parcel post packages and United States mail. � (c) Permiasion herein granted to stop or,park for purposes , of loading or unload.in$ passengere shall include the loading or unloading of peraonal. baggage but shall not , extend beyond the time necessary therefor and in no event for more than three (3) minutes. (d) Within the total time limits above specified the prov- isions of this section shall be enforced so as to acc- omodate necessarq and reasonable loading or unloading but without permitting abuse of the privilegea hereby granted, ' Sectl�4n 3: STANDING IN NARROW OR CONGESTED STREETS OR IN ANY ALLEY. No person ahall stop, stand or park a vehicle Por any purpose other than the loading or unloading of persona or materials in any alley within said City or when the Traffic Authority eh211 have placed appropriate signs or markirigs thereon to that effect on any narrow or congested street, or any � part or parts thereof, within said City, and authority to place such appropriate signs and markings on such narrow or congested st�eets is hereby granted to said Traffic.Authority. . Section 4. STANDING FOR LOADING OR UNLOADING ONLY. When authorized signs or marks are in place giving notice thereof no person shall stop, stand or park a vehicle for, any purpose other than loading or unloading " pasaengers or materiale for such time as is permitted herein, in any of the Yollowing placea: . 1. In any yellow,loading zone;' 2. Within fifty (50) feet of any entrance to any school, or any other building used for the transaction of �overr_mental business. 3ection 5: STANDIIvG IN PASSENGER LOADING ZONE, No person shall stop, stand or park a vehicle, in any passenger loading zone for any purpose other than the loading or unloading of passengera for such time as is speci- fied in Section 2 of Article XIII of this Ordinance. . Section 6: THE TRAFFIC 9UTHORITY TO DETERI�INE ADDITIONAL LOADING OR UNLOADING PLACE5. Whenever the Traffie Authority has determined. that parking ehall '�e limited and authorized,si$ns or marks are in place giving -�'},^'. , notice.thereoP, no peraon shall stop, stand or park a vehicle for any ° _ purpose o•ther than loading or unloading passengers or materials in any of the following places, , 1. At any curb where the grade of the street exceeds twelve (12) per cent. ' " 2. On any part oP a roadway having a width of not more than twenty-five (25) feet, 3. In front of any hallor place used for the purpoae of public assemblage. 4, In front of the entrance to any place in use for business outside ef any business diatrict, 5. At any other place where the parking of vehicles �vould,result in traYfic congestion or particular hazard. " 3ection 7: BUS ZONES TO BE ESTABLISHED, • r (a) The Traffic Authority is hereby authorized to establiah bus zones oAposite curb apace for the loading and un- loading of buses oP common•carriers of passengers engaged in local transportation, and to determine the location thereoP. (b) No bus zone ahall exceed fiftp (�d} feet in leng�th except that when satisfactory evidence has been presented to said Traffic Authority showing the necessity therefor, said Traffic Authority may extend bus zones in such places not to exceed one hundred twenty-five (125) � feet in length. (c) No bus zone shall be established o:oposite and to the , right of a saYety zone. ' � (d). The Traffic Authori�y shall paint a red line stenciled • with white letters, ��NO BTANDING", together with the worda, ��BUS ZONE", upon the topa of all curbs and places apecified as a bus zone. Section 8: HOSPITAL ZONE5 TO BE E5TABLISHED, (a) The TraPfic Authority is hereby authorized to eatablish hospital zones on atreets bordering any hoapital. � (b) No hospital zone shall extend more than one block from the property line oP said hospital. (c) The TraPfic Authority shall paint a red line stenciled with the white lettere, °HOSPITAL QUIET", upon the street entrances to said.zone.. ARTICLE.XIV , PARKING LIMITED , . Section 1: When authorized signs are in place giving notice �thereo.f, no person shall stop, stand or park any vehicle upon Alameda Boulevard or portions thereof at any �ime, for anq purpoae other than -25- - the loading or unloading of passengers or materials, sub�ect, however, to .the limitations imposed by Section 2 of Article XIII,oP this Ordinance. Section 2: When authorized signs are in place giving notice thereof, no person shall stop, stand or park any vehicle upon any of the following streets or portions thereof for a longer period than two hours between the hours of 8:00 o'clock a, m, and 6:00 o'clock P. M. of any dAy, except Sunday, for a�v purpose other than the loadin� or unloading of pass- engers or materials, sub�ect, however, to the limita_tions imposed by Section 2 of Article XLII of this Ordinance, to-t�it: (a) State Street'from Lynwood Road to Century Boulevard. (b) Gra.pe Street, Apricot Street, Peach Street between , Imperial Highway on.the North and Fernwood Avenue on the 8outh. ' • (c} On the P/esterly side of Court Street between 3anborn Avenue on the West and Fernwood Avenue on the East, (d) Oakwood Avenue between Bellinger Street on the 4Jest and Long Beach Boulevard on the East. (e} On the North side of Imperial Highway between Bellinger Street on the West and Long Beach Boulevard on the East. (f) On the Southerly side of Imperial Highv�ay between Long ' Beach Boulevard on the East and Fernv�ood Avenue on the We st. (g) On Beachwood Avenue between Fernwood Avenue on the West and Long Beach Boulevard on the East. (h) On Sanborn Avenue between Peach Street on the West and Long Lea.ch Boulevard on the East, (i), On the Easterl,y eid.e.of Plaza Street. {,j) On the Northerly side of the Northerly lane of Fernwood Avenue from Long Beach Boulevard_ on the East to Imperial � , Highway on the West, (k) Long Beach $oulevard between Imperial Highway and Fernwood Avense. (1) On California Avenue between Imperial Highway and Fernwood Avenue. (m) On Pla.tt Avenue between Long Beach Boulevard and Calif6�r- ° nia Avenue. (n) On Ntulford Avenue between California Avenue a.nd Court � Street.. , '. : Section 3:. When authorized signa are in place giving notice -26- � .. •. •, thereoP, no person shall atop, stand or parl� any vehicle upon the Weat side oP Santa Fe Avenue between Lynwood Road and Imperial Highway between the hours of 6*00 o�clock p, m. and 8:00 o�clock a, m. oP any daq, for any purpose other than the Ioading or unloading oP passengers,or materials, sub,�ect, however, to the limitations imposed by Section 2 of Article 7CIII of thia Ord3nance. Sectlon 4: No person shall stop, stand or park a vehicle on any street for a period of time longer than two hours between the hours of 1:00 o�clock a. m, and 6:.00 o�clock a. m. ot,any day. • 8ection 5: UNT�lYVfFUL PARKTNG__PEDDLERB, VENDORS. t . (a) Except as othercviae provided in this section no peraon shall atand or park any vehicle, wagon or push-cart from wt}ich goods, warea, merchandise, fruits, vegetablea or Yood atufPs are aold, displayed, solieited or offered for sale or bartered or exchanged, or any Iunch wagon or e ating car or vehicle, on any portion of any atreet within said City, except that such vehiclea, wagons or push-carts,may atand or park enly the request of a ' bona-fide purchaser for a period of time not to exceed ' ten (10) minutes at any one place. The provisions of this sub-.section ahall not apply,to persons delivering ' auch article,upon order of, or by agreement with a cus- tomer from a store or other fixed place of busineas or distribution, . _ (b) No person shall park or atand on any street, any lunch wagon, eating cart or vehiele, or push-cart,from mhich tsmalea, peanuts, popcorn, candy or other articles oP Pood or -refreshment are sold or ofYered for eale without • first obtaining a written permit to do ao from the City Council which shaTl designate the speciPic section in � which auch cart ahall atand. (c) No person shall parJc or atand any vehicle, or wagon used or intended to be used in the tranaportation of property for,hire on any street while awaiting patronage for euch vehicle or wagon without firs.t obtaining a written permit to do ao from the City Council which , shall deaisnate the specific loea'Cion where such v ehicle may atand. (d) No person ahall deposit, leave, place or park in any , street any cement or concrete mixer, v�heelbarrow, pueh- cart, handdrawn or hand-propelled vehicle or other ob�ect, thing or property (other than those referred to under sub-divisiona (a), {b) and {c),of this Section 5 of this Article XIV of this Ordinance) in auch a manner or Yor such a time as to interPere with traffic, either vehicular or pedestrian, in or upon such street or such a manner as to constitute a hazard to the safety of traHfic or of any person or peraons or property in , and upon auch etreet, or fail to immediately remove the � _ , . - . � , . same,upon order of any police or traf?ic officer of said " Gity, provided, however, that the Traffic AuthoM ty shall have the right and power to authorize, in writing, for - limited perioda of time, the olacing or parkin� oP atty sueh venicle, ob,�ect and/or thing on any street in such manner aa will not conatitute the same a nuisance or a hazard.to life or propertp or unreasonably interfere ° with traffic in or upon such street. (e) No person shall stand or park a vehicle upori any street fro the purpose oY diaplaying such vehicle for sale by sign or otherwise. (f} YGhenever any permit is granted under the provisions of this Section and a particular location to park or etand is specified therein, no person shall park or stand . any nehicle, wagon, or push-cart on any location other than as designated in such permit. In the enent that the holder of any such permit is convicted in any court oP competent Jurisdiction for violating any of the pro- visions of this Section, such per mit shall be forth- with revoked by the City Council upon the filing of the record of such conviction�with the said City Council, and no permit shall thereafter be issued to such person until six (6) months have elapaed from the date oP such revocation. 3ection 6: SIGNS OR N?ARKENGS TO INDICATE LINITED PARKIiQG. 2�hat in addition to the streets and portions thereof hereinabove designated for limited parking the Traffic Authori�y may appropriately sign or mark such . other and additional streets, places, or portiona thereoP, as in the opinion oY the Traffie Authority may require such marking for limited parkin�, and when so si�ned or marked no person ahall stop, stand or park a vehicle, or any portion thereof, in any of such reapective p�aces for a longer period ` of time than that designated in the si�n or signs, or marking or markings, , for auch place or location. Section 7: WASHING VEHIGLES IN STREE,T. No person shall dust, ' wipe� wash or otherwiae clean,-use or employ any method of dusting, wiping, washing or otherwise cleanin� anq vehicle or portion thereof while on any stree'C unless such vehicle is owned by or under the direct control or super- vision oY the person doing any oY the acts herein enumerated. � - � Seetion 8: EMERGENCY PARKING SIF£NS. � � � �� (.a ' Whenever the� TraY�'ic;Authority;ahall_,deterrnine _that an emergency traffic congestion is likely to result'from ' the holding of public or private asaemblagea, gatherings � or functiona,'or for other reasons, the Traffic Authority -shall,have power and authority to order temporary signa , ^28_ � to be erected or poated indicating that the operation, parking or atanding of vehiclea ia prohibtted on such streets and alleys as the Traffic Authority shall clirect during the time such temporary signs are in place. Such aigns shall remain in place only durin� the exietence ` of such emergency and the Traffic Authority ehall cause such signs to be removed oromptly thereafter. (b) Plhen sl�na authorized by the provisions of this Section _ are in place giving notice thereof, no peraon shall operate, park or stand any vehicle contrary to the direction and� provisions of such signs. ARTICLE XV Section 1: BICYCLES AND ANIMALS, Every person riding a bicycle , or driving an animal upon a highway is eub�ect to the provisiona of this Ordinance appllcable to the driver of a vehicle, except those provisions which by their nature can have no application., . ARTZ (;LE XVZ Section l: TANiPERING VftTH TRAFFIC SIGN3, SIGNALS, PdARKIIQGS OR CONTROL DEVICES. It shall be unlawful for any person or peraona to tamper with, or deface, or remove, or cause to be removed, without authority of the Traffic Authority so to do, ar�y sign or signs, marking or markings, or traffic control devices, erected under or pursuant to the provisons of this Ord.i&ance. ARTICLE XVII Section 1: TRAFFIC AUTHORITY ONLY TO PLACE SIGNS AND NIARKINGS. gt shall be unlawful for any peraon other than the Traffic Authority, or person acting under his authority, to markings upon the curba or place any traff ic aigna within said City. ' ARTICLE XVIII Section 1: CURB AND SIDEWALK NUST BE PROTECTED. It shall be unlawful for any pereon to drive or lesd any vehicle, horse, mule or cow across or over any curb or sidewalk '(except private driveway) in the City oP Lynwood, California, without thoroughly and effectively protecting such curb or sidewalls with l�oard.planking or other suitable material so as to - prevent in,�f�ry thereto; such use of the aidewalk or curb must be temporary only and on the termination of ,such use, the planking or protective material must be immediately removed. . - -29� ARTICLE XIX TRAFFIC CITATIONS Section 1: WHEN PERSON AF3RESTED �NNST BE TAKEN IP�iIEUTATELY BEFORE - JUHGE OR MAGISTRATE, Whenever any pereon is arrested for any violation of this Ordinance the arrested person shall be immediately taken before the City Jud�e ofr!the City of Lynv�ood or a magistrate acting for and on behalf of.said City Judge:. �(a) VVI'hhen the person arrested demands an immediate appearance be9ore a magistrate; or (b) When the peraon,arrested refuses to �ive his written . promise to anpear in Court as hereinafter provided � for in this Ordinance. Section 2: COURT PROCEDURE WHEN PERSON ARRESTED IS INIMEDIATELY TAKEN BEFORE A JUDGE OR inIGIBTRATE. � (a) Whenever any person is arrested for a violatlon oP any . provision of this Ordinance,and is i�¢ediately taken -, before the City Judge or a magistrate a.cting for and ' on behalP of the City Judge, the arresting officer shall file with said Judge or magiatrate a complaint stating the ofPense with which such person 3s charged. � (b) The person so taken before said Judge.or magistrate • shall be entitled to at least five days continuance of , his case in which to plead and prepare for trial and sAid peraon shall not be required to blead or be tried within � said five days unlesa he waives such time in writing or in open Court, ; (c) The person so taken before such City Jizlge or magistrate ahall thereupon be released from custoc'�y upon hi�e own recognizance or upon such bail as the City Judge or magiatrate may fix. Sectlon 3: V9KEN PERSON ARRESTED TO BE GIVEN NOTICE TO APPEAR IN COURT. (a) Whenever any person is arrested for any violation of � anq provision or provisions of this Ordinance and such person is not immediately taken before the City Judge , or a magistrate acting Por and on behalf of said City Judge as hereinbefore required or permitted, the arrestingl officer shall prepare in duplicate a written notice to • appear in court containing the name and addreas of such ' peraon, the licenae number of his vehicle, iP any, the offenae charged and the time and place when and where _ such person shall appear in Court, (b) The time specified in said notice.to appear must be at � least five days after such arrest, (c) The place specified"in said notice.to appear shall be either: " —38�• 1. Before said City Judge or magistrate acting for and on behalf of said City Judge, within said City of Lynwood, or 2. .Before an officer authorized by the City Jixige or n4agiatrate acting for and on behalf oP the City Judge� ' to receive a deposit of bail. (d} Said officer shall deliner one copy of said notice tq. , appear to the arrested person and said arr.est person, in order to secure release, must give his written promise so to appear in Court by signing the duplicate notice which shall be retained by said oYficer. There- upon the arreating officer shall forthwith release the person arreated from custody. , . (e) Said ofPicer shall, as soon as practicable,, Yile said duplicate notice with the City Judge or magistrate acting . for and on behalf of sald Judge, Thereupon the, ' said City Judge or magiatrate ahall fix the amount oP bail which in hie ,�udgment, in accordance with the pro- � vlsions oP 8ection 1275 oP the Penal Code of the State oY CaliPornia, will be reasonable and auYficient for the ' appearance of the defendant and shall endorse upon'said notice a statement signefl by him in the form set forth ° in Section 815A of said Penal Code. The def endant may, ' prior to the date upon which he promised to.appear in Court, depoeit with the City Judge or magistrate or ,� officer authorized by such Judge or magistrate to receive a deposit of bail, the amount of bail thus set. There- after at the time when the case is called for arraign- . ment before the City Judge or magistrate if the de- " fendant shall not appear, eitrier in person or by counsel the magistrate may declare the bail forfeited and may in hia discretion order that no further proceedin$s shall be had in such case. Upon the making of aueh order that no further proceedinga be had, all sums deposited as bail shall forthwith be paid into the City Treasury of said City. (P) PIo warrant shall' issue on sucli charge for the arrest oP a peraon who has given such written promise to appear in Court unless and until he has violated such,promise or hr�s failed to deposit bail, to appear Por arraignment, trial or �ud�ment, or to comply with the terms and pro- vieions of the �udgment, as required by law, or unlesa in the discretion of the Citq Judge or magistrate such person ahould be required to appear before auch Judge ' or magistrate. � Section 4: WAIVER OF FILING OF WRITTEN COMPLAINT. 4Vhenever a written notice to appeas in Court hae been delivered to and aigned bq a � defeadant as hereinabove provided in 8ection 3 of this Article XIX of Z'his Ordinance, or avhenever notice of illegal parkimg,has been given purauant to any of the provisions of this Ordinance, an exact and legible duplicate -�3�- copy of said notice shall, as soon as practicsble, be filed with the. City Judge or magistrate specified therein and ahall notwithstanding the provisions of Section 1426 of said Penal Code constitute a complaint to which the defendant may plead ��guilty��. If however, the defendant shall violate hia promise to appear in Court or shall Yail to deposit bail, ae required by law, or if the de- fendant ahall�not plead "guilty�� of the offense charged, an amended complaint shall be filed which ak�all conform to the provisions of said Section 1426 of said Penal Code and thereafter such proceeding�s shall be had as may be provided by law; provided, that a defendant'may; by an,agreement in writing subacribed by him and Piled with the Court, waive the filing of a verified complaint and eleet that the brosecutlon may proceed upon.the written notice mentioned in Section 3 oP thia Article XiX of this Ordinance. A Bection 5: APPEARANCE BY COUNSEL SUFFICIENT. A wrftten promise to appear in Court may be complied with by an appearance of counsel. Section 6: VIOLATION OFIPRONII�E TO APPEAR. (a) Any person millfully violating his written promise to a.ppear in Court shall be guilty of a mi�demeanor re- gardless of the disposition of the charge upon which he was origina.11y arrested. . ARTICLE XX ° PENALTIES AND EFFECT OF ORDINANCE. REPEALS. - Section 1: PENALTIE5, That any person violating any of the pro- visions of this Ordinance ahall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction thereoP ahall be punishable by � fine of not more than Three Hundred Dollara (,�300.00} or by imprisonment in the City Ja.il of the City t o� Lynwood, California, or in the County Jail oP the County of Los Angeles, California, as the committing magiatrate may direct, for a period of not more than three (3) months, or by both auch Pine and imprisonment in the � diacretion of ,the Court. Section 2• 3AVING CLAUSE. If any section, subsection, sentence, clause or phrase oP thia Ordinance ia for anp reason held to be unconstitutiona such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of , �=�a � � � thia Ordinance. The City Council hereby declares that it would have passed -32� thia Ordinance and each aection, subsection, sentence, clause and phrase thereof, irreapectine of the fact that any one or more sections, subaeetiona, sentencea, clauaes or phrases be declared unconstitutional. Section 32 ��LS• (a) The following ordinances hereinafter specifically mentioned, to—wit: (1) 33, 78, 145, 194, 196� 236, 237, 255, 256 257, 259� 268, 273, 273� 304, 309, 349, 373� are hereby specifically repealed; and (b) All other ordinances and parts of ordinancss insofar ae the same conflict with or are inconaistent with the 'pronieions oP thie ordinance, are hereby repealed. It ia provided, however, that the repeals above referred to sha.11 not affect or predent the prosecution or punieh— ment of any person Por any act done or committed in vio— lation of any ordinance or portion of any ordinance hereby repealed prior to the taking effect of thia ordinance. Section 42 That the City Clerk ehall certify to the passag'e and adoption of thia Ordinance; ehall enter the same in the book of original ordinances of said City; shall make a minute of the passage and adoption thereof in the records of the proceedinga of the City Counoil of said City in the minutea oP the meeting at which the same is passed and adopted; and ahall, within fifteen days after the and adoption thereoY, c&uee the same to be published once in the Lynwood Press, a vueekly newapaper of general circulation, published and clrculated in said City, and which ie hereby designated for that purpoae. Section 5: That this Ordinance ahall take effect and be in Yull force and virtue thirty (30� days from and after the date of the final passage and adoption thereof. Passed, approved and adopted this 5th day of December, , A,D., 1944, , � . . ,� ; �. %,ti/��;(i;�'� - ATTEST, , � Mayor of the CS'ty of Lynvdood, Californii � y i �--., � . ,,. City C1erk of the City of Lynwood, California _33— ` F� � � f -� � ` ' STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) . COUNTY OF L03 ANGELES) 8s. CITY OF LYNWOOD ) I,_R. W. Anderson, City Clerk of the City oP Lynwood,. California, do hereby certify tha.t the of inembera of the City Council of the said City is five; that the foregoin� ORDINANCE, being ORDINANCE No. 404 , wae duly passed and � adopted by the said City Council, approved and signed by the Mayor of said City, and attested by the City Clerk of said City� all at a regular meeting of the said Council held on the 5th day of December , A. D., 1944, and that the same was so passed and adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Looney, Shrock, Pdeyer, _ Tucker and Wig�ins � Noes: None Absent: D?one Not Voting: _ None �_ � � WITNESS �(y hand and the seal of said City this 5th - day of� December , A. D., 1944. - L' • ,, - _ � ' :� � ,} � � �,U, � .- t;, r � � ' �� , � ,\ City Clerk oY the City of Lynwood, California , (SEAL)