HomeMy Public PortalAboutOrd. 0410 � � � � ORDINANCE 1V0. `�}1�0 AIQ ORDII�iAIQCF OF THE GITY OF LYN'��100D, COUNTY �� � 0'r"� LOS ANGELES, STATE OF CPLIF�ORNIA;��RC� VTDIT�?G FOR TNE CR�ATTON AIQD APPGIidTMENT OF A PLANNIIJG C0�1;�1ISSION; PRESCRIBING THE PC�FJEHS AAiD DJ^lIES OF SUCH CCivI�i,ISSIOP�?; PROVIDIPdG FOR '1'HE LEVY CF A SPECIAL TAX FOR THE SUPPORT OF A PLAN:dING CONiT�4ISSI0N AND I'�+"i9KING CERTAIN EX_ PENDI'i'URES LEGAL C:-iARGES AGAI115T THE FUNDS OF ' TFiE CITY; Ai4D REYEAL1TiG ALL ORDINANC�S OR , PARTS OF OHDINANCES IhT CONFLICT WITH THIS ORDI TdANCE. 'PHE CITY CCUNCIL OF `I'HE CITY OF LYN�NOCD llOES ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS; Section l: There is hereby created, a Pla.nning Comnission for the City of Lyncrood. Section 2: The Planning Comnission of the Cit�,r of Lyn- �vood sha.11 conaist of nine (9) members, six (6)members of said Planning Commission shall be annointed by the I�n�yor of the City of Lynwood_�nith the approva.l of t.he City Council oi said city, and -^..-.--..-�--•--- �--- - �_. . _...,_ .. _ . .�..._ ; one (1) ex of�icio member which ehall be tYie City Engimear or ----= --. - his designated deput,y and t�uo (2) •other ex officio memberG or t,heir designa'ced �eputies: or rep?_�eeentatives to be selected by tne City Council of eaid city, one of whom may be a member of said body. Of the members of the Commi�sion first a.pnointe�, tUto {2�, sha11 be appointed f'or the term of one (1) year, turo (2) for the term of turo (2) years, one (1) for the term of tnree (3) yeArs, and one (1) for the term of iour {4) years, from and after their aupointnent respectively. Their successors ehall be appointed for terns of four (4) years. If a vacanc,y shall occur othervri�e tb.a.n b,y expira.tion of term, it shall be filled by appointment for the unexpired portio�z of the term. The terms of ex officio members sha_ll corres�ond to their r°specti�*e official tenures. . _An,y anpointee member of the Planning Commission may be re�noved 'ay tihe p.4ayor of the City of Lynwood, at his pleasure, with _1_ : :. . - . ,� • the concurrence of the City Council of the Ci.t,y of L.ynwood. All members of th.e Planning Commission shall serve as such without compensation, except rea.sonable traveling er,penee to and frorn their usual pl�_ce of business to place of ineetin� of said Plannin� - Commissi�n. Vrhenever duly autr,orized b,y Planning Commisaion, its members, i.ncluding ex officio members or mernbers of its staff may attend City Planning Conferences, or meetings oi City Pb.ffining Activitie�, hearings upon any planning legislation or mati,ers effecting the P�Ia.ster Plan or any part thereof �x�hen '_neld ���ithin the State, and the reasona`ale tr�veling expenses: and incidentals, �hall "be charges tzpon bhe funds allocated to sueh 1'lannin� Commission. Section 3: ihe Planning Gommission sha11 elect its ehair- ma.n from arnong the a.ppointed members for the term ox one (1) year, and subject to other provisions of _la�ve, may c.reate and Fill such o�Y?er offices as it may determine. The Commission shall hold a:t least one (1) regtzlar meeting in each month, for the �urpose �._.� � ,.��_ 'cf 'ex'ami`ning=in'to and all--matter�,. qtzastions, or problems of any kind o.r character vahatsoever, directly or indirectly �elatine to the j?regres�, betterment, improvement, and_ protection of the _ City of LYnwood and the promdtion of the general !taelfa.re thereof; � and to do and perform any and a11 other acts and those necessary or proper to carry the proviGions of'�this ordinance, and of , that certain act entitled "-�T�E PL9NIvIi�;G ACT," �tatt;tes oF 1929, Chapter'838> 9pproved_ June 17, 1929; provided, however, and to perform such additional ciuties as may be ,r.rescribed hereafter by Resoliz�tion or Ord.inance of the Ci.ty Council of the City of LY nwo o d. (a) The P1anf�in�' Comnission �hall meet at the City Hall of t�ie City of Lynvaood for the purpose of organizing, at' seven-thirty o'clock P. M. on ➢.�fa.y �, 1945, and it sha,ll hold it� fuither meetings at eaic? place, unless the City Council sha11 by Reaolution provide another place of ineeting. �?_ Section 4: The regulAr meeting of the Flanning Commission shall be oben to the public, an3 a.ny person, firm or corpora�e representative shall be permitted to address said Planning Commission orally or in �xiritino upon any matter or matters b,y sa.id Planning Comrnission. Section 5: The Flannin� Commission ma.y apnoint officers and emplo,yees ae it may deem nece�sary for its !vork; wYiose appoint- ment prornotion, demotion and removal shall be sub,ject to the eame provisions ef law as govern other civil employees. The :Planning Commission shall have authority to contract with architects; city nlanners, engineers and other consulta.nts for sucn eervices a.s it may rec!uire. Section F�: The City of Lynvaood, in maliing its anrual tax levy and a.s a. pa.rt thereof, �ma'y�- levy and_ collect the tax, not to exceed in any fiscal year: the �um of one (1) mill,on the dolla.r ofl assessed valuation for the purposes of defraying - - -the-lardf-ul -expenses incurred:�y_ the Planning Commission in ca.rrying out the purposes of)this Act and. making aPpropriation from other , funds tY!erefore. The expenditures of the Planning Commission, exclu�ive of gifts shall be within the amounts appropriated for that purpose by the City Council which shall provide the funds, equipment, and ac;;omo�3ations necessary for the Planning Commission work. Al1 proper expenditurea of the Pla.nning Commission must be first aporoved by the City Council. 3ection 7: It shall be the duty of the members of the Planning Commission to adopt rules for transaction of business and it sha]_l�keep a reco o� its Resolutions, t.ra.nsa.etions; find.- ings and determinations, which record sha.11 be a public record. It shz.11 further be the duty of the Planning Commission to fLle a monthly report to the City Council of' the City of Lvnr��ood, containin� a.ny and a,ll of the findings, requests, sug@:estions, or recommendations of the eaid Flanning Commission concerning or _g_ - � . . :. �f . �� � . ., . . .n affecting directly or indirectly the progress, betterrnent, improve- ment or nrotections, or the general welfare of the City of L�nwood and not in�luded in the duties or po�vere of any other departments of the City of Lynwood. I Secti 8: It sha11 be the f�nction and d.uty �f the P_lanning Commission to make and adont a Ildaster Plan for the physical development of the City of Lynwood and of any land_ outside the � boundaries thereof which, in the Commissions �udgment, necessarily bears relation to the plannin� thereof, such P,4aster Plan �Rrith the accompan,ying maps, diagrams, charts, descri�ptive matter a.nd reports shall include the following matter: Such p3ans shall show the general Toca.tion and. width of a comprehensive system of ma�or thoroughfares and sha,l7. be published �eparately from other pa.rts of the P.�iaster Plan; Such plans sha11 be con;prehensive and shcw proposed districts in which the use neighth and bulk of �uildings and _-:.pr_emi.ses_ar_e_liMited; provid.ing that ordinances and a..mendments thereto establiahing such c�.istricts shall be adopted. only after the making o:' the reports; holding the roublic hearing, and follo+.aing the same orocedure 2s prescribed in Chapter 784 in the Statute of 191l, as•amended for cities, and sub,ject to the provisions of law as may thereafter be aJopted; Such plan may shova the proposed locations of rights of way, terminals via_ducts, crossir.gs, and other fa.cilities for stearn,. and electric railroads or other means of carrying passengers and fr�ignt, a.nd propose a s5�stem for street cars, and bus lines, and facilities and relating public utilities and improvements. Such plan shall show and recommend facilities for more efficiei�t 2.nd cheaper transporta.tion and sha11 take into consideration a. fra.nchise therefor. -4- • : , , . � - . . " , � Such plan shall provide for the conserving and protecting the public hea.lth, comfort and convenience; as �vell as the general welfare of the people of Lynwood. Such nlan sh�ll shoiv the needs of the city for par�>s, parkways, playgrounds, and scl:ool and recreation a-reas, and when practicable, the plan may ahov� the prcper and most ad.vantageous locations for proposed parks, parkways, pla,ygrounds, scnool and recreation areas. Sucn plans may shc�^� proposed location, grouping and arch- itectLiral treatment, of buildings. The Commission m�,y from time to time, pre�are detailed maps of streete and of ar.y of the improve- ments delineated in the Master Plan, vihich when �dopted by Lhe City Cot<ncil as herein provided by the amendments to the P:�?uster Plan sha.11 be deemed a part thereof; Such plan shall show the nece�sity for, and the advantages of the creation, building, and operation of public utilities, iahich in the judgment of the Commission should be municipall� owned, and operated; for the use and benefit of the people of the City of LYnwood. I Such plan shall provide for auch zoning for business and industries a.nd,residences as may be proper and legal, and as will best promote the de ve]_opment and growth of the City of Lymvood, and it shall be the duty of the Commission to make euch reports and recommendations thereon e.s i_n its judgment �vill best promote proper and or@erly development and growth of the city. Tne Commission ma.y make euch other plans, statutes a.nd other recommendations as it may deem necessar,y for the orderly, �`""'- economic and social de,velopment of �he.,area und..er its �urisdiction . • � � ; and may from time to time, adopt and publish�a part of the plan covering one or more ma.jor sections or d_ivisions of the territory under its .juriscliction or one or more of the aforesaid subjects, or ma,t,�ar,s.° . , _5_ : � . . , � No plan or map hereafter, shall have indicated thereon, that it is a part of the Iutaster Plan un�il it shall have been adopted as part of the PBaster °lan by the City Council as herein provided. Al1 moneys collected from the sale of any maps, plats, charts or other descriptive matter regarding the Iviaster Plan , published by the Commiesiori shall be paid into the treasury of the City of Lynwood and sha.11 be.credited to the funds budgeted or al_l_ocated_ for the uee of the Plannin� Commission; The Conmis�ion may frora time to time, amend.or adcl to the Ma.ster Pla.n, as herein provided. Section 9: It shall be the duty of the Planning Commission to make investigation for the purpose of establishing a.nd encoura�ing industries and increasing business, and make such recommendations thereon to the City Council as it may deem necessary�for the orderly, economic, and social development, and the building of residences, and genera.11y for the promotion of the general welfare, __ _ and ,the growth of the City of LynU�ood. Section 10: Before adopting the Iviaster ?la.n or any part of it, or any substantial amendment thereoi the commission sha.11 hold at least tvao public hearin�;s at least fifteen (15) days apart, notice of the tic�es of ea.ch of v�.�hich shall be given by one publication in a ne��rspaper of gener�l circ�.�lation in the municipality or county, The adontion of the P'aster Plan, or of any amendment, extension or addition thereof, shall be by resolution of the cornmission carried by the votes of not less than two-thirds of the total memberehip of the commission. The resolution shall refer. e�:pressly to the maps and descriptive and other matter intended by the commission to constit.ute said pl.an or an,y anendment, addition or �xtension thereof the action taken shall be reeorded on the map and plan descriptive matter by the identifying signatures of the secretary of the commission. An attest�d copy of any party� amendment, extension, or addition of the It�aster P1an adopted by the planning commission, shall be certif�ed to the City Council. -g- Section 11: Any officer or department whose duty it is to orepare Ordinances and Resolutions relating to the,location of ang public building of the City, location, extension, widening, enlargement, ornamentation or parking of any street boulevard, alley, na.rkway, oark, pla,yground or other public grounds, or to the location of any street, or other a.lteration of the city plan of streets and highways, or the location of any bridge, tunnel or subcfay or of a.ny surface, underground or eleva.ted railvaay or nublic utility, or or�dinances relating to housing,, b�_�ilding codes or zonee, snall., prior to the submission to the proper board or officer of the municipality of the Ordinance or Resnlution r eqt:ired to be ad�pted before such proceedin�e are instituted, give notice to the Planning Commission of the pendency before the officer or department of proceedings �vith reference to any of the ebove matters. Section 12: ATO liability sha.11 L�e incur•red Uy the Planning Commissioa or the City of Lynwood.'.for the payment of money, for � services other�ti�iee, until funds nave beer. provided therefore in the manner provided by 12.w, a.nd provided, that no expense shall be incurred by the Planning Commis�ion, of any kind, unless first a.uthorized and a.pproved by the City Council. Section 13: If any section, sentence, clause or nhr�,.se ., of this ordinance is for any reason held to be unconstitutional, in violation of law, or inope such deciaion shall _zot affect the vilidity of the remaining portion of this ordinance. The City Council of the Cit,y oP L,ynwood hereby declares that it would have passed thic ordinance, and each section, sub-section, sentence, caluse and phrase thereof irresnective of the fsct tha.t any one or more other sections, sub-sections, sentences, clauses or phr2.ses be declared unconstitmtional, in violation of the la.w or inoperative. -7- - ',_.. , . . - • , , , STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUPITY OF LOS ANGE'LES) ss. CITY OF LYNWOOD ) � I, R. W. Andersen, City Clerk cf the City of Lynwood, California, do hereby oertify that the whole number ef inembers .nf the City Council of th2 said"Ci'ty is five; that the foregoing ORDINANCE, being ORDINANCE No. 4�50 , was duly pae�ed and adopted b,y the said City Council, approved and signed by the - Nayor of said City, and attested by the City Clerk of said City all at a regt�lar meeting of the said Council held on the 3r � day of Anril` a A. D., 194 5, and that the same was s� pasaed and adopted by the follnwing vote: Councilmen: Ayes: P Shrock, Meyer, Tucker , and Wi��ins Noes: None Z:ounc nan. Absent: Looney 4JITNESS my hand and the seal cf said City this 3rfl day of _ April�, A, D., 194 5 ' � � City Clerk of the City of Lynwood, California �';'`, ,',' � °� SEAL )Y � � .� . �:.. 1 �'� . � , � �4 c.?�- ,..... . _ . G �� !L � ` � " _ .�°<.. ' . / .� � ! ` . - P � / ' � .� i '. J , ' ' . � � . . � 1 , .. , o ` - ' . , . , • . ., Section _l4� All ordinances or parts ordinances in conflict or inconsistent herewitri,�,are hereby repealed. Section 15: The City Clerk Gt�all certify to the passa.ge of tY!is �ordinance by a vote of.four-'fifths �of a.11 the' members of - the Cii.y Council, and to its approval by the Mayor o� the Cit,y of L,ynraood, a.nd sha.11 cause this ord.inance to°be pLiblished once in the Lynv!ood. Press; a weekly neu+spa.per of le�al issue, pub.lished _ and circ�zlated in said qity, a,nd thereiznon and thereafter this ord.in�.nce shal.l take eff ect and be in full force. ADOP`PED and APPROVED this 3rd day of �pril, Z945. �,�, _. � � �C '_'�,, r ,, � ar y.: ' . x " . . � �� ��f�� . . . ' . . . ' . %" r"" t .. '' � . . ' . � _ � ;�`'�"' ' ''✓ ; P�ia.yor •f t ity i ,,.ynv�ood • P ,�, : '�1�`I�TEST � . � ,.W ' ;.:;� w . �; �,t � � � ., {;� � ,W" ` � � � � . . � " ' City� Cler'� of the City' of L,ynuiood _. ��,.. ,.. ._ . � � • , _a_