HomeMy Public PortalAboutMinutes - 1962/11/28 -CITY OF TEMPLE CITY PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION MINUTES OF ADJOURNED MEETING November 28, 1962 1. The adjourned meeting of the Parks & Recreation Commission was called to order at 7:30 P.M. by Vice - Chairman Andrist, who then 2. led the Pledge of Allegiance. ROLL CALL: PRESENT: Commissioners: Andrist, Clemson, Gorham, Lindberg ABSENT: Commissioners: Gunst ALSO PRESENT: Karl Koski, Administrative Assistant Victor Kobett, Director of Recreation STATUS REPORT: Director of Recreation Kobett outlined briefly the status of currently budgeted items as follows: 1. Steel Picnic Shelter - Contract was awarded to Rheem Manu- facturing Company for $3,180.00. The amount budgeted was $3,500. The project will take 20 calendar days to complete. The contract has been prepared and is awaiting their signature. No tentative starting or completion date has been set yet. 2. Outside Lighting - .Contract was awarded to Cook Electric for X2,992.00, and the amount budgeted was $2,875. The work will require 35 working days, although Mr. Koski stated that the job would not take that long. The contract has been signed and the men are already on the job. 3. Santa Claus Suit - A Cambridge velour heavy duty Santa suit Was been purchased for $83.68, complete with full wig and beard. 4. Public Address System - All equipment is in and is being used. Portable Platforms cstages) - Have been delivered and have Seen used several times already. 6. Movie Projector - Has been delivered with the exception of three items which are on the way. 7. Dishes - These items were ordered from Dormanns Hotel Supply an St. Paul's Methodist Church. The church supplies are in and the only back order is nine dozen cups from Dormann. The kitchen is being revamped to handle this equipment and plans are being made to control the new equipment. 8. Maintenance Building - Mr. Koski stated that he took the plans for the maintenance storage building over to the Building Department for approval. This will give us 150 ft. more storage space, part of which is for storage of the pick -up truck and maintenance equipment. The existing building will be used for 'recreation department equipment. With regard to the movie projector, a .discussion was entered into concerning its use and the availability of low cost or free films. Commissioner Lindberg moved to accept the Status Report as given, seconded by Commissioner Clemson and carried by the following roll call vote: AYES: Commissioners: Clemson, Gorham, Lindberg, Andrist NOES: Commissioners: None ABSENT: Commissioners: Gunst RECREATION REPORT: Each of the Commissioners had a copy of the report before them so Mr. Kobett merely went over the highlights, most prominent of which was the after school recreation program. The new feature this year is the addition of two female leaders Parks & Recreation Commission Minutes, November 28, 1962 Page 2 who alternate at the four elementary playgrounds, each working two days a week at each playground. The Halloween program and tots program were also included in the report. • Mr. Kobett stated that the attendance at Live Oak Park was boostec . by the Polio Clinics held on two Sundays in October. It was sug- gested that an attendance of this nature be recorded separately in the future to eliminate confusion. The attendance at all play- grounds has increased tremendously over last year and Commissioner Lindberg spoke for the Commission by stating that he felt Mr. Kobett was to be congratulated and deserved a pat on the back. He also asked Mr. Kobett if he felt that the girls' program was working out successfully to the point where he might want to con- sider female leaders five days a week at each playground? The Director mentioned that he has been considering an increase from two to at least four days per week, and will recommend this when the budget is made up for next year. Commissioner Clemson made a motion to adopt the Recreation Report, seconded by Commissioner Lindberg and carried by the following roll call vote: AYES: Commissioners: Clemson, Gorham, Lindberg, Andrist NOES: Commissioners: None ABSENT: Commissioners: Gunst • 8. BAND FESTIVAL REPORT: Although this item was touched upon briefly at the Commission meeting on November 21, 1962, Mr. Kobett stated that he had one more name to add to the list of replies received, that of Los Altos High School, which now gives a total of two "yesses" and two "noes ". A brief discussion followed as to whether or not there would be enough favorable replies to go ahead with the program and just how much publicity should be given at the present time. It was felt that it might be better to soft - peddle the publicity until the "go ahead" was given. Commissioner Lindberg made a motion to accept the report on the Band Festival, seconded by Commissioner Gorham and carried. 9. JUNIOR HIGH RECREATIONAL ACTIVITY PROGRAM: The Commissioners each had a copy of the program, which included the "Recreation Activity Standards ", "Program Contents ", "Outline of Chaperone Duties ", a map of the recreation area at Live Oak Park, and a numbered chart for checking off members upon arrival. Considerable discussion followed and several minor changes were made, but the Commission was in agreement that a program of this nature for the 7th and 8th grade students was very desirable. This program would include all Junior High students who reside in the City limits, as well as those living in the Temple City School District. It was felt that a letter should be drafted to the parents of those seeking membership giving full details of the program and the parents responsibility. Mr. Kobett stated that he will seek the support of the schools and P.T.A.'s and after more of the details are worked out hopes to start the program sometime in January. He will keep the Commissio; apprised of progress made and will submit a draft of the letter for the Commission's perusal. Before taking up the next item, Mr. Kobett wished to get approval from the Commission on two applications for use of the Park at times other than normal operating hours. 1. KeWane Alan Troop, Campfire Girls wish to use Live Oak Park from 7:00 - 9 :00 p.m. on Sunday, December 16, 1962. Commissioner Lindberg moved to approve, seconded by Commission er Gorham and carried. 2. Explorer Scout Troops 3, 13, 14, and 15. Request use of Live Oak Park on Saturday, December 15, 1962 for an evening dance. The same group had a dance at the Park last year which was highly successful. Commissioner Gorham moved to approve, seconded by Commissioner Clemson and carried. " " " Parks & Recreation Commission Minutes, Nov. 28, 1962 Page 3 10. ADULT BALLROOM DANCE INSTRUCTION PROGRAM: Mr. Kobett stated that this is an activity that he has received many requests for and has drafted up an outline of the program which was submitted to the City Manager. The instructors will be Eddie and Helen Palmquist and the cost of instruction for a 12 week session is $300.00. /3.s this must be a self - sustaining program, the minimum registration must be 30 couples at $10.00 per couple. The instructors are a local couple and have consider able background in ballroom dance instruction and are very much in damand. A brief discussion followed and the question was brought up as tc what might be done it less than 30 couples signed up. It was agreed that the best solution would be to poll these People and ask them if they would consider paying a higher price for lessons in lieu of the program being dropped. GIRLS TAP AND BALLET INSTRUCTION: This program is proposed as a result of many requests received by the department. It would include girls only from ages 3 through 12 years (or in kindergarten). The course of instruction would comprise 12 lessons at a fee of $3.25 per person. The instruc- tion would be two days a week, Mondays for Tap and Wednesdays for Ballet. Minimum registration would be ten youth Per class and a maximum of 15. The instructor is Susan McFarland, a local girl who is presently teaching on Saturday at Azusa Recreation Depart- ment, as well as at a private dance school in Arcadia. Her salary would be $3.00 per hour and with a minimum of 10 students for each class would enable the program to be self- sustaining. For each child enrolled over the minimum, the City would receive a return of $3.25. I t is hoped that the program can get under way on Monday, January 7th and Wednesday, January 9th. SQUARE DANCE PROGRAM: Mr. Kobett stated that the cost is running a lot higher than the City has budgeted and he is still working on this. It would be for youth grades 5 through 8. One factor that might help in the cost is that the Council has authorized a charge of to be levied on each child participating. 12. COMMUNICATIONS: Senior Citizens: Commissioner Lindberg informed the Commission that on the previous day the Senior Citizens held their regular meeting at Live Oak Park and did vote to incorporate the compro- mise Section 2 into their by -laws. However, no vote was taken on whether or not they shall affiliate with the Los Angeles County Senior Citizens Association, Inc., which was the request of this Commission as the second part of their recommendation, which was upheld by the City Council. The Commissioners all ex- pressed their disapproval, stating that if this matter should be put off until the new Board takes office after the first of the year it will put them under a severe handicap, plus the fact that this was a specific request from this Commission and the City Council. Commissioner Lindberg reread the recommendation and stated that perhaps a loop -hole was left in not stating the date of the Senior Citizens meeting at which this vote should be taken. Mr. Kobett informed the Commission that the City Manager was aware of this loop -hole and has written Mr. Fred Ines, President of the Temple City Senior Citizens Club, requesting that a vote on this issue be taken at their next general meeting. The Com- mission was satisfied that the matter has been proPerly handled. 13. ADJOURNMENT: Commissioner Gorham moved to adjourn to the next regular meeting to be held on December 19, 1962 at the City Hall. at 7:30 P.M., seconded by Commissioner Clemson and carried. Meeting adjourned at 10:10 P.M. ATTEST: / ha i rman City Clerk