HomeMy Public PortalAboutOrd. 0446 :� ' � ;Y . . .. ., . _' ORDINANCE N0. 446 AN ORDINANCr. PROVIDING FOR THE SUBDIVISION OF LAND IN THE CITY OF LYNWOGD. The public interest and convenience requires and the City Council of the City oP Lyntivood ordains as follows: SECTION 1: Authority. Pursuant to the "Subdivision Map Act" (Division 4, Part 2, ,Chapter 2, Business and Profeasions Code) of the State of California, the provisiona of this ordinance are supplemental to those of said Act, and shall apply to all subdivisions of land hereafter made when said land is entirely, or partially, wlthin the limits of the City of Lymvood; and, all terms uaed herein rvhich are defined in the said "Subdivision IuIap Act'� shall have the eame rneaning as aecribed thereto in the said Act, and as the said Act may hereafter be amended. The Lynvrood City Planning Commission is hereby designated as the "advisory agency° referred to in the said Act, and is charged with the duty of making inveatigationa and reports on the design and improvement of proposed subdivisions; and is hereby authorized to approvec� con- ditionally approve or disapprove tentative mapa of subdivisions pre- pared and filed aecorrling to this ordinance and the said "9ubdivision I{�,p Act", to recommend the kinda, nature and extent of the improve- � �ents required to be installed in subdivisions, and to report direct � to the subdivider the action taken on tentative mapa. SECTION 2: General Requirementa. . , A. Streets and Roads. - Ma�or and Secondary highways ahall conform in width �nd aubatantially in alignment with that ahown or 2ndicated in the Maeter Plan of Highways of Los Angelea County, California, or master Plan of the Cit,y oY Lynwood. All other streets and roads ahall conform in width and alignment and sha11 be of a design designated by the City Council. , -- - _ 1_ • : . . 3. Alleys. Alleye having a minimum width of 20 feet shall be provj_ded at the rear of all lots clasaified for commercial use unleas adequate ofY-street parking areas to serve such property are reserved for such purposes and are ahown upon the map and approved by the City in the manner herein provided. Alleys in the rear of lota classified for commercial use shall be paned with macadam or equal material to a width of at least 15 feet. Alleya elsewhere shall be optional. C. Improvements. All sidewalka, curba, gutters, pavementa, water mains, cul- verts, drainage structuree and sanitary sewera where existing laterals are available within a reasonable dista.nce, sHall be constructed by and at the expense of the aubdivider. Some or all of these require- menta may be waived by the City Council in the case of ma,Jor highways or secondary highways. D. Parking Areas. Special areas for off-atreet parking of motor vehiclea, ' oPfered for dedication or to be otherwise reserved for public uae in connection with proposed busineas, industrial, unlimited multlple ! residential, or institutional property, shall receive special atten- tion as to size, location, shape and general adequacy. E. Utilitiee. Overhead utilities aha,ll be located at the rear of lots along either alleys or easementa wherever practicable. F. Lota. approximately � Lots shall have a minimum area oP/ 6,000 souare feet and an ' average cninimum width of 50 Peet. No lot shall be divided by a County or City boundary line. Side linea of lota sha.11 be approximately at right angles to the street line on straight streets or to the tangent on curved atreeta. -2- � . "• � � ' ' �. � G. Blocks. � Blocka less than 400 feet in length, or more than S00 feet in length may be cause for disapproval of the tentative map, but in no case shall they be longer than 1320 feet. In long blocks pedeatrian waya may be required. Where pedestrian waya are required such ways ahall be paved and ahall be at least 5 Yeet in width. SECTION 3. Tentetive fl!le.p. A. Requiremente. Each proposed subdiviaion shall be submitted in map form. Five (5) copiea of such map shall be filed. When such required copiea of a tentative map are filed, the City Engineer shall ir�nediately forward one copy to each of the followin�: 1. City Council. 2. California Real Eatate Commisaion. 3. Three ccpies to the Ci�ty Planning Commiasion. Tne size of each such map shall be 18 by 26 inches; the scale ahall be not lese than.200 feet to the inch. � Each auch map ahall contain the following information: I 1. Tract number of the aubdivision. 2. Name and address oP the owner of property proposed to be subdivided and of the aubdivider. 3. Name of registered civil engineer, licensed surveyor, landscape architect or other peraon who prepared the map. 4. Approxi�a.te acreage. 5. P?orth point. 6. Scale. '7. Date. 8. Boundary line. � 9. The location and width of all atreets within the boundaries of the�proposed aubdivision. 10. Proposed names of all streets within the boundaries of proposed subdivision. -3- ,..- , . . . . 11. Name, location and width of ad,Jacent streets. 12. Width and location of alleys. 13. Lot lines and approximate dimensions. 14. �Nidth And location of all existing or proposed public or private easementa. 15. Classification of lota as to desired residential, _ commercial, industrial or other usea. 16. Location of exiating and proposed public utilities. 17. Elevation of sevrers at propoaed connection. 18. Railroads, 19. Approximate radius of curves. 20. Such other dat� as the City Engineer may from time to time reasonably require. B. Procedure. 1. After noting the above it is desirable that the eub- � divider should confer with the staff of the City Planning Commission before prebaring the tentative map of the proposed eubdivision. 2. The tentative map sha,ll be prepared in accordance with ' the "Subdivision Map Act" and the provieions of this ordinance, and ahr�.11 be filed with the City Engineer not less than ten (10) days before the date of the City Planning Commiasion meeting at iehich it ia to be considered. Such filing should be prior to the completion of final surveys of streets and lota and must be Piled before the start of any grading or construction work within the proposed aubdivision. 3. The tentative map shall be accompanied by reporta and written statements from the subdivider giving essential information regarding the Following mat,tera: a. Source of aupply. b, Type of atreet improvements and utilities which the subdivider proposea to install. F• c. Proposed method of sewage disposal. -4 . �. , : - ' � • � �.. y � d. Proposed atorm water sewer or other meane of drainage �grade and size). e. Protection covenants to be recorded, if any. Y. Propose@ tree planting, if any. g. Such other reports and written statementa as the City Engineer may from time to time require. 4. Within ten (10) days after the City �ngineer has received a copy of the tentstive map, he shall make a report in writing to the Planning Commisaion as to any recommendations in connection with the tentative map and its bearing on particular functions. Failure to so report shall be deemed approval. . 5. Within 20 days after a tentative me.p has been f?led with the City Plannir� Commisaion,.the Planning� Commission shall report in writing to the subdivider and to the City Council the approval, con- ditional approval or disapproval of the r�ap, and the conditions on which auch action is based. On the oYficial filed copy of the tenta- � tive map, or attached thereto, a atatement shall be made covering such action. , 6. As soon as the City Planning Commiasion ha.s approved, conditionally approved or disapproved the tentative map, a memorandum • of the action taken thereon by the�Planning Commisaion ah<�.11 be sent to the Real Estate Commissioner of the State of CnliPornia, one copy to the City Council and one copy returned to tne City Engineer. SECTION 4. Final Map. A. Preparation. After approval of the tentatine map by the City Planning Commisaiori, the subdivider may cause a final map to be prepared in accordance with a completed survey of the subdivision and in substan- tial compliance with the approv2d tentative map, and in Pull compli- ance v:ith the "Subdivieion Map Act" and this ordinance. The final map shall contain all information required by the City Engineer of , -5- �; : . . . . said City and ehall in addition conform to the etandards and require- .�nenta of the County Surveyor of Los Angeles County. B. Procedure. The final map together with plana, profilea and specifi- cations for proposed street improvement work sne.11 be submitted to the City Engineer for approval. Pl�,na, profiles and specifications shall ehov� full detaile of the proposed improvements and shall conform to the requirementa of the City Engineer and to sta.ndards of the City of Lynwood. If final map, plana, profilea, and specificationa are found to be in oorrect form and the matters shown thereon are sufficient� the City Engineer shall endorse his�approval thereon. Before final map is submitted to the City Council for final approval, the City Engineer ahall file v+ith said City Council and P1Anning Commiasion a report covering Pindings and recommendations relative to the compll- ance of the subdivider. with the requirements of thie ordinance and previous actions of the Planning.Commisaion and City Council. C. Checking. . The County 3urveyor of Los Angeles County is hereby desig- r.ated as the agency for checking all final subdiviaion mapa as to compliance with the "Subdivision Map Act'� and the provisions of this or dinance. The final ma,p may be submitted to the County Surveyor for checking at any time after the approval of the tentative map, but such checking_must be completed prior to the submiasion of such map to the City Council for final approval. D. Dedicationa and Improvementa. � All etreets, highways, alleys and parcels of land shovan on the final map and intended for any public use shall be ofPered for public use. Dedications offered but refused for ±mmediate acceptanoe shall, if neceasary for future need, and when declared so to be, ahall be designated on s�.id final map ae "dedicated for future street" or other public facility a,s the case may be. -E- - {.- - . ' ' ' ... .. , � • � � ' � The subdivider shall improve, or agree to improve, all land dedicated for streets, highway, public waye and easements as a con- dition precedent to acceptance thereof and approval of the final raap. Improvements required are set forth in Seeticn 2-G of this ordinance. Before commencing any improvement the subdivider shall deposit v.�ith the City Engineer a sum estimated by said City Engineer to co"ver the actual cost of inapection of all improvements under his ,juriadiction. Any unused portiene of this depoeit aha.11 be returned to the subdivider after completion and acceptance of the work. If auch improvements are not completed to the satisfaction of the City �n�ineer prior to final approval of the map, the subdivider she.11 enter into an agreement with eaid City Council to complete auch work. The agreement ahall be accompa.nied by a faithful performance bond guaranteeing the faithful perPormance of all work, in a penal sum which, in the opinion of the City Engineer, equals the cost thereof. 8uch agreement shall alAO be accompanied by a bond or policy of inaurance proteating� the City against damage or in,�ury to persons or property growing out of, related to, or reaulting Yrom such improve- menta or work; said bond or policy of insurance ahall be in auch amount and in such form as the City Engineer may Prom time to t3me require. SECTION 5. Adoption. The City Clerk shall certify to the adoption of thie ordinance by the City Council of the City oP Lynwood and cavse a certified copy of same to be filed with the County Recorder of Los Angeles County and cause eame to be publiahed once in the Lynwood Preas, a newapaper of general circulation, printed, publiakied and circulated ,in said City within fifteen (15) days after its passage and it ahall �a-' ���= :take effect thirty (30) days aYter ita final passage. _ �V.,, .ss y'� -'' PASSED and ADOPTED this 18th day of February , 1947. . ` . _ , ,. : : �.-•_ � , , `v . ^ . . . �. , ' ' b '' � T ., •'� " � �AYOR 0� E I Y OF Y OOD .=. - ATTES >: � � �, . `, . �� / - �j � ';'Y, LERIC, CI� LYN' CCD »:�� '• f .. � ' • ' � r . • � � :� I ' . : ,': , - . . . . . . , y iT.9TE OF CALIF'ORIQI.A ti ' COJid7'S` OF LOS AIvGSLEti� 83 � CITY i;F LYNV��00� I I Frank R, Limber, City Clerk oi the City of Lynwoo3 California, do hereby certify that the whole number of inem�er., of the City Councll of the eaid Clty is five; that the foregorr.g• ORDINANCE� being ORDINANCE N0, 446 ,, was duly passed and adopted by the said City Council, approved and eigned by the Mayor of said City, and attested tay the Clty Clerk of said Clty, all at a regular meeting.of,Lhe aaid :¢ouneil held on the �Ath day of �ruarv � A. D:�� 1947 , and that„the same was so passed and adopted by Lhe following vote: /�ye8: _(',rn�ne i l m�en •�� _: D� y T0ri36R�_ S�pck•Jy�ggins. and Williams. Noea: _rr�ne_ Absent; NnnP_ R'ITNE38 my hand and the seal of said City this 19 th , day of _ Fe bruarv • A. D."� 194 ?� ' _ . . .�� � � ^ '.``�,�...:.. ������? . , y ., ,.� . �' '" I � _'" �� �� � L w oD�A�oRrr_`:>: � ,� � � i ''� _ � ' • i "' `\l t � ,:� ` . � . � + . p'