HomeMy Public PortalAboutMinutes - 1967/05/17 - RegularCITY OF TEMPLE CITY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION Minutes of May 17, 1967 1. The regular meeting of the Parks and Recreation Commission was called to order by Chairman Maudlin at 7:30 p.m. at City Hall, 5938 North Kauffman Avenue, Temple City. 2, The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was led by the Chairman. 3. ROLL CALL: Present: Commissioners: Adams, Caswell, Greenberg, Villar Maudlin Absent: Commissioners: None Also Present: Director of Recreation, Victor Kobett 4. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Commissioner Caswell moved to approve the Minutes of the Regular Meeting of April 19, 1967 as mailed, Commissioner Greenberg seconded and the motion carried unanimously. Commissioner Caswell moved to accept the Minutes of the Adjourned Meeting of May 3, 1967 as mailed. Commissioner Villar seconded and the motion carried unanimously. TEMPORARY ADJOURNMENT: Mr. Kobett announced he would like for the Commissioners to see the Y.M.C.A. facilities while it was still daylight and had made arrangements for them to do so at this time. Commissioner Caswell moved to adjourn temporarily in order to visit the Y.M.C.A. on Rowland Avenue. Commissioner Greenberg seconded, and the motion was unanimously carried. Chairman Maudlin adjourned the meeting at 7:35 p.m. for "one hour or whatever time needed to tour the facilities at the Y.M.C.A."! At 7 :55 p.m. Chairman Maudlin reconvened the meeting. 5. OLD BUSINESS: Mr. Kobett discussed the tentative plans for a teenage program and the budget. Among items which had been considered for the program were softball, tennis instruction, summer basketball and body building, with the possibility of tennis instruction being self - sustaining. The body building program can be offered at the gym under the program set up and would not require any specific funds in the budget. Also, he mentioned teen dances, a battle- of-the bands, possibility of a drama production, and summer trips. He felt that the teen dances would increase supervision time; the battle-of-the-bands would depend on what type is wanted; the drama production would not require any extra staff, and trips can be arranged in the same manner as they are for the elementary age youth if busses are available from the school district. Commissioner Villar stated that he had talked to the manager of the Midnighters about donating some time to a teenage dance in order to encourage the formation of teenage activities here. This group is booked almost solid all summer but would be willing to come early for a couple of hours and then let an amateur band take over afterwards, preferably on a week night. There was considerable discussion of trying to get various bands to play without charge and having a contest, with an award to be presented at the annual City picnic. • Parks & Recreation Commission Minutes May 17, 1967 Page Two The question of where the dances would be held was mentioned by Commissioner Adams, and Commission Villar said he thoughtthe gym at the high school was the best place. The cafetorium was also suggested. Use of the parking lot at the park was ruled out because of impossibility of controlling admissions. It was agreed that any adequate area which could be enclosed with a wall or fence would be suitable. After much discussion of time and dates for a dance, it was decided that July 6 or 7th, depending on the availability of the Midnighters, would be the date for the first dance. Time also will be dependent on the schedule of the Midnighters, but tentative hours will be 7012. As to future dances, it was deemed advisable to await results of the first dance before planning others. Commissioner Adams suggested a charge of 50 per person, but Comm- issioner Greenberg thought $1.00 each should be charged for a group like the Midnighters. The question was raised as to whether it would be agreeable with the Midnighters to ask them to play without charge and then charge the teenagers, and Commissioner Villar said he thoughtthe manager of the Midnighters understood the situation, i.e. their playing without charge and yet paying the group which might continue after the Midnighters left with funds obtained by charging the teenagers admission. It was the consensus, after further discussion, that the details will be worked out by Commissioner Villar and the Director with Commissioner Villar confirming the date and time of the event with the Mid - nighters manager. COMMUNICATIONS: None 7. MATTERS FROM CITY OFFICIALS: Mr. Kobett announced that the tentative date for the City Picnic is September 23rd and that the Marine Corps Band has been invited to play for the event. Appearance of the band is not certain at this time. The Director announced that plans are underway to form a men's 'open' 16" softball league. A managers information meeting has been held and a five or six team league is anticipated. He also announced that a City Hall softball team composed of Councilmen, • Commissioners and staff will play the Temple City Kiwanis Club on Thursday, May 25th at 8 :00 p.m. at Clemensen School. The Commission was invited to participate on the team. The Annual Baby and Toddler Contest will be held Friday, May 19th 9 :30 a.m. at Live Oak Park. Also, a ceremony graduating 72 young- sters from the Tots Recreation Program will be conducted at Live Oak Park on Thursday, May 25th at 10:00 a.m. Commissioner Greenberg mentioned the matter of adopting a par- liamentary procedure to shorten the time necessary to pass on noncontroversial matters. After discussion, Commissioner Adams moved to adopt said procedure, Commission Caswell seconded and the motion was adopted unanimously. Chairman Maudlin presented the printed parliamentary procedure form which was duly signed by each Commissioner. TIME FOR THOSE IN THE AUDIENCE WHO WISH TO SPEAK: Mr. Kobett introduced Mr. William (Bill) Burke, 5539 Parmertan, who is a member of the Board of Managers of the Temple City Y.M.C.A. Mr. Burke expressed his regret that he had been unable to be • present with the Commissioners when they had toured the Y.M.C.A. facilities earlier. Mr. Burke described the building and the grounds as well as present and future activities planned by the organization. 4 • • • Parks and Recreation Minutes Page Three May 17, 1967 • Mr. Burke announced that Monday night, May 22nd from 6:30 to 9 :00 p.m. would be Teenage Night open - house. There are about 12 teenage members in the Y -Teen group, 18 tribes of Indian Guides (8 boys to the tribe) and 4 Wagon Trains of boys from 4th through 6th grades. Starting about September a mother and daughter tribe of "Princesses" for girls 4 -6 grade is being considered. The Temple City Y's Men Group is the second largest in the District, having 30 to 40 members. After being thanked by Chairman Maudlin for the tour and for his visit, Mr. Burke left. Commissioner Caswell suggested reviewing the fees and charges to church groups. After further discussion, Chairman Maudlin requested that a copy of the fee schedule be sent to each Commissioner for study before the next meeting. 9. ADJOURNMENT: There being no further business, Commissioner Caswell moved to adjourn to June 21, 1967 at 7:30 p.m. seconded by Commissioner Greenberg and carried unanimously. The meeting was adjourned at 9:02 p.m. ATTEST: City Clerk MPI 0 Chairman