HomeMy Public PortalAboutOrd. 0417 ' .. �• • •. 1 . � ORDITdAP?C N0. 417 AN OfiDIVANCE ESTABLISHIIQG�THE OFFICE OF CITY R4ANAGER OF THE CITY OF LYIIWOOD, AND DEFINING THE FOt4'EK AND DUTIES_ GF mHE ntANAUER. . . . . .. .. The City Council of the City of Lynvlrood does ordain as follohs: ' ' SECTIOIQ 1. (a) The office of City DRanager for the City of LynGSOOd is hereby establ-ished. The City Manager shall be appoin- ____- _._ ted by_ the City Council solely on the basis of his executive and adm"inis'trative qualificatione,- and-shall_hold_office during the pleasure of the City Council. No peraon elected to membership on m,,.. -- tne City Council sha.11, subaequent to such election, be eligible �` for appointment as City Manager until one year has elapsed follo��- ` ing the e.cpiration of tne last term for vrhich he was elected. (b) In case of his intended removal by the Council, the • Manager shall be iurnished with a �mritten notice stating the Coun- cil's intention to remove him and the reasons therefor at least. thirty days bef-ore the effective date of his removal. Within seven da.ys after the delivery to him of such notice, the n3anager may by written notification to the City Clerk, request a public hearing before the Council'. Thereafter the Council shall fix a time for the public hearing, �vhich shall be held at its usua.l place of ineeting before the expiration of said thirty d^.y period, and at which the City I�4anager vaith written notice of intention to remove, the Council may suspend him from duty but his salary shall contimze until his removal by resolution of the Council passed subsequent to the public hearing. The Council in remov= ing the Manager sriall use its uncontrolled discretion and its action shall be final, and shall not depenc7 upon any particular � � shoivin`g proof at the_hearing, the purpose of ti+hich is to allow the Niana�er publicly to present to-the Council his ---- � grounds of opposition to remova.l *arior to its action. SECTION 2, The City I14anager shall be the administrative hea.d of the City Gover�nment under tne direction and control of the Council. He shall be responsible to the City Council for� the efficient administration of all the affairs of the City which are under his control. In addition to the.City Manager's general power� as administrative head, and not as a limita.tion thereon, it shall be his duty and he sha.11 have polver: rdinances are full enrorced. 1. To see that all law s and o Y 2, To employ, discipline or remove all of departments, and all suborclinate officers and emplo,yees of the City, to trans- fer eaployees from one department to another; and to consolida.te or combine offices, positions, depart�ents, or units under his ' ,�urisdiction vrith the approva.l of the City Council in each instance. Nothing herein contained shall apply, ho�+�ever, to the City Clerk, the City Attorney or the City Treasurer. 3. To e:{ercise control over all departnents and divisions " of the. City Governnent and over all appointive officers and e[n- . ployees thereof sub,ject to.the_.approval of the City Council. 4. To attend all meetings of the Council�ancl its committees __ unless excused therefrom by the Council or the committee and ex- cept c�hen his removal is.under consideration by the CounciL 5. To recommend to the Council for adoption such measures and ordinances as he aeems ne�essa.ry or expedient, 6. To:keep the City Council at a,ll times advised as to the financial conditions and needs of the City. 7. To prepaxe and submit to the City Council the annual budget. , 8. To pre�are and reco!�mend to the City Council a salary plan. • ( . . , , . . . � , , _ . . (2) , . 9. To _purchase all supplies for a.11 of the department� or, . divi�ions thereof, and no e�:�enditure �hall be submitted or recom- mend.ed to the City Council except upon report or s.pprov.al of the ' Gity �Ian�.ger. 10. To.make investigations into the affiar� of the City or _ariy department or division th�reof or any contraet, or the proner� per�'orma.nce of any obligatiom..runnin�; to the City. 11. To investi�,a.c� all com�laints in relation to all matters concerning the adminietra.tion of the government of the City and in regard to the service ma.intaine@ by nublic utilities in the City, a.nd,tc see th� t all fra.nchises, permits a.nd-privileges granted by the City are faithfully observed. . 12. To e„ercise gener�l su�aervision over all pu�,lic buildings,- public pa.rks and other publie property tis�hich are under the control a.nd ,jurisdicticn. of tY!e City Council. 13. To desrote his entire tirne to the duties an<3 intere�ts of the City. 14. To ��erferm ,uch other duti-,es and_ e3.ercise such ot�! er �, oov.ers a_s ma be �d�elega.ted by ordina.nce or resolution by the City Council. SEC�1'T�N 3, �};ce��t for the pUrpose of inquiry, the City • � Council and its members shall d_eal vrith the administr�tive service solel,y through the City T�4a,nager, ancl neither the City Council, nor �ny member thereof ,shall give orders to any o£ the subordinates of , the City IvIana��er. " � - SEC`1'IOid 4. The City Pdana,ger shall receive �uch salary as the City Gouncil� sl:_a.11 from ti;.ie to tiine deternine and. Yis by resolu- tion or motion. . SEC'LIOrd 5, I�' any section, subsection, sentence, clause or phra.se of th? s ordina.nce is for a.ny re�.son held to be invz,lid, such decirion �f decisicne shall not affect the validity of the remaining --�_,,..�_�__ _ portions�of' thi�'ordintznce:--•The �i�•y.-Council_haerby_ declares th�t it vrould have pa:ssed. thi� ordinance �.nd each section, subsecticri," "'' seritence, cla.use a_nd pi�rz.se thereof, irrespective of the fa.ct that . any one or more sections, subaection, sentenees, cl2.uses or l�hrases be declare� invalid. SEC1'IOI� 6. The CityClerk is hereby ordered and directed to certlYy to the pas���.te of this ordinance and to ca.�.�se the sa.me to be �ublished once in tne °Lynwood. Press�', a nev✓spa.per of genera.l circula,tion, pi�ntec., published and circula:ted_ in the City of � ` Lynwood. Thie ordina.nce shall be effective thirty days after pas��ge. PASSED AND ADOPTED `PHIS. 6th., day oi' November, 1945.__ r� � . v '� • Mayor of the ity of L�� � � A1"1ES�l,, , ��—�—�' , / �, .. -.z�., .� . _ . :,. .-. - City C1erY�of the City of L3�n�ood STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES) ss. � CITY OF LYNWOOD ) • I, R. W, Anderson, City Clerk of the City of Lynwood, __ California, do hereby certify that the wholo number of inembers of the City Council of the said City is five; that the foregoing � ORDINANCE, being ORDINANCE N�, 41 7, was duly passed and adcpted by.the said City Council, approved and signed by the Mayor of said City, and attested by the City C.lerk of said City all at a regular meeting of the said,Council held on the 6th day of Novembera AD D., 194 5, and that the sa�e was sC passed and adopted by the follewing vote: Aye5; Co �n .i men Shro .k, MPyPr, TLeker and Wiegins. _ Noes: None._ __ Abaent: CouncilmanLoonev. VJITNESS my hand znd the seal of said Gity thia 6t h day of November , A, D., �94 5 � , �, City Clerk of the City of Lynwood, Califernia .- ( S EAL )