HomeMy Public PortalAboutOrd. 0491 � ' ORDINA�CE N0. 491 AN C�RDIPvAidCE OF .^tHE CITY OF LYNk'OOD REGLtLATIDtG THE MANUFACTliRE, SALE,; APID EXHIBITION OF FOOD - AI�D.FOODSTUFFB. . The City Council of the City of Lynt doea orflain as follows: Section 1: A"uublic eating �lace," as referred to, in this or- dinance, shall mean and include every reataur�nt, lunch room, tea room, coffee.shop, sod2. fountain, public boarding house, hotel, club, beer par- lor, cocktail lounge, and every other public place ��here food or drinks are pTepared and/or served to be consumed by the public on the premises, and all kitchens, commissaries and�other rooms appurtenant thereto, or connected.thereorith. Al1 placee where sandwiches, lunches, etc., are pre- pared for sale or gift to the public aha11 be claased as public eating , places. ' Section 2� Food Establiehment. °Food Establi�hment," as re- ferred to in this ordinance, shall mean and include any publi.c or private market, shop, store, candy factory, atorehouse, u�arehouse, cold etorage plant, or other plant, or other place, not a public.eating place, in or about which any food, foodstuffs or provisions are kept,�held, sold, atored, prepared, or compoundeci, or offered for sale for human consumption. Section 3: Food. "Food", as referred to in this ordinanee,shall mean and be any usbstance eaten d�unk for nourishment or refreshment � of the body, whether such food be 1n storage, in procesa of preparation, or ready to serve. Section �: Operator. An "operator", as rePexred to in this - - ordinance,.shall mean any person, iahether the oi+�ner or not; engaged in the disperain� of or preparing or assisting the preparation of food, or a person othert•.*ise enployed in a public edting place or a.,food establishment, and any person employed in any school cafeteria. Section 5: Health Officer. "Eiealth Officer" shall mean the health officer of the County of Los Angelea, or his deputies, authorized to per£orm'health services within the City of Lynwood purauant to con- tract as provided by Sections 480, 481, and 482 of the Health and Safety Code of the 3tate of CaliPornia. ` . -1- - - � Seetion 6: Sterilization. uSterilization", as�used in thie s � � ordinance; ehall mean sanitization. Bection 7: Slau�hter Business--Poultrv or Rabbit: A npoultry . or rabbit slaughter busineas° shall be a busineas where anyone slaughters more than three (3) fo�71s and/or�three (j) rabbita per day for other than personal use. Section 8: S1au�hter Businese--Horaes. A"horae slaughter � business° shaTl be a business where.anyone,slaughters more than one (1) horse, mule, or ass per day Por other than personal uee. a _ Seotion 9:, Application� and Permits Por Eatin� Places. Food . Eatablishmente. and 81au�hter Houaes in Exiatence. The ov, operator, : or manager oP any existing publie eatiing plaoe, food�establishment or slaughter house shall within thirty (30) d.a,ys follo�ring the effeetive date of this ordinance file with the City of Lynvrood License Department �• an application to continue to conduct the same, upon a form approved by �` � � the Health OfPicer, giving the name of the ovmer or otaners, ma.nager or , managera thereof, the location, and such other information as the Health OPflcer may require for.the admin3stration of this ordinance. r Bection I0: Contenta of Apglication for Permit. The appli- catlon shall inclucle a signed statement that such applieant will ob- , aerve the rulea and re�ulations of this ordin�.nce and v:�ill, within a reasonable time, not to exceed eixty (60) days, make any and all changea in construction that are required by this ordlnance, unlesa grante� an extension of time by the Health Officer: Section ll: Gonalderation oP Apvlice.tion, rolloU;ing receipt oP the aAplication by the Health OfPi cer; auch officer ahall make or cause to be ma.de, an inepection of the premises and if the provisions , of this ordinance and all otlier pertinent laws and/or ordinances have y been compTied with, he shall certiYy that fact to, the applicant and iasue a permit to operate: _ - Section 12: �Applications an& Permits for New Eatin€; Pl.aces, Food Establiahnents� and Slau�hter Housee. Any person, firm, or cor- , -2- poration intending to operate a publie eating plzoe, Pood e"etablishment or alaughter house which is not in existence on the effective date of this ordinance,, ahall bePore opening or operating such eatabliahment make application to the City Clerk oY the Gity of Lynw.00d upon a Porm ` provided by such Department, giving the names of the owner or ovaners, nanager or,managere thereof, the location, and such other information as the Health Offioer may require Por the administration of thia or- dinance. The application shall include a signed atatement that such applicant will observe th'e rules and regulations of this ordinanoe. . Following receipt of application; the Health Officer shall . make or cause to be made an inapection oP the premisee and if the pro- ' visions oP this ordinance and all other pertinent laws and/or ordinancea ' has been complied with he ahall certify tha.t fact to the app3icant and isaue a permit to operate. � " Section 13. Pernit Fee. Every application f or a pernit pro- vided for und.er Sections 9, 1'L, and 37;'shall be accompanied by a fee oY three dollars to cover the coat of investigation: The Health , : Officer shall not isaue a permit to operate until thie fee�ia paid. ; Section 14. Permits to be DienlaYed. Every permit provided .. for under Sections 9 and 12 shall at all times be prominent].y displayed in the place of businesa for which it was iasued. : Section 15. Issuance and Transfer oP Permits. No permit to operate� as provided under 8ectione 9, 12 and 37, ahall be iesued until all the.provieions of this ordinance, as well as all other ordinances of the City of Lynwood and all laws of the-State of California relatin� to conetruction and equipment and pertaining to public eating placea, food establishments, or slaughter houses have been complied with. No permit issued under these provisione ahall be transPereble. " Section 16: Suapension and Revocation of Permita. If it determined by the Aealth Officer follooring any investigation or inspec- tion of a public eating place, food eatablishment or slaughter house . -3- ' -- that the operator, olaner,`or manager has not comnlied hrith the rules and,regulationa of tlsis ordinance, particularly the heslth an� sanitation rules and regulationa, the Health Officer shall immediately file written specifications or charges of euch non-compliance with the operator, owner or manager of such public eating place, food establiahment or slakghter house, and.a copy thereof with the City Clerk of the City of . Lynwood, and the Health Officer may i�mediately euspend and pick up the permit iesued to operate. The health Officer shall grant the opera- tor a reaeonable specified time in ��ich to correct the condition� tahich `. are in violation of this ordinance and if the corrections are not made to the Health Officer�s satiafaction within the specified time, he shall �.. �..r!c.trnka tha..nron�+nnJ.a..�.,-,ov..n3'+.�..:_. -.-_-'- -._.... . .._-._.� _ •'-_..----._.._._ �_.__.-. �� Any peraon aggrieved by any euspeneion, revocation of a permit, or ' other order of the Health Officer made pursuant to this section or '. any other aections of this ordinance, may appeal to the City Council f of the City of Lynwood and request a review oP any such suapeneion, h, revocation, or order. The Council shall conduct a hearing on any auch apAeal and ie empowered to affirm, modify, or reverse the findinga °�nd rulln�a o�' the H2alth OPficer. Pending a determination oP such ' appeal, any sucn suspension, revocation,euch�hearinrashallabe conCluBive ,,, . The decision of the City Council on any g wt-=��:�^ arid'final on all of the parties with reapect to the violations charged. �' " ing'for a reinstatenent oP the Aermit, his application shall include a "r.��.� , _ . . , - . signed statement that the conditions complained of by the Health Officer � h�.ve been co�ipletely corrected. In case a permit has been revoked, it ' may not be`reinstated; and.any application for a new permit snall be made as provide3 Por in Seetion 12. - _ Seetion 18. Premises to be Kept Clean. EQery person, firm, � ;. or corporation keeping, maintaining or being in criarge oP ,any public � eating�place, foo�.�establishment or slaughter house,shall keep the same , in a elean and wholesome condition. Section 19. Dust Flies Insects Rats, Mice�_ Cockroaches, Beetles, and Othe_r Vermin. The operator, ovmer or manager of any public eating food eatablishment or.slaughter house shall not sell, expose, or ofPer for sale, or authorize to be sold or exposed for sale, � in the City of Lynwood, any article of food prepared for,human consur�ptior. unless auch article or �rticles of food are kept in such a manner as to protect.the sar�e fro� beirig expoaed to dust; Plies, or other inseote, ' _�_ and Prom coming in contact orith or being exposed to any deleterious, , un�rholesome, or unhealthful substance or co�rnodity. Every public eating place, food eatablSahment or slaughter house ahall be kept reasonably free from flies and absolutely free from rata, mice, cockroachea, beetles and other vermin. All windows and doors shal]. be properly screened and maintained in good repair at all times. In case no doora are provided, mechanical Pans ehall be used as a repellant: ' If the owner, operator, or mana$er of any public eating place, ' food establishment or slau�hter house fails'Ib keep the place Pree Prom such rodenta or vermin, the Health OYficer may auspend the permit to operate: Section 20: Do�s, Gats, and Other Animale: It ehall be un- - lataPul for any person to keep, maintain, or house any dog or cat in, or permit any dog or cat to be brought into that portion of any building � • or place where a public eating place, Yood establishment or slaughter house is operating. The foregoing, ho`aever, doea not apply,to;�see9:n�-eye � dOg9• . - Section 21. Fruits and Ve�etables to be Twenty-�'our In¢hea fron Floor. It snall be unlawFul for any person, firm, or, eorporation to expose or exhibit any unprote eted fruit or vegetables for sale un- ' less said unprotected fruit or vegetablea are at a vertical distance of not leas than twenty=four {2�) inches.above the floor or sidewalk. Section 22. Cracked or.Broken Diehes and Utensils. Cracked, chipped or broken dishes, glasatiaare, agateware, enamelware, and kitchen ' utensils and tools in a bad state of repair ahall not be allowed in public eating placea, food establishmente or slaughter Izouses. � £3ection 23. Sanitization of Utensila. Where eating and drinking utenails are waehed�by'hand, there ahall be provid"ed not lesa - than one (1) two-cor�pa,rtnent sink,�one compartment to contain wash watea° and one compartment to contain rinse water or a disinfecting bath, f An operator, o�aner, or manager,of a puUlic eating place sh�.11 ' not poesess any glassea, cupa, diahea, silverrrare, or equipment intended and ready Por use in preparing, dispenain� or serving of �_ood or drinl�s . -5- � whSch are consumed on or from the premisea upon k*hich the bacterial count exeeeds one hundred (100)�organiama per utensil surface examined. Section 24. One eervice for Paper Gupa, Etc. Gups, spoons, � platea, etc.:, may be used for one service only tirhen such articles are _ ma.nufaetured fro� paper or any other sanitary material handled in a �. sanitary manner. Section 25. Personal Cleanlinese. All onerators coming in contaat with food, food products, or equipment of public eating places , or food eatablishmenta, shall wear clean outer garments and head banda, eapa or �imilar devices Yor reatraining falling hair. Operators shall keep their hands and Pingernails elean at all timea while thus engaged. Shaving, hair brushing and combing aha11 not be permitted in public .• eating places, food eatablishments or slau�hter houses, except in a toilet room, i or dreasing'room separate from any room in which food is prepared or aerved. Operatora or other persone eha11 not dis- • charge any,eubatance fron the nose, mouth or any otner part of the body upon the floora or walle oY a public eating place or food establish- ment. Operators shall not smolte in any portion of a pu�lic eatiiZg place where food is prepared. Section 26. Food Containers as Carriers for Children. No � _ � box, basket, or contairier, provided for public use for the eollection or transportation oP Pood, shall be us6d as a oarrier Por children. section 27. Toilets, Lavatoriea an8 Dressin� Rooms: APter the effective date of this ordinance, for every public eating pl�ce; Pood establishment, or alaughter houae, there ehall be provided one (1) toi- let for each sex up to fifteen (15) people, and one additional toilet for every additional.fifteen (15) or fraction thereoP peraons of each sex employed. The.toilets for each sex shall be in separate compartments. Location oP all toilets shall be ap�roved by the xealth Officer. Each toilet sha11 be located in a room separate and apart Prom the room or rooma in which food is prepared, stored, cooked, served or aold. The toileta shall be provided with a self-alosing door, to which all operators ahall have aecess. Such toilet rooma shall be well ventilated and _ ; _ plumbed, and the floors, walls, ceilings, laoatories and tollet bowls shall at all times be �ept free fro� any accumulation dirt, filth or corrosion: There ahall also be provided a lavatory or lavatories • where every operator shall be required to wash his,hands thoroughly aPter using the toilet and immediately before atartin� work. The 1ava- toriea ahall be equal in number to the toilets up to a maximum of three. Wherever there are more tham three toilets, additional l�vatoriea shall be provided if so ordered by the Hea1t1� OfYicer, Such lavatories ahall , be supalied with hot and cold running water, soap and individual towels with a receptacle for their dispoeal. There shall be provided a s6parate dressing room properly lighted and ventllated and provided with a selP- closing door; No pereon, whether operator or no�, ehall dresa or un- � dress or atore clotliing in any other room than a�rash room, or dresaing room separate from any in which food 1s prepared, atored, cooked. or sold. In a food eatabliahment, hot and cold running water shall be � provided in eaoh lavatory. Seotion 28: Public Eatin� Place where Liquor ia Sold. The owner, operator or manager of every building,. room or place hereafter established as a public eating plac,e �:*here beer, wine, or any alcolzolic - liquor is sold for conaumption on tlze premises ahall mairitain in con- . neation therewith an adequate urinal ior men, one �l) water closet for each �sex, and one �1), lavatory.for each aex ad�acent to such water closet for public uset No such toilet room-ehall onen direetly into � any room whers Yood is prepared or served: Section 29. Hoods and Ducta Over Cook-9toeea and Ran�ea. There shall be provided hoods and ducta leading to the outside above all rangea and cook-atovea,, or any other fixture used for cooking, oP • public eating places and food eatablisnments, which shall be installed in such a manner as will insure collection oP all gaaees and ateam arising Prom the atoves or•rangee�or other fixtures used for cooking. Baid hooda and ducta shall be installed•in.accordance-witl� the Building, Gode and all other ordinanoea that_apply thereto. A11 kitchen Pixtures shall be so 3oeated as to pernit thorough�eleanin�. ' �. _?r , Section 30. ReErigeration. All refrigerators and iae chests in public eating placea, food establiahments and slaughter houses ehall be,kept in a acrupulously clean condition and in good re�air at all times. Refri�eration oP all perishable foods exeept leaPy vegetablea ahall be constantly maintained at forty-Pive (45) degreee F., or lot•rer, and re-' frigeration ahall be of euch capacity as to eliMinate congeation oP food stored: . Section 31. Steam Tablea. The water in all steam tables �t�en uaed for etoring of ready to aerve food shall at all ti�aes be maintained at a temperature sufficient to keep all food therein contained at a temperature of not less than 150 Degrees F, The Vrater shall be changed daily and the steam tables must at all times be kept in a clean and eanitary manner. Section 32. Dru�a in Kitahen. No drugs, medicines, cosmetice or poisonous insecticidea shall be kept in a kitchen oY any publia eatin� place, but may be kept in dressing roome: . Section 33. Reports Concernin� Employeea. Every ooerator, owner, or manager oP any public eating place, food establiahment or slaughter houee shall report as soon as possible to the Health Ofiicer any auapected illness of a communicable nature oP any e mployee of such establishment: _ 3ection 34. Inatitutions Exer,mt from Proviaiona. The pro- visiona of this ordinance shall not be app].icable to or cover�the es- tablishment and maintenance of hospitals, rest homes, asylums, private boarding schoola, or maternity ho�es, except as they map be rePerred to in other aectiona of tnis ordinance. 8ection 35. Slau�hter Tiouse Construction. 1, All floora shall be of ma.terial impervious t,o wa.ter. 2. The floor in the slaughtering roor� shall be constructed so ae to slope to a floor drain and this floor drain ahall be connected to a sanitary searer or eeptic tank. 3. The walla and ceiling of the slaughtering room shall be constructed of amooth surfaced cement plaster at least three-eights . _8_ •(3/8) of an inch thick, or other ma.terial eatiafactory to the OfPicer, which can withatand severe and repeated cleansing, to a hei�ht of not less than eight (8) feet from the Ploor. � �. The walle and oeiling in the holding room or roome Yor live poultry or rabb3ts shall be constructed of anooth surfaced cement plaeter at leaet three—eighths (3/8) of an inch thick, or otl�er material satiafactory to the He�lth Officer which can v�ithstand severe and re— Feated cleanaing, to a height of not lesa than si� �6) feet from the floor. , �. All edges at the ,junetion of the Yloors and walls in slaughtering and holding rooms ehall be covered or rounded to facilitate cleaning; 6. All rooma ahall be well lig�ted and ventilated. 7. All equi�ment ahall be constructed of inetal, except - cutting blacks: . 8. No poultry or rabbits shall be permitted to run at large. 9. The entire premises of all slaughter houses ahall be kept in a clean and sanitary condition,at all ti�ee and.the proper diaposal . oP all waste shall be maintained.` 10. Hot and cold running water ahall be, provided in every 'alaughter riouse. - Section 36. Pub110 Wash Rooms; Every peraon maintaining any toilet, waah room, or bath or ahower room for the use oP enployees or the publio ehall at all tir�ea keep the floors, walls, ceilings, lava— torg, urinal, and toilet bowl free Prom any accumulation of dirt, fllth, or corrosion, All lavatorlea shall be supplied with soap and individual I towele with a receptacle for their dispoaal. Al1 toilet roome sh�ll � be provided witii toilet paper arid eha11 be well lighted and ventilated. � Section 37. Haw.ker�s permit. No hawker ahall sell food un— ?esa he shzll have a permit attached to the nehicle or container uaed by him. 8aid permit shall be construed to cover only one vehiole. 'Any person wishing to obtain a hawker�s permit sh�ll apply to the License Department oP the City f Lynsaood for tlze same. He ahall bring � � ' —Q— . hie conveyance and equipment to the Health Department Buildin� in - Lynwood Por inspection and anproval by the Health OPficer. Upon payment of a fee to the Licenae Department of.the Gity of Lynwood as provided for in this ordin�nce, he shall be furnished an application form, and if his conveyance and equipment comply with the proviaions oP thie or- �inance, the Health Officer ahall iseue to the applicant a per�it. The Health Officer may suspend such permit and piok up the permit•for Pailure to comply with any pertinent provieion of this ordinance. The permittee ehaT1 be given a reasonable apecified time ln which to correot any vio- � lation for which the permit was suspende@. If the correction is not made within the specified tine, the permit ahall be revoked. The per- , mit may not be reinstated: Any application for a new permit shall be ' made as provided Por in this section. Seotion 38. Protection o� Food bY Hawkera: All food handled by hawkers sh�ll_be protected Prom duat, dirt, fliea, or other contamin- ` ating influence, and the vehicle or container Prom which food is sold ahall be ma3ntained in a clean and sanitary condition. All food shall be delivered to the buyer in or upon aingle aervlce containers or other ma.terials approved by the He�lth Officer. No PooB producta shall be displayed,any other place than in or on the hasker�a vehicle or food . era.ntainer. � � Seation 39. Enclosure of Food Establishmenta. All Yood ea- tablishmenta ehall Ue completely encloaed on all sidee, provided that all food establiahments in existence at the date oF paseage of this or- . ' �cinance ahall have three (3) years from such da.te in which to oonrply � t,rith above regulation. . Section 4�0. Repeal of Conflictin� Ordinances. Ord_inancea Numbers 92 and 173 an�. all ordinances or parts oP ordinances conflicting zaith the provieions of this ordinance are hereby repealed, Sec�ion 41. ,Penalties. Any person, firm or corporation ' violating any of the proviaions of tP�is orc�inanee shall be deemed guilty of a r�isdemeanor and.upon conviction thereof shall be punishable -10- by a fihe of not to exceed £ive hundsed dollars (�500.00) or imprison- ment in the City J�il of the City of Lyn�sood or the County Jail of the � County of,Loa Angeles, State of California, for a period of time not to exceed six month�, or Uy both such fine and imprisonment. Each auch person, firm or corporation shall be deemed guilty � of a separate offense for every day durin� any portion of which - violation of ar_y provision,of this ordinance is com�itted, continued, or permitted by such person, firm or corporation, and shall be punish- able therefor as provided by this ordinance. . Section 42. The City Clerk shall certify to the passage and adoption of .this ordinance and shall cause the same to be publiahed ' once in the Lynurood Press, a weekly newspaper publiahed, printed,- and, � circulate�: in the City of Lynwood, .Callfornia, and t,*hich said neorspaper � is hereby designated.for that purpose: PA$SED and A.DOPTED this 4th day of January, 194g . ... . }+x ��-.��: , . � , . . . . . .. � ^�. � . � �'�' - � .�/l/t �°� �. � F THE C TY OF LYNSJOOD .� �. � �;.. _ � � � � ' . � J - '� 'J } , �' ' . , r _ ` ATTE ' `< IT'Y CLE R, ' ` OF LYNii100D . a � � 1 � I � �, x . . � , . � � ' . . � . STA^lE OF Q6ILIFORNIA ) , COUNTY Or LOS AiVG�,E$: ss CITY OF.LYNvd00D ) I, th� unclersigned, Ci�y Clerk of the City of• - Lynvrood, Califo,:n�<�, clo hereby certify th�it the above �.nd foregoing or�lin:lnce ��va.s duly adopted by the City Council of � said. City at �.' _---- meeting thereof held in the ' City Hall of said City, on the 4th day of January�_19�9 � and p�.sved by the follotzrin,5 vote: • AYES: COUNCIL�IEN: Bruner, Jenaen, Stroh, trJillard and GJilli _"_ — ` ``"`�` NCES: QOUNCILP�ZEN: None_ � �'" = , -- -- .� -. � . z �"`� �'� '"',;•� ASSF',.,A1T: COUNCILP,EN: None. _� . ' r� "� � : '. �` `'� � � � �-----� � � `f., ` � ; �C"TY C ^ ; r P_, , I LrRY. Y OF LY 'OOD . .. .