HomeMy Public PortalAboutMinutes - 1981/09/09 - RegularTEMPLE CITY PARKING COMMISSION MINUTES OF SEPTEMBER 9, 1981 MEETING • INITIATION: 41, 1. Chairman Ward called to order the regular bimonthly meeting of the Parking Commission at 7:30 P. M., on Wednesday, September 9, 1981, in the Council Chambers of City Hall. 2. The chairman led in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. • • • • 3. ROLL CALL: Present: Commissioners Clark, Driver, Kelker, Millham, Ward Absent: Commissioners Graham and McCoy Also Present: Assistant City Manager Kimbrough Commissioner Millham moved to excuse for cause the absence of Commissioner McCoy due to a previous commitment. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Clark and carried. Commissioner Millham moved to excuse for cause the absence of Commissioner Graham; seconded by Commissioner Clark and carried. 4. APPROVAL OF MINUTES - Regular Bimonthly Meeting of July 8, 1981 Commissioner Kelker moved to approve the minutes of the regular bimonthly meeting of July 8, 1981, as written. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Millham and carried. NEW BUSINESS: 5. RENEWAL OF AGREEMENT TO CROSS PEDESTRIAN MALL NO. 4 - Gwendolyn Harris, 96592 Las Tunas Drive Assistant City Manager Kimbrough stated that he regretted to inform the Commission that Gwendolyn Harris had been killed in a traffic accident. Chris William, her business associate, had advised the staff that there would be no need at the present time to renew the agreement which permitted Mrs. Harris to cross over the mall for the purpose of parking in the garage overnight from 9 p. m. to 6 a. m. Commissioner Clark stated he had talked with Mr. Williams who was uncertain whether he might close up the business or sell it. He felt the matter should be held in abeyance. Commissioner Driver noted that until such time as a request is received from an applicant at the 96592 Las Tunas Drive address, the Commission cannot take any action. 7:38 P. M. Commissioner Graham arrived to the meeting, explaining that she had just arrived back into town and was sorry to be late for the meeting. Commissioner Millham commented that a new applicant at the subject address may wish to apply for use of the garage and he concurred that no action should be taken by the Commission on the current request for renewal. In answer to Commissioner Clark's question, Mr. Kimbrough that the agreement with Gwendolyn Harris expires in October 1981, that such agreement is valid only between the applicant and the City. Any other person wishing to use the garage would have to reapply For instance, Mr. Williams may wish to make an application if he remains at the location. Commissioner Clark moved to hold the application for renewal in abeyance; seconded by Commissioner Millham and carried. 6. PARKING ENFORCEMENT SCHEDULE FOR DECEMBER HOLIDAYS - Public Parking Lots Mr. Kimbrough reviewed the hours of enforcement during the month of December 1980 in the public parking lots within the central business district. The Comiission had recommended the Sheriff's Department patrol the lots to ensure that parking would be available PARKING COMMISSION: MINUTES OF SEPTEMBER 9, 1981 MEETING PAGE 2 for customers during the holidays. Mr. Kimbrough presented the amount which the same level of enforcement would cost if the Commission wanted to recou111iend increased enforcement for the current year during the holidays. Commissioner Clark asked if there were funds available in the current budget for the additional services of the Sheriff's Dept Mr. Kimbrough said sufficient funds were budgeted. Commissioner Clark said he felt the increased enforcement was a good idea. Commissioner Millham commented that he felt it proved out well during December of 1980 in that convenient parking was available for customers and patrons to shop. He was in favor of the same level of enforcement as last year during the month of December. Commissioner Graham suggested that Christmas Eve be excluded because some difficulties had been encountered last year which she felt were counter- productive. Commissioner Driver concurred with Commissioner Graham's suggestion. Commissioner Millham moved to recommend to the City Council that enforcement of posted restrictions in the public parking lots within the central business district be increased to four hours per day, Monday through Saturday, from December 1, 1981, to January 1, 1982, with the exception of Christmas Eve. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Driver and carried unanimously. Chairman Ward asked how the business people were to be notified. It was explained that enforcement of the posted restrictions takes III place at selected days and hours presently. However, the Chamber • of Commerce normally sends a letter enlisting the cooperation of business people to ensure there is convenient parking for customers. • • 7 COMMUNICATIONS: There were no communications. 8. TIME FOR THOSE IN AUDIENCE WHO WISH TO SPEAK: No one came forward. 9. MATTERS FROM CITY OFFICIALS A. Commissioner Graham advised that she will be in town until the end of November according to present plans. She has been travelling extensively throughout the country with her husband who is on business. B. George Krause, 9128 Rancho Real Road, stated as a concerned citizen he had observed cars parking for long periods of time in the public parking lots primarily between Camellia and Cloverly Avenues, both north and south of Las Tunas Drive. Cars parked for long periods of time impede the cleaning operation of the lots and afford opportunities for vandalism. He suggested shorter time limit parking. Commissioner Graham advised that there is also a 72 hour limit for parking but such vehicles must be reported. Mr. Krause commented that apparently these vehicles are not reported. It was his contention that many of the cars are from tenants of adjacent apartment building. Mr. Kimbrough replied that the use of parking lots overnight only is encouraged. After brief discussion on some of the problems that had been observed or experienced by the Commissioners, Mr. Kimbrough suggested that a call be made directly to the Sheriff's Department with the license number and description of the vehicle in violation. The Commission expressed appreciation for the fine work done in the malls and in the park by Mr. Krause, a city employee. C. Chairman Ward welcomed Jackie Millham who was in the audience. D. Couunissioner Millham asked the Assistant City Manager if funds had been budgeted for the restriping of public parking lots. Mr. Kimbrough replied in the affirmative, adding that the restriping will be undertaken tentatively before the holidays. • • " " PARKING COMMISSION - MINUTES OF SEPTEMBER 9, 1981 PAGE 3 E. Commissioner Driver drew attention to the need to trim a tree in the mall northerly of Las Tunas Drive (Lot No. 5) which is obscuring the Glass Company sign. Mr. Kimbrough said he would refer the request to the Tree Maintenance Superintendent. F. Commissioner Graham apologized for being unable to attend the last bimonthly meeting of the Commission but there was a serious illness in, the family and she was called out of state. 10 ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to conduct, Commissioner Clark moved to adjourn at 8:10 p. m. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Kelker and carried. The next regular bimonthly meeting of the Commission will be held on Wednesday, November 11, 1981, 7:30 P. M. ATTEST: " Secretary " " " "