HomeMy Public PortalAbout11/12/1951I' biINUTud - Tuia 'h Ui GULF iTiJiiI�, F LuRIL)A the meetiti; of the Town Commissioners of the Town of Gulf Stream, was held on Nonuay, Nov. 12, 1951, at 9 :00 AID:, at the Town Hall. Present were, i :ayor Commissioner L. Jeton Linusay, Commissioner N. J. .1 Clarke, and Town Clerk Commissioner Para. J. Bauer. Officer Cooper reported on roads. he was instructed to keep a close check on speedin through tires: school zone. He was also instructed to see that the roads are kept in good repair. The attaciied list of bills paid by checks J #841 -906, inclusive were approved .N A,368.02. The bank balance was reported as . 792.64, after the foregoing bills were paid. Tosco Cierk Bauer reported the water meter readings as follows: Individual 1,220,000 gallons Faster 11014,000 ga_lons. Y,ciinance 7,:105, "AN UitDINAI'XF OF THE Tu" OF GULF STREAI-i IN PALL: BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA, ALCIDIIiG PAi3AG�?APH (A) uF JE'CTL.,I, 7 BY STRIKING "�L :� REPC�;ALING ALL OF 3!11) FAAAGRAPH (A), AND JUBJTITUTING A L.Ej9 PARAGRAPH (A) THERiEFOit: iilr -� FAV7 JRAPH (B) OF 8is'CTION 7, BY JTRIKING Al,!iiLEPZALING J7B- PARAGRAPHS -(1) Alai) (2) THEREOF, OF THE ZONINrG ORDINANCE OF THE TOWN OF GULF STREAK, FLORIDA !JULY ENA'TE;) ON Imo" MAy v 1916: PROVI )ING -- ;,. FECT: a:.J P:ZOVIDING F Ct I!� lv Hl L'1' aiL ll :!- 1Ui1,vi uiil)DIAN(iEJ u!t PRRTS OF 0rtDINANCES4 was read again and passed and adopted, and ordered posted. i I�iayor Lindsay proposed that Town Attonney C. Y. Byrd, be. placed on an annual retainer basis. After discussion, it was decideu that a fee of'.�250.00 be paid annually effective Nov. 1, 1951 and payments be :uade semi annually. Afto@'-discussion it was decided to tai-,e R. L. Pollack off duty as a police man ana put him on sanitation detail or other Town duties at no change in salary. I.ay%r i,indsay ;;resented a copy of the Zoning Ordinance of Palm Beach Township, and suggested this be studied by the Commissioners with a view to bringing up ,it the nest meeting the question of passing a complete new zoning ordinance for the Town of Gulf Jtream. Triere bein no further business, the meeting was ad,ourned. { N 1 uner TOWN OF GULF STREAM PALM BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA WM. J. BAUER TOWN CLERK AND TAX COLLECTOR POST ADDRESS. BOX 255 DELRAY BEACH. FLORIDA Nov. 7, 1.y51 List of checris drawn on First 14ational i:tank of Ljelray Beach; Late Check 79-57 Au6. 10 841 13 2 13 3 13 4 13 5 13 6 13 7 13 8 li 9 13 850 20 1 27 2 31 3 31 4 31 '5 ep. 3 6 10 7 17 8 24. 9 30 860 30 1 3u 2 30 3 Oct. 1 4 C 5 15 6 22 7 29 8 31 9 31 870 .J op. 4 1 4 2 4 4 17 6 17 7 17 B 17 9 17 880 17 1 17 2 17 3 17 4 Oc 5 5 Pakable to Mrs. Edward A. Bowman H. i.. Pollack Amount (secretary) 1 5.00 City of Delray Beach(Hadio Jun &, . Delray l.nition .Delray Sunoco Florida Power &: Light to $131151 Gulf Stream Golf Club (water) Hickox Service ;ta Himes & Himes Ocean City Lumber H. L. Bollack E. !'J. Cooper City of D. B. Florida Power H. L. Pollack fI 50.00 Jul) 50.00 1.50 4.50 32.90 110.29 6.00 224.30 2.52 50.00 50.00 2 21j.. 60 (Aug radio 25.00 trash 6.50)31.50 & Light, INg, aep, Oct, Nov98. 2 Howard Smith (Aug [v. Cooper City of D. B.(5eh H. V. Purdom 3rd H. L. Pollack It Sept.) Oct radio &. qtr Cooper Void -Bob Fackler Printinv ltr lids Hi;;hway l;uto Supply Neptune I•,eter Co Ocean City Lumber Co W. J. Snow (asphalt) Black Laboratories (testing George S. Brockway (Plat.) Colony Cleaners H. L. Cromer (setting meter Delray 1•,imeogral hServic e 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 79,50 2.21; . 60 tr %-1h X7.) 57.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 224.60 void 17.50 4.u0 511.56 19.56 1$.00 water) 30.00 3.15 3.00 boxes) 24.00 5.00 Halsey &, Griffith (ledger sheets) 1.85 Palm Beach Chemical 32.00 S. Bell Tel 12.26 Gulf Stream Golf Club water 61.36 gas June 40.04 stet. Jul 1.75 gas Jul 34.06 337.21 Edwin S. Butler oving K recondi i�g 425.00 Pale 1 TOWN OF GULF STREAM PALM BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA WM. J, BAUER POST ADDRESS. BOX 255 TOWN CLERK AND TAX COLLECTOR DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA C,,iocks drawn on iirst w.tiv'_7a.i Bank of oe- ty _ eaci,: .. 'r Vorl: � ✓...a,� [mow Pa;;e 2 1951 Oct. 293 886 H. ';. Smith (postaZe) 3.00 29 7 Ocean City Lumber Co (new bld) 31.98 2.9 8 Bob Facklers Printing, envelopes 7.60 29 9 The Hunt Co traffic sins 34.51 29 890 Collector of Internal Revenue W/H tax 101.60 29 1 S. Bell Tel 9/26/51 10.41 29 2 Gulf Struam Golf Club water 340.80 Nov. 5 3 R. L. Pollack 50.00 7 4 ;. Bell Tel 1026151 10.31 7 5 Gcean City Auto Farts .84 7 6 Bob Facklers ?rintin bld permits 11.50 7 7 Delray Sunoco (police car) 11.60 7 F5 The Jackson Co 5.50 7 9 !.hitt i,ac Dowell ra ,.Iio service 19.70 7 900 Delray Inition Police card 6.70 7 1 Delray N;achine & 3upply 1.50 7 2 City of Delray Reach trash 7.50 7 3 Howard Smith(C•ct services 83. ;osta.-e 3.)d6.00 7 4 Ocean City Lumber Co 3.55 7 5 BrownieTs I;ens ;hop (cap tops) 5.90 7 c,_;lf strew.:! Golf. Club e; .ter 146.40 .. 'r Vorl: � ✓...a,� [mow Mr. Seton Lindsay, Yavor Town of Gulf Stream Dear Mr. Lindsay: vember 14, 1951 In the event that you have not seen the enclosed marked article in the Florida AA-4 :_otorist, I am sending it on to you as just one more indication of the m- growing, disapproval of the ridiculous, and generally ignored)speed' limits throughout Florida. You and I have touched on the subject before and you probably know my personal feelin,s toward the impractical posted speed limit in the Town of Gulf Stream. I would like to suggest that at an early meeting of the Town Council the matter of raising our speed limit to a reasonable figure be ;.,iven consideration. Personally, I should like to see the limit raised to 35 miles, or even 40 - -- most vehicles going through seem to travel at 40 or above anyway, regardless of the posted 25 mile limit. If this were done I feel sure it would not increase actual speed above the avers, ;;e speed of cars going through today. And, it would be a shining example to the motoring public of a community that has the common sense and gumption to change the archaic 25 mile speed limit to a more practical one. My suggestion for a change in speed limit notice would be to post a fairly large reflector type sign -- readable at night -- at each end of town, worded as follows: EiD ADS e�red y s Another suggestion I would like to offer concerns traffic supervision. I would like to see the policy of traffic officers be to stop and warn speeders who may be slightly exceedin., the speed limit, but to hand out summons only in case of speeders who, in the judgment of the officers, are speedin3.ex44 or otherwise handling their vehicles in such a manner as tg/be a distinct hazard. hope you will receive these suggestions in the spirit which they are offered. Respectfully, yours,