HomeMy Public PortalAboutOrd. 0422 f _ r . v 1 ORDTN �t4CII NO_. 422., _ 2 ,AiI Oc�I.I:�.'�ICE S'STABLI:HIidG ZONES S�iTHIN THE C:TY OF LYI�'uOUll AND - ESTA:9LISHING CLI�SSIFICATIONS OE' LAI�'D li�S�S AND REGULATING SUCH , 3 LAND U5ES I13 SUCH 'LONES: REGJL%:PING THE HEIGHT OI�' BIIILLINGS AND OPEi1 SPACES FCtZ LIGE'P ,�:1D VErTILA:I914;: ADOPTIPIG A b6AP 0:� ., ° 4 SAI� ZONES: D'�'y�'IV1i3G 'PHE TERN:S USED IR S,�ID O.�DIiSA�7CE: PROYID�- IPiG FC& T3E 9IiJUSTAfENT� .AMENDMEIdT At�D ENE'OHC&BSENT THE&EC)F: 5 PEESCRIBING PENAL^1IES FOR ITS YIOLATION. �"�e?q^t� F`-."'-F'� F`."",�`?'3 �� �e 'x � � x g The City,Coitnci7. o£ the: City �f Ly�2n�od d't�es ordaizs `as��'o�s: ��' .3 t.� ��� � '�� A. t a e � e ;z � SECTION � F �-° � � e `e�a`''. �`'t�,,,�,:;�K� ,�' .u`� �,,.,.q;•�a;; g An official land�use p2an for the City of T,yn�rood is hersby adopted aad g established to serre the public health, aafety and general welStu� and 4i 10 rocide the economic and social advantages resulting from au orderly planned 11 se of land reaourees, _� 12 SECTIUN_.__,,,2: DEFIYITIONS, �3 Thi; orciin�nce wh'ich defines a,nd makes effective the Land'Use Plan ; Z 14 f the City of ?,gna�ood shall be known as the °Zoning Ordinance�� and for the ' W N � i 15 yrpose of this ordinance certain ?vords and terms a,re defined, rc w - Q o 16 Words used in the present tense include tte future;, words im the - z � ..�.. _ '. �_'� \ lq- ittgul:ar'number include the plural,.end worda ia the plural nuaber include th9 � �. - o Z lg ingular; the word ° ehaliN is mandatory. `Phe term "City Council" means the_ o a 19 1ty Council of the City of Lynaood, nnd tne term ��planning Couanisaion° mean� � he City Plann3ng Commission of Lhe City �.° Lynnood. The eord °Gity° wnen 20 zl aed means the City pf Lyn�vood. ( 22 "Scceseory": A building, part of building or strr.cture or use which 2 '9 subordiaate to, and the use of which is incidental to that of the main 24 uilding, structure or use on the same lot. Where tne wall of �,a accesaory 25 uilding ia a part ►P, or joined to, tue wall oi the main building, suCh 26 cceasory bu113ing rshall be coUnted as part of the maln bullding, . 27 "Alley°; A pubTic or priv3te way permanenttv reaerved as a secondarg : 28 eene of access tc abi:tting property, 29 !'Apartment": $ roow or a suite o° two or more r�ons in a multiple 30 We31in�, oceupied •r suitab).e of ♦ccupancv a_a a residence for one family. �I i 31 ° APgrtment Hotel; g building or portion thereof designed for or I i 32 M1M I � - - � ^ . � � C. . � 9 - � .. r� 1 containing both individuel guest rooms or suite of roome and dwelling unite. — 2 "Apartment House": See „ Dwelling, Aiultiple°. 3 °Automooile Wrecking°. The diemantling or wrecking of uaed motor ve– • 4 hicles or t:ailers, or the storage, sale or dumping of dismantled or wrecked 5 vehiclea or their parta. 6 MBaeement": g atory partly underground and having one�half or more ui ? its heigh� below the sverage level of the adj,oining ground. A basement, when 8 designed for, or�occupied by dwe113nga, business or manufactnring, shall be - 9 considered to be a story. . 10 NBoarding houae"0 A building where lodging and meala are provided 11 for corapensation £or five "(o), bnt' not more t2�an fi£teen (15) persons, not 12 including reat fiomes. 13 ��Building � permanently l�cated atructure having a r�oP (all forme ` � 14 of vehiclee escliuied). � w � �� 15 "Building Heiglit"i The vertical distance'measured from the average J w Q�'o� 16 I level of the higheat and loweat point of that portion of,the•eite covered by z ' t z . , _< 17 the�ouilding to the ceiling of the uppermost etory. • 3 z o Z 18 N3uilding�site The ground area o3 a ouilding or group o£ buildinga ❑ a o a 19 toget;�ar with all open spaces as required b� ti�ia ordinance. � . 20 ^Bunaglow Court A group of tflrea or more detached oae atory, one� 21 or twoafamily dvellinga located npon a aingle lotk.together with all open epaces 22 as required by this ordinance. R'wwo-zamily dwellinge shall mean two units as Z3 defined under "Dwelling, two–Yamily 24 "Bueinesa CommerceHi The purahase, sale or other,taeiasaction in– 25 volving the handling or dieposition of any articls, aubetance or commodity 26 Por profit or livelihood, or the ownerehig or managevent c£ office buildings, 27 offices, recreational or amuaement enterprisea o. the maintenance and use of 28 officea by profesaioae and trades rendering eervices. 29 "Camp, public": Any area or tract oP land used or deeigned to accomo– 30 date two (2) or more automoblle trailere, including trailer camps, or two (2) 31 �r more camping parties, including tente or other camping outfita. 32 „ Camp, Trailer": See °Camp, Public". ..2, �. . � ' �� � � �•� � � , _ , .:, � �� _ ;, �, -� � 1. "Club" t An asaociation o£ .peraons Yor some common nan-profit p,upoae _ 2 but not including groupe organized primari7.y to render a service which ia 3 cuatomarily carried on as a businesa. 4 "Commiesion": 5hall mean the ti01ty Planning Commiesiont, 5 '�CanvaleeCent Fiomes"t See "Hest Homes°Y . 6 �Dwelling°S A building or portion thereo£ deaigned for or occupied 7 exclusinely for res3dential parpoaes, incluciing one�family, tvroyfamily and 8 multiple dwellinga, but not including hotels, boarding and lodging heuaes. g "Dwelling Unit"i, 7.4ao or more roome in a dwelling or apar�ment hoteY 10 designed Por or occupiad by one family for living or aleeping purpesea and 11 having only aae �1) kitchen. 12 , uDwelTing, One-femilyN: A detaehed buil3ing designed for or occupied 13 excluaively by one (1) £amily. , .:� 14 "Dwelling, Two-�family°t A building deaigned for or occupied exclus3ve- ; z N W � z 15 7yby two (2} families, living independently of each other� rc w Q o 16 nDwelling, Multiple": s building or portion thereo£, designed for or Z " x i°-17 occupied-b�-three-{3) or more familiea living 3ndependently-of each other. 3 Z o Z lg nEducational-Institutions'�': Colleges or univereities supported ahollg � a o a 19 i or in part by public funds.and other collegea. univeraitiea or other.achools � 20 �;iving general acedemic inatructicn, as determined'by the-State Board of Edu 21 cation. � 2p ��FamilyNi an individual, or two (2) or mose persona re7.ated by b13.od 23 pr marria.ge, or a`group of uot more than five {5) persons, exclUding aervante, 24 who.are not related by blood or marriage, living togetP.er as a single house- 25 keeping unit in a d�elling unit. 26 u(3arage, privats"C An aedessory bu3lning or an acceasory portion oP 27 the main building, designed or uaed only £or the shelter or storage of vehicles ' 28 owaed or opesated by the occupanta of the main building. 29 °6arage, Public A building other than a priva_te garage used for 30 the care,.repa3r, or equ8pping of automobiles, or where such vehlcles are 31 kept Yor remuneration. uire or sale. 32 ��f}roup Housea°t '1'wo or more separate buildings each containing �ne or ' w 3 �* . � � .• ', � . . , � - ., . . . 4. :1 _ �. 1 more dwelling unita. — 2 nGueat Home°t See uHest Homes°. . 3 nQuest Housep0 Living quarters within an accesaory building located oa 4 the same premises �ith the main buiYding, Yor use by tempo:ary guesta of the 5, accupanta of tha premises, having no kitchan, and not rented or otherrtise used , 6 as a aeparate @welling. 7 °Hoteln2 A building designed'for or occupied as the more or lses tem- 8 porary abiding place of infiividua,ls who are ladged with or with3ut meals, in 9 whicn there.are six (6) or more guest rooms, ano. in �rhich no provision ie asde 10 for cooking in any individue'1 room or auite, 3ails, hospitals, asyluma, sani-. 11 tariums pr orphana.ges, prisons, detention homee or similar buildings where 12 human baings�a're housed and detained under legal restraint are speciYically I 13 not included, :� 14 nKitchenni Any rocm used or intended o'r designed to be used for � z H W �� 15 cooking or the preparation'of food. w Q '0 16 "Loading Space": An �ff-street space or berth on the eame lot with a z " � � _� 17 'building;-or-contiguous to a group of buildings, for the temporary parking oY _, 3 Z o Z 18 a commercial vehicle while loading or unZoading merchendise or materials. I o a 19 n�odging Houae": A building with not more tiaan Yive (5} gueat rooms { � 2p where, for compensation, 1�dging is,provided for five (5) but not more thari 21 tien (10} pereona. 22 ,MLot'�:, a p�rcel af r�al praperty as shown as a delineated parcel of 23 land with a aepara-e and dietinct numter or other desigaatiott cn a plat re- 24 ' corded in the ofrice o` the County &ecorder oP.Los Angel=s County, or (2),, 25 a parcel oS real property not so d.elineated and cont�ining not more than 26 sis thousand (6.000} aquare £eet and abutting at least one public street or 27 alley, and hald un3er sepa°ate cwnership Yrom ad3seent propert� p:ior to the 2g ef�fective date of this ordinance; or, (3), a portion of real property nct so 2g dolineated containixig not leas tnan eia thousand (6.000) aquare feat abutting 30 at least one public street o: alley, if the same was a po:.tion of s larger 31' p3ece of rsal property held under t�e same ownership prior tc� Lhe said ef� 32 fective dzte of thia ordinance. « 4 .. { � n .-. � . .. , . �. .. ,. 1 �Lot line, Front": In the case of an interior lot, a line separating _ 2 the lot from the atreet, and in the case of a coraer lot, a line separating 3 the narrowesti atreet frontage o° the lot from.the street, escept in thoee cases 4 where the lateet tract deed reatrictions specify an�ther line as the front l�t 5 line. 6 ��Lot line, rear": A lot line which ia opposite an3 most distant from 7 �;�e front lot line and;'in the case of an irregular, trienguler or gorewal�aped 8 lot, a liae within the lot, �arsllel t� and at the maximum diatance fram the 9 £ront lot line, having a lengtn of ten (YO) feet. ' 10 ��Lot line�, aide'�: A�y lot boun3ary line not a.front lot line or a 11 rea: Tot line. ' 12 ^I,ot width' The horizental diatance bat�veen the slde lot lines, 13 �easured at right anglee to the lot depth at a point r.idway between the front � ; Z 14 ,and rear lot lines. N W � z 15 nY�ot depth": The horizontal distance Uetween the front and rear lot rc J W , Q'0 16 lines, measured in the mean dlrection ef the side lat lines, z " � � _< 17 -_._.��L Areans The-total horizontal area°within the lot Iines of a lot, _ 3 " z o Z �8 "L�t, corr.er"t A lot situated at ',:e.;ntersection of two (2) or more o a o a 19 otraets, having an angle of in*e. of not mora tnan one hundred thirty � ' 2 � five (1?�5) degrees and a wicith not greater ths.n seventy-fSve (75) £eet. 21 "I,ot, reversed cornern: A oErner lot, the side �treet line of which 22 ia sutatantially a c�ntinaation o; the front lob line of the Iot upon which it 23 rears. 24 „ Lot, interior��: A lot other than a corner lat. 25 M7,ot, keyi�: . The First Iot tio the rear �f a reversed cornex� lot and 26 not separated by an alley. , 27 °7.ot� through � Yot havin� £ronta.ge �n two (2) paraIYel or appraxi--• 28 metely parallel streets. 29 ��idatel��: See °iouriat Court 30 uNon-�onforming Euilding !► building or portion thereof lewYuYly 31 eaiating at the time thia ordinance became ef£ectiva anu whic4 wae designed, 32 erected or stru.cturally altered for a u�e which does not conforn tc� the uee � i < - ' . , . 1 2one in which it is located, or which does not eomply witli alI tha neight and — 2 area regulationa of tue zone in which it ia located. ' 3 �Noir-conforming Jse°t A•ouilding or land lawfully occupied at the ° 4 time this 0rdinance became effeetive by a use that $oes not coniurm with 5 the regulationa of the zone in �hich it is aituated. i 6 °Parking Area, Public��t An apen area other than a. streat, alley or 7 place, used for the temporary parking of u�ore than four (4) automobiles and ' B c�vailable f'or public use srhether free, for ecmpensa.tion or as a.n accumoQatlon 9 ior clients or customera. ' LO �Parking 5pace, automooile Space within a building or public park— 11 ing area for the temporary parking or storage of une (1) sntomobile. 12 ��Placd��. dn open, un�ccupied apace other than a street or alley, 13 permanently reserced as the principal means ef access to abuttin� property. , :� 14 ��Eeat Homes": Same as boarding houye, but permitting nursin�, dietiary ; z N W t � z 15 and other persosie.l services rende*sd to convaleacents, inaalids and'aged per- rc . J W Q o 16 oons, but �acluding,'cases of contagious or commu.nicable dise�ses, and esclud— z " ' ' _ � 17 ing surgery or prima.ry-treatments such as are customarily provid.ed in sani� < 3 Z o Z 18 tariums and 'nospitals. O a � o a 19 ��Sani*ariums A health'station or retreat or ot'r.er place where � 20 patienta are Yept and where medic�l or aurgical traatment ia given,'�ut not 21 men*aI. 22 °Sehoola, �lementary and High'�: An institution of learn3ng which 23 o££ers inetruction in the several branchea of learning and study required to 24 be taughb in the public achools by the Education Cmde of,the State �f bali« 25 fornia. 26 "Stable. privata A detacned accessory building for the keeping oY - 27 horsea ovrned by the �ccupanta cf the premises, a^d nat kept for remuneration 28 h3re or sr�le. 29 °Stable, public'�: A stable other than a priva.te atable. - 30 ��5turynt '1''liat portion of a building included between the surface of � 31 an y floor and the surfece of the floor next �'oove it, or if there be no fleor 32 above it, then the space oetween sceh floor and the eeiling next above it. � r� u r.Y _ � - ' . 1 „ Street ° 2 A public or private thoroughfare �rhich affords principal _ 2 meane of access to abutting propert,y. � 3 °Street, side°i 'i'hat atreet bounding a corner lot and which extends 4 in the seme geaeral direction as the line determining the depth of the 1ot. 5 ��Street line��: Tne boundary line between atreet and abutting property , 6 °Structure Anything constructed or erected, which requirea locatbn 7 on the ground or attached to eomething having a location on the ground. out not $ including fencea or wa11s used as fencee leas than six (o) feet in height. 9 "Structural Altera.tione Any c'nange in the supporting members of a 10 �ildiag auch as bear?ng walls, columna, beams or girders and floor �oiats 11 or ro�f joists, girders oi• raftere or changea in roo£ or eaterior linee. 12 °Super Service Stat±.on A filling etation to eupply motor fuel and 13 oil to motor vehicles, and including grease racks, wash racks or pits, tire . ? Z 14 repairs inclvuing recapping, but with equipment limited to three•molda,.battery � w �� 15 �ervi6ing and repairing, ignition service, accessory sales axid o*her customary J W Q'0 16 servicee for automobilea, but escluding painting, b�dy work and ateam cleaning. Z " _< 17 nTouriat Court°: A group o� attached or detaclied buildings cuntairiN 3 Z o Z 18 ing individual sleeping or living unit with garage attached or parking spa.ce ❑ a o a 19 coneeniently located to each unit, all fot the temporary use by aut�moMle' c� 20 touriets or tran�ients; incicdes auto courts, mctels or actor lodges. 21 hTrailer butoraoblle � vehicle without motive power, designed to be 22 drawn by a motor vehicle anA to be ueed for human l�abitation or for carrying 23 persons and :oroperty, including a trailer coach. 24 "Trailer Court�': See °Camp, puolid�. 25 „ IIee°: The pu1`poae for wnicn land or bn;lding is arranged, desi�ned 26 or intended, or £or �hich either is or ma� ba'occupied or maintained. 27 "Yard'�: An open anace other than a conrt, on a lot, unoccupiad and 28 unobstructed from the ground upward, except as otherwise provided herein. 29 �tYard, iront'�s � yard extending acrosa the iull width oi the lot, 30 the depth o£ which is the minimum horizontal dis+.ance between the frout Iot 31 linea and a line pa:allel thereto on tne lot. 32 ^Yard, rear": A yard extending across the full �ridth of the let � 7 � o _ � , . : r' 1 between the main building and the rear Yot line; tne de�th oi the required — 2 rear yard sha11 oe measu;ed horizantally from the nearest part of the main 3 �uilding toward the rear lot Iine. 4 nYard, side A ya:-d between the main building and the aide lot line, 5 extending from tha front yard, or Pront lot line where no frunt yard is re» 6 quired, to the rear yard; the width of the required aide yard ehall be measured 7 horizontaYly from the nearest p�rt of tie main building toward the side lat 8 line, , 9 SFeCTI0N.3: 1"tiSTABLISHI'tI(3� ZOPTES Aivv I�IMITI&G '1`AE UST�'.S OF I.APm Tn:.REIN . 10 In order to clsesify, regulate, restrict and segregate the usea of 11 iand and buildin,�s, to regulate and restrict the height and Uulk of buildinge 12 and to regulate the area of yarda and other open apaces a�out buildings; a+ui 13 to reg�:late the density of population� eigh� (8� clasaee of zones are.esta'E�.» �,- 14 7.ished to be known as folloaei • ; z � w � Z 15 &.1 One-family Zmne. � � w" A'.2 Tww•family Zone. Q o 16 R.3 � Multiple-family `Gone., z o R•1 » Automobi2e Parking `Loae. �� 17 C-•2 w General Commercial Zone.' ' ; Z C-•3 Heavy Commercial Z�ne, � z z 18 M»I Light Manufacturing Zone. o Q M.2 ..• Heavy Manu:acturing Zone. 0 a 19 • ' t� .. 20 which eaid several zones are hereby establiahed, and which said classifioations 21 and zonee are shown and delineated on the Loning Map of the City of �ynwood, 22 which ia attached heieto and hereby adopted and mede_ a part hereof. 23 Changes in t�e oouadaries of any such zones may and shall be made by 24 ordinar,ce, ' 25 �tihere unaertainty exists as to the boundaries of any zone shown on 26 said Loning Map, the following ru7.es shall apply; 27 (a) ��here sueh beundariea are indicated as approximately Yollowing 28 street and alley lines or lot lines, such linas shal2 oe conetrued to be auch 29 beuii�ariea; ' 30 (b) In the case o£ unsubdivided propert5 and whera R zone boundary 31 dividee a let, the locations of sucL 'ooundaries, unless tha same are indicatad 32 by Z3mensiona, sha1T oe determined Uy use oi the scale appea.ring on such .. 8 I ' 1 �oning.Liap; ' — 2 (c) �here a public street or alley is oifielallv necated or abt�ndon.. 3 ed, the regulatione applicable to abutting property ehe,ll apply to suoh vacated 4 or abandoned atreet or alley. 5 The bouudariea of euch zanea as ax•e sli�,wn upon the 2o�llg biap ad.opted 6 by this ordinance are hereby sdopted and approved and the regulatioas of thie 7 oi-nine.nce governing the uae of land and b+�ildings,'the helght of buildinge, 8 and sizes of yarda about buildings and otne'r mattera ae herein set forth,, 9 are hereby established and delcared to be in effeCt upon all land included 10 within the ooundariea o£ each and every zone ehown upon the eaid Loning Mrip, 11 Except ae here3nafter pravined.: 12 1. « No building ahall be erected and na exlating bullding aha3.1 13 ue moved iato. reconstructed, structurally altered, added to or enle.rged, ! Z 14 nor shall any la.nd, building, or premiees be used, desigaed or intended to be ' w N � z 15 used., for any purpose nther than a use lisLed in Sec�ions 4, 5, G� '7, 8, 9, � Q '0 16 1Cy �a ii of thia ordinance, or amendmenta theret�, for the z�ane in which Z " � � 17 I a such land;^buildi'ag:or=-prec�iaea ie locuted, ; � o Z 18 2, - No Uuilding ahall be erected, nor shall any existing build– o a p a 19 3ng be moved, reoonstructed, added to, enlarged er structurally altored to � 2 0 eaceed in neight the limit estabiished by Sectiona 4, 5, G, 7, B, 9, 10 and 21 11 of this ordinance, or aSnendmenta,thereto, for the zone in Which'suoh build> z 1ng is laceted. 23 �, -. No building shall be erected, nor e'.iall any existing building 24 be moved,-atructurally aitered, ad@ed te. enlarged, re,constructed or rebuilt 25 nor s&all any open spaces surrounding any tuilding be enaaoached unon or reduced 26 in any manner except ia conformity with the bv.ilding-site requiremente and the 27 area and yard regulatians eatabliahed by Sectione 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 and 11 2 8 A? this ordinanCe, o: amendmenta tr.ereto. for the Lone in which such building 2 9 is located. 30 4. – Bio yar.d cr other open space pravided ab�ut any buil(iing for 31 the purpose of complying with the regulations of thia ordinance, or a.mendments 32 therete, shall be conaiderad'ss providing a yaxd or �pen space £or any other �uilding or atructure. , � �q � 1 5. � While a noa-conforming use exists on any lot no other uae of — 2 ma.^e restricted clas,i£icatlon ahall be permitted, even though such other uee 3 would othenviae be a co¢forming use. � q SECTIOId 4: °s�.�lt� ONE»FAA4IT,Y �014E. 5. The following regclations aha21 apply in t2ie "&..1" One-family Zone 6 i:nlesa otherwise nravided in this or3iaance, 7 g. IISE. 8 1. Ona-famiiy dwellin�s oY a permanent c�a.racter p2aceQ in per- 9 n�nent Iocationa, provided, trat if on *he effective date of thia ordinance a 10 temporary one-family dwelling shall eaiat on the rear ha1Y of a let, a�na- 11 family dwe113ng may be erected and maintained on the front po.-ticn of the same 12 lot in the manner provided herein, whareupon the said dwelling on t9e rear . 13 ralf oP the lot aha12 aseacie the s:'atus of a non-conforming use as defined ; z 14 herein. Separate aervantet quartere may be eatablished in connection with ' w � z 15 cne-family dwelling of nine (9) rooms, ar larger, eaelusive of•bathroome, ' rc w Q o 16 when located on lote of.not Iesa than ten th�usrud (l0�OG0) square feet: z " _ � 17 Frivate garages te accomodate not more tha.n three care. < 3 " z o Z 18 2, Private green�ouses and horticultiural poultry o a • o a 19 for domestic, noirecmmercial use (not to exceed 24 bircls) public }�arks, flower � , 2� and vegetable gardens, fruit trees. _ � 21 3. One (1) unlighted sign not exceeding six (6} equare feet in 22 area pertaining only to the sale, lease, o: hi of only the particular tuild- 23 i pr�perty or premises upon which displayed. No ether advertieing signs, 24 aigns, structares or devicea of any character shall be pe:witted in any ��R-1�� 25 One-femil� Zone. 26 4. Jnde'rgr�,ind at�ra.ge of nst to exceed one th�nsantY, (Y000) 27 gailona o£ petroleum Duel for heating on the'prenisea. 28 ' �, Transit;cnal Use. suuject to following conditiona: 29 ' a. Two-fanily dwellings when the slde of a lot in tha "R-1° 30 Zone abuta upon property zoned for"R-3 "P-1°, ��C-2°, ��C--3°, °ih-1N ornhL-2 31 Z�nea. Ir. no case sha11 the lot �n whi:.'� such traasitiona.l uae is loca!ed haea 32 a width of more than sixt3 (00) feet devotefl to the tran.eitional use. rF lU ea , 1 B. 3EIGfiT, — , 2 Two anti ona-half (3g) s�oriea and not to exceed thirty-five (35) 3 £ee� except ae providecl in Sections 12 and 13. _ 4 J. FHOIdT YisFin. ' 5 T'nere aha11 be a front yard of nct lesa t!�an twenty-£ive (250� per 6 cent oi the depth oi the let provided sucli f:ont yard need not exceed twent5- 7 z#y� (20) feet exce�t, where lots co�p:ising fort3 (40�} per ceat ci.mere of 8 the irontage on one s3de of a atreet between int^rsectinb streets are devaloped 9 with buildings having an average front ��rd with a variatlon of not more than, 10 aix {6} peet, no building hereafter arected ar structura2ly altered shall pro- 11 ject bey�nci the average front yard line so eatablis�.ed, 12 L, SIDE YAED. 13 On interior lot, there shall be a side yard on each eide o°.a ' ' Z 14 kuilding, of not less t`+�,n ten (10) per cent of t;ie ti•ridth of t'r.e l�t, provided � z .15 that such eide yard shall not be less thatt three (3) feet and need not exoeed rc J W Q o 16 five (5) feet in width; z " . _< 17 un coraer lots the side yard regula*i.on shall be the same aa for 3 Z o Z 18 interior ZDt3 except in tne case.of a revarsed oor:ar 3ot, -In t.iis case,, o a 19 there s'nall be a slds yaxd on the stree` side oi the corner lot of not less c� 20 than fi£ty (50�) per cen* uf t�e iiont yard required on the Iots in the rear 21 of anch corner lot, and no �ocess4ry building on sai3 Corner lot snsll pro- 22 ject beyond the £ront yard line on tne lots in the rear; provided, f�:rtl�er,. 23 that this regvlation shall nut be ao in*erpreted as to reduce tne b+�ildable 24 wid�h (after pr�vid!ng the req�ired in`erior aide yard) of a reversed corner 25 7.ot of recard at the time t'iia 3r3insnce becames e£fective, to less than 26 twenty-eight (2$) £eet, nor ta prohibit the erectir.n of an accesaery building 27 iyhere this regu7.atiun cannat reasonably be complied w3th. 28 � �. H.�:e1R YAF,D. 2g ".'Y,ere ehall be a rear Verd of n�t less thnn twant�.£ive (25;�i) per 30 cent of the deptn of the lot, previded such rear yar�. need not exceed twenty 31 five (25) feet. 32 F. IAT A.'tEA FA�Ei FARSILY. - 11 - 1 .�very main bui2dino hereaiter erecteQ •r etructurally altered _ 2 shall have a l�t area of net lesa than sia thaueand (6,000) equare feet per 3 family. 4 Pr�vided, h�we�er, that aher� a l�t bee leee nrea lhsa her�ii r�- � 5 qnirea anII xaa •t ne�rd at the time thie •rdinanae became �ffective� eaid l�t 6 msy be •ccnpied by not m�re thnu �ae fnmily. � � S',�ORIOB bi "B..%Z� 'P4P4>WAMILY ZOHE. g Ph� f�ll�eriag rogalatioaa ehnll apply in the "S.2p �h►r4!+mily Z�=e 9 nnleae •th�iviae pr�vid�d in thie �rdinance. lo A. IISS. ' � 11 1. A�y noe permitted ia the °&�1M One-4emily Z�ne. 12 2. �triemily drellings. � 13 3. El�m�ntary, Juai�r High and High Sch�ola �fferiig fnll °� 14 eurrianla ae reqnired by Stnte lea►, ohnschee, pnblic �Z m W � i 15 playgronnfle. a J W Q'0 16 4. IIeee cnet�marily izcideit t• nny •t ths nb�ve naee. z " = 3 1'T 5. Sccees�ry bnildinga inc2nding gdrage epac� t�r n�t t• 3 � . o Z 18 - ezneed f�nr (4) cars. -' -- - o a o a lg 6, B,eqnired parlci�g epaoe (eee 3eoti�Y 12). � 2p 7. Trassiti�nal naes ehell be permitted ss f�ll�w�i 21 a. A f�nr�family da�lliag vhere the side •f a l�t ia the 22 �5.2� 1tirwYamily Z�� aDnte up�n a l�t Q�a�d f�r ' 2g !(nitiple-fnmily dwelliig. c�nmeroial •r indnatrlsl 24 Purp��ea. 25 b. S pnblio psrking area xhere the sid� �f a l�t i• the Z g "HP2� RrMfemily Z�ne abnte up�s s l�t ��nsd f�r c�m� 27 �neroial •r isdustriel pnrpsaee eud ie d�vel�ped na re. 28 quired !an Secti�a Y2. 29 Q� _= s� cnae ehe►lI the l�t aa whioh anch trnnelti�anl nse 30 is l�cated have a width •i m�ro thnz sizty (60) Yeet. 31 B• H�II9H'Y� 32 H� buildiag hereaYter ereoted �r eCrna�nrally nitered ahall e¢ Q�ag tp� ead me-hnlf (2�) et�rle� �r thirty�-iive (36) feet. . ia - ; . , , � o. �o�r Ysan. — 2 yhsre shall be a ir�nt ysrd of xot lesa thqz tweaty�.fire (25�+) 3 per Cent •f the depth if !he l�t pr��ided snch fr�nt yard ieed n�t eaceed 4 trenty (20) feet eacept, aherm l�ta csmprieing i�rty (40�� per asnb •r m�re ' 5_ �f bhe fr�nEag� �n �ne dlde �t n street betveen inSeraectin� streets ar� 6 de�el�ped nith bnildiags haviag an sverage fr�nt yrsrfl rlta es �aristi�a �t nat 7 m�re than.sia (6), feet, u buildi�g hereafter erected •r etructurally sltered ' 8 ehall pr��ect bey�ad the a�erage ir�nt ye.rd lin� a� eatabliehed. 9 D. SIDS YASD lo Same sa �Rslp Z�xe. , 11 �. EEAB YA� . 12 Same be �Br.l� Z�ae. 13 � B. LOT ASd�A PEB F9MIL2. ' ' � Z 14 L�t srea per family f�r single-familq dr�lliaga shsll be 4h� eam� � w � Z 15 � 11 "H.1� Oae�family Z�ae, aad e�ery tarfamily dwe111ag her�sfter erected � , , J W Q'❑ 16 �r struatnrally altered e3a11 have a l�t area �t s�t lsoe theu thr�e th�nsa�d z " � � 17 = 4 (3,000) eqnare-feet per family. _ 3 „ z • o Z 18 Pr�vid�d; h�wrter, that where a 1�� has leas area�tha�n-herelY rr o a o a 19 q �d vae •f rec�rd at Ohe tin� thie •rdiu►ace beoame eYYeoti�e, ea�id 1�4 � 20 may be •ccupied by n�t m�re tlun •ne family. 21 OTIO 2� 3°• KiJLTIF'I,�1.?BIdII.Y ZONE. 22 'Phe i�ll�wing reg¢lati�ns ehsil spply ia the "B.3" Mnitiple-faffily 23 Z�ae. naleae �then+iae pr�sidsd ia this •rdiaance. ' 24 A. IIS]6. , 2g B� baildiig •r land ahall be us�d and ae bnilding ehall be hereafter 26 erected �r et;uctnrally altered, esoept f�r.the f�llrvring ueest 27 1. day nse permitt�d in the p Bn�i p 'Mrfnmily Z�ie. � 28 2. 1{nitiple-dvralli�s. � .29 3. 6roup h�nses. . 30 4. B�ardi� dn8 1�d61�g hens�s, 31 5. M�t�ls - Ant� O�vrte 32 g� H�tels; ln vhiah isaidental bnsinesa msy b� c�YdnaLed � �13 � 1 f�r the c�a�eaienc� �f the resl3enLe •f Eh� bnildi�g, pr�•• _ 2 �18ed thnt there ie n� entraac� t• enoh pinae •t bneinea� 3 except fr�m the ineide •f the building. and no eiga vlaTDle 4 fr�m the �ntside advertiaing ench bneiseae. 5 7. Private olnba� irateraitiee, e�r�ritiee ezd l�dqee, eaoeptlag 6 t2uee the ohief nctitlty •f which Se a eertic� cnat�marily 7 oarried �n as a bueineas. a 8. H�spitale (eacept �eteriaary. meutal. d�a and cal, elisice 9 � aid k�anela) eanitarinn�� iaetituti�ae •f an edneaEi�ial lo (ezcept iasia. daneing, trade ech��is) a� philuthr�pio sature 11 (ezespt o�rreCti�nRl sad neital). 12 9. Acces��ry buildinge ami neee cnat�marily iaoid�nt t� e� �t 13 the a��ve ne�e, xhe: l�cabed �n the enme l�t snd n�t iYV�l�iag :� 14 yh� c�aduc� �f e bueiaeee. iacin8lsg eer�ants� qaarter� vhnt ' w � z 15 l�aat�d a�t lees thni srenty (70) teet ir�m th� Yr�at !�t rc J W Q o 16 lir� n�r lese Ehas Y1�� (8) fee6 fr�m a»y •ther street lins� ; z " _< 1� prl�ate •r et�rag� garages a�netrnot�d as a part •f the mnia ; z o'Z 18 bnildi�g. •r eer�nnte� qnartere ereor.ed�aD��rpritate o a o a 19 lp� gam� plaLee �E esoeeding tw (2) sqnar� feet ia srea C�ntaia� � 20 ing th� nase and •acupati�n •f the •ocapaYt �f the premiaee; � , 21 18entificati�i eigas a�t ezcseding tx�nty (20) eqoare feet iz 22 area f�r mnitipl� dvr�liiags� h�tele. cinbe. l�dgee, luepitals, 23 inatitnti�=� smi eimiinr permittea nses, 9.nd sigas n�t eaceed�. � !ag tr�l�e (12) eqnar� feet ii srea sppertalniag E• tPie sale 25 •r rental •f the pr�perty �n Mhioh they an l�auted= pr��i8ed, • 26 h�re�er. that i� aen� plate •r ad�ertieing siga �f any �ther 27 oharaeter ehall b� permitt�d. __. .. 28 11.� Parking spae� (S�e Seotlei 12)� • — >_� ._ _.._ .� � _ 2g 12. L�ading spae� (�ee Seoti�Y 12). 30 13. 4reaeiti�anl ne• snb3sat t• the f�1l�wisa C�IIf1SES�YE1 31 s. A pnblio parkimd srea Mhere the eides �f a l�t ia th� 32 "&.3° ![nitipl�-famil� Z�=� aDnte np�i n l�t s�n�d f�r � 14 . 1 oomnereisl or indnstrisl pnrpeses. — 2 b. Ia no cass ahell the lot oa xhioh snch tranaitione.l nse 3 is located have s aidth of more than aisty (60f feet. 4 B. HE16S'P. ' 5 I Ho DnilB.ing hereaSter erecteQ or,etrnotnrally.eYtered ehall ezaeed 6 eia (6) rtoriea or seveaty-ii�e (76) leet. 7 �s �J'EOHR YAFm. 8 There sl�sll be a froat yar8 of not leea lhan tweaty (20) per cegt s of the depth oY the lot. grovide3 ench froat ynrd need not ezaeed•fifteea (15�' l0 feet. eaoept where i�ts oomprising forty (40�) per oent or mora oY the frontage 11 oa one ei8e of s street betreea lntereeating,aEreete are de�eloped rith buil&. 12 inge ha�ing ea a7erage trnnt qar3 rith a variation of not more than eiz (6) 13 =eet, so bnildia� hersafter ereeted or aLructnrally altered �ha1T pro�eot be. a Z 14 gond Lhe average froat yax+ii line eo established. Horre�er, in ao.caae ehall d �W � � z. 15 front yard of more than forty (40) feeL �e reqnired. � w Q '0 16 D. $IDD YARD. z " �� ]7 Os interier l�ta. for s Dnildiag aot esoeeding tro and one.hali x ` ; Z . o Z 18 (�}} eteriea in height, there ehall be a eide yard oa each eide.-_oi..Ehe bnild� O a 0 n 19 ing of aot leas than Sea (10� per oenC ot the ai3th of the lot, provided that � 2o e�ach eide yard shnil aot be lesa than three (3) feet aad nemd not ezeeed five 21 (5) teet in width. !or a bnildiag more than tvo aad one–half (2�) �bsrles in 22 height. each aide yar8 eball be increased one (1) foot !a width for,each ed.. 23 ditionai story above Lhe eeecnd floor. . 24 • Oa cornen lote bhe eide yard regnlatioa shsil be the aame ne !ar 25' interior lots esoept in the oaae of s reoereed corner lot. Ia Ehia caee, there 26 e9a11 be s side yard on tha etreet eide of the coraer i�t oi aot lese than 27 fiity (50�) per oent of Che tront ye�rd reqnired on the le6a in the rear K °- -- °�'28�- =anch°corner lot; and no• aaeesaory bnilding os sald cerner=lot sl�a1T proaeob "�° `""- 29 boyosd the Yroat yard line on the l�ts in the rear; provided, ftuther. that 30 t�s regnlatioa ehall sot be •o interpreted as to rednoe the bnilQabie width. 31 ( p��l,dins the reqnired interior aide yard) oY a reveraed earaer l�t �i 32 ret�ord at the time this ordinanoe baoame eYfeative to leea than twenty�ei�hti (28) .. 15 � . . � . y . " . 1 feet, aor Eo pr�hibit the erectioa oi aa aoceeeory bnilding rhere thie rego- — 2 lation aannot reasonably be aomplied vith. 3 D. $EAE YAHD 4 'lhere shsll be a rear yarfl of aot lese than txeaty�.fi�e (25;�) per 5 eent of the depth of the 1�L. prodded enah rear yard need aot esoeed tNenty 6 (20) feet f�r interlor lote nor fifteen (15) feet for oomer l�te. 7 F. LO�p ASEA PEE �'AMIbS. 9 A►ery maia bvilding hereaiter ereoted er etrnotnrally altered 9 �9a11 have a l�t area �t not less than siz hundred (600) eqnare feet per 10 family; pro�i8ed. hore�er, tffit theee regnlstiona eLall not e�ppl� to h�tele 11 or npa:tment hotele vhere no cooking ie dsne in aay Srnti�idnal rooa, enite • 12 or apartment. 13 §�C'PI09 7.s "Al° dUTOMOBILE PASFIBO ZO�, � Z 14 The fell�ving regnlatioae ehall apply in the �R1" Antonobile Parhia� ' w � z 15 Zone nnleee o�berviae pro�id�d in thie orclinsnee. . � J W J ❑ 16 A. IISl'i� Q � Z o �� 17 9� bnilding or land ehall be naed and no bnilding ehall hereaiter _ < 3 Z o Z 18 be erecLed •r etrnoturally altered. exoept f�r the i�llosring nsesi -- --- o a o a 19 1. Sny nee permStted..is �&�3� Mnitiple lami].' Zone. and � 20 when eo nsed sn�,eot to nll ot the pro�ieioae oontaiaed , 21 in the Section dsfinin� eaid Zsne. 22 8. Open nir, teopsrary psrkiag oi traneient antomobilea, pra�id� I I 23 ' ed, t2�at the areae eo elnesified aafl'ueed ehall osnforo ta 24 Lhe plO�iaioas oi SeotloII 12,'paregraph (A) IIeo. LSLle 25 "3�nrcoaYorming Bnildinge aad IIaeo, enb.paragraph "ee, 26 and proviQed that nreae cYaaeified ae MP+1" ahall not be 27 wed i�r �nsed oar enlee areae�. 28 B. �IOHl. 29 Seme ne in "S.S°'rialtiple faailg sene. ' 30 " C• 7PSOH4 TASD. 31 $ene as Sn 1 °B-3b 1[nitiple tamlly Zone. ' 32 D, SIDID TAHD. �t6 + f 1 Seme ao in "�S� Mn1L3ple lemily Zone. — 2 m, BEAS YABD. 3 . Same aa in �B�3� Mnitiple femily Zoae. 4 l. LO'P AEEA PE& F9YRL7. � 8ame ae ia �B»3" MalOigle ismily Zone. 6 C?IO i�C.2° tiSAL�RAL CO3Q�&QIA& ZOIQE• 7 Rhe fall�vin� re�nlatioae ehail apply in the "Q-8" beneral CommeroiaY 8 Zmne naleas otbeririee pr�viSed in thia erdiaance. Bnildinge erected or struc- , 9' tnrally aitered nnd need esolnsi�ely for daelliag purpeaee st�ail conply rith l0 the fronE. aide and rear yard rebn7.atioae of the "Hr-3" Zome. 11 A� II3B. 12 B� bnilding or land shall be nsed and no bniiding ehnii be here- 13 ,ai4er ereoted or etraotnrally aitereet eaaepE for oae or nore of the f�llsaing � � � 14 naesi � Z w � � 15 1. A�y nae permittefl in the "�3" Zone. rc Q o 16 2. . 8e�ni1 at�ree or bnsineasea sob imlving any kind of maaw Z " �� 17 Pactnre, greceeeina or treatmeat of pro8ncte other than that _ � 3 Z o Z 18 rhioh is olearlg inoideatal Eo the retail bneins�e-condncted ❑ a o a 19 �a the preriees aml pr�vided thab not more t3�an five (6) per- � 20 esne are employed in the manntacEnre. praceeaina or Sreatmeat 21 of prodnote, and thst snch operatioaa •r prodnets are no` 22 ob,ec�3onable Sne to nolse, �d�r, d�t. smoke, vibratioa �r 23 other eimilar aanses. 24 3. Advertieia� ei� boarde or etrnatnree. 25 4. Aatiqne ot�re. . 26 5. antonobile aarvice etaCion (aot more than �s�e (1) areaa� 27 ead�or raah raaic). 28 6. Bakery (emPloyin� aot more than five (b) gereoas �n the . 29 premises�. � , 30 9�. Bank� 31 8. Barber ehop or beantg parl�r� 32 9.` Batha. '1lsrkish aad Lhe like. , � � 17 A 1 10. Billiard or Poo1 Ha11 _ z ' 11. Bineprintia� aad Phot�etating. 3 12, Bird e4ere or pet ehop. 4 13. Boolc or etationery et�re. 5 14. Ohnrch, te�rary re�i�nl. , 6 . 18, Oleaning and gressisg eatabliahment nein6 no�inilemmeble '7 and a�nreagleai�e oleaning i1n4Q. 8 18. O�afeationer� et�re, � 9 17. Oonaervat�ry oi Mnaio. l0 18. IDepe�rtment SCne, . 11 19. Dreeemaking or Millinery shop. - 12 20. Drng 8tore 13 21. Dry tlooda or aotioae eE�re. � y� 14 22. �],ectrio apglissae eteree and repsirs. Z �w � i 15 23. �leotrie Diebribntiag enb..aLatioa. rc , J W . Q o 16 24, Yilliab 8tation. z " _ < 17 ?,6. ?ire and Po11ce Ststion. 3 Z o Z 18 26. 8loriet Shop. . � a o n 19 27� hiaeral Parlor. � 20 28; 8yirnitcre Stise, 2 1 29. Fnrnitnre warehonsee for etoring pareosal houeehold 22 goode, provided gronad il�or froat ia fle�oted t� oteree. . 23 30. 6sra6e. Pnblic. . 24 31. broaery or froit etsse. 25 32. Hardrare Stsre. 26 33. Iab etera6e honee of aot more than five (S) tsn eape�oity. 2 7 34. Iaterior Qecorating store. 28 S6. Jeaelry store. ` 29 36. Lavadry or cl�thee oleanin� agenay. 30 gry Neat ffirket or delioateesen st�re. 31 38. Medical laboratsry. 32 39. it�telB, •18• ' ( . � .� � ..� 9 ` � 1 40. Mnaia or vocal ineErisction. — 2 41. !!¢sio etore, 3 48. Bevre Stand. , 4 43. Hnseery. il�rer or pinnte. 5 44. Offioee. baeineso or prafeeeional. 6 48. Pnblio parking area vhen l�cated and devel�ped ae re• . 7 qnired in Section 12. 8 46. Eadio Store. 9 �7. R9ateurant� %es rs�m �r es�f�. lo �18e' SFt1� S'�ii'e or ehoe repnir ehop. 11 49. Storage garage (inelndiag repairing and servicing), 12 b0. Stuflioe (eaeept motion piotnre). 13 61. Snper eer�ioe otetion. , :� 14 52. Rail�r, cY�thtng or vearing npparel ehop. � w � z 15 53. Tasidereiet. a J W Q o 16 64, R'elephone Bschnnge. z " ', � 3 17 65. Trede Sehool'(not o2�eetiosable dne to noise. od�r, x 3 Z o Z 18 �ibration. etc.). o a o a 19 56. Theatre or Anflitarium. � 20 57. Tiasmlth� 21 b8. 'Prniler CaHpe. 22 89. IIaed Oar Salee Area� previded (a) that ao repair or rer 23 conditioning oi ant�aobiles ehall De pernitte8, ezeept 24 vhen enol�eed in s bnildia6 and. (b) tLat snoh area io 25 located and. developed as required ia Section 12. 26 60. Nedding Chapel. � 27 61. Acaeseorp bnildings and nsea ca�tamarily inoident t� n�y 28 oY the above nees vhen lecated on the aane l�t. z9 g2� parg1sg apace (9ee Sectioa 12) 3o gg. Loading sgaoe (see Sectios 18). 31 B• H�If�H'P. 32 H� building hereafter ereoted or eLractnrally altered ehall ea,�eed ..19r 1 siz (6) etoriea or seventy—tive (75) feet. _ 2 C• FB09T YAIDJ. 3 Where sll the froatage on one eide of the street betreea txo ia� 4 tersect9ng etreeta ie located in a�0»�� Zoae, no front yard s2�11 be reqnire8. 5 �here the frontage on oae aide.of the etreet beLxeen tro interseoting etreete 6 ie locate8 in a"Q-2 `Loae and an "8p Zone. the front yar8 reqniremeat of the 7 °E° Zone ahall apply to the �C-2N Zone.. $ . D. SIDS YARD. ' 9 , Nhere a lat in the "C»8M Zone abnCs upon the side of c lot in any lo �gM Zoae, there ehall be a side yarQ of not lesa than five (S) Yeet. 1Phen a 11 revereed carner lot reare npon a lot in 875,9 p E M Zone, the eide yazd on the 12 otreet side of the re�eraed oorser lot aha.11 �e aot leea tLsa fiYty (6f/�) per 13 �ent of the Yront yard required on the lota in the rear of enoh corner lot. �� 14 g all other casea, es eide gard far a eommeroial bnilding eha11 not be re- , z � w .. � i 15 qni.red. � � J W '� ❑ 16 �• � yA�• Z � � _ �. 17 Rhere ahsil be a reer yard cf not leee than tweaty (20) Per aent < 3 Z o Z 18 oi the depth of the lot, provided suah rear yard nee3 not eaceed fitteea (15j 0 a ' o a 19 ieet for interior lote nor fiYteea (lb) feet for corner lote, �ro�ided � � 20 rees yard �liali'be required ii loL backe npon a� dediaated allery. 21 g. LOT 9RiLA PEE FAMII,Yr 22 �ezy aaia Dnild3ng hereafter ereoted or etracstnr�lly sltered " 23 shtail have a lot,area of aot lese thea eia hnndred (600f eqnare leet per 24 iamily; preivlded, hnrrever, bLat thia regnlation ehall noL apply to hotele or 25 apnrtment hotels uhere ao eaoking is done in ea8 indi�idnaY room� enite or 26 apartment. 27 C2� I0H g! °6.� IDEA4? G01�&CI:A.L ZO�. ..,.,...._ 28. >. e..s- _., The�-Solloalhg�regnTatione-al�all=apply.-ln=the_!C..S� Heavy Co�ereial .., �° 29 Zone nnleae other�rlee�provSded in this ordinanoe. Baildinge ereoted or ' 30 etrdctnrally altered and uaed ezelnei�ely for.daelliag pnrpeaee eball eomply 31 irith the front. aide and rear yaxd regalatioas of the pg+3" Zosne 32 A. IIS�.: � � � w . _ r y . 1 1Qa building or land ahall be neea an8 ao bnilding aheil be here- — 2 aftere'rected or etrneturally altered, eacept for one or more oi the lollowiag 3 nsest 4 1. Ar�p uem permitted in the ptf-2� Zoae. 5 2. 8toree or ehopa for the conduot oi retail ar wholeeale 6 bveiness, seaoudhand. eetabliavnents or etores�(ezeept 7 �uak yards)' 8 3. Hattery robaildiag� 9 4. Aaaae Balls io � b. E�urnitnre storage il 6. IIs�d Oar Ssiee Tards •12 7. �ther bneinesses or enterprisee vhSch� xhen eo determined by 13 , Che Planniag Commieeion,in 4he msnaer pro�ided in Seetiot► :� 14 1$, Pnrngraph �A. IISffia� ase Beclare8 Lo be ao more obnozious �z �w � z 15 ar detrimental to,the publio reitara than the bnsineasea or � w Q o 16 I on�erpriees em�merated in thia Section. z " �� 17 8. Vfhen'eondnated who�ly �ri.thin a bnilding= x ` 3 Z o Z 18 (a) The mamifacture.'eomponadisg, proceseing;-or�treatment_oY o a o a 19 such prodneta as bakery goode� eandy� coameeies, dai:*y � 20 prodncts� food prodnete, drugs, pesfwaee. p}�sresoentioale. 21 soap (cold mia only)� a�l toiletriee. . 22 (b) The nanufaotnre, oompoua�ling or treatment oY artielee or 23 merchsndiae froan the lelloaing pre�iously prepnred mater. 24 inist boae, aellopha�►e, oaave�a, oloth, eork, feathere� 25 felt. Yi'bre. iur, �laea, 2�ir, horn� lehther, pnper� 26 plaetiCe rreCioue or eeni��reeioue neEele Or eEones • 27 , eheli, teztilea, tobaCoo, voo8 (eaalnding plaaing mi11f _.;_ 28. _ . _ �,. .� �__ . _... yarus.. and-Pniat - not emploJ�ing s bo111ng prooesso - . ,--- ..__ ..� 29 (e) The eanufaature oi eeramia prodncts, inclu8lag fignrinee� 3o neiag only pseviouely pal�eMzed clsy, aa8 kilsa fired 31 oaly by electricity or ler preesure �a.�. 32 (d) The mannPaatnre nad maintenance of electric and. neoa � 21 •+ 1 aignm billboaxda. oommerslal s8vertleing sbraatv�ree. — 2 light sheet metal produats. ineluding heating a�i ienti.. 3 lating ducte and equipmeat, coraicea, eaves.and the like. 4 (i) lSannYacture of mneical instrumente, tcys, novmYties, and 5 , rubber and metsi stampe. ' 6 (4) A�b�obi].e reoouditioalag, body and fender vorke, trnct 7 repalring or overhaniing, Eire retreading or recapping� 8 bettery maanfacturiag, am! the like. 9 (g) Blackemith shop aad msahlne ehop, esolu8ing pnnch preeaea ` 10 � over tvrenty (ZO) tons rated oapsaity� drop hewmere� aad 11 antotatia eorea maohiaea. iz (h) i,anndry� alesni.n�: anb dyein�_works, aud. carpet gnd rng 13 0168L�.Il$e . �,- 14 (ij Mstribntlon plants,, parael delivery. iae and eold z , � z 15 � �torage plant. bottiiag p1anL. ponitrq or raD�it kil�+ � w Q o 16 ing, aad food aoamieaary e�tabliobmeaEa. Z u _: i7 (�j Nholesale bneinee, etorage bnildinge, e.n3 Harehousea. 3 Z o Z 18 � (k� Aesembly of electrical nppliances, electronie iasbromente o a � o a 19 aad de�ioes, sadioa end phonographa. inc2vding the mea►u. � 2o facture of emali parte oaly� each ae ooils. condeaeere, 21 transformere� aryetal holdere� end the iike. z2 (1) Dog kennels.(7 or more adnit dogef. ` 2g Pro�ided that the oa•aite parking oi delivery vehialea xhich 24 nse incideat,to the above neee aeed not be aithia a bnildin6• 25 g, Usas to be canduate8 Mholiy riEhiY a bniiding or within an 26 area enolosed on sll eides vith s solid rall� co�act ece� 2q green hedge or uni.formly paiated board fence not lese thas eia 28 (6} ieet in height, 29 (e) Building maaterinl storage yar8. and contractor�e eqaipmea8 30 reatnl oz storage yard or p].e�at, 31 (b) PeeB aad fnel qasd. 32 (c) Prablia ntiliSy eerviae yard or eleetrl9 reoeitin� or � + 82 r . f . ' .. .. �. .. I . � ..� • 1 trane4orming etation, — 2 10. IIaea cnstomarily inoidsat Lo aay of the above ness and e►6.• 3 aeeeory baildings� ahen locsted on the same lot, � 4 B. HS24HT - 5 Hp building hereat4er ereoted or etrncturally altered el�sll ezceed 6 six (6) stories or aeventy-fire (78) feet. � 7 Q l80�P YABD. � , e SThsre all the Yrontage on one aide of Lhe street betreen tpo in� 9 tereecting elreeta ie loontod in a"C-�� Zoae, no fron0 yard ehall be required. l0 iphere the froatage oa oYe eide of the atreet betaeea two intereecting atreete 11 1a localed in a�d-e�.Zoae and an "E� Zoae, the front yasd reqnirement of the 12 "E° Zone ehnll spply to the "Q-�'" Zone. � � 13 D. SIDB YAED. ;,- 14 Nhere n lot in Ch3 •C-2" Zone a�►ts vipon the elde of a lot in aRp � z �� 15 ■ga Zone, there eball be n ei8e yard oi not leee tihaa five (6j Yeet: 9Phea a J W ' Q�'o� 16 T�eremd corner lot reare npon a lot in any �8a'Zone. Ehe side yard on the z F � _. 17 etreet eide of the reversed corner lot.shall be nat`lese than Yiity (50�)•per 3 z , o Z 18 cen� oY the front yrsrd requise8 on Lhe laLs in the rear oP ench-ooraer lbt. � a _ o a 19 In all other easee. a side yard for a eommeroial bnilQing eha 1 nn ' e re� c� 20 qnired. , 21 �o S�+AS YABD. ' 22 There oha�ll be a rear yrsrd aY.not leea thaa t+renty (7A) per cent 23 oi the depth of the lot, provided euch rear yrard need not eaoeed fifteen (18} 24 feet for iaterlor l�te aer fifteen (18) feet for ooraer lota, provided no rear 25 yard �hall be reqn3re8 if lot backe'upon a dedicated allop. 26 ?. IAT AR&A PF,R a9MILY. . 27 b4ery main bnilding hereaiter erected oz str+�atnrally altered 28 e9a11 have a lot area of not leee than ela hundre8 (60U) sqnare feet per 29 =emily, proviaed, hovever. that thie regnlation shnil aot apply to'hotele or 30 $partmeit_hotele a'here no caoking is done in asy inlividnal roon. enite or 31 a�rtmeat, 32 , • 23 • • *. � �cTio� iaa ;�c:l° zia$r ��a�oaiac zo� — 2 The folloxang regulationa ehall agply in the °16.1� Li�fi Mt,nvfaatnrisg • 3 Zone nnleee otherwiee providefl in thia ordinance. Bnildiage ereeted or strno- 4 turally altereQ and. ueed esolaeively far dvellimg,parpoeea ehall comply rrith 5 the froat. ei8e aafl rear yerd reg�il.atioae of the "8..3� Zoae. � • 6 �. II$�. 7 Ho building or lead ehdll be used nnd no Duilding ehall be here- e after ereoted or atrnetnrally altered, eaoept for one or �re of the Yolloxin� 9 nae8i l0 1. Aay nse permitted ia the �C-3M Zoae. 11 2. Azv kiml of maanYacture. processing or treatmeat oi prodnete 12 � other than thoae ahiob may be obnosione or offeneive by reasoa 13 oY effieaion ot oAor, duat, emoke, gae. noiea or oyher similar � : � 14 causea� w � Z 15 a. si��rt rsctory (no ro,�a�) . � J W Q o 16 4, itntomobile eeemmbly, body and feader uorke. diemantliag and z " ' = 3 19 n8�, parts etorage xhen operated or maintained rrholly rithi= ; � z o Z 18 s bnildiag. o a o a 19 5. HlaeksmlLh shop. � 20 6. Doat bnilding� eseept ehlpbnllding. 2 7• Brexery. - 22 8. Gnbinet ehop ar Yuraiture manufaotnre (carpeater ehop) 2 3 g. Camp pablia. 24 30. Contractore plant or etorage yarcl. z5 11. Creamery. 26 12. Drsying, freighting or trac&in� ya:d or terminai. 27 13. �questrian eetabliehmente; naa8emiea, achoola,�amnsemestts. 28 T4. 81our miil. 2g 15. Aarment manufnctnre. 30 16.. Zabore.tory. eaperimestal,notioa piotnre, testing .� 31 1'i. ImmDe! Yard. 32 18• �111. planing. , - �29w •1 ,, T9. ,1�11otion studio. . „ _ 2 20. Eubber, fabrioation of prodncte aiad.e from fiaished rnbber. 3 21. Sheet netal shop (hea�q) 4 22. Sh4e mannfaCEnse. . 5 23. 9tsbls or Hiding Aeademy. 6 24. S�ose nom�ent aorke. 7 25. S�orage apace for traneit and transporLatioa equipmeY4 8 escept lreight claeeiYicatioa yaxd. 9 26. 'Poztile aaauYacEare. l0 27. Tire rebai181ag, reoapping aad retreading. 11 88. Treiler Qamps. 12 29. Trnek repalri�g and overhan3lag. 13 30. 6oceesor� bnildings,aued nsee cnetomari�j incideat to a�q u ` Z 14 , ot the aboTe uees vheY looated oa the same lot. � i 15 31. Parking �pnee (See 3ectioa 12} p . J W Q o 16 I 32. Loa8ing apsae (eee 3eotion 12�i z " F � 17 B. H82(iH'P. = a ; � a Z 18 Ro,bnilding herea4ter ereeted or strnctnral7.� altered eha11 eaeeed O a . � a 19 eiz (6) etories or se�eaty-five (78) fee4. _- t7 20 C• 1PEOHT YAE31• 21 VPhere all the froata�e• oa one eide oY 4he etreet bet�reen tv�i 22 iatereeoting �Ereete is located Sa an "1l-1" Zoae. no froat yard ehnll be r� • 23 qngreA„ aPhere tho frontage on one eide of the street betreen tro lnEereeet- 24 ing etreete is.located ia an "M-1" Zone and aa "$".Zone, the froat yar8 rr z5 qniremest of the �8° aone eha11 apply to the "1j-1" Zeae. 26 D. 3IDD YABD. 27 ahere a Yot ia Ehe "ii-1M Zose abate npon the aide oi a lot in a�y 28 ^8° Zone. there dhsll be a side yard of not leae thaa fi�e (5) feet. iPhere ,._., 29 a reversed corner iot reare upon a lot ia e� MH" Zone� the eide ysrii on the 3o atreet side of thm rever�ed eorner lot ehall be not lees OBsa fifty t5t�j6) per 31 ceat ot the froat yard reqnired oa the loSs ia the rear oi ench ooraer iot, 32 In sll other casea a side yar8 foT s eonmeraial or i�netrial bnildiag shnll � � w , 1 ot be required. - � 2 E. RSSR YABD. . � 3 , No rear yard sha11 be required ezcept nhere the ° M-1" Zone abuts upon 4 n��R° Zone, ia which case there ahall be a rear yard of not leas than twenty 5 20;$) per ceut o£ the depth of tne lot, provided auch rear yard need not e�doed _ F ifteen (15) feet for interior lots nor fifteen (15) feet for corner lota, 7 F, LOT dR�A PE.R FAMILY. 8 Ever,y main buildine hereafter erected or strecturally altered 9 hall have a lot are8 of not less than six hundred (600} square feet per 10 amily,� provided, however, tha,t thie �egulation shall not apply to notels •r 11. Pertment hotels where no cooking is done in any individual room suite or i .partment, 13 SECT__I0�1; °M-2" HEAPi �yANi]FACTiTiiIldG ZONE. �� 14 The follor�ing regulations shall apply in the "M�2" Heavy Manufactur- ; z - „ w �� 15 g Zone, unleas oiher:rise provided in this ordinance: J W Q o 16 A. USE. z " F � 17 _^ No building or land shall be used and no building shall be herer- 3 " z o Z 18 ter erected or atructLrallv altared except for one or more of the`follorring o a - p a 19 ses; provided, hoxever; that no building c,r portion thereof shall be here- u 20 ter erected, structLrall? altered, converted or used for an,y use permitted 21 In the "R-3° Zone, 2 2 1. Any use pennitted.in the °M-1" Zone, • 23 2. Acetylene Gas manufacture or storage, 24 3, 9lcohol manufacture, 25 4. l�cmonia, bleaching poHder, or chlorine manufacture, 26 5. Boiler works. • 27 6, Brick, tile or terra cotta manL:facture, 28 7, Concrete products mranufacture. 29 � 8. �.c.�a�s. :', _ _ . � . _ _ . ., _ :.:- :. 30 8, Cotton gin or oll mill (non-continuoue procesa) 31 10. Freieht. classification yard, 32 11, Iron, steel, brass or copper foundry or fabrication plant, -26-• 1 I2. 011 eloth or linoleum m8nufacture, — 2 13. Paint, oil shellac, tu�^pentine, or varnian +�ani;tacturtr. 3 14, Paper and 'nulp manufactur'e. ' - 4 15. Petroleum produets, or wholesale storage of petroleum, � 7.6. Plaetic manufacture, ' ` r� ' „_. a _ 6 17, Y,vroxlin mauufacture. 7 I8, Que:rry or stone mill. 8 Z9. Railroad repair ahops. ' 9 20. Ro�k crusher or diatribution of rocks, sand or gravel. 10 21, Rolling miLls, ' ;'. 11 22, 8alt works, 12 23, Soap manufactLre. 13 24, Soda and compound. manufacture, � � ; Z 14 25. Stove or shoe polish manufaeture, � w � i 15 26, wool pulling or scouring. � � j W Q'0 16' Z�, [�nd 1n general those uses whicn aa,p be xore obnoxious or of.`enaive z " _< 17 bg reason of emission of odor, dust, amoke, gas, vibration, noise � Z , o Z 18 end the Iike; provided, houdever, that no luilding or occupan,^,g O a p a 19 • permit ahnl� re,issued Por an,v use not enume�a.ted hsrein until � 20 and unless the location of sucu use aha11 hane been approoed by 21 the CitV Planning Commission in tne manner pronided for dealing - 22 with vr�riance (Section 13). 23 28, Accessory bnildings end uses ccstomarilv ;r.cident to aqv of the 24 above uses ahen located on the same lot, 25 29, Parking space (see Section 12) 26 :i0, Loading spaee (see Section 12) 27 B. HEIGHT. -28 No building'heresfter =rected or structurally a':*ered shall �sxceed a 2g eight at the sti�eet line of eight (6) Atoriee or o,ne �und.red (100) Yeet.. 30 C, FRONT YARD. Wherq �il.l the °rontage on one sida of t;ie street betneen tao inte� 31 ecting streets is located in an ��M-2" Zone, no frcnt yard sha11 be requlred. 32 here the front�e on one side of the etreet between two interaecting atreets •, s located in an ��M-2° Zone and a,n "R" Zone, the front pard requiremen$ ^27 . 1 in the "He Zone ahall appYy to the �14.2� Zoae. — 2 D. SIDL, YABD. 3 , tPhare a l�t iu an pl�?." Zon,e abnte apon the aide of e. lot is as�y 4 °E� Zoae, bhere eLali be a elde yard of not leae tl�an five .(5),feet. In all 5 other caees� a sidm ye►rd for a,commercisl or induetriel builSin� ehall not De . s roquired.• 7 ffi• R'BAS Y9RD. . � e Ho rear yard shall be required �xcept rhere an �K.2" aone mbnts � �. 9 on an "8" Zone. in rkiah aase there sba11 be n�ear yard oi not lese �l�n 10 tttenEy (20) Yeet. ,. � ,�oxioa iz: g�aer� Pxonisiosrs a�an Exc�rio�s. 12 A. IIS&. . - 13 � 8 � � Z 14 Dzedpt as hereinafter provided. � building ehall be erecEed. recom � z 15 etrncted or struCturally altere8 nor ehail any building or lead De naed fpr rc J W Q o 16 a.ny parpoee otLer than ie permitted is the zoae in vhich auch'bnilfling or land _� 17 in located. If any "nse" is for ang resson omitted irom ttu liata of thoae 3 Z . o Z 18 ' epecified as permiesible in each oi the varioue $onee herein flesignated, or � a o a 19 if embiguity.arisea conceriting the approzimste ale�sificetios of s particalar � , 2o nae evithin the meaniag and iateat of this ordinasce. it sY�all.be the dnCy ef 21 the City Planning Qommiseion to eacertain ell pertlaent facts coacerning eaid ` 22 use and bq reeolntioa of record set Yorth ita findings and the reea0na for� 23 deeignating a apeaific olassifie�ion for each use and snch fi�inge aad reaoln� 24 tiona shall be referrefl to the Glty Ooraaoil aad approved bq the City 25 Conaeil, thereaYter snch deeignated claseificatioa slm1l govern. � . , 26 Where properby clasaifSed for °C° nses has n depth of one hvadre!! and 27 twenty (120) Yeet leas. ae measnred at approximate right.u.ngles trom �Le 28 �sbreet-.froatiage indicated as bneinesa iroakage._e8ditional nA�oining property 29 nay be need for "C" purpoeee rhea euch a8.�oining property fronte upsn the 3o sida etreet a�l 4he eide oY saoh ad�oining;prnperty nbute upon the properb� : 31 Clssaified for °C° purpoeee. and provided that anch additional progerty be� 32 utiliEed only in connecCion rith and as e part oi the derelopmeat of "C^ nee • ' .Y 2E3+ w I r. , ' . . . , ' . .. . 1 oa Lhe property claesified thereYor; tLet snoh edditioaal property be sot _ 2 greater thai alsty (60) Yeet in riflth meeenred along the side atreet; and pro�. 3 vided fnrther that � entrance be establiehed or naed npon ench additionsl • 4 property� ead prnvi8ed fnrther that iY the prnperty alaeeified for °Ca nee ' � hae a depth of eiaty (60) feet or leas measnred ae provi8ed above, then the 6 edditional property peraitted to be need in connection Ehereaith 1n the manner � above defined ney not ezceed one hundrod (100y feet additionai. and no eb- 8 trance shall be esEabliehe8 and msintained npon the fifty (&0) feet farther� 9 eat removed irom the °0° clesas3fied corner created by the interaecting street. l0 �arkl,ne 3naee� 11 l9very maia bnilding hereafSer ereoted or etrnctnrally altered ehall 12 be provided xith minimon off-etreet parkia� aocomodationa as 4011o�+et 13 e. aor Dwelli�..bhere sLall be at least one parking apaCe iY � ; Z 14 a building on the eame lot aith the main buildiag for et}oh m w � z 15 Qwelling unit smi ench parking epace aha21 be not lese theat � J W Q o 16 eight (8) feet vrid� by eighteen (18) leet long. rith adeqvete z " = a 1 � proaision for ingrees and egreae. 3 Z . o Z 18 b. Bor Bniidinag other tLan D�rellia4es there shall be at lessE _, o a o a 19 one parkiag apaee of tro hundred and YifEy (250) eqne.re Yeet � 20 on 4he eame lot vith the �in building or oontiauone therets 21 ' na follovsi 22 1) Bor ahurchee, High 9chool, College ead IIniversity Anditorr 23 ivn8 and other places of aeeembly� at leaet oae (1) parkiag 24 space tor e�ery tea (10) eeate pravi8ed iz said bnildinge. 25 2) Bor Hospitale aad Institations, st leaet one (1} parking 26 epaae for e�ery two (a) bede provided !n said bui131nge. 27 3) Bor Hntels nad Clnbs� at leaet oae (1) parking epace for 28 every Ehre� (3) gaest roone provided in salQ bnildings. 29 4) por Theatres. �aditoriune snd other einilnr pinoes oP 30' seeembly, at leaet oae (1) parking epaoe for e�ery tive (5) 31 seste provlded ia said bnilding. 32 c. Ii geragee are enplo�ed oa the eame building eite, the car cnpncit� • 2�J .. f , � � , ., f . . , � , ' � . .. . 1 thereoP shall aot,eaeeeA taie� bhe m�mber of required parklsg — 2 epeaes. 3 Loadina! Sanoe. 4 D�ery hoapitai, inatitntioa, hotel. commeroisl. i.nduetrial or other 5 bnildiag hereafter erected or etruotnrally altered rhiah i�vol�es the receipt 6 or deliaery by vehialee uf inerel9andiee or matesiale ehsli have oae (1) loading 7 epace for eaeh Cao thoueand (2000) equare feet of lot area upoa whicfl aach g bnil8ing ie locate8; proride8., hovever. thnt aot mare than two (2) nnch spaces 9 a]fa11 be reqnired mdeae the building on ench lot has a groes fioor area �f lo forty thousand (40,000) aquare feet, is vhich caee there shall De one edditioyw 11 al loeding spaap for each additional tmenty thousand (26�000} sqnare feet it 12 ezeees oY t�rEy thoueand (40�000) sqnare feet os fracti�n there�f ab�ve five 13 thoussad (5,000} �qnare Yeet. lihere euch loeding epaae does aot sd�oia a : Z 14 et'reet or alley� aoa�eaient axd adeqnate ecceae at laast twestq (20) feet ia �w �� 15 Nidth sha].1 be reqnired. � J w Q o 16 � �,qn•�4onforffine Buildi�lee d3d IIaeA •. Z " " _: 1� a. A pso�»�oxtforuing building!� may be contiaued prnvided no addi» 3 Z ' o Z 18 tions or ealargemenls are made thereta aa8 no atrnetnral alteratfois are � J a a 19 ma3e therein. eacept those reqnired bq laa or ordinance. It ench pnonacoaYorm.. c� 20 isg bui181ng" Sa remoeed, every futnre uae of snch premi.nee ehall be is cos- Zl fore�ity with the provieions of thie ordinaaese. . 22 b. The »noa�aoniorming nse oi a bailfling" eziati�g st the tlme this . 23 ordiane►ee beceme effeetive may be contia�ed, pro�ldedt ' _ z4 1, Rhat a•YOa+conforming nss� of s pnon»confoneing�bni281ttg� 25 as� be expaadsQ or eatended thronghont stieh bniiding pri- 26 vided ao atructnral eltaratioae eaaept those require8 by 27 itw or orfliaeac� sre made Ehereia. It no a�rudctnrai alter�. 28 atiens are msd�, a p,aom.coaforming nae! of a Mnoa�conPormisg 29 ' buildiag" may be eheag�d to e.sothsr use oi the aame or more 3o reetricted ciasslficstioa. 31 g� Tha,t n �non-coni�rming uem" oi a°aor►Porm3ig building" 32 Bliall nob be expaad�d or ezteaded iito �,v other �rtior . �: � g0 w � k 2 i oi the �aonformiag bnilding" and if eneh "aoay�sonformirg _ 2 uos" ie dieaontianed, any future nse of auah bui181ng ehall , 3 bo is conformity vith the provlaSone o4 thie ordinanee; 4 provided, hovicever, 4hat e�11 �nof»sanYorniag nsee" of e"co 5 Yorm.tng bailding" ehall be 8lscontiaued aot later the�► te � , 6 a_�� yeara irnm etfeoti�e 8ate of thie ;ordinanee. 7 3. That in ali NS° Zones every non�-conforming buildittg vh3oh 8 ans fleaigae3, or iateaded ior n uee ezalu8ed Yrom the °]i° � 9 Zone ehall be eompletely re�oved, or altered aad converbed f 10 withia a time prescribed by the Citq Planniag (Sommiaeio� aad 11 appro�ed by the Gity Ganacil ia the naaner provided for the 12 eoiaideratlon of Variances and provided that eueh bi� eheill 13 !n zo caee b� leee than ten (10) yeara fellowiag the approv- : Z 14 al oi snch date �y the City Couacil asd provide8 furLher, = w � z 15 thst St ehall be the purpose of the f71ty P1aaalag �o�iseioY � w Q o 16 an8 the City Coancil to 8eterffise se aear ae may be the reaeon» Z. p _: 17 able naemortised valn� oi ench Yos•conformSng bnildiag amd an ; � z_� 18 alloaenae of not lesa t2�an tvo and one-hali (2.�) peraeatan o Z . o Q , o a 19 ot ll�m origixal ooet shall be nede !a determiniag the date br � 20 vhich said nori-conformiag buildiag ahall b� rsmoved or 21 slEere3 an8 cosverte8 to a etonfos�al.ag atatna. ' 22 4. �'hne snb�ect to all other regulatioas of thia Section, s 23 bnildisg deatroyed ta She sateat oi no4 more than esventy�. " 24 five (75�+) per eent of !ta reasonable �alue by fire� eaplosion 25 or other caenslt� or Anb �i (iod. or !he pnblio eaea�y� mey be z6 reator�d and the oeaupancy or ase oY enah bnildiag or par4 27 thereoY rrhich esieted at the time ci auch partisl dea4ructioa� 28 may be contianed: ___ _ _ ... 29 e. She pYO�caaformia� nae of lnnd" where �u strnC4ure thereon !e � 30 ployed therKor, eaiating nt Ehe tims bhSa oxlinaace bec eifeet-� 31 ���' , ive me.y be centiwe8 tor s period of not more then�Eri^c,r: Qf�) yeare 32 therefroa� pzo�idedq � 31? .+ 1 1.. That as �no�wcoaformisg nse of les�l" ehail !a ea� xay be — 2 eapinded or extead�d. either at the eame oa edsoiaiag prer• 3 perby. 4 2. '�hat if the "aon.coaforming nae of land« ezietis� a� th� 5 time thie ordiaance beanme eYfecbive is therealter die� ' 6 contianed or chnn�ed, Qay futare nee of eueh land sha11 be 7 1• conformity vith the pr��isioae of thi� ordisaaee. e S. That the laalnl locaLion nad maintenanae of "conmeroial 9 eigae sad biil boar8e" exieLiag at the tiae thie ordinnnce lo became eiieoti�e-may be ooatiaued� nithongh snch use dses aot 11 conforn erith the provietons hereof; provided, hrnre�er,that a� 12 strnctnral alteratiose are made theret� a�d prnrided fvather� 13 • that.all anch nonrconforcing aigne and biYl boarde and their : Z 14 eugporting �embere ehall be comyletely removed by theia �w. , � z 15 oxnere aot later Shan three (3) ycare irom the effee3tire QRte � w Q '0 16 of this ordinance. z " _< 17 �1� 'Phe foregoing provielone ehall nleo agply to bnil3inga� lanri and 3 " z o Z 18 _ Mnaee �ich hereaf�er become aos»aonfor�iag" dne to eay°realassification o4 o a o a 19 sonee nad.er thie ordinaac�. � n _ 20 �. All "publie" nnd Neemi�pnblie parking nreasM and "ueed car ealee • 21 areas� hereia permitted ahiYl be ia�proved se Yolloret 22 1. �noh area ehall be paved and properly eaelueed �r"l.th a solid 23 fenae er vall ca each side of such area abnLtit� �ea n 24 etreet or npon prnpert8"elnesified for "S� nasa. 25 8, Sfhere eneh areae a33oiz the side oi a].�t ia sn °S°'�one, 26 ao parking ahsil be pernitted nithlY eix (6) feeb thereof, 27 and vithia the six (6) foo0 etrip there al�sll be plaated ' 28 ea evergreen hedge vtiaiah ehall be maiatained at a height of ' 29 " sis (B) feet. . 30 � S.- Aiy lights provided to illuminate euch parking areas ehBll 31 be so arra,nged ns to refleot the light aMay irom afl�oifo» 32 iag premisee. _ � w �[i w . , . . � B. �iaam. — 2 �eperal 3 . �zoept ae hereizafter provided� so bnilSing shall be eretted, recos. 4 etructed or etruaEurally altered to ezceed the height iimit henix eetabliehed 5 Yer the ssne ia rhiah eneh bnildiag is located. 6 �oevtione 7 s. One�temily dMellings in the thirLy-five (3b) fooE height e aonea may be inoreaeed in heig�t by not more than ten (l0y 9 foet vhea tao (2y eide yarda ot aot lees thea ilf4eea (iS) 10 leet eaoh are pro�ided.. Snch dvellinge� hoKe�er. ehall nob 11 eaceed three (3) stories in height. 12 b. In the thlrty�.ti�e (35) fooC height sonee. pnblic or eemi» 13 pnblia baildiege. echools. hoepitals or inetitntiona ma� be ; Z 14 ereoted to a hei�►t =ot eaceeding siz (6) eterie� or ee�enty� w � � z 15 fi�e (9S) feet rhea the reqnired 4ront. si8e and rear yarde � ' J W Q o 16 are inoreased aa ndditio�al •re (1� feot f�r eaoh fon! (4� Z " �� 17 feet !a height ench bnildinga ezceed thirty—fi�e (3b) feet. x ' 3 Z o Z 18 c. On throngh ir1Cs one hnndred and Yifty (150) feet or le�� iY o a o a ,19 depth. the height of n buildiag may be neaenrea iroo ths eiAr � � 20 �oining �ifleva]k le�el oa either streeC�. Oa through lots 21 nore thsn one huYBred a�d fift� (180j feet !n depth, tne 22 hei�t regulatiois and baeie of height mesenrement• fos th� 23 street permitting the greater heigh! ehall npply to a depth 24 of not more thea one hnaared and fiity (1b0) feet Sron thnt 25 street. • 26 d. Peathonaee or rooi etrnctnrea fer bhe hon�ing of eleratore 27 ' �tg;�qe, teake, �eatilatiag fane or eimilsr equipmeat re• 28 quired to sperate snd msintaSn the �aildinge� ead fire or z9 parapet walla, s�lights, tavers, roof sigYSi ilagpolee� 30 ohimaeys. amel�eetaoke, vireleee maets or einilar etrnaturee 31 may be erected aDo�re the height limite hereia preecribea. bnt 32 n� p�nbhouae or raof sErnatures, or esy epnee abeoe the Y py� M i height liait shall be a11�Me8 fentthe purpose of prooidiag — 2 edditioaal fioor spa.ce. 3 C• AHBA. 4 e s 5 s. �caept ne hereiaafter pro�idedt 6 1. �o l�t area elull be eo rednced or dimiaiahed that the 7 yard� or other open epncea sha11 be effiller thaa preeerib. 8 ed by thie ordinana�, nor �l�sll the denaity ot popnlatioY 9 be iaoreaeed in any manner except ia eoaformita rl.th Lhe 10 regnlatioae established hereia. 11 2. Bo yard or otber opea spne� provided arom� an� bnildiag 12 for Lhe pazpoae ot oomplying rith the pro�ietona of thie 13 ordinaace ahall be coneidered ne pro�idiag s ysrd or opn : Z 14 opace for uy other bc:lding= pro�ideQ, farther. thnt p � z 15 n� yar8 or opea spaoe on t►n ed�oliisg prnperby eba7.1 be a J W Q o 16 aoneiderefl se providiig a yard or opea epaee on n lot z " �� 17 vhereoY a bnilding ia to be ereatefl. x ` 3 Z o Z 18 3. �rery bnllding hereafter eseoted ehsll be Ucsted oa a o a o a 19 loL aa hereia de4laed and iY no osee ehall there be more � ' 20 than one �1)�na1� bnilding and its aoceesory bnildings 21 oa one (1) lot esoept Qe hereinaiter prnvlded. 22 4. 'rhrongh lota one huaare3 a� forty (140) feet or mr� ia 23 dep4h eaI be impro�ed ne tvo (S) eeparate lots aith the 24 divifling 11ne midray be4vsea the ttreeE froitagee. nnd eaeh 25 snoh reenitiag hal! ehsll be eubJ�et to the e0ntrole e�pply�- 26 _ iig to 4he etreet npon vhieh eao'� euoh half taees� ezcept - 27 that the reqnired �asimaa iroat and rear yard mtsy eseh be 28 rednceS to ten (10) teet for l�te the total 8epth ot 29 rhieh le le�s t� oie hwi3red and sizty (160j feet, nnd � 30 provided tbat if the rbole of ench throngh lot Se i�r��ed 31 ae oie bnilding eite no aceeeeory bnilding ehall De locatel. 32 sloeer to either atreet thea the diste.nce coaeti'tttL1C r y¢' N �; � � . 1 !ha ;eqnired fronC yard oa such street. — 2 5. �very indSvi8nal parcel of land at Lhe time it pea first 3 soned ahall be deemed to be one lot, and aot more tLaa oae 4 � maia bnilding ahall be permitte8 oa eaid psaCe2 of land 5 ualeee all regalatioas herelY eatabiiehed are complied � 6 � with or a eubd.irle3oa trect map is recorded aith th� 7 � � Hscorder oP 7+�e Aasgelee Oonsty, provided fnrther tLat 8� if e parcel of land. coatains an area of Yonrteea thausan8 9 (14.000) sqnare feet or more, but aot more than tvvm (Z) l0 aeres, then 4or eaoh aeven thousa� (7,�0} eqvare feet 11 of area,coataixed is such parcel lbcated ia any �H" Zone , 12 ea additional eeparat0 bailding nni4 may be ereCted anb�- 13 �eet to a21 other provisions perta3sing to tLe partiaulgr :� 14 �H" Zone ia ahich it is located. , . � w . . � z 15 B, �very require8 front, eide or rear yarfl ehall be open saa rc w Q'0 16 naobetrnoted irom ths ground to the eky. z " . �� 17 b. �here tvo+femily daellings or mexltiple•4amily dMellinge iot s � � ; z . o Z 18 esoeediag two azd one�hali (2.#) stories !n height are arrang� o a o a 19 ede so as to rear upon the eide yarfla. the Polloxing regula+' � . 2o tioae ahall epplyt 21 ].. In the case of group houaee or court spertme»te. ouch re+ ' 22 naired aide yards ehnYl be increeaed by oae �lj feot f�r 23 each estraaCe or esit opoxing iYto or eer�ed by enCh ai8s 24 yarQ, as reqnire8 iy this pro�l.eion. Opea� uaenaloaed z5 porohes not_eatending above the l�ve2 of tbe firet floor 26 mny pre�ect iato the requ2re8 width of eueh pinoe er 27 eonrt a diaLsace oY not mare tLen t�reaty (20}' per aemt . Zg nad is yo case awre than e!z (6) feet. 29 2. Ia the eaee of a roM of dwelliage arranged �eo�'ne ta rear T ' � 30 upoa oxe eide yard and froat upoa the other, the side ya�rQ 31 npoa which euch dwellfnge reer shall be iaoreasect ea re. g 2 qnired ebove Yor gronp honoes a�sd the nrerage ridth �Y the .� Z��i � ;r . . �' � � . .. 1 e1Ae yar8 upoa which ench dvelliage front ehnll be not — 2 lese tLan oze and one-�ali (1�) timee the pidth of the 3 other side yard. Open, unenoloeed porchea aot ezteading 4 abwe the le�el of the first ilo�r may project inta the 5 eide yard upoa ahich euch Smelliags iront a dieEanoe of 6 not more thaa twenty (20) per cent and in ao case more 7 than eia (6),feet. 8 3. tYhere a roadrray ie provided in the place or oonrt. the 9 width allawed for enoh roadvay sY�ell be in a6ditioa to 10 thet reqnired above. , 11 4. �11 other require�nte. inclvding front. ei8e asd rear 12 yar8s eha21 be complied aith ia accordanoe rrith ttne aose 13 ia vhich ench gronp housee or court apartmeate sre . � ; Z 14 l�cated. ' � Z 15 c. In the °S� Zoa�es no bnildiag shall be hereaiter erected, rc Q o 16 etructuraily altered or uned for a echool� ohnrch, isetitutio� z " �� 17 er other aimilar u�e permitted nnder the uae regulations oi x ` ; � . o Z ig bhie ordinsaae. ualese such buildinge are removed at least o < .- . o a 19 Ltf4§eY (15) teaL from e�ery bouadary lixe e4 a property-is. � 2p eluded in aqy wS" Zone, and provided ti�t no front yard� se 21 require8 it the soae. aor a�v aid� ysad, as required above. 22 ahall be uoed for pley or parMng purpoe�e. 23 �xCeptioxQ 2q s. !'or the purpeee of eide yard regnistioza. the foll�wiag 25 drelliage with oomwn party ocalls ehnll be considered as zs �.. (1) bull�it.g. caannyins cae tl) lots tvo:•. tLree:• ana 2� ' fonn-family dxellinge and rw honses not more thnn tvro (2) 28 rooma deep. 2g b. Ia compnting the depth of a.rear yar8, ior e�* building vrhere 30 anch yard opens onto an alley, one-half (1�2) of snch slley 31 . mny be aeaumed to be a p�rtion of the rear yerd. 32 0. Loafling epaeee ne hereia reqnired may occupy aot more lhaa � a� � 1 fifty (60�) per cent of a regnired rear yard. — 2 d. The froat aad eide ynrd reqniremsnte Yor drellisge aad apa.rb- 3 monte eball be wai�ed rhere the lntter nre nbove steree. , 4 e. Aa acceseerJ baildiaa nay oocnpy iot �ore tLen trrenty–tice 5 (2b'$) per cent oi a reqnired renr yard, pro�ide3 enah baild– 6 ing ie not more thaa �ae (1) etory !a height anfl locate3 at � Seest iifteen (18) feet from the ieareet part oi s maiY bni].d• " 8 ing. Bhrther, ao tno (2) etory aeoeseory bnilding mhall oa� 9 oupy any pa.rt oi s required renr yar8� and in the ease of a 10 revere�d. frostage, so aoceesorq buildiag ehall be erected 11 cloeer than five (5) feet to the 11ae of abnttiag lot ti 12 the rear. � - . 13 f. In any aase v►here s through I�0 hne a flepth of aot m�re thu : Z 14 one hnzdred and 4orty (140) f�et, acceeeorY baildiage Yst b W �� 15 ezeeeding one (1) stor� ior fifteen (15) feeb in height mey j W Q'0 16 be located 1: one of the reqnired front yarde; pro�l8ed e�ery z " _: 17 portioa of euch.bnilding ie at leaet Len (10) Yeet trom tfle 3 Z o Z 18 neareat Yront l�t line. . o a o a 19 g. A perte cochere my be placed over a Qri�emay ia a eide yard, � 20 provided ench etrnatnre is aot more than ose (1) etory i�t 21 helght� ie nnenelaee3 oa nt leaet three (3) eides and ie ea 22 tirei� open except for the neaeeeery eupporting eoluoas es.d. 23 reasone�ble arehiLettural features. z4 h. Corfiieee, ea�es, bel! conreea, eille, bntteeeeee or other 25 aimilar nrchiteotural featuree may eaten8 or pre�ect int� 26 a eide yard not nore thaatvo (2} iichee tor eaeh eYe' (lj 27 feot of the Midth of enoh side yard and may eatend or pre� 28 seet iato n iront or rear yard not more than thirt� (30) , ,__^_ ______— _ _ _ _. . _ 29 isohee. I 30 �. 9ire escapes msy eatend or pre�eet iato a� front, sid� or 31 rear yara not more'Lhan fonr (4) ieet. 32 Y. Open, an�no2ose8 etaireaye. or baloonies not eo�ered by n � �:7. .. . ` 1 root or oeaopy� may eatend or prnject into a reqaired renr — 2 yard iot more tLan fonr (4) ieet and ench balconi�e sad 3 canopiee se.y ezten8 into n required front yard aot more thu 4 thirty (30) iichee. 5 1. IIxco�ered porches, platforme or laadina pleaes which do not 6 eztend abo�e the le�el ef.the tirst il�or of the bullAing, 7 aa� eat�n8 into any front. siSe or rear qar8 aot more tbna ' 8 nia (6) feet; provided. hovrever, that aa open rork ra111Yg. 9 aot more than tLirty (30) iachee in height may be inetal]ed 10 or conetrnoted oa any�such porch. platiorm or 1an81ag place. 11 m. Opes xerk feneee. hedgee, landecape nrchitectursl fenti►res �r 12 guer8 railiage for safeLy protectioa sronafl depreased reBpa, 13 aot more tLen three n�3 oae�l+alf (3}) feet ia height, may be � :� 14 lecabe8 ia nsy iront. eiae or rear yard. � �Z m w � p 15 �� A fenae or wa1l not more Ehat siz (6) feet Sa heighE� er s J W Q o 16 � hodge maiatained eo as aot to ezceed eiz (6) feet in hei�t� Z " �- � 1'7 _< nay be Iocated al�ng the eide or rear�lot linee, provi8ed 3 Z o Z 1 8 ench fence, Kall on c�dge floee not eate� iato the required ._ o a o a 19 front ynrd ior into the eide ynnd reqnired al�ag the eide � 20 etreet on a aoraer let� rhieh is Ehie oase eh�ll aleo iatslnde 21 that pertioa if the resr yard ebnEtiag the iitereectiag etieet 22 whereia acceeeory buildiags are prohibited, and previded tus� 23 ther, that the pro�leior ehall not be eo iaterpreted ae t� 24 grohibit the ereotion of a ience eacloniig nn elementar� or 25 high eohool eite ii sueL teaoe doea not pro3eet Deyond the 26 iroat liie ot the balldiag. 27 0. Trees, ehrube. ilovere or planta shnll be permmitted in nr� 28 reqnired Yronl. ei8e or rear ye�rd. �29 - ___ . _ ___ ._._._._,__� _._� _.---__ _ _ SECTIOlf 13! VARIAHCEB.. 30 �ei praetioal diffieuities. wmeeesearq he.rdahip or resnite iaooYeiet� 31 ent rith the 6eneral purp�ee of thie ordinance reaalt thrcagh the strict asd 52 literel �nterpretatioY and eaforoement of the provieione thereoP, the Planniag � 3:� .. , 1 Qonmieaion oi �he Oity of Lyuwood, upon the reCeipt of a�erlfied applioatioY _ 2 from 4he owaer or lsssee of the properby n4YecteB, etating fnlly th� gronsde 3 for the applicatioa and the Ysats relied npoa, or cipos the moLioa eS the said 4 Commiesion, ehall have anthority� se an edminiatretive act. to grast. upoa s euch co�itione e�d safegnarda �e it may dets�iie, ench vsrianoee from the 5 pro�i.eione •f thie ordinanoe ae mey be in harnong with ite gene�l pnrpose 7 ead intent, eo that the �piriE oi Chis orfliaanee ehall be obeerved, pablic 8 saYety and relfare secure3 and enbatantial �netic� doae. 9 I. '!he graYtin$ of enah a �ariaace, rhen conformi:g to the previeioae lo of Ehis paragreph. ie her�by fleo2ared to be nn adminietrati�tl ftutctioi �h� 11 mthority and reepoaeibility for pertorniag rhich !e imposed upon the Plaa- 12 aing,Comiesion, a� Ehe setien there�n by the Planning Oonmf.seioa eke.11 be 13 linel and conclneioe provid�d the oiresmetances prevaillag ix eonneation rrith ; Z 14 �y ench variance conform to one or more of the folloxingi ' w � Z 15 A. Pormit, ii Za=es other than "S�1N the l�ce.tion oY the follov� � J W Q o 16 � nees whiah are prohibitefl ii ench aoaes by the pro�ieioYe of thie �sdi+ Z " F � 17 _< nanc�= colmibarime, cremetoriee, oenelariee or mneoleume; hospilnle o! 3 Z o Z 1 8 ennitasiumei iaetitntiona of a philanthropic or eleenoaJaary asture; meate! ' a a o a 19 hoepitala; raQio or tele�l.si�a tranemitterei � recreational oentere pri�ate- � 20 �y operate8. 21 B. Permit a oanformiag nse in a$one to be eztende8 into ea 22 adsoiiiag more reetricted zone. � 23 0. Permit a trnnaitional use oi e lot ed�oiniag a no�conforning 24 bnilSing, provide8 ench traneitional nss ehall only be a uee permitted !t th� 25 neat leee reetricted sone than the one ia vhich thm so�conforming bnil3ing 26 !e locate3. 27 D. Perait ofi�etreet nntomobile parkiag l�te, public parki�g 28 areae or etorage geseges in "S" Zoaes on property nd�aoent to eaieting �r pso• ' 29 poeed mnitiple dr�llin6 or'co�ercial developmeat: --- `-" '" � 30 8, Permib i� a�v dietricC the de�el�pment of natural reeonrces 31 together Mith the noceeeary bnildisge, apparatus or appurtenauoee !acldent 32 ther�li• � 39! + . � 1 F. Permit the location of rcotion nicture studios in '�C-2�' 2ones. - 2 G. Persit in the °C" or "M° Zonea any use allowed in the next Iesa 3 restricted aone because of its limi*ed nature, modern devicea, equipment or 4 technological i�prove9e�nts. 5 H, i'ermit in connection with suthorized use in "R-3", ��C" and "M" ' 6 Zones such commercial or indusLrial uses as are purely incident to such 7 uthorized use• • 8 I. Permit temporary bui2dings and usea for periods of not to eaceed tAo 9(2) years in undeveloped areas, and for pariods of not to exceed six (6j montha 10 in developed aections, 11 J. Permit the modification of the automobile psrking apace or loading 12 space requirements where,. in the particular inatance such nodi£ication will not 13 e inconaistent with the purpose and,intent of such requirementa, `� 14 B. Per�it such nodification of the height and. area regulati�na as may ' w �'i 15 e necessary to sr,cure an appropriate improvement of a lot which ia of such shape, � J W Q o 16 r so located in relaticn to snrrounding devel.00msnt or pk�gsical characteristica, z " �� 17 hat it car.not. otherwise be appropria*.elv improved witnout scch modification. x ' 3 " z Z lg i„ Permit the modification of the'conditiona under ernlch spacific o = ' o a o d 19 'ses tue allowed in certein zones. � 2p �i, Permit the Zocatien, in the "M-2" Hesvy MamifKCturing 2one, such 21 sas as are z•equired,by"Section 10 to be approved bg the Citv Flazining Commission. ' z2 Provided,'thrat in no case sha11 ax�4 of the above vsriances be ner- 23 itted where they may become �ietrimental to the eaisting or future develonment 2q ° the immediate area or �.eighborhood, 25 II. Variances other than those epecified above and for which no de- 2g ined policV hae heen established "oq this ordinance, ma,q be authorized by the 27 lanning Commission RCE1IIg in an advisor,y esga.city to the C3t9 Council, anfi 2g uch variance=, when so authorized, shall be subject *.c reviPa bp +,he City _ - 2g o�ancil'in the mannar provided 3n `"— ""-�" —�^ T 30 III. A. Upon the filing of a verified petition by a property 31 �er, a lessee� or upon its own motion, tne Planning Commiasion ehall give g2 ublic notice of t3e intention to consid.er the granting of a variance as -40- 1 gr�vSdeS ii S�ctioa lb. ` _ 2 B. Hot aore thas ferty (40) daye fsllowing eeSfl heariag the 3 PYnnaiag Oo�ieeioa shall anaovace ita tindinge by formnl reeolntioa� end 4 eaid reeolntion ehall reoite aiw=g •ther thiage, the Yacte and r�aeona rhi�sh� � ia the opinioa of Lhe Co�leeioa� nake the grsnting or deninl of the varinnet 6 noCeaeary to Ce.rty ont the protiaione of thie Seotion a�l the geaeraY pnr�wse . 7 of thie ordinance, and if suah resolntlon grants, or recommende that th� 8 varinnce be grented, ne the caee nny De� it shall aloo recite eneh.so�ition� 9 and limitaLioae ae ffiq be impoeed to eer�e the purpon� of this 9eatioz. ., l0 � Such resolutioa sha11 be nmb�rsC con�eoutively ia the 11 .order of their pessege anA. shall becone a permaaenE record of the Planning 12 Conmiselon. � 13 'C. Before an,p varinnce may be graated. it ehall bo ehovn; :� 14 I. ThaE there aa�e saoeptional or ezfsraordinazy atrcnmatansea � w � p 15 or oonditione.applicable to the property involved or to the intende3 uee of J W Z� 16 the property� that do noti apply generally eo the property or claee oP ueee-li. F � 17 _ � the eame vicinity or �one. - , 3 Z o Z 18 . 2. 1'hat sach ceriance ie neaeesary for the preeervatloY � a o a �19 �a en3oymeat of s eubatanbial property right of the applioant p�es�seed bq � , 20 other property Sa tbe eame �ieinity and soxe. 21 ' 3. That the gre►atiag of ench �nriance e►ill xot be mateMal- 22 ly detrimenLal to the pablio welfere or in�urious to the property or iaprore� 23 xiente ir euch vicinity and zona in rhich the property ie located; aad 24 4. That the granting of anoh veriance aill not ad.verae].y 25 aYfaat the Comprehenaive aeneral Plan. 26 D. Appliaation for a variance ahall aet forth i� de4ail ench 27 'facta aa� in the opinioa of the applieeat. pertain to sn'b—paragraphs 1, 2� 28 3 and 4 oi Paragraph 0 aezt above. � 29 3&OTION 14! �MENT$. . _ _ _ - -_ _ � -- -- 30 Boundariea of the zonea eetablished by Ehis or8inanoe'or the_claseifi� 31 � of propertq msea thereia may be amesded�,ree2aeaified anet altered rrhes- 32 evor pnblic necesalty and convenienoe and general rralfare reqnire. Suoh � - �_41„ , i 1 ohanges may be 1=SLiated byi (a) the verified petition of one or more ovnere �t _ 2 property propoee8 to be eo ahanged or reol�eeified; (b) fiesolution ot Iatentioa 3 of the City Oouncil; {o) Beeolutioa of Intentiox of the Planning Oo�ieaios. 4 �hene�er khe owner o4 a�y land or building deslree a realaeeificatioY 5 of his property, he ehall preaent to the Planning Commiaeion e. patition duly 6 verified bq hi� reqnasting ea amendment, anpplement or ohnnge of the regale.. � E1ona preeoribed for such properSy. 8 IIpon the filing of suah verifiad petition. er the paesage of such 9 resolution of intention. the Plansing Oommiaeion ehall provide for suoh hearinge lo thereon ae may be required by lav for ameadmeata� eatensiona or additions ta 11 the soniag pl+�ia. and notices oi such hoariag or heariage ahalY be given. end 12 the Plaaning Commiesion ehall take anoh action thereoa ae is provided for ii " 13 �ction 15 hereof. , : Z 14 3ECT,�GH 15i PE'PITION3. HOTICES, INV�STIGATIONS AFD HEARIHGS_, w � z 15 P�TITIOBS. The Plansieg Oommission ehall preeeribe tha form in ahich � J W Z ,�°, 16 applicatioYe for ahangee of sone bouadariee or claesifismtioaa or for varinneea � ° ;� 17 are mede. It may prepare aad provide blanks Yor ench pnrpeae and may pre- z o Z 18 ecribe t$e type of information to be provided in the applicatioa by the peLi- o a o a 19 tioner. Bu petiLion ehall be reoeived unlese it eompliea aith anch reqvirr � 20 menta. If eigaaturee of pereoas other than the ovnere of property makisg the 21 applicatioa srereqttirefl or oYPered in euppert of. or ia oppesitioa to� the 22 appllcation. t}iey may be reaeived ae evidence of notice haciyg been ser►ed ' 23 upoY them oY the pen$ing applicatiox ur ea evidence oY their opinioa on tFu 24 pe�ing lesue. but they ehall ia no caee infringe upon the iree ezeroiee of 25 the pewere �eeted in the CiSy of I,yawooS. 26 ?etitione or applicstione filed pnreuaat to thia ordinanoo shall be 27 Ynmbered oaasecntively ii the order of their Yiling euid shall become a parti of 28 the perianent official recorde of the Planning Commi.esion. and there sLall be 29 attaohed theseto and permaueatlq_tiled,therevi.th copies-ot_all.noticea aad----- -- 30 aotioae aith afYidevite of poaCing, maSling or.pnblieation perEaining theret�. 31 A iae of Taenty-five (�25.00) dollare ahall be paid upes the filiag 32 of each peEibion. pro�ide8 for in Seotloa 13 and Bection 14. for the pnrposo .. 4;Z � I �= . _ . = . 1 of deirayi�g the eapeae� of poatage, gostiYg, ad�ertieiYg ead other aoet� — 2 iaaidenta2 t� the praeeedinga prescribed hereia. d arittea receipt ahall be 3 iseued ta the pereox makiag such paymenC and reaarde of such payments eud 4 expendituu�ee thereof shall be kept in such manner ae prescrlbed by lax, 5 �OTICFS-.. All propogale Por emexding zone bonndariee or cl�ssificatioY 6 of property neee rrSthin evah zones ne are defiYed by thia ordinanoe or by EYu � 7 granti�g of variances as provided in Sectioa 13 hereof, ei�all be aet,i�r public e heariag by tUe Seoretary of the Planning CommisaioY, the datt ef Lhe f4ret of 9 xhich heariYga ahall be not lees thea ten (YO) daye nor more thea thirty�.five 10 (35) dsys from the time oY filizg, snch verSfied petitioa or of the edoptioY 11 of euch resolutios. or the making oY euoh motioi; provided, horrever, that xob 12 more thaa oae heariag ahall be required fer the purpose of eonai8.ering the , 13 granting of a varianoe. :+ 14 Bot3Ce oY the time arul pinae of euch heariage sba11 be given ' �z �w � z 15 by poeting or maSling or bath ia the folloaing maaaer. both methods ta be ueed' a _j W Q�'o� 16 �ieea oZhervriee direeted bq 4he Plannitg Co�ieeioat z �� 17 1, Postisg in front ef the property under canai3erstioa, . _ < 3 Z , o Z 18 not lesa thaa ten (I0� daqe prior to the date o4 the firet of euch hearinga � a - a a 19 g�tiee coneisting of the words �HTOTIO& �P' P80POS� CAAAaB OF ZOHE HOU�IDA8TE3 � 20 OB CI,ASSIFICA`PIOH o4 MNO'PIC`& OF PHOPOSED VI►SIANC&" as the caee mey be, priated 21 ia plaia type r3th letbere of nat leee thea one inah !n height and a atatemen0 z2 in ais ar eight poiat type setting YortH a descri�tloi of the properby under z3 conaideratiox. the nature of the prapoaed oheage, and the time a� pinee a4 24 which a pnblia hsaring or heariags oa the matter �rill be held. If more tLaa 25 oae parael of property Se invo��ed. thea noticee ehall be pested not more 26 thaa oae hnadred (200) feet spart on each eide of the etreet np�x vhieh saifl 27 propert8 froata Yor a distanc� oY not lese than three hw�d.red (3t10) feet !i 28 eech direct3an from said property. . 29_ � _�. 4,. _Mn7,ling e�,postal_earA notiee.not_leee,.,than ten__(1�) daqa __._ _, 3o prior to the date oi the firet ot euch heari�ge to the rnn►ere oY prmpert� . .: 31 althiY a radins oY thsee hun8r�d (3�0)'feet eY the ezterioa bouaderiea of the_ 32 propert� ta be chaaged, ueing for thie purpo�ae the laat �trnrn n�me eud ad8reee .r $3 �+ ,. ; � . . � . 1 oY enah ovnere ae ehown upon the seeeeement rni� of thie Conaty. 3nch notice — 2 ahsll aoatain the eame intormation se is reqnired ia a posted notice ae sbove 3 deacribed. 4 �STI6ATIORS. The Plaaaing Comffission ahall canae to be made by 5 ite own membere. or members oY ite etaff. euch i�estigation ot facts bearing 6 upoa snch application ee4 for hearing. iacluding an snalyei� of precedeat � � csaee es rill serve to provide all secesear,� information to aeaure action on e each case coneiatent with the pnrpoee of this ordiaenoe and riEh previous 9 amendmeabe or varianaes. 10 �aS. Public hearings se provided ia thia Sectlon eha11 De coa- 11 ducted before the'Plsnning Co�±eeioa� or before eu{y member•Ohereoi deei� 12 nated by the Oo�iosion so to eerve. The Co�ieaioa may establiah ita oan \ 13 �ea for the condnet.of.pnblio hearinge sad the member of the Comffiasioa pre- � Z 14 eiding at say saoh hearin� is hereby empowered Co adminieter oathe to u►y mw �� 15 person teetifying before it. J W Q o 16 SUmmary oY nll pertinent testinony ofYered at a p z " 3� 17 heariag �1 the aamee of pereoas eo Ceetifying shall be recorded and maQe z . o Z 18 a part of the permanent Yiles oY the caee. ❑ a a a 19 If. for aay reason, teaLimoq9 on aay caee eet Yor pnblic � ' 20 hearing cunnot be aompleted on the dey aet Yor auch hearisg. the Commiesioner 21 preeidiag at snoh public hearing maq, before Ehe a3�onrnment or reCese there� 22 of. pnblicly announee the time and plsoe to. and at ahich. said hearinge wSll 23 be coatinued and such annowncement ehall eeree ae eufficieaL notioe of such 24 contisaanue and.aithout reoourse to the form of pnblie aotiee ae provide8 for z5 in the firet inatsaos by this Seatian. � 26 IIpon the eoapletioa of a public hedriag. the Ple3ning 27 Oommisaion aLall. aot later t..sn tSirty�fi�e (3b) days thereafter, render ite 28 deoieion on the ma.tter ao heard. aailnre to eo act rithin eaid thirty-five ?9 (35) days ehnll-serre-to-automatically_and-immadiatelg.sefer the whoYe matter.__. .__ 30 to the City Conncil tor snch actioa as it deema tirarranted nnier the oirevm- 31 s ;� 6e8 , In the trent of ench Yailure on the part oY the Plannir.� Com�iaeton 32 to aat, the Seoretary o4 the'Planning Conmiseion shall immedintely deliver +4A• . , . .- . . i to the City Covncil ail the reaorda ot tlle matter iavolved. _ 2 'Phe Planning Commiaeion shall anaonace and record ite 3 action by formal resolution aad, such reeolation ahall reeite the fiadings 4 of the planniag Oomtieaion npoa which it bases ite deoision. 5 Bot later tl�an ten (Y0j days after final ection by the 6 Planning Commiasion on ea application for a varianoe, notice o£ the deciaion - 7 3n the matter sha21 be me.iled. Lo the applicant at ths addrese shoxn upon the 8 appllestion• g The decieioa of the Planning Comniaeion in a8minietrative 10 mattere o4 granting,or deaying the �arisaae ae pruMdeB ia Paragraph i af 11 Section 13 ehall be Yina1, 12 In the case of a varieace graated nnder the limitatione 13 of paragraph II of Section 13� the following procedures shall �overn. ' .� '14 (e) Aot lates thaa ten (10) days after final ectlon W � Z 15 by the Plannin$ Commiasion oa an applicatian for a varianoe npon vrhioh the rc w Q o 16 aetion of the Planning Qommieaioa can only be eciaieory, the Sec�etary o.' the Z � - _ � 17 Planniag Commiealon ehall ?orMard to the City Conncil a copy of the reeolu» . 3 Z o Z 18 tion aetting fortk the fiadings and reoommeadaEioas of the Planning Commisaioa. o a o a 19 _. __ ��b)_ Sot,_later thsn txentq (Z0� daqe after the i1na1 u 20 aation by Lhe Planning Commiseion ea an application aa appeal may be filed. 21 in writing. a3th the City Conncii. 22 (c) If an appeal Yrom the action oi the Planning 23 Commiseion is filed rith the Gity Council wtthia the time prescribed, the 24 pity Gonacil ehall eet the natter Por hearing ia the same manaer aa raquired 25 3n connection vrith hearinge on variancee before the Plaaniag Qomaission. Tke 2g $ooretary o? the Planaing �om�teeion ahall aleo be,notified oi the iiling oi I 2q �uoh appeal� and upon Lhe receipt o� anch aotice ehall tranemit to the City 28 Couaeil the aomplete file oY the caee. 29 M _ __ -__ ., �_._ ____. ,.-�a)� $ot later than tea daye aYter the Yinal action � � ! .30 on anah appael by the C1ty Conncil. aotice of the deeistoa Aa the matter shall 31 be mailed to the appellaat and the file in the case ehall be returned to the 32 archiaea oY thm Pleaaing Commies3on. The deeiaion o4 the City Couneil on +4B• _ , _ .. . -, 1 auch matten ot appeal el�ail be Ytnal. — 2 (e) If ao appeal from the aotion of the Plannisg Com- 3 miasioa ie filed rith the City Conncil as hereia p:ovided. the Gitq Conncil 4 shall, rithia aot more theu bhirty (30) daye. folloxing rece+_pt of the resolw 5 tion and recommendation from the Planaing Coffiiseion. oonsider tha mattere 6 coa*ained therein. If the action of the City Council ie Lo dieapprove Ehe 7 recommendation� euch decleion eha11 be fiaal. e The deaieion oY the Planning Comaisaion !n the legie- 9 lative matter of ameading sone Donndariea or use olaaei41cat3one or other lo �tters estab2lehefl by thie ordinance shall be ad.ciaory only. If an applica. il tion invoiving an amendment be approved, then not later thaa ten (10) days 12 after final action by the Plrsnalag Com�lesioa thereon. its recommendatioa to� 13 gether with the complete recorae oY the caee ehn21 be delivered to the,City . : Z 14 Council. �he Oity Conacil ehall diapoae of the matter in the �.nner preacrib� m w � z 15 ed by lav. After the Cfty Conncil hae acted. thc recorde of the case ahal2 � J W Q�'0 16 be returned for permnnent illing la the reoorde oi the Pianaing Commiss3oh. z o � � x 17 ftot more tLsn ten (10) daga aYter actioa by the Plsnning Donmisaion the sp- . ; � . z o Z 18 pliceat ehe1l be notiYiad by mail of the Commisaion�a deaieion. � a o a 19 SECTIOB i6i i.HTRBPHETATIOB �'PIIBPOSY �"CO�LICT. � 20 In interpreting and sgplyiug the provisiona of thie orSinan¢e theq 21 ehsil be held to be the minimum raqniremente fc^ the promotion oS the pablia ; zz health, eafety. oomforL, oonvenience and geaeral relfare. It ia not intendr 23 e8 by thie ordinanee to interfere �rith or abrogate or nnnul e� eaeement, 24 covenant or other agreement Detaeen partiee. �Phere thie ordinsnce imposee 25 a greater restrictioa upon the uae of bnil'dinge er land, or Lpon the height 26 cf'bu;.ldin�s, or reqnirea 7arger open epacee than are imposed or reqnired by 27 othei ordinRncee. rules. regulatione or by easements, covenante or agree- 28 mente, the provieione of thie orflinance ehall control. 29 S9GTION ltii � LICF.ft9ES � COMP�.TdFiCB1�_. __.,_._.. __..__- _. - -- 30 All departments, ofiiciei3.s or publio employees �eeted xith the duty '. 31 �r auti�nrity to issue permite or licenaes ihere reqnired by lax. eLall aanr' 32 iorm to the provisione of this ordinaaae. Ho auch license or permit for nae�, � 46 + , 1 buildinga, or purposes where tne sama,would be-in conflict with the provisions — 2 of this ordinance shall be issued, px�y such license or permit, if issued in 3 conflict with the provisions hereof, shall be null and vo:d. " 4 No premises ahall be occupied. or used Fuid no buildins heres,fter ereeted _' 5 r altered an�ll be occunied or uaed until a certificate of complianes sna11 6 �ve been issued 'ov tne Secretary of the Ylanning Commisaion, provided auch 7 ertificatior_ of comptianr,e sha1T be required onlv those areas manped 8 der the provisions of this ordinance, 9 $ECTION 18t P�NALTY 10 Any nerson, firm or corpor�tion'violgtine any of the provisions of 11 hia ord.inAnce shri7.1 be deemed of s misdemeanor, a,nd upon conviction 12 nereof shall be punishable b,v a£ine of not mora thrsn ThreeHundred ($300.00) . 13 ollars or b� imprisonm.ent in the Co�u�ty Jail for a period of noi more thnn ; Z 14 'inety (90-) days, or both sucn fine and impriscnruent, Etxch sucn person, f irm, . w � z 15 r oorooration shz+ll be deemed guilt,v of a separe.te offense for ovexg day rc J W Q�'o� 16 uring any portion of which an„v viola.tion oi a^_? provision o£ this ordinance z o _< 17 's committed, continued or permitted by auch person, firn or cornoration, 3 '� z o Z 18 nd shall be punishable therefor as provided £or in this ordinance, and any use, o a ' o ai 19 ccupation or bullding or structure' maintained contrarv to the provisions _ � • 20 eTeof shall constitute a public nIIisanCB. 21 SEC^tION 19.: RFL?E.ALING 22 Ordinances IJumbers 235, 288, 293;295,302,'u0o,3�7,312,313,319,324,325-; - 23 33,334,336,339,34p,353,354,355,363,398,396,403,405,4q6,408,409,�13, are hereby "' 24 epealed, provided, howevar, that the enactment of this ordinance shall not 25 erve to terminate or othereiae affect nariancea, permits, or otber yd,i,ustments ' 2g uthorized under the provisions of the said ordinances hereby repealed and, 2� urther, tnat tne provisions of the said ordinances vrhich succeed the ordinances , 2g ereb,y repealed witnout break and anv violatione�that ma,y eaist under the pro^ . 2g lsiona of said repealed ordinences ahall not hereby Ue termina.ted or validated ,. 30 xe•r,pt onl,p as the vrovisions of this ordinance and the map ahich ia �ade a pas�E 31 eroof iney by virtue of reclassification or redefinition speci°ically reclaasify _ 32 roperty in such manner as to permit uses which may have conatituted violatione � –47» � i ' . 1 under tbe provisions of the ordinancea hereby reoealed. . _ 2 SECTION 2p; ENACTIi�'G SECTION, 3 Ths Cit.y Clerk shall certif;� to the passage of this Ordinance by 4 the Citp Council, of the City of Lynwpod, and cause sama to be published once., 5 in tha Lqnwood Press, a newspaper oP generat cizculation, printed, published, 6 and circulated in the City of Lynwood, witbin f ifteen (15) days after ita 7 passage and it shall take e£fect� thirtv (3p) days after its final passage. 8 ADOPTED r3nd APPROY�D this ./.l�da� of Febraerv, 1940, 9 10 . .. . , . [+t/��7/(/ �2%L��� MAtOR, CITY 0 YNiJOOD rT- 11 ���.v ��,�, � . , r° 1 -y� �1TTESTe ` r �; , " . � , 13 " ' ` :-�- �; r : � 14 I J � ` '\-�_/y/y `� / � �. � Yl ' w i '„' �� � ,/,� ✓�_,. _= ✓�-i,� i '- � Z i5� CITY CL�;RK, CITY OF LY1��OOD , ! � _ - � ��� J w �,0 16 ° - h o � '. � f . � 17 _ < . 3 Z o Z 18 O j o a 19 0 20 21 22 23 z4 25 26 27 28 29 30 ° • 31 '? - <. 32 . -48- � b ' ...., , . - STATE OF CALIFORiVIA ) COUNTY OF LOS ANGELESj ss. • CITY OF LYNWOOD I, R. W. Anderson, City Clerk of the City of Lynwood, California, do hereby certify. that the whole number of inembers of the City Council of the said City is�five; that the foregoing ORDINANCE, being ORDINAIQCE �t�,, 422 , was duly passed and adcpted by the said Council, approved and signed by the Nayor of said City, and attested by the City Clerk of said City� all at ��r�g of the said Council held on the 15t day of Febrvary, A. D., 1946 , and that the same +n�as so passed and adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Councilmen Shrock, Wi �ins, Willard , Noe9: None, � - Absenti Councilmen Loone,v, Me er WITNESS my hand and the seal ef said City this 1$th day of,. Februar�, A, D. , 1946 F '_ _ � . t � �[' ..' �r �: % ' � � � . ���� /� /. . .. . -�/� ' ,. /- , . ��l ��-- , City Clerk of the City of Lynwood, California (SEAL) ` ' l /.