HomeMy Public PortalAboutOrd. 0468 _ �.... ' l /V � < ' . ' . ,. � .. � ORDINANCE N0. 468 � Ai'd ORDIPIi:NCE OF THE CITY OF � l�N l<dnn !� Ai�4ENDIPIG .OR—AVOP-P�INC�-icN ORDIiVaNCE N0. � �ii n , RELATING TO THE HEALTH CODE. � Bi IT ORD/�INED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF L YJJ u�nv p; SECTION 1: Ordinance No. ����� passed fF,e. ,�. ���Z, adopting the Health Code o£ the City o£ �✓�! �..an r. n , is hereby amended by adding thereto a new Article to be numbered pRTICLE 1 and to read as follotivs: �� ARTICLE I HOi:�'cS rOR AGc,"D, 'r:i;iNTkL IIQSTITUTIO�'S, PRIVAT� DAY SCHOOLS, DAY NiIR;;ERIFS, D��Y NURSERY SCHOOLS, PRIVAT3 BOARDIA?G SCHOOLS, AND CI?ILTJRBN'S BOARDING HO!':''t�S SECTION 201. �'HOh2�, P'OR AGED�� DEFIN�D. °Home £or Aged° shall :neari and include any institution� boarding home or oth�r place for the r�ception or care o£ aged persons, except any hospital as defined in �- S�ction 1401 0£ the Health,and Sa£ety Code of the State o£ California. SECTIOPI 201.1. "i;�IdTAL I1dSTITUTI0D1�� DEP'INED. �?`R.4ental Institu- tion° shall mean and include any hospital, sanitarium, home or other place receiving or caring £or any insane, allegedly insane, mentally i11, or other incompetent person. SECTIOD? ?_01.2 '�PRIVti`I'E DkY SCHOOL�� DEFINEll. "Private Day School" shall moan and include any institution or establisnment providing a course of training siiai.lar to that given in any grade of public school £rorn kindergarten to the twel£th �rade, inclusive, but sha11 not include any insti.tution or �stablishment maintainad by any public school. SECTION 201,3. °DAY NUR6ER�� AiVD "DAY NURSERY SCHOOL° DEFINED. , „ ��DtiY PNRSSRY" or ��Dl+Y PdU�S�Y uCH00L�� �hall mean and includo any institu- • tion or establishment providing day car2 for children battraen the ages oi trro (2) y3ars and four (4) years and six (6) months, inclusive, but shall not include any day nursary or day nursary school maintained by any public school or the raderal Governmont. Ii day care is also provided for childran over four (4) Y�ars and six (6) months of aga, as to all children under four (4) Y�ars and six (6) months o£ age tha institution or astablishment shall be consider�d as a day nursery or a day nursery school. SECTIODI 201.4. ��PRIVATE BOARDIA�G SCHOOL�� DEFIn1ED. ��Private @oarding School" shall maan and include any institution or establishment , providing room and board and giving a course o£ training similar to that giv2n in any grade o£ public school £rom kindergarten to the twel£th ;;rada, inclusiv.,, but shall not include any institution or zstabListunent ' raairrtain3d by a public school. � 1 SECTION 201.5. °CHILDREId�S BOARDING H0�,1E" DEFIPd��. °Children�s Hoarding.Hom�" shall maan and include any institution or 2stablishmont nroviding room and board for tha reception and care of one or mora children betrrzen tha agas of two (2) yaars and eight�en (18) year�, regard- lass o£ sex, SECTION 202. ..pERMIT REG�UIRID. P10 person sha11, without having obtained a written health permit thorefor as provided in Article II o£ this Code, conduct or maintain any home for aged, mental institution, private da,y school, day nursery or day nursery school, private boarding school, or children's boarding home. °- . _2_ �. � SEC^tION 202.1. P'1s;PCTT-DUI�l�TIOP?. �vory ho�lth pormit issuad by th.a City Iianager ti^rhic}i is renuired by Soction 202 shall oxnire t�velvc� (12) :nonths from its dn+,o of issue.nce. i.pplicstion for rexiowal shall bc; Pilod at le�ist ton (10) day� prior to its expiration each yoar. If the applica- tian for r•ene�rz�.l is nat so filad, tho permit tc�rninates. SFCTION 202.�!. P1�T;I��IT I�PPLICi�TIOP' F^E. E;vory �pplication for a permit roquired by Section 202 or for any renevtal thereof shall be fj, �o .r.ccompanied by an application feo of :-1-5;00 if for a permit to conduc+, or - . .. - �„2 o0 mai.ntain only ono type of institution or estaUlishment, or =.20:00 if for a pc�rmit to conciuct or maintain an institution or c�stablishrnent combining two or mora cypos of institutions or establishments at ono locution. S�C^1IOF� 203. Gi1?�:u.L ;:;EGULI.TIOA�S. The £ol��..�`-.�g genoral regul�- tions shall o.pply to tho institutions cmd establishments rogulatod by this brticlo, SCC'PIOPI 703.1. S:_i'_�; S�".DTI�[�,TIOSS OP �200P'�S. Lll walls, floors, ceilinge, wood�mork, cur�air.s and furnishings shall ba maintained in �- good, clo:n� sani.tury cor free from the accumu].ation of dirt �nd filth, and every room stiall be provided tiaith adequate vez:tilation, light- ing and h�at, S^CTIOP? 203.2. SGP�!�: P_�t1TPCTI01�r r�tOP�i His1�T���S, l, barriar or other protection shal.l be pl�uced around e2ch spa.ce.hoator, stovo, and firoplacc�, f.11 gas fired heaters must bo connectod to a supply line tiaith c, continuous. rigid raeta7. nipo. - , S�CTIOP? 203.3. S:`;IiL'; SC:.n:'PSS. :.11 windovas and doors shall bo _ screenod and maintained in �ood cor.dition so us to exclude flios flnd �th�r insects. - 3 - ' • , . SECTION 203.1 SAi��: LINEDI �;ND BEDDIPIG. There sha11 be maintained , an adequata amount o£ bedding� linen� hand and bath towzls, in good, alean condition, and each bed sha11 be supplied rvith good springs and a clean, comfortabla mattress; and a11 beds and mattressas sha11 be ;cept in a sani- tar;y condition and shull be thoroughly clean�d baforz being usad by anothar perscn. SECTION 203.5, SAP��¢ KITCHEN I�.DID FOOD, �,v�ry }:itchen shall be conductad ivith strict regard to claanliness a£facting the purity and vrhole- sometless oS the £ood therein prapared� served� kept� handled or stored, ' • All dishes, glasszs and imploments used in the preparation or s°rv- ing of food shall Ue tiioroughly cleaned and sanitizad after each usa. All such utensils sha11 ba £rea from cracks or chips of an� kind. Ifitchens sha11 be provided with not less than one (1) ttivo-compartment sink, one compartment to contain tivash watar and the othzr compartment to contain , rii�se water, The rinse titater compartmant shall b,, suppliad with a gas burner or othar device thareundzr ao the rinse vrater vvi11 be maintained at a tem- �,_�___ � _ _ _ __.__��-• --.-- ----- ._. ___ � _--- - . perature of not lass than 1'j0° Fahrenh�it �rhile in use so as to properly sanitize dishes and utensils usad £or the preparation or serving of food, An adequate amount of soap or othar dzterg�nt sha11 be used in the cvash tivaier to thoroughly clean a11 ut;en�ils. . In lieu o£ a two-compartment sink, a mechanical dish washer or its equivalent may be installed, but sha11 be coruzectad to a hot water supply . that wi11 maintain to +'�e fixture a temperature of not lass than 1"j0° F�hrerihait i'or the rinr,e tiva�er. The £loer� si3��alls� ceilings� trim� fixturas, receptacles, uten- . si1s, sinks� drainboarc�s� implsments� dishes� storerooms, and machinary in evary kitchen or placa v�here Sood is prepared, served, kept, handled or stored, shall ba maintainad in good rapair and in a sanitary condition. -4- The "£loors� wa11s and ceil�r.g o� every kitchen shall be as requiited . . . � by the City Building Code for new structures for that type of occupancy, A11 ra£rigerators and ice chests shall be kept in a clean and sani- tary condition and in good repair at a11 times, Refrigzration £or al1 perish- able food sha11 be constantly maintained at 50 Fahrenheit or lovr�r� and re£ri.gerat9.on sha11 be of a capacit� suf£icient. to eliminate congestion of food stored, Each rafrigerator shall bz supplied vaith a r�liable therrnometer. The provisions o£ this Section relativz to tti^�o-compartmant sinks or mechanical dishwash�rs sha11 not apply to any-institution or establisYunent ragulated by this Article with less than £ive (5) patients, ag2d persons, or children. • SECTION 203.6. SAME: TOILFTS FOR KITCHEN ' Ever3r kitchen sha11 have a convenieni toilet and lavatory in connection therewith� but separate and apart therefrom, and shall be maintainzd in a clean and sanitary condition, All operators, amployeas and all persons who handle� food, be£ore baginning work� shall be provided raith clean garmants, and immediately after --- _ . _ _ visiting'a"toilat shall wash'£heir hands and arms thoY�oughly with"soap and tivater. SECTIODI 203.7. SAIv1E: DRUGS IN KITCHEN. No drugs, medicinas or poisonous substances shall be kept in the kitchen. SECTION 203,8, SATuiE: � KITCHEN LdORKER5, nTo orvnar or omployer sha11 requira� permit or �uffer any person to i�ork, nor sha11 any p�rson v in a kitchen� vrhere i'ood is prepared, servad, kept, handled or stored, Zvho is a£flicted with any infectious or contagious disease or local infection. -5- , . � ' . � � � SECTIODI 203,9. SAi�lE: 'GARBAGE. All garbage and kitchen vrastas . - must bz kept in a tight flyproo£, metal container� and removed from the . ,' premises and disposed of in a sanitar;� manner at reasonably £requent intervals, All containers sha11 bo maintained in a clean and sanitary condition. SECTIOlt 203.10. SAi:�r,: E::u'LOYEkS' QUARTBRS. A11 employees� quartars sha11 b3 maintainzd in a good, clean� sanitary condition and every room shall contain no lass than five hundred (500) cubic feet of air space £or aach person, with sufficient ia�indotia arsa to af.'ford 7�roper vantilation and light. F,mployees� quarters sha11 be supplied v�ith one (1} toilat, one (1) lavatory, and on� (1) bath or shovaer� for each ten (10) persons, or major fraction tharaof, o£ each sex. S�CTION 203.11, SA�iE: :iILK SUPILY. Thera shall be provided a milk supply o£ pasteurized milk only� axcept that certi£ied milk tnay be used vahere not prohibited by State lavr or State regulations. __�_ .SECTION 7_03,12,-.SAIvlE: E;riERG�iICY LIGHTI�IG: Adaquat� �mergency lighting facilities sha11 ba provided so as to be readily available to tha parsonnel on duty. yt no time shall any open flame type of light be us�d. SECTIObT 204. CLASSROOirliS, The follovoing ragulations sha11 apply to classrooms in institutions and zstab}ishments regulatad by this �irti c le ,' SGCTION 204.1. SAi9E: FLOORS. All £loors in classrooms shall b° kept clean. SFCTIOV 20t�.2. Sti��: ?uALLS ADID Cr,ILIIdG5. Tha vvalls of every ' classroom sha11 be so traated and maintain�d that tha r�£lection factor 15 ri0t IIIOT° th2ri 2ighty percent (�G�;)nor less than fort�� ;�ercent (4�ro)• -6- ,. . The czilings o£ evsry classroom shall be so traatad and maintain�d that . tha reilection £actor is not more than eighty percent (80�) nor less than sixty percent (60�). SECTIOb1 204.3. SAi:��c HEATIAIG. Classrooms shall be proporly iieated tinhen in use. The temperature sha11 be suf£icient for the mainten- ance of h�alth and comfort o£ the pupils and shall in no case be below sixty-£iva dagrees (65 above zero rahrenheit, SBCTIOi�T 204•4. SAi��; SIZE Ai�ID V3iVTILkTI0i�1. �ary classroom � sha11 have per pupil not less than: (a) Ttivo hundred fi£ty (250) cubic feet o£ air space. , (b) Good vantilation, ' (c), Ceiling hoight shall be not lass than eight (f�) feet. SECTION 204.5. SkPi1E: ILLUidIINATI0A1. Classrooms sha11 be so i].luminatzd sahan in use that - (a) ^lhere is not less than £ifteen (15) £oot candle illumina- tion in every part of the classroom. ` (b) Thare is no direct glare. (c) Indirect glare is reduced to a minimum, SECTIOPI 204.6, SA'irlEc ?dIiIDO�i AREA. Every classroom constructed, reconstructed or alterad after thz e£fective data o£ this section, and , ev�ry classroom used as such for tha first time after the e£f'ective date o£ this section, sha11 hava a window area not less than one-£ifth (1/5) of the floor area, SECTIDPi 204.'], SkL�: S:;tiTS AbID D�KS. till ,aats and dzsks sha11 ba maintained in good condition. q11 seats sha11 have back rests. Seats sha11 bz of such height that ar�y pupil sitting therein in a normal position can corn£ortably rest his feet upon the £loor. Seats shall be � so placed�that no pupil ti+hen sitting in a normal position in any on� of tham sha11 £aca a i^rindow, -7- - I SECTION 205. TOIL�T FACILITIIS: HO;�Lt,S FOR i;G�D .;AID M�:�?TAL IAISTITUTIOI�IS. Utility rooms shall be provided for a11 bed "patients in any homa for ag�d or mzntal institution. Such rooms sha11 be provided ti��ith a k�edpan ho�per or its equivalent. Bath tubs� lavatories and laundry trays shall not be usad £or thz cleaning of bad�ans. 3�Ihare one (1) or morc ambulatory or semi-ambul�tory patients� inr.ates or aged ' boardars are car�d for or houssd, thare sha11 b„ provided at lzast one (1) vrater closzt £or aach ten (10), or fractional part tnaraof, patiants or aged boarders of each sex and ono (1) lavatory and one (1) bath or shoraer for cach ton (10), or fractional part th3rzof, patiants or agad _ boardzrs of aach sex, baithin tha building. ti11 toilat rooms, lavatorias oaths and show2rs shall be maintain�d £ra� frora any accwnulation o£ dirt, filth or corrosion. A11 water closets and utility rooms shall bo ade- c�uately light�d and vantilatzd to outside air. SECTIOAI 205.1. SAi,4E: PRIVATE BOiaRDIDIG SCHOOLS AND CHILDR�'N'S —.._._.._ _. . �BOARDIPIG HOi4?S. On each floor of privata boarding school or children�s boarding home building, ar�y part o£ vn�hich floor is us�d for sleepin� purposes £or childr�n batween two (2) yaar:, and eightzen (18) years of age, thera shall ba providad £or each tzn (10) children or fractional part thareaf, of aach sax, conv�niently and accessibly located £or th� usa of such childran� not lass than - (a) One (1) watar closat. (b) Onz (1) bath tub or shower, (c) Ona (1) lavatory. In addition, one (1) urinal shall ba provided for avery __ _, . _.. _ _ � _. _ t��vanty (7_G) boys or fractional part thzreo£ if there ar� ten (10) or more boys. _g_ . . . � � S'dCTION 205.2. S.�ivP�: PRIVAT� B0,`;RDIPIG SCHOOLS AND PRIVATE DAY . : SCHOOIS. In aach building of a urivate boarding school or privat� day school containing one or mor� classrooms on aach Ploor, thz toilat �aciliti�s shall ba as provided on tha of the following ratio of toilats to t,he numbar o£ pupils: E lamantary Schools: Gir1s - ona (1) to avary thirty-£iva �35) or fractional part th�reof. Boys - ona (1) to avery on� hundred (100) or fractional part tharao£, S�condar,y Schools:Girls - one (1) to �vary forty-fiva �45) or fractional part thereof. Boys - ona (1) to ..vzry one hundrad (100) or fractional part tharaof, provided ther� shall ba at laast one (1) toilat £or aach s�r.. In addition,�iF thara ara tan (10) or mora boys, urinals skiall �_ ba provid�d for boys on th� basis of one (1) to �v:;ry thirty (30) or £ractional part tharao£, Th�r� shall be ;orovid�d at l.�ast one (1) lavator� for �ach ttivo (2) toilzts or urinals, for` �ach s<;x, and at 13ast on� (1) drinking � foimtain on �ach floor, Er.isting availabla sanitary faciliti�s within a distanca of on3 hu!^:drad (100) fz�t may ba considarad when dotarminin� the requirad nwnb2r oi toil„ts, urinais and lavatorias in any building. SECTION 205.3. Si:ni1E: De;Y P1UttSERI�C3 AND DtiY D1UR5�7Y SCHOOLS. On �ach £loor of av�ry day nurszry or day nursary school bLilding, any , .,. part o£ Lahich is ussd for tha car� of childr�n battvaasi th� ag�s of tvro,- � `� (2) years and four (4) ;��ars and six (6) months, ther� sha11 be providzd ', j on� (1) vvatar closet £or aach ten (10) childr�n or £ractional part th�raof, � ^9 ' '• . ana one (1) la.vatory for aacY,,tan j7.0) childszri or fractiona.l part �,c thorao£. Toil,ts and lavatori�s should ba o£ suita.bla h:;ight and siz2 . as to ba r::ach.;d aasily by th� childron. I�djustabla st;:ps for young childran sha11 ba �vailabla. If childr3n ov�r four (4) Y���rs and six :�ionths ara cr;r�d for s::parata toilat £acilitizs for boys and girls sha11 ba nrovidad, � S�CTION ?06, SI��Ii�IG QUA.RTEFtS: HOP.i;:S FOR AGED� I�ND Iv1ENTAL IP?STITUTIONS. No �srson sha11 bo k�pt, carad £or or raaintz�.inod as � pati<;nt or agzd boarder in any sl:a,ping room or vaard in an;� homa £or th:: ag�d or m�ntal institution ��Jhich provid�s lass than sixty (60) sc�uar� �£a�t pS si¢per£icial floor ar�a for aach snch parson. B:;as shall Ua naintainad at laast thraa (3) £a�t apart. Slaaping rooms or vaards �ha11 hav:; a ceiling hai�,ht of not l�ss than :ight (�?) f;;zt, a.nd shall ba va;�11 lightad and v�ntilat�d to tha outsida wir, '�?indo�r:s shall ba ona-half � (1�2) open�blo. Tha v:indow ar�a in any mantal institution or Yiomc £or tha agad sha11 b:; as raquir�d by th� City Building Coda for r.�w struc- turos for that typa of occupancy, SrCTIOTd 206.1. S;i=��E: PRIVRTu IIOi,RllIDIG SCHOOLS E'iND CHILDREN�S � BOATtDIi,IG Y.Oi,ES. No p�rson eha11 cansa, parmit or suf£ar any child to _ slaop in �:ny room or dormitory providing ov�rnight car� in any building of ��privata boarding school or childr:;n�s boarding hom� which providas loss than five hundrad (5G0) cubic faat of air spaca for �ach such child, Bads,.sma11. Ueds o cots sha11 bo kapt at laast thrae (3) £�2t apart. Sloaping roo�ae or tivards shall hava a ceiling h:�ight oi not loss th�n �ight (II) S::at., and sna11 b;a rva11.1ight�d and v�ntilat�d to thz outsido air. , __. „__ `_jindorovs_.s1ia11 b�_ona-h�lf._(:1�2) op�nabl�._ TtZ�_vJindoti� ara� itz any 4 _ piivat� boarding school or childron�s boarding homa sh�11 bo as roquirad '�y �t�o City Building Cod� for noti^r structures for that type of occupancy, -10- SECT30N 206.2, SAi��: IRIVHTd DAY SCHOOIS, DAY NURSERIES, DAY ., - ; i•�IliRS�Y SCHOOLS, AND CHILDREi�f�S BOtiRDING HOi.T'rS. Any room or rooms in any building of a private day school� day nurszry, day nursary school or children's boarding home used for daytima rest pzriod shall provid3 not less than thirty (30) square feet of super£icial floor area £or each child, Beds or cots shall ba kapt at least three (3) feet apart. Such,rooms or dormi- tories sha11 have a ceiling hzight of not less than eight (8) faet, shall. be rrzl]. light�d and v�ntilatzd to thz outside air. �;iindows sha11 be one-eighth (l�fi) of tha supzr£icial floor area and be one-half (1�2) openable, � SECTIODI 207. ISOLATION ROOi,i. �zry homa for the a�ed, mzntal institution, private boarding school and children�s boarding home must have a separate room or rooms availabl� for isolation purposes. SECTION 208. RBGISTRY. Ev�ry ownar or op�rator of a.private boarding school, private day school, day nursary, day nurszry school or childrzn�s boarding home sha11 maintain a ragistry. Said ragistry shall show tha r.ame and birth data of each child and the addrzss o£ his or her parents, `� or namas of gu�rdians or other parsons having 1oga1 custody. Such registry shall b3 opsn to the inspedtion of the Health Officer. SECTIOPI 209. COiv�i�,iU:�ICABLE DISEASE. The Health 0£ficer may, in cas� of an epidamic� order that avary child, tr:£ore being admittad to a private day school� private boarding school, day nursery, day nursary school and childran's boarding home, must prasent a cartificata signad by a physician in good protassional standing, stating tfiat a personal exarnination o£ said cPiild vaithin ttirenty-four (21+) hoiirs immadiately praceding raveals that said child had no communicable disaasa tivhich vaould cause tha child�s associa- tion e'iith other children to be in any tiray d3trimantal to their haalth. _1'y.- •. SECTION 210. PLAY YARDS`kND A11 play equipment _ shall be maintained in good condition arid be securely set up. Play yards shall be properly drained, of an even surface� and free of a11 rubbish and refuse. SECTION 211. PATIENTS' liTEPiSIIS: HOf,�FS FOR AGED 11DiD inENTAL IbISTITUTIONS. A11 badpans, urinals, and other utensils usad £or patients and inmatzs sha11 be £ree from cracics or chips. Bedpans used individually sha11 be propzrly stored, marked and thoroughly cleanszd aiter each use. Badpans not individually used shall be starilizzd after each use by boiling i in t�rater for £ifteen (15) to twenty (20) minutes, or autoclaved.. All bzd- pans sha11 be sterilized once a vaeek by boiling in watar for fifteen (15) minutes or autoclaved. SECTIOPI 212, COiviPLIl�NCE 1'dITH RUGULATIONS: HOi��S FOR AGED AND I�dF,b?TAL ID?STITUTI01ltS. No parson shall conduct or maintain a home for aged or rnental institution which does not comply ti+ith the provision o£ Sactions 203 to 203.12, inclusive, 205, 206, 20'7 and 211. -- SECTION 212,1, SAiviE: PRIU.;TE DAY SCHOOLS. No parson sha11 conduct or maintain a private day school vrhich does not comply ti�iith the provisions o£ Sections 203 to 203.12, i.nclusive, 204 to 204.q, inclusive� 205.2, 206.2, a.id 20'7 to 210, inclusive. � SECTION 212.2. Sl����E: D4Y P?URSr,RIES �1AID DAY DIURSERY SCHOOIS. No parson shall conduct or maintain a day nursery or day nursery school which does not comply tivi_th the provisions of Sections 203 to 203.12� inclu- sive� ?_04 to 204.7, inclusive� 205•3� 206.?_, and 207 to 210, inclusive. SECTION 212.3. SAi:fE: Yt�IVATi� BOANDING SCHOOIS. No pzrson shall conduct or maintain a private boarding school which does not comply with - - - - , -3 < - _. the provisions of Sections 203 to 203.12, inclusivz, 204 to 204.7, inclu- sive� 205•�� z�5.2, 206.2, and 20'] to 210, inclusive. -12- - . - . - 4 ?'+�C 4 V r -- SECTIODI 212.4. SAP�,'E:'�CHILDREN�S BOARDIPdG HO;i�S, No person ; ,� sha11 conduct a children's boarding home which doas not comply v�ith the ����ovisions of Sections 203 to 203.12� inclusive, 205.1� 206.1, 206.2, and 207 to 210, inclusive. Sr,CTION 213. �ARIA1�iCE. i�here the strict enforcement of Lhe z�rovisions o£ this Article will present practical dif£iculties or work unnecessary hardships, or wi11 be materially detrimental to the preserva- tion of a property right, the City ivfanager, upon application as provided /^ in Article 1 , may grant a variance of the provisions of this Article £or any institution or astablishment regulated by this Article and exist- ing on the e££ective date o£ this Article, upon such conditions �nd £or such length of time not exceeding one (1) year as m�.y be required, after determining that such variance will not be detrimental to tlie public health, saf�ty or wel£are, nor injurious to property. No such variance sha11 be renevvzd or extended, ' Section 2S Any person,fi�rm,or. corporation-violAting any of the proviaions o r°`� this ordinanee ahall be deemed guiTty�oP a miademeanor and uponiconviction W onf, sl'�a.11 be puniahabTe by�a� of not to ,exceed �500.�0 or imprTson- --�w�nd'�City Jail`"or the� Los` Angelea County Jail for a period-� ; y ��� '�-.,..� -- _}��.- or by both suo�,,£.�,ne. and imprisonment. - -�---:� _ -�--...�_ --_ . `- — � connecii ----"'_ _.._�:,..----r10 person sh�11 , � , cros��connsct, maintnin , or install any device, recopt�cle fixture, t�nt_� or a.ny othc�r forM of installation in an,y building o�r on e.nq�premi�ses� Wh• � � , ich is connectod to any vJa,ter 1ine, pg or conduit, vrhich conveys or carriss any vi;�ter used for domesi;ic , �r hunan consumption, if the plan, arr�ngement, connection,main- tenence, or inste is such ^s to make possible an�r contamin?- tion or pollution of such we � ter g . — -----_ � �ei�spaper� ..___ _, ., �. � �. :- � �. �_-- _.�, _ _---_ � --'-.��_ . � day aFter its passage. i -13- i ,. ��,�_ .�_ _ . , i'assed by 1he Coutlbil of ths City of_ LyH wood on the 6th aay o£ January ,,lo�, �. �'l y��� AT'1r T: Mayor of thel City of j, � . �T�`~�'`�.�' �.�. .� � 'T �� v Jf' `L �',�. . � � i%�.G' �.!�'.� G� — . � City CI ;rk o£ the�Ci'ty of LynSVOOd f . lfr ,.i,....-- . c., � � � ✓ r - ��� ' u. .. ' ..• . STATE OF CALIP'OR,I�IA )� � � L'OUNTY OP LOS i11dGELES ) SS. ) CITY OF Lynwood ) I, Frank R. Limber; City Clerk of the City of Lvntivood �, � do hzreby certify that tha foregoing ordinanca was passad by The Council of ,.;,;_. ---, the City b£ LynwOOd at.its regular meeting held on the 6Lh day of _ JanuarY , 194�� by the £o1lov�ing vote, to ti^rit: � ' Ayes; Councilmen Doty, Jeneen, Willard, and Williama. I ' I ��,§�,c�i�:..�,,1 DI���: None. � �� .� � ,� . .�,•� '� I .. .�,,�. ��y;.bsent: Councilman Shrock �, _ � , /� ,�%�; � I �, � , �,'i � <:/,'_/1:� .r:' r `�.�'' /-r. vr ,.✓?.. � `.> ..t�,� � F C-ity C1erk of tha C`t"y`�of LVntvoO,d � � �. : ,, �+', w ^ . i --f�� � ` y' . .�. � ` - } f � _ _:.��-:m._ :.��_ �z-� -� �;-._.�.._,.- _ _,. -__ .... r._.� -- -�_ .>--�..w _..__z.-,.,-, --, _- ,� __. -14-