HomeMy Public PortalAboutMinutes - 1965/01/20 - RegularCITY OF" TEMPLE CITY PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION JANUARY 20, 1965 INITIATION: 1. CALL TO ORDER: Chairman Lindberg called to order the regular meeting of the Parks & Recreation Commission at 7:30 P. M., 2. following which he led the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. 3. ROLL CALL: PRESENT: Commissioners- Adams, Germain, Lindberg ABSENT: Commissioners; Gorham, Gunst ALSO PRESENT: Recreation Director Kobett, Asst. City Manager Karl Koski 4. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Chairman Lindberg moved to approve the min- utes of the regular meeting of the Commission of November 18, 19641 Commissioner Adams seconded and carried. OLD BUSINESS: 5. BULLETIN BOARD: Director of Recreation Kobett reported on • prices he had investigated for the bulletin board, and that he had been unable to find any better price. Chairman Lindberg suggested this matter be held over until the new Commissioners are appointed as this was his last meeting, and Commissioner Gorham also has resigned, and he felt at that time the Commission should again consider the bulletin board. Commissioner Adams so moved, seconded by Commissioner Germain and carried. 6. REPORT ON BIDS: TEMPLE CITY PARK AND LIVE OAK PARK Asst. City Manager Koski advised the Commission that the Council- had recommended bids be awarded as follows to the lowest bidder: Al Saviano, $17,000. for Live Oak Park, and Brentwood Landscaping Co., $35,069. for the additions to Temple City Park. He also advised a letter had been received from Brentwood Landscaping asking to be excused from the bid as an error had been made in their figures. The next bidder in line would be Delgado Constr. Co. with a bid of $43,022. which is about $8,000. over the estima of $35,000. and at this time the matter awaits Council action to determine what procedure they wish to take. At this time Recreation Director Kobett introduced the new 1965 President of the Senior Citizens, Mr. Marty Brooks, and also the Vice - President, Mr. Vince Cooper. COMMUNICATIONS: Chairman Lindberg read a letter from the Senior Citizens signed by Sara Goebels, Corresponding Secretary, thanking the Commission for their sponsorship during past year and requesting sponsorship for 1965. Commissioner Adams moved to co- sponsor the Senior Citizens club For 1965, Councilman Germain seconded, carried. Chairman Lindberg read a letter from the American .Little League proposing to make a substantial improvement in the surface condi- tion of the baseball diamonds (2) at a total cost of $1232. re- presenting labor and material of which $432. was material and the; request the Council to assume one -half of this cost of $216, and to accept and authorize the improvement. Foliowin: discussion Commissioner Adams moved to recommend this to the Council sub- ject to availability of City funds, Councilman Germain seconded, roll call vote to carry as follows: AYES: Commissioners- Adams, Germain, Lindberg NOES: Commissioners -None ABSENT: Commissioners - Gorham, Gunst u. MATTERS FRCM CITY OFFICIALS: Chairman Lindberg presented to the Commission a proposed ordinan: to be recommended to the City Council which would give the Counc authority to authorize advertising in the public parks for chari- table purposes. Following discussion Commissioner Adams moved tc " " " recommend to the City Council the amendment to the Municipal Code as proposed in Ordinance No. 65 -146 prepared by the City Attorney amending Sections 3706(2) and 3706(3), Commissioner Lindberg seconded, roll call vote to carry as follows: AYES: Commissioners: Adams, Germain, Lindberg NOES: Commissioners: None ABSENT: Commissioners: Gorham, Gunst Recreation Director Kobett called the Commissioners attention to the installation night of the Parks & Recreation Society at Santa Fe Trails on Saturday, Jan. 23. Also the Parks & Recreation Society Conference on March 20 -24 in San Francisco, and that he will send them more information on the programs. Following this the Director gave a resume of the programs now under way at the park. He then presented a request For use of the facilities at the Park on Sunday for a Dexter, Iowa, Club which also met their last year and recommended approval which the Commission granted. Chairman Lindberg presented a letter from the T.C.Unified Schoos District advising there were requests for more tennis courts one asking if the City would be able to help out here. There folic, ed a lengthy discussion regarding tennis courts as well as othe improvements that should be considered for next years budget. There also was considerable discussion concerning possible loca- tions of a Community Center. 9. ADJOURNMENT: As there was no further business Chairman Lindberc; declared the meeting adjourned at 9 :00 P. M. The next regular meeting of the Commission will be on Febr. 17, 1965, in the Council Chambers, 5938 Kauffman Ave., Temple City. ATTEST: City Clerk