HomeMy Public PortalAboutMinutes - 1962/07/18 -1 PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING JULY 18, 1962 1. CALL TO ORDER: Chairman Gunst called to order the regular meeting of the Parks and Recreation Commission held at the City Hall, 9664 E. Las Tunas Drive at 7:35 P.M., following which he led the Pledge of Allegiance. 3. ROLL CALL: Present: Absent: Also Present: Commissioners: Clemson, Gorham, Lindberg,Gum Commissioners: Andrist Karl Koski, Admin. Assistant Victor Kobett, Di r. of Recreation At this time, Commissioner Lindberg introduced to the Commission Mr. Don Brown, who owns the oldest and largest record shop in ex- istance today which specializes in old records. Chairman Gunst turned the meeting over to Mr. Kobett who intro- duced Reese Clark and Carol Buchan, Recreation Leaders at Emperor School. The children attending the summer recreation program at this school presented their play "Sinbad" which was a culmina- tion of the first two weeks' activities. All costumes and props were made by the children, and included in the play was a harem dance by the girls and a warrior's dance by the boys. The play went off without a hitch and the Commission was extremely please and surprised that so much was accomplished in such a short time. Commissioner Lindberg suggested that the staff send each of the children a letter of appreciation from the Commission, and made a motion to have the secretary obtain the name and address.'. of each child so this could be accomplished. Chairman Gunst so ordered. 4. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Regular Meeting, June 20, 1962. Commis- sioner Gorham made a motion to approve the minutes as received, seconded by Commissioner Lindberg and carried. Commissioner Lindberg wished to comment on the Summer Recreation Program, which is a four page booklet distributed through the stores and public places throughout the City. He stated that this program spells out to the letter what the Parks and Recrea- tion Program has to offer. Commissioner Gorham stated that from his observation, we have in Temple City one of the best programs that he has seen anywhere for the youth of Temple City. It is the most diversified and best executed and deserves much praise and that Vic Kobett has done a marvelous job. 5. ROSEMEAD SWIM CLUB: Mr. Koski stated that upon a recommendation at the last meeting, regarding investigation of possible use of the Temple City pool by the Rosemead Swim Club, he contacted the County and was in- formed that the pool was actually owned by the School District, as per agreement in 1956. The school business manager was then contacted by Mr. Kobett who stated that the pool is operating at maximum capacity at all times and that even early morning hours would not be suitable due to the fact that showers and lockers must be used and there would be no time to sanitize the shower room between uses. Except For short periods between educational activities, there could be no provision for a long term activity such as the Rosemead Swim Club proposes. Commissioner Lindberg made a motion to recommend the Commission accept the reports as given by Mr. Kobett and Mr. Koski and-file Seconded by Commissioner Gorham and carried by the following rol call vote: AYES: Commissioners: Clemson, Gorham, Lindberg, Gunst NOES: Commissioners: None ABSENT: Commissioners: Andrist Parks and Recreation Minutes, July 18, 1962 Page 2 • 6. JOINT MEETING WITH CITY COUNCIL: Mr. Koski informed the Commission that the Council has been in- formed of the meeting date and suggested that the Commission de- cide on definite items for discussion at this joint meeting. After considerable discussion, particularly concerning policy, three items were suggested for the Agenda for the joint meeting with Council: 1. Recreation policy 2. Park improvements (Live Oak and Temple City Parks) 3. Fee Schedules Mr. Koski stated that he will ask the City Manager to discuss this with the City Council at their meeting Monday night. 7. RECREATION REPORT: Director of Recreation Mr. Kobett reported on activities of the past month and briefly outlined each recreational activity. All programs are going aheac . as scheduled with great success with the exception of the Music Program which had to be discontinued due to lack of participation. After considerable discussion, three conclusions were arrived at: 1. The "go ahead" should have been earlier • 2. Should have had the sell at the erd of the school year. 3. Must give the children an opportunity to make a decision: between music and summer school. • Mr. Kobett stated that he would recommend this program for next year but would also ask that we do attempt to get the "go ahead" on the program as early as possible before summer school is thoug -; of . Commissioner Lindberg stated that this program as the Commission originally set it up was a program that actually operated. in Tempt City five or six years ago and was very successful, with an en- rollment of approximately 100 students. It was generally felt by the Commission that at the second joint meeting with the Council this item should be discussed and set up properly. Mr. Kobett continued with his report stating that although Oak Avenue Gym had a slow start, the attendance is picking up rapidly. He then distributed copies of all programs for each playground, bus schedules, physical fitness test, 10" baseball league, etc. Commissioner Lindberg felt that this .was .tremendous and that Mr. Kobett should be commended for a very fine job. It shows planninc to the Nth degree and with the money available he has done an ex- cellent job. Commissioner Lindberg made,a motion to accept the program in the minutes commending *Mr. Kobett, and have copies.sen. to Councilmen, seconded by Commissioner Gorham and carried. COMMUNICATIONS: Chairman Gunst stated that the President of the American Little League called him and invited the Commission to the opening of the Little League play -offs at Live Oak Park on Thursday, July 19th. 8. ADJOURNMENT: Commissioner Gorham moved to adjourn at 9:35 P.M., seconded by Commissioner Clemson and carried. Meeting adjourned to the joint meeting with City Council, July 26, 1962 at 7 :30 P.M. ATTEST: City Clerk Chairman INITIATION: COMMUNICATIONS: ADJOURNMENT: A G E D A PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION CITY OF TEMPLE CITY July 18, 1962 1. Call to Order 2. Pledge of allegiance 3. ROLL CALL: Commissioners: Andrist, Clemson Gorham, Lindberg, Gunst k. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: 5. ROSEMEAD SWIM CLUB - Regular meeting of June 20, 1962 Report, Director of Rec reac i on 6. JOINT MEETING WITH CITY COUNCIL 7. RECREATION REPORT - Director of Recreation 8. Adjournment to the joint meeting with City Council, July 26, 1962