HomeMy Public PortalAboutOrd. 0471 _ � :. t� , �r . _,��. ; �,�� �' �� ; � ,,r`° . . ORDINANCE N0. 471 .! AN ORDINANCE �F THE CITY OF LYNVd00D REGtiLATING � BURNING AND BUF2IJIiQG OF TRASH WITAIN CLRTAZr1 FIRE ' ZONES OF THE CITY OF LYNVVOOD AND REGULATING THE USE AND TYPE OF INCINERATORS AND REPEALING ORDIN- ANCE N0. 215 AiJD SECTION 4 OF ORDINANCE N0. 423 OF `PHE CITY OF LYN7�OOD: The City Council of the City of Lynwood doea ordain as. followa: , . Section l: It shall be unlewful for any peraon, Yirm, or corporation to: ' : A. Ignite, aet fire to, burn, or suffer to be burned any Pire, whether in an open fire or in an approved Type 2 incinerator, and whether of grasa, weeds, brush, rubbiah, papers, shavings, or other.combustible material, within Fire Zones Nos. 2 and 3 of the City of Lynwood before dayliglit on any day or after 11:00 A. I�. on any day or at any time on Mond.ays.. B. SuPfer any fire in said Fire Zones Nos. 2 or 3 to - ""`"` � "'remain or` in°a - smoulderYng or smokin� ata'te 'except" " ` " ' on the days and hours when burning'is letivful as provided in Sub- section A hereof. , . ,. _ � ' B. Burn any atanding vegetation auch as weeds, wild oats, � bsrley, brush or grass or any other rubbiah (except rubbish burned • Sn a No. 2 Type a�proved�or other approved incinerator) without firat obtaining a written permit from the Fire Chief of the.City of Lynwood or anyone authorized by him to iFSUe such a permit. D. Do any open burning at any time (except purauant to a permit issued under Sub-eection C hereof) within 15 Peet from any building, fence or hedge and without an adult person.in con�tant attendance until euch burning has been conpletely extinguished; and , , provided further that if any open burning becomes out of control or does damage to any public or private property, it will be preswned , _ , ,. . . , that �aid burnina has been unattended by an adult person until n.roved otherwise. _ Section 2: A Clas� 2 type incinerator is hereby defined to be an incinerator not constructed_ _n or �.n integrel pest of any house or 'ouilding. All other ty�ee of incin�rator� are hereby d.efined as Class 1 incinerators. An ap»roved Clase 2 type inciizerator is an � incinerator �rhich complies with th?e ord.inance and with the rulee a,nd regula.tions and specifications of the Fire Chief of the City of Lynwood. fin approved Class 1 type incinerator is an incinerator �vhich comnlies vrith 5ection 3710 of the�Unif�rmr,$u-il�ing Code. The Fire Chief of the Gity of Lynwood. is.hereby emperrered _ . to adopt rules, regulations, and specifications governing the uee and constructien of Class 2•type incinerators. Such rules, re�ulations, •� and specifica.tions shall be presented to the Cit,y Council of ti7e City of Lyr.urood. for approval of such Council. Upon apbroval a copy of . such rules, regulations, and specifications eha..11 be kept"on iile , � :vith tne Cit,y Clerk of the Citv and with the F'ire Chief. The Fire Chief is hereby empowered. to amend from time to time auch rules,.regulations, and specifica.tions, subject to Council approval as aforesaid; � Any aggrieved person ha� the right to bring before the, Council ��ny claimed. ha.rd'ship concerning any such rules, regulations, and snecifications �nd. the Council rnay at ite discretion upon the claim of an,y such aggrieved person, amend or modify an5r sucb. rules, regulations, or specifications. Section 3: It shall be �mlau��ful for any person, f?rm, or corporation to: A.. Use, construct, or maintain any Class 2 t�rpe incinerator in violation of tr.is ordinance or any rules, regulations, or specifi- cations from t�me to time a�opted by the Fire Chie£ of the Cit�r of Lynvrood. - , _�_ S. Locate any approved Class 2 tyne incinerator v�ithin � 10 Peet of any residence; Iocate any approved Clase 2 type incinerator �.� v�!ithin 20 feet ef an.y ���indov�� or opening rrithin a residence unl.ess sazd inci�ler2tor shall have a sufficient 20 gauge ualvanized iron or steeT - stack carried above the roof line of ad,�acent residence, proper7.y �_: bra:ced_ ano. guyed. tq insua�e its nermanent• nln.cement an�, oqui�ped vrith approved type spark arrestor at top; locate-', any aPproved Clas� 2. - inciner��tor within 4 feet of any fence, accessory buildirg or other str�ucture,or h:edge� and provided further that no incinerator sliall be placed. closer than one (1) foot oi �ny commerei�;l buildin� of Type 1, 2, o,r 3 con�truetion (brick or masorry) or closer than four (S�) ° fset from any.commercial building of T,ype 5 construction or closer � than ti�!enty-five �:?5) feet from a.ny.automobile filling statzon buildin� or fil.lin� statlor. dispensir.g a�paratus or other inflammable storage. Ssction 4: It shall be unl.a.��ful for any person, firm, or _ ,. , �� . . . _�_ � ,_. _ - -_-.� __ .•�,�.,. , , �,., �_.___._ :._�: _..�_� eorporation to do an�r - burnin�, w'riether open or other�.vi�e, in F� re Zone No. 1 of.the Ci�ty of Lyntiwood except in an approved Class l type . r incinerato.r, Nothing in this oidinance shall Ue deemed to prohibit • � burning in a Glass 1 type approved incinerator. Section 5: Section 4 ef Ordinance No. 423 and Ordinance_ 'no 215 of the Gity of LynvJOOC?. are hereb} repealed, Section 6: This ord.inance is intended to govern and. r.egulate open burning• and burnin� in incinerators and shall not b� construed to anply to other incidental tyne burning such as in �a� apnl?�nces in hone�, carbecue �its, interior fireplaces in reaid.enc.es, and. indu��rial uses sucn as furnacea, et cetera. � ' S�ction '7: The Fire Chief of the Cit3r of Lyn�vood. is hereUy 2mpoviered to grant necessary permits for authorized burning pursuant to.this ordinance tznd is likewise'empovvered to �rant exceptions from the terns and provisions of this orclinance in casea where tne oper�tion -3- P ' i of thie ord_inance as to existing cond.it�ons or f'L1T,uY'e condit_ons would ca,use vnd.ue hardship or be unreasonable; the r^ire Chie:E' rnay . impose conditions in t.he oranting of an,y such excebtion. Section 8: Any peraon, firm or corporation violating any of the provisions of thie ordinance shmll be deemed �uilt,y of a mis- 3eme�nor a.nd upon conviction thereof shaTl be punisha.ble by a fine of not to exceed five hur.dred dolla,rs (;,+•500,00) or imprisonment in the City Jail of the City of L.ynwood or the County Jail of Los :�ngeles County, State of'Cali_fornia, fcr a period of time not to exceed �ix , months, or by both, such fine and impr.lsonment. ; . Each such person, firm or corporation sh�ll be deemed guilty of a sepa.raTe affense fo.r ever.y day during any portion of ' v�!hich violation of any provision of this o.rd.inance is committed., continued, or permitted by such person, firm or corpora.tion, �nd shall be punishable therefor ae prov_ded by tYiis ordinance, Section 9: The City Clerk sha11 certify to the passage , and adoption of this ordinance and shall c�use the same to b� pup- lished once in the Lync;rood Press, a. newspaper publiehed, printed and_ circulated in the City of Lynwoo�_, Cali£ornia, and which sa.id_ ne.^rs- paper i:s hereby d�si�n2ted for tnat nurpose. -� :,F� �`� f `�,t�ASSED and ADOPTED this 6th day of April, 1948. .� .; .� ' � � � � - " ' �_� J ' � a -' P.2AYOR OF THE GITY OF LYN4`100D r . �, . � ° ATTES� � � 'J � ,�'f. � � . . _ � ,� I o .2 2 _ � � � / ., � � -z�,-� ?' �C;LER , aC T Y F LYIdtV00D �i�.m�: c;^ ct�L�FOZ?t�?_,R1 ) �".IUN".''i' 0� LOS I`.P;iC;';L:�:c� j » CITY GF LY�dW00U ) � : I, the unc'ersigr.ed, Gity Clerk•of the Cit� c" Lynr✓o^d, Califor�?.ia, do hcreby cert'ify that �'ae �.'�e,-:: and fa:°egoing Ordinanee wae duly adopted b:;�. �cne ,�� �_t;r ' Cou.ncil of said City at a -� --__ -- regul�,r meetin.J thereof helc :n the City Hall cf e�.ir. rity,, on the 6th day o�°_ April _, ?S�'j8_ sra nassed by the folloti:�n; vote� AYES<, C,liD?CILivIr;V� Doty Jen Shrock, . � ���.eaa-*.�.• _. . . - . -- ----- . _ r _ J ,7', ,� . ," � '�' ' �. ' ; Willard and P!i 11lams. r � � _ � l `'' ":� t 4* i,iOES: Cq'JNCIL�P��rrJN None. ` � -- --- � . ., ,� /; � � ' ABSENT: COUirCIt,I:IEN None. � ': . -- -- , .� . , „ .. ; " , �/` . ?'� , / � / • R�_._ T'1'Y CLER�, � �l' OF�Yl�'VVOOTJ