HomeMy Public PortalAboutMinutes - 1967/02/15 - RegularCITY OF TEMPLE CITY PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION Minutes of February 15, 1967 The regular meeting of the Parks & Recreation Commission was called to order by Chairman Greenberg at 7:33 P4,1. at City Hall, 5938 North Kauffman Avenue, Temple City, 2, The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was led by the Chairman. 3. ROLL CALL: Present: Absent: Also Present: Commissioners: Gunst, Maudlin, Greenberg Commissioners: Adams Director of Recreation, Victor Kobett 4 APPROVAL OF MINUTES: (a) Regular Meeting, January 18, 1967: Commissioner Gunst moved to ap- prove the minutes as mailed, seconded by Commissioner Maudlin and carried. (b) Adjourned Meeting, February 1, 1967: Commissioner Gunst moved to approve the minutes as mailed, seconded by Commissioner Maudlin and carried. .LD BUSINESS: 5- SURVEY STATUS REPORT: Mr. Kobett read a letter which was mailed to a• total of 25 churches and private organizations within the City who may have facilities which lend themselves to recreational use. The letter requested that the accompanying return addressed and pre - stamped survey card be returned to the City Hall prior to February 17th. The card is a preliminary survey requesting information as to whether an organiza- tion (a) does not have facilities available for general community re- creation use, is not presently interested in pursuing a coordinated approach to community recreation; (b) does not presently have facilities available for general community recreational use, however, is interested in the project and would like to be included in future communications; (c) has facilities available for general community recreational use and interested in discussing a coordinated approach to community recreation. To date there has been a total of 13 responses, 6 (c), 5 (b), and 2 (a). Considerable discussion followed regarding the next steps to be taken, and it was agreed that the Director should proceed with setting up ap- pointments with those who responded affirmatively. Chairman Greenberg will try to accompany Mr. Kobett on his appointments as they explore in greater depth the facilities available and what recreational pro - grams each church is presently offering. NEW BUSINESS: 6. RECREATION REPORT: Mr. Kobett reported that the Junior High Program is a tremendous success and that Dan Bemoll, the Park Director, is doing an outstanding job with this age group. The Valentine Dance held last Friday had 211 in attendance. The two previous dances had an attendance of about 170 at each function. Publicity for the pro- gram is presently limited to the Temple City Times because membership and admission to the program activities is open only to residents. Large banners are placed in the covered eating area at Oak Avenue School, drawing a great deal of attention to the coming event. Com- mencing March 1st there will be two sports 'socials and two dances each month. Track season is approaching, and the staff is just com- pleting the installation of a long jump pit at the park. High jumping will be offered and incorporates the existing port -a -pit. The depart- ment plans to purchase a boxing platform and three hurdles. There have been a few instanses of match throwing and minor fires, and it is hoped that the aforementioned equipment and events will draw the _ interest of the older boys into more acceptable activities. Chairman a P a Greenberg stated he visited the park on Sunday and was pleased to see the heavy useage. Parks & Recreation Commission Minutes, February 15, 1967 Page 2 •7. 8. MATTERS FROM CITY OFFICIALS: (a) Chairman Greenberg asked how the tennis courts were coming along and was advised by the Director that it was expected that they would be in and ready for play by summer. COMMUNICATIONS: None 9. TIME FOR THOSE IN AUDIENCE WHO WISH TO SPEAK: Fanette Boswell, 57234 Temple City Boulevard, offered the Commission some ideas for raising money which had been successful in her home community back east. These suggestions included a block party, and a debate between high school seniors, which would be open to the pub- lic. Mrs. Boswell reiterated her offer of last meeting to be of service to the department. 10. ADJOURNMENT: Commissioner Gunst moved to adjourn at 8 :30 P.M. to the next regular meeting to be held on March 15, 1967 at 7 :30 P.M. at the City Hall, 5938 N. Kauffman Ave., Temple City. Seconded by Commis- sioner Maudlin and carried. Chairman ATTEST: City Clerk