HomeMy Public PortalAboutMinutes - 1979/02/21 - RegularTEMPLE CITY PARKING COMMISSION MINUTES OF FEBRUARY 21, 1979 INITIATION: 1. Chairman Millham called to order the regular meeting of the Parking Commission at 3:00 P.M. on Wednesday, February 21, 1979, in the Council Chamber. 2 The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was led by Commissioner Driver. 3 ROLL CALL: Present: Commissioners Driver, Graham, Konrad, McVey, Millham Also Present: Assistant City Manager Pucci 4. APPROVAL OF MINUTES - Regular Meeting of October 18, 1978 Commissioner McVey moved to approve the minutes of the regular meeting of October 18, 1978, as written. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Graham and carried. Chairman Millham stated he would like to add to the minutes the Commission's appreciation for Mrs. Graham's direction and service as chairman for the preceeding year and to thank her for a job well done. It was moved by Commissioner McVey, seconded by Commissioner Driver and Commissioner Konrad to include the comment into the record. NEW BUSINESS: 5. REQUEST FOR PERMIT PARKING - Public Parking Lots Assistant City Manager Pucci stated that two requests had been received from businessmen for a system of issuing permits to owners and /or employees of businesses to park in public parking lots, copies of which were made available to the Commission. The requests were apparently in response to a letter from the Parking Commission to the business community seeking their cooperation in making available parking for customers during the holiday season. Staff has no recommendations but is presenting the matter to the Commis- sion for their review. Chairman Millham asked for comments from the Commissioners. Commissioner Graham said she would like to hear from those in the audience who wished to speak. The Chairman invited those who wished to speak to the matter. Joe Hermes, 9606 Las Tunas Drive, "Tiny Town ", stated he retails miniature toys and houses and, as a businessman, he understood the need for convenient parking for customers. However, he has four employees and when they open business at 9 a.m. they encountered difficulty many times in finding any parking stalls in the public parking lot behind his store. He had bought the business property and would like to see some type of parking permit given to owners and to employees as he felt it was equally important to have happy employees as well as customers. He suggested the City might identify a section for employees with a different color striping and issue corresponding colored parking stickers for employees. Perhaps each public parking lot could be so identified with a different color to denote employee parking. Mr. Hermes described his observations as to the problems which have caused a shortage of parking in the public parking lot behind his place of business, i.e. employees of a nearby business parking their cars all day instead of using available parking at their place of employment. He said he would like to see the City issue permits for tenants and /or owners of a building and would appreciate the Commission's consideration of this request. Commissioner Graham pointed out that if permits were issued to one business, all businesses would have to receive equal treatment. In the block where Mr. Hermes' business is located, there are 13 places of business (including hers) which means a minimum of one to seven spaces for owners and /or employees, or a minimum total of TEMPLE CITY PARKING COMMISSION MINUTES - FEBRUARY 21, 1979 PAGE 2 some 48 spaces which would be taken up with permit parking out of 58 spaces in the lot. This figure does not take into account any parking for the handicapped (which the Commission will be considering.) Mrs. Graham said that Mr. Hermes was experiencing the same problems • as other merchants in the block (south side of Las Tunas Drive, from Temple City Boulevard easterly to Camellia Avenue.) Commissioner Graham explained the parking districts were formed to provide for the parking and convenience of customers, with the exception of Lot No. 7, north of Las Tunas Drive, on Primrose Avenue, which is unrestricted and where employees are encouraged to park. Mr. Hermes said that he had tried to comply with posted restrictions in his lot by having his employees park in the unposted section; however, there were times when there was no other spaces available other than the posted section and of course they parked where they could find a place. Chairman Millham stated Mr. Hermes' suggestions were appreciated but the Commission had to consider the number of spaces available for customers as merchants rely on customers to stay in business. The Chairman then asked Mr. Hermes if he would object to his employees parking on Camellia Avenue, south of the alley (south of Las Tunas Drive) if the existing two hour posted restrictions were rescinded. Mr. Hermes said that would be helpful but he would like to make it necessary for employees of the business on Temple City Boulevard to seek parking elsewhere other than his lot. Couunissioner McVey stated that he had consulted with the manager of the firm regarding gll his employees parking behind their own building and had been advised that parking in public facilities was on a "first come -first serve" basis. Commissioner Konrad commented there are a number of employees from this firm as well as commuters who park all day in the lot; however, it was her opinion that if the lot was entirely restricted to two hour parking, it would force these people to park elsewhere resulting in perpetuating the same problem elsewhere that now exists on this public parking lot. Further, if the unposted portion of the lot were to be signed with two parking limits, it would be effective only with enforcement and she wondered if monies were available for this service. Mr. Hermes interjected that the present arrange- ment does not work a hardship on him or his employees, that it would be more of a hardship were the entire lot to be restricted to two hour parking. In response to Commissioner McVey's question, Mr. Hermes said that he did use mail order, that their miniature business was growing; that he had plans for using more of the front end of the shop for his customers, that their business is about half retail and half wholesale. . Dominic Mortellaro, Dominic's Family Shoe Store, 9629 Las Tunas Drive, gave background information on his appearance before the City Council and the Traffic Commission regarding parking problems in the lot adjacent to his place of business as well as on- street parking demands. He felt that more all day parking space is needed, that additional off - street facilities will have to be provided to solve the parking problems experienced all through the business community.. Re said he was not suggesting that parking should be free, methods of assessing property owners and charging for the use of facilities would have to be explored. It was his suggestion that since parking problems involve both on- street and off - street facilities, the overall situation should be reviewed by both the Parking and Traffic Commissions. He discussed briefly attempts by the business community several years ago to get AB 103, explaining if it had been successful there would have been funds to pay for developing off - street parking facilities in the central business district. Mr. Pucci advised that an occupancy survey had been made in the central business district by the Traffic Engineer of all on- street and off - street parking facilities. Analysis of the findings dis- closed that parking is available within a reasonable distance of business. However, the length of time cars were parked was not considered in the survey. A more extensive survey is required. • PARKING COMMISSION MINUTES - FEBRUARY 21, 1979 PAGE 3 Mr. Pucci presented a copy of the Traffic Engineer's report, which was reviewed by the Traffic Commission at their regular meeting in February, for the Parking Commission's information. The Assistant City Manager suggested the Commission may wish to consider the enforcement of existing posted restrictions first to determine the results before considering any changes in the present posting of public parking lots. If enforcement is considered, the Commission may then wish to recommend to the City Council for its consideration the services of a parking enforcement officer. With regard to on- street parking, the existing posted restrictions were established through the Traffic Commission and any recommendations for changes would have to be referred to that Commission. Commissioner Ionrad expressed concern about the few spaces avail- able in public parking lot No.3 due to all day parkers from the wholesale businesses in the block, the firm on Temple City Boulevard and commuters into Los Angeles, which has a direct effect on customer parking. She felt there was some urgency in dealing with the problem in the immediate. After further Commission discussion, Commissioner Graham stated the complex problem could not be resolved at one meeting, suggesting a study session to review the matter in depth. Chairman Millham concurred, adding that he would be in favor of meeting with the Traffic Commission to discuss the matter. Commissioner McVey was in favor but felt the study session should preceed a meeting with the Traffic Commission. CommissionersKonrad and Driver were also in favor of a study session. Mr. Pucci pointed out that with car - pooling being encouraged along with the use of public transportation by public officials, the Commission cannot overlook energy and environmental considerations in the use of parking lots for commuters. The Commissioners agreed to meet at 7:30 a.m. on Wednesday, February 2.8, 1979, for a study session in the City Hall. Commissioner Graham moved to continue consideration of Item No. 5; seconded by Commissioner Konrad and carried. 6. REQUEST FOR DESIGNATION OF HANDICAPPED PARKING STALLS - Public Parking Lots Assistant City Manager Pucci stated the City Staff had received a request from Mr. John Dobson, 10633 Olive Street, for handicapped parking stalls in the public parking malls and a staff study on this subject was presented to the Commission for their perusal. Chairman Millham commented that it would be appropriate to review this matter along with Item 5 at the study session. Commissioner Graham moved to refer the request for designation of handicapped parking stalls in public parking lots to the study session on February 28. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Driver and carried. 7. RENEWAL OF AGREEMENT TO CROSS OVER PEDESTRIAN MALL -A. W. Driver, 9611 Las Tunas Drive Commissioner Driver stated he would abstain from voting on this item. Mr. Pucci reviewed the conditions established by the City Council in the agreement permitting A. W. Driver to cross over the pedestrian mall located behind 9611 Las Tunas Drive in pursuit of normal business activity. He suggested that each member of the Commission be familiar with the location and the requirements to be met by the permittee. In acting on the matter, Chairman Millham called for a roll call vote. Commissioner. Konrad moved to-recommend to the City Council renewal of the agreement to permit A. W. Driver, 9611 Las Tunas Drive, to cross over Pedestrian Mall #3, Parking District #3, subject to conditions as set forth by the City Council in the original agreement dated March 8, 1972, and renewed each year subsequently. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Graham and carried by the following roll call vote: AYES: Commissioners Graham, Konrad, McVey, Millham NOES: None ABSTAINING: Commissioner Driver TEMPLE CITY PARKING COMMISSION MINUTES, FEBRUARY 21, 1979 PAGE 4 Chairman Millham requested that Item No. 9 be taken as the next item of business since Commissioner Driver had indicated he had another meeting to attend at 4:30 p.m. There were no objections by the Commissioners or the Staff. 9. ZAGER SMITH, 9510 LAS TUNAS DRIVE - RENEWAL OF AGREEMENT TO CROSS OVER PEDESTRIAN MALL lA • Assistant City Manager Pucci presented a copy to each Commissioner of the proposed renewal agreement between the City and Zager -Smith enabling Mr. Zager to cross over the pedestrian mall in pursuit of normal business activity. Mr. Pucci pointed out the modification to Item No. 4 of the terms and provisions of the agreement and compared the modification with the original agreement. Staff was recommending the modification on the basis of approaching the maintenance of the area to the rear mall entrance on more realistic terms. All other conditions in the renewal agreement remain unchanged. In response to Commissioners' questions, Mr. Pucci stated that the area behind 9510 Las Tunas Drive is in similar condition to areas behind other buildings in the block; and the weeds have now been removed. Following a brief discussion of the number of parking spaces taken up by the ramp adjacent to the pedestrian mall, the Commissioners concurred in recommending the provisions of the modified renewal agreement. Chairman Millham moved to recommend to the City Council renewal of the agreement, as prepared by staff, enabling Melvin B. Zager, 9510 Las Tunas Drive, to cross over pedestrian Mall 1A, Parking District No. 1, subject to the applicant meeting the terms set forth, for the period of September 1, 1979 to September 1, 1980. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Driver and carried unanimously. Commissioner Driver asked to be excused from the meeting at this time due to a previous commitment to another meeting. He was excused at 4:22 p.m. 8. BUDGET ITEMS - FY 1979 -80 Mr. Pucci advised that Staff was in the process of preparing the budget for the fiscal year 1979 -80 and invited the Cohunission to present items for consideration. The Commission discussed the services of a parking enforcement officer from the Sheriff's Department as well as the feasibility of the City hiring its own enforcement officer which would require the purchase of a vehicle. In response to Commissioner Graham's question regarding costs of a vehicle purchased by the City, Mr. Pucci said it would depend upon the type of vehicle used. Couunis -- sioner Graham requested estimates for the services of a city enforcement officer and a vehicle to compare with estimates given by Mr. Pucci for Sheriff personnel. Commissioner Graham moved to recommend to the City Council for budget consideration the services of a parking enforcement officer. The motion was seconded by Commissioner McVey and carried. 10. COMMUNICATION: There were no communications. 11. TIME FOR THOSE IN AUDIENCE WHO WISH TO SPEAK: No one came forward. • .• • TFIMPLE CITY PARKING COMMISSION MINUTES, FEBRUARY 21, 1979 PAGE 5 12. MATTERS FROM CITY OFFICIALS A. Commissioner Graham asked for clarification of the different coded parking lots shown on the map of the central business district. Mr. Pucci explained those shown with a brown border are city -owned lots, those lots in green are public parking lots within the parking district which were paid for by property owners and are part of the parking districts, those in red are private lots. Mrs. Graham then noted Lot No. 5 now has 32 parking spaces instead of 28 as shown on the map, and the appropriate correction was made by staff. Commissioner Graham then asked that the map show the locations of the posted two hour signs and Mr. Pucci stated the map would be updated. 13. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to conduct, Commissioner Graham moved to adjourn to an adjourned meeting on Wednesday, February 28, 1979, 7:30 a.m. in Council Chamber at City Hall. The motion was seconded by Commissioner McVey and carried. The meeting was adjourned at 4:42 p.m. • w, ATTEST: Secretary • • Chairman