HomeMy Public PortalAboutOrd. 0428 J' . t. > . c � �-ie �� e�,�; �: r a��. ---�-�-� �-- -- ORDIId.ASdCE N0. 428 _ {� � . f\L:.� w,. . �... .a:i':�e�1._�i� _` � : i : .. � , . AN ORDIIdAPICE OF THE CITY OF LYN��,OOD, COUid�j, .____.._. ___S7I__,_�„____, OF LOS A?�IGEL�S, STATE OP CALIFORNI9, R�GU- . LA^1Ii�G THE.OPERATIOiti GF I:iOTCR VEHiCLE5 TRAIQS- PORTIbIG PAaSYNGE.RS FOR HIRE tJPOAT tiIE FiJBLIC STREETS OF SAID CITY AATD PttLSCRIBIPIG PEIQAL- TIES FOR ThE�VIOLATIOiV�THEI�EOF ° �:.ti . ' `::� r �� �` .;1 �"'-.� ,� . . . � i°�" . '' . ;. THE CITY CoUNCI�L OF DO�S Of?D4IN AS FOLLOt7S: ' ��.� ' .�� � r'�SE.G.�'YUAI� I .�, ;�. . _._ .._ � DEFINITIOidS: 19henever in tnis ordinance �ne follo�ving terms are � used they sna11 fia �'the meanin� respectively ascrjbed ta them in tnis _ , ' _"1 . �:- t r ,?� . . . . section. +- � ,� _ ` - x. , � , '�w, {a) That tne term,,"�ri'ver�� used�in�thia Ordinance.includes . . , p ( F ' �. i � `� ' � � � , every person in charge of, driving,�,�r'operating any passen�er-carry- ing or motor.nropelled vehicle, as herein eit'rier �s aGent; . . ,,, employee, �r atherwise.. (b) ^tnat tne term �'taxicab�� zs used in this Ordinance; srall• � me2.n every �.utomobile o•r motor propelled vehicle of a, distinctive color . , � and/or the driver's se�.t sep2rated from tre passen�er's compartment by , � glass partition, and/or of public appearance, such as is in cannan - use.ge in�this bauntry for taxicabs, and/�r equipped.with a ta�imeter, used for the transportation of passengers for 'riire over the public. streets of the: City of 'Lyntaood., and n�t over a defined route, and .irres- pective of'e.%nether tne operztion extend beyond.tne boundar,y limits of said City, at rotes £ar di°stance tr�veled. or f�r r:aiting_time; or for bath, 2nd. such vehicle is routed und�er the direction of such ne.ssenger or passangers, or of such persnns nirin� the s�rae. , (c) That the term �'Ta::i-Meter" as used in this Crdinance shall mean a mechanical instrwnent or d.evice, by ;+:hich tne charge for hire of a passenger-ca vehicle is mec�a,nically calcul�ted either for dis-. t�.nce traveled_ or for vaaitinb time, or for both, �.nd upan �a�hich such charges shall be indicated by means of figures. � (d) Tnat the term ��Street Stand" z.s used in this Ordinance shall mean a portion of a street designated by either the City C�uncil or by mraffic 9ut}�ority far tne �zse, t�Jnile..aUraiting employment of any p�.ssen- ger-c2.rryin� ar mntor propelled venicle as herein.defined. , . �� , � • � , , .. . (e) That the term ��Traffic Authority�� as'used in this Ordinznce . shal� mean the Qnief of Police of tne City of L;�n�vaod, C�.lifarnia. , (f) °G:'�?dr'R!'--�, person, firm, associati'on or carpnration ��rnci or • w'tzicn oivns, contxols ar directs tne use nf a taxicab or vrho or vrhicYi , .. . . , . - owns; �controls, r`ents, leases or,otherwise allows�,ar permits the op- � eration or vse of any t�:xic'�:b. ' ", (g) ��CRUI8I1dG�'--the novement os unoccun:ied taxicabs over trie ' public 'streets in se�rch af or s`oliciting nrnspective passeng,ers: eacept.that unoccunied t2.xicabs proceed.ing.to answer �. telepnone ca,ll ' � for service Tmm am intended' passen;er,,and. such vehicles returning-b,y trie most direct rbute, 2fter having discharged � p�ssenger.or ;ozssen— _ �ers, to the gara�e rrhere such taxicab ie housed ar to an occupied stand . shall n�t be.corisidered to be cr:uising. �., , _ ,. . . T - _, (h) °CITY".--Tne vrord "city�� as used herein means the Cit,y of Lym^ood., County of Los An�;eles, Sta.te of California. . '� (i) The term �' COUirCIL" or �"CITY COU?�1CIL° means the Cit*� Council of ' • ti7e City of Lynlvood, County pf. Los Angeles, ,State of C�lif�rtiia. . � SECTION II. LICEidSE i�iECESSARY . _ Tnat every person, £irm or corporation maintaining bublic zuto � servic,�, .other than regula.r.prescril�ed•and estab.lishPd'bus r�utes, for . ' tr2risporting n�ssengers by auto initYi the City pf Lynlvood or ��sithin and �vithout the City of .Lyn+rrood', but� �,ahere tne ,tr�sportation starts rritnin . t, the C1'Gy of Lym�.bod, is nereb;� required to ohtain.what sn�ll,be k_nown �.s a "taxi lieense: �� ' , ,. � . SECTION III. . " � ' It -shall be unl2i*`rful ior any pe�rs�n tei operai:e or cause to ne operated at ai�y point in the City of,Lyn;vood any•taxicab unless there shall hzve been issued by the City� an o�vner's ,peri�? t tc� .tne o��mer a.nd _a driver's permit tci the driver thereof, and unlees each such �ermit'sh211 be in Pu11 f�rce a.nd. efi'ect, .e�cept; .. , (a) When z venicle� which i's la�rfulTy .transporting a p�.ssenger, . or pa.ssengers from �,.point ostside to a destiri2tion �vithin this City, or is enroute to a deutination.outside th1s,;�City;.prpvided thCt-.nn,, , such nerm'it,�solicit or a'passenger or passenE�ers fi^oM vrithin this City £ar transpqrt�'�ion.to any d.estin2tion v;Yiatsoever:� , _ 2_ 1: • ,� (b) Wh'en.a vehicle. is uei-nb �7�er�ted:.pu?^suant. to a. fr2nchise issued b� the of Lyni�rood nr pursuarit t� �.uthority eif the Railroad Commissipn �f the $ta.te of C�lifor.nia: , ,, • '(c) l�Tnen a vehicle is being oper�tec� for�the purpbse^ of transp�rting . bona fid.e }�upils attenoing an i�lstitution of learning betrreen their homee `, and sucn institutions. � The permits herein mentinned �hal•l entitle the�h�l�_er there�f to ob- tain a license to engage in�tne business desoribed in s�.id.�permit from the . . City Liaense Collector up�n.ti�e payment of tne license fee'therefor, as provided by Ordinwnce No..418 or�as tne sane�n2s:or may be 2mendeci: or superc�ded, a.nd tiie City License Collector snali issue _to _ti7e nold.er of -� sucn permit a license settin�; iort?i the kind of �transbnrtati&ii' ior valiich such licsnse •is i�sued and. tne yeas ��rnen issued. :� SECTION IV. _ ' Ot�fd"r:R'S PERTe?IT TO.OPERATE TAXICABS ` - - (a). Any berson to the City of.Lfn�rood for a per;�it to, onerate�t�xicabs up'on the streets of tne City by filin� vrith, tiie City Council; upon forms tb b��sup�lied by the C1ty,`2n applicaticin setting ~ fort�,the�name and ad�ress of �he appTicant, tne n2ture'of ,lizbility in= � �sur�.nce,coveririg ea.ch taxicab, as the case.may be,.color scheme opmer's trade n�.me, monogram and insip;ni�,, the type and•trade name of t�.ximeter . if any, and the size, locz,tion and i^rorditzg of s to be used upon tiie taxicabs �vhich� it, is proposed sh�.11 be operai,ed. over the streets of the . City. - � . '(b) The City Council oY the City may in its:disore�tion upon 2'deter- ' - mination th2t public aonvensence �.nd neces;sity require the same, issue an o,�ner's permit vrithout charge to any:applicant for,� pernit,to taxicabs over the streets nf s�.id City, ivhich shall Ue•in full force �.nd ei'fect until the holder therenf shall violate �.ny of t'_ne pravisions'of " this ordinance, bnt in no event to:be fnr. a peri�d.nf m�ore than one (1) year from t�e date nf lssuance thereof, pravided that the a.pplicz.ti�n� „ 'tnerefor snall set fortn.and satisiactory pro�f shaT be made to the City Council that the f�11���;ing �i�cts ar.d. acts ei�ner �exist and have been ' performed,, or th2.t ttiey r•aill e�ist and.",^rilfi•be perf2rmed Uefore �iie privi- lege sought be exerc�sed:. ' , . . . � s , * . . �. -3- • . . ,. ; � _ . - . . (1) That al"! �he taxicabs of e2.ch o�vner are of �, color schene,, .bear � the o;ml�er's 1:rad_e ilame, r:ionogra.m nr insignia. ?�Jnich is clearly �.nd easi?y distin�nisna"ole from ti?e color �scriene, oi•rner's trade name, ntonogram'and. insigni�, used oii tne taxi�abs-of any other o��ner vaho ; has previousl,y re- , ceived. a, bermit� frt�m the City to operate and. �vho is `a.ctvally. operating � � ta�:icaas over the:streets of said. Ci.�Y• , , (2) That- each tz.xicab pf the applic2nt bear the follcn;�ing `! denti-` fica��]:on: the olaner's tra.d.e name,. mona�ram or insignia, to�etner ivith the number assigned to it by�tiie�CitJ License Collector, and the o�vner's telephoile number or., numbers snall be �2i�ited upon tne netal portion of tre outside of at le2st one door on eacii eide of the taxica6�, 2nd the cab ' �number a.ncl �he ov�ner' e tele�hone numUer or nusbers sizall 'oe .painted upon the nutside rear p�.nel of the taxiczb•. A11 of tne mzterial�mentiailed . in tnis pe.ra�raph sh�11 be not less_than twq and_ one-4u�.rter (2�) inches in neight and of not less-th�:n five-sixteentn irich (5/I6"):stror_e.. {3) Th�t each of tne applicant�s taxicabs is eau,inned r,r�th or ti•�111 be ea.vipped ivith 2 taximeter ��rhich vri'll correctly enmpute nr indicate tlie .. dist2.nce traveled or tne t?me elapsed., a.nd sna11 ,oe afiixed. t� tne taai- cab ir sucn rnanner th�.t the reading dia.l shnvling the amount to be.and being ,charged sh21'l,be readily discernible from the passenger campa.rtnierit; or, if the taxicab is operating•vrithout 2-meter, �tr.e i'lat� rate.schedule shall be posted in view of the pz.ssenger .'comp2rtmeilt. . (4) That tne o�vner has secured and ?�aid: in advance ti�e annuz.l premium ' upoiz 2n insur�'nce policy rrhereby tne oeiner 2.nd the d_river nf e2ch of the tayicabs 47nich tiie ovmer i��ill opera.te in tlze. City-are _insured a�ainst the � liabillty fnr in ,gury or death to any persoil �r injur,y or d.eatruation nf ° �pi7mnerty zs the result of the otamership, operation.or use thereof; the minimum liability limits up�n,e�.ch vel�icle so used Uein� not less than the fl�11oti^rin� swns, i . e . : • - For injury to an� one person or the dezth of any�one person in any one accident , five tnousand dol?ars..(�p5,000.00) . , . For in,jizry tp t��o or n:ore persons, oP the death af tvro'or• more per- soiis in any �ne;�ccident, ten tn�us�nd d.ollars (�'10,000.00) „_ . . ,. . , ' � -g_ � . - For in�ury or destructiqn,of ��roperty in an,y-one �ccid.ent, two thou-': , s2.nd do�'lar�s ��2,OOO.QO) . „ . , -Provide_d,� further, that,�t'rie ��vner has filed ax� end.�r.seraent of :s�id insurance police, vrith the`City Clerk i��lierein it is nrovided th'�t' tne said ,. _ . >:; . � - -; insurance �olicy,�Jill not be'.canceled by' insurer,.. or at �the r.equest . of the ineured, uiitil trre City, care.of tneuCity, Clerk, City Ha11, ...�, ` Lyn�vqod, Ca.lifornia, sh�7�l have notice in r�riting a.t'.least ten (10) days", im�edi�.tely prior tp tne time wnen such cancellation sna11 become effect- ive. . ' - • _ . (5) That every taxiczb used'for'ce.rryirig p�,ssen�ers for hire ahall � , _ , display in the-rear of fne driver's seat 2nd. in tiie p�ssenger c�mp2rtment in full viec�: of t3�e pa:ssenger ox r�assengers, �. c,ard' nat less : �'rian. tvro by .. four (2x4) inches, .vahicn sha.l'l.nave 'printeo_ thereon the ormer's name, .. • or tne ficititious nG.me under•ivnich he operates and tne �d.dress r��ed�/e e} . . and. telephane number of such od�ner; t��etner with thejlrates or ch�.rges .to be nade.� . .. , (6) , Tha.t tne applicant file with the Cit,y. Council a,d_etailed . sched_ule of �ropased r�tes or cnarges to be made t�� passen�ers ard uric7er- � . . t2ke to abide b3� said schedule+l�. m�:xinum rate, if appro�%ed_ or as fixed � by the City Couticil durin�; t� e li�e of . said permit if tne sz.me pe granted., . Provided, that tne City Caunci'1 in deternining ti�rhei;her or not public convenience and necessit,y exist ma,y t2.ke. into consid.er�ti�n al'1 fzcts�:.it. ' deem` pertinent and proper; l�hich facts'. shall or niust incTuae a �pecific , find.ing deternined throizgh z puUlio hearin� on szid appli.cation before � tne _City Gouncil tnat�ti�e fqlloizing.cond.itiors exist: •(a.) Tne •berson"seeking• a permit for the-onera�iosi of taxi cabs must. otivrr at least three (3) such venicles in order to insure that can render adeq_uate service. FurtnerM�re, tne applicant must snoqa.tn�t.he viill.pro- ' vise and m2intain a suitable ofFice ec�uipped'v�ith iRrziting zccomoda.tinns a.nd telephone service. � . : , {b) That the �r2nting of said_•permit lvill no,t be.detrimental,tn tne, , s�.fety, �uYilic rr�orzls`or gener2l v�elfare nf the City'. ' _ Said nublic neari.ng shal'l be held iait2in �, reasnnaole �time but r�ith- in n�t less thatn �ten (10) d2.ys after. the filing �of said a;�plication upon five (5) days nntice in taritin�,`given to said aipl3cant.' For the purpoae � . of th_s ordinance, notice vrill be deemed complete vrhen a copy of said . _ _ 5_ Lj , : .. . , :, . .: ,. , notice is �ddressed to tne.app2lcant at tha �ddress given in s�id appli- c�:tion 2nd deposited in the United States mail.i,itn � sufficient �m4unt of posta�e �.ffixed.th.ereto. � , . � . . _ �. , � � SEb l I0P1` V�. • . . ' . - :;. . � . � :. DRIVER' S �PERt��I2T , ` . � . _. . (a) Arn person ma,y aopl,y to i;he City of Lyn�voofl for a permit ta . � ` , ; .. .. operate a taxicab_ upon. the streets of •the Cit,y by filing vzith the City Traffic Authoritf, upon £orms to be aupnlied by the City, zn aaplication _: . , . - setting forth the na�e and,address of tne applicar.t znd such otn�r in- � f�rmation reger.d_in� the ilealth,..mentality; character, and. experience nf tne applicant'as mav be necessary or desirable.to enable tne'City TraPfic � Atlthnrity to 2scertain wnether.the aoplicant fulfilTs i�he r,equirements � ' .. , . . � . herein set forth. � . - .(b) The City T^afiic Auth�rity may issue. a driver's permit to.2.11 . . ,,. , applicants ior,a t�ermit to�operate taxicaUs over'the streets bf tne City • u�nicn enall be. izi. full force and effect •until the. holder thereof snall' � ;,vi�late �ny of tne provisi�ns'of thzs �rdinznce, :nut in no event to be ;. - for a periad of mor.e tha.i7 one ,(1) ,year frnm .the date of issua;.ce ' thereof. � The Traf,fic`�luthc�rity:ma;T ref.use t� isaue any such.permit,if, in the .; � exercise of reaeonable•discretion, he-siiall deterr.nine that such applicant is a�t quzlified to be.Y,ne driver oi zny such'vehicle;� �� �� (c) No driver's pe,rmit or temporary driver's nern�it°sha11 be issued � tn any-sucn a�plicant crno is und.er,'the of, twenty-one (21)" ,year,s, or- . vrho. has fwiled tci obtai7i 2 cnauffeur's permit ;fr�m the State of Galifqrnia, or tivho.' has t�_ the knav�ledP;e of the,.Chief of Police beeit• caiivicted nf a. felony, or `,ivhp, shall be� deened. by nim to be mora.11y unfit; .. , (d) Upon presentatiqn to tne Gity License Collect.nr of sa.id_ driver's permit, properly executed, the Citg License. Collect�r snall, upqn p�.yment to him �f =the license" fee `�reauired by :Section `49 nf Ord�in�,nce. Pio. 418, issue a liceris,e.. . . . � � . SECTION VI•, ' ' . � . • OINNER' S RESPOi�1SIBIL•ITY . I t� snel� unl'ai��f'u1 for zn,y o�^�ner, 2s in tiiis,ordinance defined, to .. ' permit the oper2tion of any dehicle covered by this�ordinance by'aiiy per-.,, son other tnan a holder o� 2. dsiver's _oermit or tempor2:ry driver's �ermit as required bp this ordinance. � _. , � _ . . .. • , =6= " : . sECmzorl vzz. REVOC�TIOht CR 5USPEATSIOP?.OF. , PERl�riITS � If at anf tir�e it sha11 be��Urought to the 2.ttention of the City �' � Council.or the Tr�.£-fic.autharity that the.,hqlder oi an o�araer!s permit, driver's permit, or temporary driver's permit nas viol�:ted �.ny of the pro- uisions of this ordinance or�a.ny nrdinance of the'City, or any 1av✓ c�f the State o� California, in connection with tne operation of said vehicle, or has d_one or f'ailed to do zny act, suffered or peri�itted any act to be done, ' ��nich if done,_not r7_one prior,to tne i.ssuance of �n o�vner's or driver�s . ,- permit, . n� such permit o�uld. have been issued wzd_er �the terms ; of thie ordi- � , - • , nance, or t'_nat" such person� s conduct indi�cates th2:t' he is i�ot'a fit" and, � proper be the driver of any.�f seid. venicles, the City.'Council . �r Tra�fic.Authority.mz,y.suspend or ovmer's or driver's nermit. ,. An o°amer'�s or driver'� �2ermit nr tempora.r,y d:river's permit sha11 be d.eemed to be suspend.ed"or revoked.as of the third (3rd.) day.after the " � CitJ Council �r Traffic �luthority snall cause be deposited in tne United " St�tes Post Office in the City of L�invrnod a re,giatered letter giving notice qf sucn revncation or suspenuion and..d.irected t� t'rse pa.rty named ar_d t� the ad.d.ress"given on the applio2tion uursuant to t�hich such permit was issued. SECTIOA?:VIII. .. ' � , APPEAL . If any nerson is'aggrieved by any act or fa.ilure to a:ct on tne part c�f the City Trafiic Autharity 'either in ?ssuing, failing to isaue, sus- aending, or revokin�; aiiy'ovrner's or driver's permit, such a�g�^ieved p�.rty . may file .vritn tiie .G_ty. Clerk �f the Cit�r Lync�ood a,�tate�ent, �:&d:ressed to the Gity Coizncil; setting forth the full facts and circumstances in . corinection.ivith the� a�ction�ar failure �f aci:ion on tre part of the Gity Tr�.ffic Authority. The City Council at its next regular meetingheld not leas than five (5) days from, the date cin ranich such appeal siizll 'na.ve been filed crith �the s�id Cjty �1erk, sha11 hear the'�np'ellant and his wii.ne�ses and: deter-' r�ine the i�erits .of �trie appe�l, and tne ruling �of said Cit,y Couizci_l there- on,snzll be final. . � , _. . , ' . . _q_ ' . - ;._ . . . . . .. �� . , � ,, .. , � ' . � , - . - . ' � ``' ' _. ,. _ . _ . ` ? %SECTIOV �IX , - . • .: .. ,. ; ,, . : . � _. OP�RAi'Ii�iG NITHCUT PER��iI'P , '.,. , , . � ._ , _ , • - it ,'snall be unl�_:afv� for 2,ny_ driver: t� oper� oe; .,br p? 'in chwr�,e of�,,: any vehi�cle �.required by t�i�s ordiria,ZCe t�o �btz.=`n a,z��ermi t; vaithout� clisnlay �• . . ,. � . � . . , • , : . � . ,. , ing upori his,�er�on the,Iicense ,nr,ovided t� be issued hereurider;, and it.,`; � _ , ,. , . : . shaL�"also,be uml2wful f�r suc'r. driver, to_ fail,.t,a �at all, times-'?��hile :� r � . £ . - - . oper.ating, or.in chzrge,cif,sach-behi,cle t� have iri,hi°s immediat'e�•-pnssessi�n.';.�� . . _ , . .. � - .. ., ..: : ., ; . . _ . ;,. _ - . , , . ... . . ., .. , .. � the �river.'s�.pezinit, reauired by t��i.s •ordinance t� Ue,:sectired from the` -. :Traffio Authcirity, � ' t ' ' ! , . . . ,, , ,.. ... ., . : , . , . , . . : 5 : , . . ; .,• ECTIOiQ�..X • , ; • :. ,.. . �' . , It'..shaTl oe„unlavrfwl. f�'r.any,rnvrier<or �:.driver,,qf ar,y ;taxicab vahich � �i ; bei'ng� opeiated in .the.City td interfese Nrith or .prohibi�,a�v;`P'�lice .� . � . . - , i Offi,cer;of �ne';Cityf��om; at:any ti�7}e inspect�ng`a�ic��'�.thoi�ughly=ex�minrng. any t2xSmeter �used u�on -�ny, sucli �tahic�.b: , � • - : ;. : .' . ;. SECTIOIQ , XI. - :,,� i � .It,"snal be iinla�,�ful :for t,he flri'ver of t�xicab 4�hi1e carrying �" °pa'ssengers ta'�.ciisp7 a,y any f�lwgY� sign or "si�n21 `den�ting `bhat sv:cn cl`e ,, .. . . . , . ; _ , ,••is �not. ei�ployed,' oY� t� se't'_nt�� oneratioil any.taYimet'er 2..0� or d_uring an« �. I. tiine tjrhen'a`t2:xicab'�is not'aGtuallY e�:alayeo,`.or to f2i1 �•to''stop the oper "stii�,n�of' such �t the terminati�on �af�'trie s'ervice _�to any.passenger. . ' . . • . �� : ,` �. ,.. �; ". -� ' ., ;._ . � :,. `�..�'.. .. �- � � ' .. � . . . . , ' SECTIOiQ XII. : " :�ny,ilriver.emaloyed�'t�'carry an,y,��passenger�:to`2.`C.efini•t noiilt �skiall . • take the mast'direet: r�ute vrffiich v�ill'' czrry tiie: passen�er s�.fely and ex- .. , . . ..; ' ped.i•tiously ,td� t�e po� nt'` of 6.es �in��t� on,..'" � s . .. SFCTIOIQ. XIII , '� ' . _ ` . �6",'hen 2�ta.xicab. is enga�ed:by any �on� hg 5n2.11 h�ve��the. exclusive . ' . righ•t to the full use- of the pz`ssen�er comp� e.nd ��t. shzll �be unlav� �' ful f�r the'�o�aner c�riVer� of �.sald.taxic�U _to- splicit or cerry,add�tion�l � � ' .. . � ���:_ .. . � � . �. " . � � .. � ��. � . � �i..... } ' .� . . i..• . . ` p2.ssen'�e'rs tnerein' ��!ithout ob�aining tPe �onsent oi` tne xiers�n iirst en- . . �. . . ' g�:ging such taxicab. . . ., r, . , , , . . , .> � , , . . . . ,.. :. . ,. , .,. ,.. . . ; . �... . � . . - x.... ♦ z . � - � . . . . . / �. : � . � ' a .. . � -. ' . 3 � . . . . , .. SECTIOIQ'XI?7:. .. ' , , It shall be_ v to, hire any :ta{�cab in tlie Cit� i�n�th �the int.ent ' . • ' d . �.�1 . �� � . ' } . . � - , . , ' '.'. y � . . � . � to �deir�.u3 t?ie persnn fro� •�h�m it is �hired: : ' '� ' � � .,`, .. . .. ' 4 . , .. � tL' ;� . p . ;. . . . + ..' : -�,. . � .. �, ;' . _ . . �_� . . .. . . . '` � :_. . , . , • SEGTi0�1 XV ; ' , , , : . , ' .: _ :.F ' ., . _ � i � .' � ,� .- �:�. • . ' •.� . : .. ' 2t sn21`1'be,unle.titizul•.£�r any,�erson, solicitirig p2trana;e for any�tax� . . ,.� , �. . . . ,, , „ ,.. . �_ . , ., cab �t any.nlace in.the C to, misrepres,ent b� i�iqrd, sign,� h�tband,.insignia. .. � . . � ' . .. � . i .: . ' . . � " . � . "�Y' . . ', ' �. � or b�.any other.me�ns, the:.t�:ue identity of.the o�=mer of the venicle t,� be ; .� � _ . . . .. _g_ ' . . . , ,, ,,used.:.. . : , . . .. . ;; . , , .. ; , :, . . . - .�� . . .� . ,. .. �.a, � � . . j � ' Z � „ , • , � � ` . . _ �' ` 5 � ., � ., $ECTIOId. XVI x } . ., ,_ �, � . .. .. . . 4 . . , . • . . . . -.. � It, .shall b's .unlzivful� f�r.°the driv,er �f any� taxic�.b up�qn recei.yim , fu11 ', ' , . . .. � < payment`��f � farer.indicated. •by the, t'aximeter -om 4tne=r�xrYSe `e�llected, to.�re `' ,, .,r,:. � �.. :. ; , . . . ..' � fuse tb' bive a receipt therefor,.up�n the ieque.s�, �f+any ,��ssenger inaking: ; , „ . . ..,. - such payment ,_ , .. .� . . ' ' . . , _ , `;,, . SECTIOPJ.X�1,I3. . " .. " , . . . ' � . . .. ;. � � , ' TRIP. SHEETS=-DRIVER' S RE?ORTS t _ ': • ° ' , ' , , . . , ._ .:, . ,The'diiver o� euery by�this ordinanc.e.sriall,tseep_ a com�lete �,nd' acburate record of� nach trip upon a daily trip siie,et approv • ed:by ..t}ie Tra.ffic_,Authnrit,y; shar:ing the:tiine arid place. nP. ori'gin� and d'es , . � � tin2tiQn, af the trib, trie, number� of pass.enger,s; earried, t�he.. mile2:ge wnd the � . . : . ` , , . : , ' �.mnun't' of"f'are collected.' 'Th� s r.ec�rd; shal� be 'f� 1ed .dai.l'y`by �tne driv.er , : -.tivith the°conpany by vih�m'he` ia e;�pinyed; .and such 'record sna1�1 Ue kept�,on ' . ,� , . . . .. : , ,. . , file.available.f-,or.ins�ection by`tne�Traffic Author.i.ty or any��i'ni9 a�;ents'%�. � '„ . , or;er,�gloyees,'f�r a.periad,of nnt.less;than sih (6)umonths.. It shall�be-: � unla�7fu1 for an;� o�rnex �r_ driver to viol�.te tre provisions of this,.secti'nn ` . .. " SECTIOId XVI1I , ;:; ' � � . � >. • . � • � �- � � � .. , . • , < That n� veh�cle �.s descrtb:ed:in Section I�'of tnis orainance for wnich � „ � o� t . r : : :. F , �. . , � �, • .' . , .. a permit sn�.i1`have issued_ snall ue,,.�perated by,�ny arie but:,tlze •oivrier , ' . , ; , I a : �. V thereof �r .an einnloyee o, the oi•mer, and :it shall be, unlatvful for, tne . . . .. . '.k . . .� ' . . . ' - . 1 .� .. � � .. � oi�mer oP any-drider ;af. an;� such vehicle �.t� enter into_ any-lcontract; aga�ae- :•� -•.r�ent or understzndin�'•beti�een �tnemselves bY the tPrms ,nf v;hich such driver , - oays-to,_ qr -P�r the' accouritl nf such� o�rmer z iixed •or determi�nabi e sum for • . _ .. . >. ... w 1 ` ' ' -. � ; • ,._, , ,>,:: . . trhe use 'of such vehicle. ! •. .' � � . `. ,,,� . S TION. XIX, , . EC _ ,. _ ,: . , . ., ,- ,, . . • . • ; .- _ :: . , � . , - . (s). Th�t. it ,sna.•11 be unla�iful for taxicab to be fr�m ', any nl�ce in tne C�ty e�cept a �tand grznted by the City Covncil-or Traffic . iil� accmrd�nce with the of.thss ordinance and/or .'. •�nance- r1�. 404,: as the ` seme na:�.. reads: �r:,as �t_ne-.�same m2y be , amended, or -_, � ,.: : _. '; . . , �: �.. .; , from a orivate'-�or public gara�e:,or ,parKin;, space ori .priy2te propert�: . " `(b) It° sn�11� be '.un7 a.vrful `�foi:" any`:d.river..or' oviner t:o �perate;�,�ny` of�: . eitner of the vehicl,eS.r.eferrea t�o in this_section.nn the etr.eetg�nf the • � City iri„the ma:�!ner defined in Section�,I .(1) �f�:�this. ordin�,nce ,as ,"crui;sin�"' . ' and: no 'driuer sha11:`crulse .i.n' search of *passeri�;ers "�t � any `time, and �ahenever` ' . . � �..; , �, . . a_ t�xicab• is un'occunied tlze{driver sfial'l,proceed at once by.the�'m�st •dir.ect v . , . . . .. , . . . , . . .. . , . � T'.OUte�' tp, � tf3B'�2.T3(��B..Pd�RG'Y`G,.'.tY12 veh�� C�.0 1S� IIn118�0d. OT'. t0� triC :Uri4�C'CUA�'� 2CZ S't&riCl. � . . . . .:.. � .� , . .. - . �., . . _g_ , , , :. . :, . . , :. . � • . � � , . .. � ,. ' .. . . � . . . ' . � ' . . . . . � ' .. . . . - .. -. . , :� . . . r r 4 . . .. . . _ , .. , . . , . - � . t . , � • , . � .. . � . . � + . . ' � . � � ' SECTION,XX � ' : . � , . ,.. . - • , , .. .. + STREFT STANDS :,, � . . . �. . � _ ,. �. . � � • . `,�, (1) Cnnditioned nn ,the anriu�l �ayrnent �f,.Ttivanty Four.%Dollars� (�24.00).'for.: ° . % ` ,::, . each s�reet stand, permits.'may be,issued as nroyided.,in this'nrdinance to-, " tne o�vriers of the. ve'riioles,� .a'! lo�r� ri� �ny:''such' veiii'cles'cihile .���aiting er-� , � � . p:1q5�ment �sto ` stand at`certaim desi,gnated ,�aluces unon'the�streets of `the ' . , - � . _ . . . . . . , ., . _. .. . >: , . , * . Cit;�, provided that, apuiicatian is .inade to the Tzaffic:.AutYiorit,y�tianich sho��rs . . . . - . , , � � _ . _ . . , .. , . . � . � �. � ��. . . . , ,.... ..... .. �`the`1o"cati�n �f .tne proposed`�stand.z.ccom�ani'ecl by �, letter,or letters of '..consent of �tne propert,y= ovrners in .,front .nf �crnose broperty such sf�arid shall , ocouny';, provided,tnat a telephc�ne •�for e�cn suci� stanc�; vti71 be insta.11ed;� _ . . � . : .. • . , . . _, , .: .. ,, .. an .the buii ding _or a.t the ourb, proviaed .tna.t_ not m�re, ,than ;one sucn s,�and � will'be perr�itted' in''�;ny one' block'. zud'tnat Uuch stand M? 11`; not occupy more ; . . � � ,�: �:. than tc;enty-tcro' ( �2) f� of..parking.. space � . , . : , . .. -� � . s� . , : .. . :. . - � � , ,, , �2) - 4Pnen such nernit'for s,tr.eet staizd;hzs �been �.pprov.ed by the ` • : . . `. .. . � . - • �, . ., : , ;.. . , ; , , . . Tr2Yfio,9utH�rity, the Traffic 9utn��ity'is.:iereby �uthprizec7 to desi��nate'�_ s2:ide zone U,� pai�nting"the' curb ��rhite a:l�ng such zone and n�in�in� in �. black,.letters 1;hereon !'NO P_4RKII�G - TAXI•; ONL°:'!� .Sueh zones 'sh�:Zl_ i�e�.u�ed. . ' . �f 4 .r�a , ' ' . . . -. � � ': .. ..: .� ' � . ',exclusive3y for 2,rid l�eding zone for taxi czb�: : -' ' (3) ' It sha11 be unlai=�fal for tne oPiner nr` driver of any of ,the ,�� <.ve�i�cles her�.in de�'ined,•.to 1'e2ve such�vehicles un&:.tterided at the'st2nd fbr � ,� ,�e :,pes:iod � of, time� l�anCer. tnan three�. (3) ininutes... � :' . . . � . . ._. , ; . • <.• . . .. � ; .. ,; . .; .. . . � ... � . . . (4) ` That ,it shall �be. unla�a�v.l for .tne c��=mer, dr.iver, �r otner. �enplqyee, �' . �:, _ � , . • - � ". :� ar' a�;ent' -of a:•taxicab i�x ta soli'ci°t n2�tr�n2.ge of pers�ns assembled at the` , n£ any'�commoil carrier, .nr. at intermediate,pnints �along an'y.°sstablish- �,' - _ ; -,:> . : ,, ed rnute�of such�arrier, .�r stand,�f enqtner -n4mer, ,wi�en such pereqns have so" asse�Uled for tne� purpose nf 'using the service of such c.onimon ca.rrier- or . . , _ . .. �I .. . . _ . 5 . . .. . � -~vehicle �f an'other 'o�vrier: .�Tnis sl�all "-not.be�.:coiastrued".to'��irohi}�it; � or�� in-' - . . . ,. . , . . : ;. , . , ., . terfere ��itri, respgnse"tn: any ball f�r a r��de b,/'telepks�rti.e.. nr by . • . , y a � � • ', ;; . ; � signal,�frpm' a uedestrian " � , ., . . ,. _ • . . , .: ;... °. • gECTION °XXI ., '.. , . ,; . .. � ;. (1). The•maximv� iates�Qr fares to be•char�ed= the.'public,�by t�xicabs operating, �ver :the �stree �s bf �'the Ci �v snall be,,fi�.ed . by tYi'e. ,City Cnuncil, , . . - . . � , ... - •- '- .at the time- qf. tne ,issuance n£ . tre : orrrier's; permit = ,�..�.�. . ., � ..... . ';. ..:. , � ...• , . .. .. N: - . . .�;. . .. .,.. (2), -, _The ,City Cciuncil ,s=�al1 �have pni��er,� .un�n � �hearin�,:upon 'its bvm � _. . : n - . ?r < ' ,. . . . ., rioti on t�r: upon ,camplaint, to,.invest���te. a singTe r�.te nr �a.re, or.;. �he err- .... , ,. . . . ,. , , =•tire schedule of rates .in ef°eot'�, char�ed,.• deriia.nded' cir-: collectefl .for : taxi°- �; , ..... .. ,:.. _ bab and" est�.blisn-:a ne'v�-r�te� �r �chedule of �`rates in lieu thereof , � ,: :. .: ,.,. ,_ � „: ., ', . . ', . . -. � - . . . ,. � , . . : . , . . . > . � , . . . �, � . ... ' . . . ✓ . . � 4. �... . . . a. r . � � . . . .. . '. . . . � •. .. r . u : . �. �: • . :. . . .' . . . . ' ` • . • • . .. . . . " ' r . . ♦ � . . . .� _ . . . . � � . ' . . . . . ' . � .`' . � .. . _ a .. . [�- . i. . .. . , . ' 5ECTI01�1'::XXLI"r , _. , That it sriall�be:unla�vful.for any' gerson t� re£us� payuthe leg�l . o ,. fare o.f any �f 'the vehicle3 -mentioned zn`^this �r.dinance aft :havin� .liired ,: - ` . . ,. � � ° tne s'2ine, . . . , ..,.:• : . _. , ' ` • . -- , ,, . .. : . .. . .• _ . , . . . ' SE.CTIO�T XXIII.;' ; ' , . , - . . . '.' ' lhat..the.dity� Council� snall h�:ve the p�rr.er'tq gr2.nt or;dery'.any �r. �all . . .. . , , ;. . . ., -. c . . � � . �.. � � . � � � � : �.� �. ...,. � . . � . ,. ., ... .; ,. . : - . - permits rierein ;vren, in the exercise of rea;soriable d:iscretinn -z.rri,ved at pursuant to the pr�visic�ns �£ this ordinaiice it snall_have determined.that , . . . _ f. . , • the 2n�lir,an� has or has not`c�:�plied t�iith a1T the pr�visinns of this 4rdin Y > , . , . . ., , .. .•; . . , . , . • ' ' ance r"elating ,to tne` �grantYng af such p.erniits. � ' ' � . Tne._Tra°f.ic Authority *n2.y suspend�any oz "the perrits herein ir.entioi�ed e�hen tne •perm:_ttee' h�s` n��= c�mplie'd `�ii;l;h i;he provisi�gn.s o£ �tiza e:`ordin2.nce,. nr: . sh211 Yi�ve beeri..�rr.estea �r;;cnnvic�ed:for�the commissi'�n of a' felony; or ` - . ,. _. . _ . _ _. . . . snall �have be.en�arrested or con�;"icted o1`: reckless �?^idin�, ,n�:-nderin�;, �.�r ., .` .. . . . . �. . . A . . ' • " . . '. . � ` . ' • . ' � • . . • � �. ." �• . � • . . � . use,' sale; .possessi�n,.� infcirmz.tion nz ,tr�nsporta�lon,of ilar.cotics oi illi�clt ,� , � intoxica.tin�•:liciu�rs, �r. f�r assault nr'oattery; or s�iall h�ve ch�.r.ged :ra8es.. ,' � , :. � . � , . , in •excess. oF ti�ose. wrl�.i ch the: permittee nas on z-i7 e,i:�itn., and approved by tlie �, .,- ,.. -: . .,, . . ;: _ : . : . : .. : - . . - , .. . . . .. . .. . •.. "'�City: doutici? ; or sYia11 ha,ve' viol�ted anj,�. of the.rules and regulations° oi ' . tne Ci1;y C�uncil pert�ining`to ti�e oneration bf; and exten�;,,char�:cter' ` • _ . , .. , _' a.nd quality �f the � se.raices of �Giie; t�f'icebs. S�id �ctian ,of tne: Ti �.ffi�c � .4Uthnrity in � �.ny nf s�.id permits is �,to; be �uo 7ect t� the ra.ti- fic2tibn .and aaproval of sai'd City CnL�nci'1 at :an,�. pf its meetings heid • . . "'subsec�uent . to' . i,he actioi: of tne ;Traff� c,Avtnnrity,� bLit not .later than� thirty,.. �: • :. ( 30) �d_aya �thereafter.� ` • " .. . . � . • - :.- � .� : , ._ : . . . , SECTION XXIV...' . . ~ T$Gt,.t�e City.Council�.snz.11'nave��autkori �,y to nd,�pt sueh ii�les �nd _ regulz.tinns �.s"r�uv�be necessary f�r �he'servic Gnc};sazety_.,of the �o�eratidn ,�. � , ,. , � • ' of tYie vet�icles•iierein rientioned.;. " , ,,. .. . , , .>. , . - ... _. , ' '.. . ° SECTTOI�f XXV. � -; ; . , • The re;ul�:tln� pravisions i�f tnis �rd�n�iic,e ��211 2pply �o'.a1:1"o�=mers and drivers oaerating taxicabs 'in �t,i�e City� of' Lyn�J�oc�', i lcluding`,tlznse .c+�ho .� • ' paid a�business.license vnd.er Oidd�.:-'nance b?o; �?I8 tn:do.busines�s �n this •, city., ' Ovmera �and• drivers whc� hav paid' a liceri�se t2x �nd;, �re r_pvt; . 2perat;ing' ,, ' in tl�is "city Sh2.�ll be �,zveri �t�irty, (30)',;dzye from �ne effective.dGte of this � prd�.nanee t� comply, arith e.1T �f i.he �erms' tnereof �If, in exercise of a'. i� reas�nab'le diserc �iori,� tne 'Cit�* . Cciuncil �, sn211 find tnat the'` ;r�nting of a; , , , . . ... , ,. , . . .. ,.. , . , ` _ : � { _ . . - �;� �� i . - . . . ' : . `, .. . , . - . ,.� , - - � . , oermit.,or permi,ts. under .the ter�as,�f th5:s nro:i.nance any qi Lhe oine'rs;�o� ° , . . . . , . , . d.rivers. noc�r; doing busiizess ih,� tnzs City ti•rn.uld detr?�aient2l to t]ie pubTic h-ealth, 's��et3r, moral�, .or gener�l irelfare nf the City,, it,��snal7: re£use tq , ,. , grd:nt sa.id_ germit `or permits ";In th`e event a p_ermit is ,'ref;used to �ny ,o���ner , .. ,. . ,. . , . , :. . . , . . , : , . .. ..... , presently licensed in this'°City, tne City Lic.enae Collectqr is rerebf a:u-. .:" .. . tnorized.` tc���refund the unused p'ortion:.bf an5r. b'izs�riess't�x tnere�ofore�.pai•d by : ,. .. . , , . sGid owner.,.. . . ' � � SECTION X}iVI. • � - � -� That if any.aection, subsection,. sentenc,e, clavse or phra.se �f this - ` ordiri�nce is f��r'any reason held. ta be invalid pr•uncnrstituti�nzl,_�uch de- � cision sha11 not a£fect the valid_i•ty of� the remai'ning portio!ze af tiiis ord:ii�ance. The:�Cit;� Coizilc?1 hereby declares 'that it ��r�u1d have,.p�:ssed this :, _ ordinarice; .and_ e€ch sect'.�on, sup-section, sen'oeiice; clause a.nd phra.se : , ,�� theseof, irrespective �f the iact th�t any arie•or more sections,.subsecti�ns,:. ',aentences, claizses �r pnrases be dec.lared invalld or' unconstitutional. _ SECTION,XXVII. ,.. . , ` � .9n;y_person violating eny of t�e,provi�ios�s �f tnis,qrdinance shall be . � deemed�guilty'a? 2�nisd_e��e.anor and v�on c�nvicti�n tnereof si.zall be punishable b, -fine.���f, not to, exceei� tne su� �f thre� hundred doliar.s`, (��300..Q0`)_�,pr itti- _ . ,: . . . prisnnment-iri the Cit3, Jzil�nf the Cit�r af L•yri�r�o@.nr. tne:C9unty.,Jail of, ..' L�s _Angeles� AFxf�� County,��State of: C2liforni�, for� a period �f��time not� to = , , . . , •. .. � • . _. :: - -. ., �. exce,ed. three',.(3)�,mont�ss, or by b�th such.fine and impriscineieiit. ` . ,The�Ciity Clerk of sald City ehal3,certify-to the.passage and.adoption' n . . . .. .. ' � . . .. " � � . ... . � �Y' � � :it' , " , : of this ordinance and shA31 cause tH'e'sr�me to be published �acdording�'to law,. �- , . _ . , ,.. . . : : .in:the-Lynwood Presa, a, ne�sepaper.of gener,al circula:tion, printed and..':� " , ,- : �.:°., . .. . publisried in said.City. ,., :. �....: � : ' � ' � � , ,.., - ,. • ... : . . , . . . �. 'PASSED, ADOPTED AND.APPROVED THIS 'lth day•of May�•1946. � . . ��.,�� ' ; ' ..:' . ". �. MAYOR OR'TH CITY OF. YNWO D• '. ATTE3.T:_ / - - . . - . y � C E OF� HE',C� L NWOOD ;' • _. . , ' : - . _ ' . . . .. .. . , . . , , ,-. : � . , . : " ' . . . . , . . . . ' . . �, . ... _� �_ ' .. � . ,">`?'.ATE OF CALIFO_r'iPiTA � C��u�J`PY OF 1:,OS l-.I3Gr��,E��) ss� CiTY Cr' LYi1Ud00D ) I,` Frank R, Limber, City Clerk of the City of Lyni�?ood � Calif�rnia; do hereby certify that the whole number of r�embers of the City Cpuncil of the said City is five; that the foregoin� ORDiiVA:ti�Cc,} being ORDINANCE N0, 428 , v�as duly passed and adopted by the said City Council, appioved and si�ned by the Mayor of saicl City, and attested by the City Clerk pY said•City, all at a regular meeting,of.the said Council held on the 7th _ da;� of M� , A, D., 194 6 , and that the same was so passed and adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Councilmen; Doty, J ense n � . � " Shrock,` �Niggins and �fJilliams Pdoes: Non Absent: None � �lIiIQEBS my hand. and the seal,of said City this 9th ` day of May , Ae D., 194 6 , �� � CITY L�� C TY F YNF�OOD� G L�ie: