HomeMy Public PortalAboutOrd. 0416 .. ... .. - ' .• .. � . . .}. .. . . � , � , , � ' � . . , c. � . . . . . . _ . _ . . . , ° � ORDINkNCE AiO:' 1�16 � , , � ` AN .ORDITdAl10E Or THF. CITY CF LYidi^iOCD REGULP.TIIdG - , T"r'.E BUSII�IESS OF SECCI�D HAT1D DEALE]RS, JUI1K DEAL=. � ERS-AivD. JUYTK_ COLLEC^i0R5.. THE GI1^Y CCUi�iCIL. GF `THE CITY' OF LYi�IWOCDll0�5=R�AIN 45 FCLLO�i'S:' , , . ,, , . , ; . Sect'ion •I .,. , : _ . , -~For.the purpo�e of tnis ord.inance a secc�nd-h�nd "d'ea,ler is'de- fired- to be{,2 person; firm or cqr��� �st� on�' eiz�a�;in� iri, rconducting, ' . '. ' r,'iana�;in� or ���,�^rgin� on tize busir.ess of huying, selling, or nther- . ��oriae. Ce2.l?.,ng in secnnc-hand_ ;ond_s, tirr�res;. qr mercnanc3.ise: �nc? m�k- �. iriu t`i��o nr. ma sal'es of sec�nd-hz_nd go�d:s,..,�t�ares nr m�rchv.ndise. ,: , dvri;n�, �;riy` �ne calend.zr �ontYi. . - For t_�e. pur�ose c?f this� ordii��.n�ce, 2 �de�ler ,s de�'ined_ � � to be a ner �otz,, firm nr corpor�tion h�,.ving a fi �ed: pla.ce �f business:, . ° in the C� t;� �af .Lyizivnod, and, en,g�.ged. in; rrnc�iactin�, : manag�.n� or. c�rr,vinP• nn the, liueiness �f bu�rin�;,, sal;lin� �r nther�is.e d.ea7.ing ,. �in, either at �vhc�lesa'1e or retail, �f z.ny �ld'ra.US, sacks, bnttles,. c�izs, ���.e�^s,';�ietal �r qtne.r �zticles cnmm�nly�krirnvn �.s jut?k'; ' „ �__ ._� ,� For. tne, pu3°pnse, �f. this. �rdinance a',jui�k collect�r is d.efined. ," � Lc� Le �,�Erson not h�vi;;;�; .-. Fixec? pl?:ce nf. -in the City of .' . . , . � I,' �,'t'I'i1C1 �P'f.18S �fTOSit i]�U58� t0 i7f.iUS2, �Y'. ��'Y'OR rJ1.2.CE ��O p13C2, -f"u�t1.'1�Y'— � in�,. c211ectin�, 7�uyin�, sellin�;, nr, atherwise. d_ez.Tin� in. G.ny rz.gs, : s�.cks, bottles, car_s, napers, meta,l ar other artio,les cnmmonly knn��rn . ' 2rs ,�un�, -. '. .`: ` ' .; '. '. . . - Sect_on 2. _ .. , � , - It. sh�?11.be vnl�-z.;ful for any'nerson, �firm b corpnration to. .: . , eng�ge. in; c»ndvct, m�.n�.�e �r cG.rr� nn the business of ivril� de�.lei°, .-. second.-Yi�nn d.ea:ler, or : r�llector �* ith�ut first annl,ying for and � receiviri� a nermit�therefar, in d�?r?t=nF; from tne Chief �f P�1?ce i.n � . . _, the manizer hereinaYter prnvid.ed-' ' . , . Section 3. _ ,._ . 9ny �erson, firnc or corporati�n desiring to obtain,a �errnit � to conc.uct or c�rry on a.ny business menti�necl in Secti�n 1 nf thi3'° , _.. _ " , \ • ordin�iice,' snull file aiz a�nlication in i�;ritin� the~ef�r :�rith the Chi,si �f Police, specifying by street and,ilumber,. tne �lece vahere such buainess i:s ?�rnposed t� be cnnducted �r c�rried �n, nr in the c?se nf 2, ,junk collector �i�no has no fixed,nl�.ce �f business, tnen � such anplication sh�ll snecifv b�� street z.nd nvmUer his resider=ce. . Su�h appl�cation shzll be si�ned b;� tr,e anplicant 2nd shall c�nt�:in the address ot' such a�plicant.` � : - ,. ' ^ ,.. . . �. • � - �� Section 4.' ' ^h�.t nn.��rmit to cnnduet or carry �n any biz�iness mentioned . ° in Section 1 of tY�is nrc3_in�nce si�al'1 be gr�.ntec! by the Chief nf Po2ice to a,nersan,.firm �r corbnrati��n e�h�,fa`_ls, refuses �r ne- � glects to co�mp2v :;�ith the lal�rs �nd. nrdin�ncea relati n� tca and: re- �;ul2ting the.busi��eas fnr •�rhicn suc:� nermit is s�uyht, That the Gity Clerk a�t�ll nnt issue anp licen�e t.n any �ersnn�, firm �r cor- pore.ti�r. tn cnrd.uct �r carry �n tYie business of ,junk o:e�ler �: iun!i i c.nlle�ctnr until tYie Chief �f P�1ice s}aa.17. ha.ve. gr.�nted z. oermit therefor, �,s �,rnvic�.ed in thj_s �rdin2,nca. � � Sectinn 5. , -. . In,the eveiit th�t z_ny neis�n, iirm nr c�ru�ration hnld.in� a:� nermit or carry �n the business nf ,junk d.ealer, secnnd- na.r.d de�ler �r .j.unk c�1Ter,tnr, s'.na:ll. ��iol�te nr cause or perm.it tn , be violated. a.nv of th� D�ovisioiis n° tnis �rd.ina�zce, or �n�r �r�visian of any other nrd.inance nr nz an,y la:r re=2.tin� tn ,nr any, such businese, nr sna.11 c�nduct or carr,y on such bu�iness in an unla^r- ful manner, �r si!�.11 c�:use or �ermit s.uch business s� tn be cnnducted. or caz�ried ��n, it.sh211 �e the duty �f the Chief nf�P�lice, �:nd tne suid.�Chief nf Poliae shall, in addi.tinn to t�e nthel �ene.ltiea �r�- vic.ed bv th5_s oa°d.inance, rPvoke the ;�exmiY issued_• f�r cnn�iuctink• nr c<.rr,y ntz eueh bLtsiness. If the per�^�±t nf <r.;r -�ars�n, firn: �r c�r_ . pnration to c �rduct or carry _�n e.n,y business �.ind.er t'n,e �rnvisinna, �f ' this �rd.in�.nce shall be revnked, nn nermit sh211 be �r?nted to such nei:snn, firm or corp�r2�ion to cond.uc.t ctr ce.rry �n rnt= such business �.!ithin six m�rths 2fter such rev�cation, Pto. permit sl��.11 be revoked until 2 hearing snall have been h2d_ oV the C_nief �f P�lice and City _ 2_ ' ' � . Council, in the n�tter of revoca.ti�n �f such nermit,.notice af � �,�hich hea.ring Ghal� be �iven, in :,rititlg �i1d. served. at leasti tnree^ d2.;�s ririor to the date of hearing vnon the h�lder.nf such perinit, or hie ri�,na:ger', or z:g•ent �rrhich nnt_ce sna11 state tne grnund �f co�ple.int aga.in�t the hnlder �f. such ?�ermit �r wga.ia�st the business carried on b,y sucn nolder, and_ shal'1 �.lso sT,ate. the time �;hen �nd �lwce ��vnere such he�ri,�� rrill be n2.d. Sucn nntice shall be servec�.upnn tna h.nld.er nf such permit b�r delivering the same to.such �er.son nr to hi_s m2na�;er nr 2�ei�t, �r to a.n,y person in ctia,r�;e �f or emolnyed in the nia.ce nf businese �f such holder, or if such persrnl.has no �lace of business, tnen 2,t his pla.oe �f ?�esidence; or by leavir_g such n�tice at the nl�.ce oi busialess or resid.ence �f such nersnn vritih snr�e pers�n �f su�.tGb1e an'e �.nd d_iscreti�n._ Ii the nol�er of sucn permit ca.iznot be fnU11d and service nf such nntice c�.:in�t be made uU�n him in'�'the manuer the nrovided., then a cnr,y nf such notiee'. shall be ma.iled_ �?ostz:�;e fully prepaid, �.dd.ressed. to �uch holder of such nermit.2ti suGn ��l�oe oi buUiness �r.residence at least three da,y� prinr to the d 'of �uch Y!earin�. Secti�n 6. ,. Every jun?� d.e�ler, secnnd-h�nd, dea.ler, and junk c�llectar sn�ll, on each d_ay before the ]�.nur ni 10 o'clock in the m�rnin�, r,iake out ar�d deliver to the Ch,ie£ of Palice �n a bl�nk form to be obtained. b�l sucn second-hand_ dealer, ,�un11 d.ealsr nr junk cnllectnr f'rnm the office oi the sai@ Chief of Pnlice for tha.t purpnse, a ful1, true a.nd. coc��lete re�art ni 2.'ll �oods, ti=rares �r mercha.ndise ��irch�.sed. or �� recei.ved r�uring tne d.�.v nreceding the filinL of such ren�rt. Sach xenort s"_nal'1 shnv� t?ie nour nf the da�r vanen eacn wrticle i��as :pur- . cn�.sed or received, z.nd, the true name and address as nearly as the same ie knnl�n tn nr c2.n be 2.scerte:ined bsr such iunk d.e2.ler, secnnd= hand d.ealer, �r �unk cnllec�or, nf the person �r pers�ns b,y �e�om such article urzs s�ld or d_eliver�d, tngetner �:ritn �. descriotion nf ,. such nerson or persons. Tne descrintion to be given of, ever,y such person snall shovr the style of clress, heiuht, aUe, sex, c omnlexi�n, �olor oP must�.rhe or be�.rd o b�th, i=�hen same are =rnrn, and. if _ 3_ � neither is =:ao•rn suc�i fact Ghall be noted. Such re�oi�t si�all 2.lsn shnrr the amount purchased, anct a cor�nlete descriptinn nf each �rt�,c,le , purchased. �rrmeceived. If a nurchased or received. has en�raved therenn any number, c�nrk �r initi2l�, �r cnnt�ins any : •settir�s oi 2.ny �ind., the,d.escription n£ each article in �uch report sha.11 cnnt�:in such nu�!ber, �^ord, or iriitia,l, znd shall show the : �� nd oz settin�s and_ t?:e nur�bea� nf e�.ch kind. '� • Blanirs to be ebtained_ from.the nffice �f tize Chief nf Pc�lice, • �.s herein nrovided, snall be�.r 2. capti�n ?�rnviding bl�.nk' s��aces in crhicn shall be•i�iritten nr prznted �the d�te �f .such re�ort, the iiame and �a`la:ce of business �f tYie oersnn, firm �r cnranratinn r�z.kin� tne ssrce, a.nd the hour of the d.zy ��nen the same is rec�ived_ z.t the oifice of the Chief of P�lice. Such Ulanks shall b.e so printed 2nd_ subd_ivided as to cnntzin spa.ces vri_th proner ce.ptior.s for the fur- nishine nf ti�e information r.er,uired. in this nrdinance. A cnpy of '. this sect,ion .sna11 be . _��rinted up�n es.cn���:tch bl�:nk n unnm the baok " thereof. . : ' , Section 7. Every ,�unk_ d.ealer, sec�nd-fiand d.e�ler nr ,junk c�llectar shall , . keen a cnmplete'record of all �nods, r�ares, mercnand:ise nr things ,. pled�ed. to or p.urch�sed_ �r received b,y.11im yrhich recnid shall cnn- t�in all tne matters rea,vired t�� ne shavan in the rep�rts re?erred tn �nd described in Sections � of t�is Crdinance. Every s,uch reaord and. �.11 goods, irra�es mercnand.ise 2nd triings pledged. tn nr purcnased or received b�r �ny such �unk 8.ealer nr junk coliector,.sha11 be _ open, at all times during business h�urs tn tne inspecti�n o° the Chief nf P�Zice or �ny police officer nf-tne City of Lyn�vnod,. ' Ever,y junk dea.ler, secnnd-hz.nd de�ler, or junk collector snall . *�aint2in on tne premises i-rnere szid business is located, a sigri nlainly printed in the EnglisYi Tanvua�e, of su£fic_ent size sn tnat the same m�.y be e2.si�1y re2d from the side��rzlk in front �i sa.id place of busiiaess, . sta.ting tha� ne is 2. junl. clealer nr ,junk co7.lector. 4Vhere sa.id. bv�iness is cnnduc�ed in �n nifiqe baildir.g the•signr,sh2.11 be.placed at the d.00r . _�_ . - . . . �: . ' � - of s2.id. nffice, iqhere s�id busihess is-c�nducted_ in � dep�rtment of ; z.ny buiTaing. the. sign sh�:ll Ue nl�.ced �t the entraiice nf s?_id dens�rt- • . ment. , • , . ` . , ' Section 8. , ' ' The Chief �f ?olice shall�file, in •eome sectire nlece in his ' offiee all re-i�rts received. nursuant to the terms of this ordinance, and.� the `same sh�.11 be open t� inspection �nly. by membcrs "of� the P.olice Department nf th�e City of L,yn�r�od, nr u�on an nrder of a C�urt of con�ete.nt ,jurisdiction made for that nur�ose. � � ' Section 9. . Y Every report and.record requirad by tne terns of tnis nrdiY�ance, t� .be filed or kent, shz;ll be umitten nr nrintec� eut� rely in. the En�;- lisll lant;ua�e, in a clea.r and_ legible manner. Section 10. 1t sh2.11 be unlai��ful ior �ny�person, iirm nr corporation engaged . in cnnducting, m�nagi;Ig.or carr,yin� on tne business �f ;junk dealer or secnnd. hand: d.ea?er or `..junl� collectnr;' �r for any,`,a;ent ai,employee o£ any sucn pe?�snn, Sirm a� cor,�oration to fail, refuse �r neglect to , file.�.ny re�ort in the form, in the manner, at the time, and in all respects in acc�rda.nce r�ith the - requirements of tnis �rdinance, or to' fail, refuse or to kEep in a rec�rd recnrds in tne form and. in the ma.nne required by this ordinance; .nr to �ail, refuse o.r . neglect tn exhibit to the Cnief �f'Police or to.any p�lice,off.icer nf the Cit,y �f Lynw�od.,� imn?ec�iately unnn demand, for the privilege of sucl� inspection, �ny,such record or any �oods, ��;2res, merchandise or things pledged to or nurchased nr receiv2d b�r such pers�n, firn or cor�nration. ` . . " . _ Section.11. - It shall,be unlav for any ,junlc dealer, secnnd hand dealer, oi junk Collectnr to sell �r nther��ise disoose nf an,y nr.thing ivzthin thirty (30) days 2.fter such art_cle or thing h2.s been purchaaed or received by sucli ,junk dealer, secnnd h2:rid d.eaTer, or ,junk c�lleczor. � -. ... Secticin 12. . ' The �r.ovisit�ns c.nntained in Sections,8, `�, �.nd 11 of this ord- , ^5- . . . , inance�shall not be d.eemed to an�ly to the purcne.se or sale b� .�unk dealers nr junk c�Tlectors of r��s, bottles, tha.n milk or crsam bottles, second-hand sabks, other thaii cement sacks, bar•rels, cwns, , sl�oes,. 1am.ps, e tqves . or hou�ehold. furniture (vaitn tne exceptinn of sevring mac'r_ines,. �11 muscial instrwnents and i;,ype�a � , , . _ , . Section 13. � The provisions nf .this �rdinunce s}�all not appl�r to tne receipt or sale �nf `2. sec�rid-hand �2rticle by an;j person, firm or corporation, tnat receivee such second-hand_ article as part pa,yment of a ne•r.* article `� if suoh ;�ersnn, firm �r c�rpnration is the a.uthnrize& repr.es�ri.tative � or agent o° the mznufzct��rer rf the ne:�r �rt;cle sold. .. � Section 74. , . It shall be unla.°riul for anv nerson, fir� or corporatipn en��ged in conducting,' ma.naging or carr��in�; �n the business of ju?�k de�;ler_ �'r jvnk co'llectnr, nr ? nr any ?�ent or� employe" of any.' such "'i.er��ri.,`. fir� or carporation, to accept any pledge of or loan any mone;;r i�,pon.•ners�n�.3 , DY'nL%2TtiV� !lY' t���.,pUY`C�'lc't.88' Q�' rece'!ve ^c.ri�� 6nOC7.S� i78.Y'25 nY' I^ieY'C112Y1CZ15e ' or any article �r tnin�, �r in.a.ny menner v�?iats�ever to en�;�pe in nr cnnduct �.ny such bueiness �et:�reen th,e houre.nf tv;elve n�clnck r?id.ii_�rt � �n 82.tu'rd2��. and the hnur of' seven o'cl�ck �n the f�rei?non n� the follov.- �n� Plnnda;/ or bet*t�een• tha hous-of seven o'clnck in tne �.ftern�on_ of any d2,�r, otner. than Saturday nr Sund_ay, and� the h�ur of seven n� cl�ck in the f�renoan nf the f�11oN;�ng c�:ay. .. . Section 15. _ , If any per.son, firm or c�rpc?ration shall en�a�e.in, cnnduct,. � m2nage or carry on, at tne 'sh.se time, more thz.n nne nf the busi^esse.s defined.a.nd referred to.in this ordinance, sucri nersnn, i.irm or c�r- . pore.�ion sPall be deemeo to be en�2ged_ �n, conductin�, mana�inr,� �nd c�rrying• r�n each „�uch bus9,iiess se�arte und anart fr�m tae nther, such bus:nes3, �nd. suef, nerson, firm nr cornnra:ti�n sh2,11 'c�r�pl� in all ` resvects c:�ith the provisior.s of this �nrd.inance re� 2.ting to e&ch such bus?ness, a.r_d it s:�a11 'aP unT2•r!ful for anf such person,. fir� or o�r- r.or�tion:to fwil, re.fuse ne�lect so to d-�.• _ _ : . , , Section 16. . . Tha.t �any nersnn, `firn nr, .�c�rporation,viola..t7n�.any ,of'wthe� pro- , visic�na of thi.s nrd_inance, sha.11 be' deemed �;uilt�r of a,misdemean�r; and. upon.convicti�n ther.eof st:iaTl be punish�ble by z. fine �f not less - tha.n T��renty Dollars (�?0.00) n�r �a�re than Tnree Hundrsd: Dollars (,�300,00 or by impris�nrnent in the Gity Jail.for a per�od of not less. than Ten (10) days n�r more than Ninet,�r (90) dayr:s �r by both such „ i'ine znd im?�ris�nment, . Each such ners�n, firn or c�rparation Y�e deemed �uiltf of a sen�rate offense for every d.a� during �n;� norti�n, of ���hich 3.n.y' violation of 2nY �rovision nf this nrdina,nce is. cmm�itted r,nntintzed ' nr permi+ted by such persnn, firm or corpnration, an�3. shall.be punish=• a.ble therefnr c.s nrovid.ed, by this ordin�r.ce. . � Sectian 17. ` . . That dll other ord.inances in cnnflict,r�ith this �rdiiiance, be , arid. the 'sa�e•�.re. hereb,y repealed.; ;�rovid.ed thz.t any sucb repez.l snall noL aff'ect or prevent the prosecut_on and punishment of any per.snn, ` firm or c�rpnr2,tion f�r 2i�y act dnne �"r permitted. in Vinla.ti�n nf ai�y ` or@inzx.ce c;��ieh m2:y kie re��ezled. by thie nrdinance, and_ sh?21 not � affect any proseci:ion' nr action e�rhich ma�• be pending in any c�urt for ' the vinl�-ti�n nf �,ny ard'inai2ce repealed. in tYiis �rdiriance.• Sect�nn 1&. T?�e City Clerk sh�ll certiry tn the ?�ass�.�e �f tYiis ord.inance Uy a i;.nanim�ns vote and cause the s8.me to be published nnce in tne L;�m�;ood Pres�. • . ADOPTED and APPROVED this 6th., day of November,.1945�--� �� � ;` , ' SC�y� '��' .. _, . . y f :',i� n v ,. � .. � .. �t�&yPl'� ri].`L,y L: rp,v1�1 , �' � � Lynvaond, C�.lif�rnia ,� „'; � ': �� �..-.ATTE5T' .� � �� � � � �. . � , , ,. . t = =� �•. . . . . �. CITY CLERK;-iCITY OF LYDPNOOD : w. . : . _ . I , - ✓ STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES) ss. CITY OF LYNWOOD ) I, R. W. Anderson, City Clerk of the City of Lynwood, California, do hereby certify that the whole number of inembers !±f the City Council of the said City is flve; that the foregoing ORDINANGE, being ORDINANCE No. 1�_, was duly passed and � adcpted by the said Gity Council,.approved and signed by the Mayor of said City, and attested by the City Clerk of said City all at a regular meeting of the said Council held on the 6th., day of Nov, a�• D., 194 5, and that the same was sC passed and adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Councilmen: shrock� �ey�� ,��ker and Wiggins Noes; Councilman:.None _ ' Absent: C�uncilman: Looney WITNE55 my.hand and the seal cf said Gi.ty this 6th day of November A. A, , 194 5 a � � , � � �; .. t ' _� ` ` 4 _ � - City Clerk of the City of Lynwood, Galifornia (SEAL)