HomeMy Public PortalAboutZBLTF 2017-07-19 Zoning Bylaw Task Force ORLEANS TON CLERK Minutes '17 NOV 20 8 16AM July 19, 2017 Attending-George Meservey(Director Planning&Development),Tom Evers (Building Commissioner), George Waugh,Robert Osterberg,Andrea Reed, (PB), Chip Bechtold (PB), Michael Marnik(ZBA). The meeting was opened at 4:00 pm in the Tonset Room. The single item on the agenda was to review a draft zoning amendment to regulate food trucks as Mobile Food Establishments. Tom Evers explained the bylaw problem with food trucks. The bylaw is presently silent on the use. He has not opposed the few food trucks that have been licensed to operate in the town but would like the Town Meeting to determine where they should be permitted. Meservey said that Town Counsel also advised that the use should be listed in zoning. Osterberg was concerned that a food truck is a Fast Food Restaurant and is prohibited in the town. The group discussed a draft dated 7/19/17. It was agreed that a scaled-down bylaw was best, and let the Board of Health and Board of Selectmen perform their individual licensing duties and place any conditions they deem necessary. It was agreed by consensus to forward the bylaw to the Planning Board for a public hearing. On a motion by Andrea,seconded by Chip,the minutes of the meeting of November 30, 2016 were approved. Vote was 5-0-0 (Tom and George are ex-officio members). The meeting was adjourned at 5:00 pm. Respectfully, eorge s rvey