HomeMy Public PortalAboutMinutes - 1971/04/21 - RegularCITY OF TEMPLE CITY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION • MINUTES OF APRIL 21, 1971 • INITIATION: 1. The regular meeting of the Parks and Recreation Commission was called to order by Vice - Chairman Walker at 7 :30 p.m. on Wednesday April 21, 1971 in the Council Chambers of City Hall, 5938 North Kauffman Avenue, Temple City, California. 2. Vice - Chairman Walker led the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag, 3. ROLL CALL: PRESENT: Commissioners Adams, Greenberg, Walker, Villar. ABSENT: Commissioner Maudlin.. ALSO PRESENT: Victor B. Kobett, Director of Parks and Recreation. The Director of Recreation informed the Commission that Chairman Maudlin was absent due to illness. Commissioner Greenberg moved to excuse Chairman Maudlin because of illness, Commissioner Villar seconded the motion, which carried. 4. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Commissioner Adams moved to approve the minutes of the regular meeting of February 17, 1971. Commissioner Villar seconded the motion, which carried. Commissioner Adams moved to approve the minutes of the regular meeting of March 17, 1971. Commissioner Greenberg seconded the motion, which carried. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: There was no unfinished business listed on the agenda and none discussed at the meting. NEW BUSINESS: • 5. REQUEST FOR RECOSPONSORSHIP: • Vice - Chairman Walker read a letter from Youth Football, Inc., dated March 18, 1971, requesting recosponsorship for the 1971 football season. Their use of the park would begin August 15, 1971 Monday through Friday from 5 :00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. and Saturdays from 9:00 a.m. to 11 :00 a.m. In September, beginning with the school year, the practices would be limited to two nights a week from 5:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. and on Saturday morn- ings from 9:00 a.m. to 11 :00 a.m. Commissioner Adams moved to recommend to the City Council that the request received from Temple City Youth Football, Inc. for recosponsorship for the 1971 football season be approved, subject to the same conditions as in previous years to include a waiver of insurance naming the City of Temple City as coinsured. Commissioner Villar seconded the motion. In the discussion that followed, Mr. Clay Bachmeier of 10651 Hallowell, Temple City, advised the Commission that he was an official representative of Temple City Youth Football and would supply any additional information they felt necessary. Mr. Bachmeier described the organization and the number of teams and indicated they were very satisfied with. the facilities and were in agreement with the prior arrangements and use conditions. The vote on the motion was taken and the motion carried. " " " PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION MINUTES - -April 21, 1971 Page 2. 6. REQUEST FOR USE OF LIVE OAK PARK: Director Kobett read a letter requesting use of Live Oak Park from 9:30 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. on August 9th through 12th and August 16th through August 19, 1971 for a Day Camp sponsored by the Girl Scouts in Temple City. Commissioner Adams moved to approve the request from the Girl Scouts as outlined in their letter. Commissioner Greenberg seconded the motion. In the discussion that followed, the Director stated that the use last year was compatible with the overall use of the Park. The vote on the motion was taken and the motion carried. 7. COMMUNICATIONS: a. REQUEST RECEIVED FROM TEMPLE CITY JUNIOR WOMANS CLUB: Director Kobett read a letter received from the Temple City Junior Womans Club advising the Commission that a repre- sentative of their club would be at this evening's meeting to discuss with the Commission a proposal to donate an improvement at Live Oak Park. Mrs. Margot Strombotne of 9131 Leroy Street, San Gabriel, presented to the Commission a request on behalf of the Temple City Junior Womans Club to construct a wading pool at Live Oak Park at no cost to the city. Upon completion of the project, at which time it would be turned over to the city, the Junior Womans Club would not be in a position to maintain it or operate it - -that would have to be the responsi- bility of the city if the project was approved. In summarizing the discussion, Vice - Chairman Walker informed Mrs. Strombotne that the Commission was very appreciative, of her club's offer; however, before they could make a final decision, they would need additional information. Mrs. Strombotne was asked to supply plans and drawings of the proposed wading pool as well as cost estimates, methods of fund raising and any other information that would assist the Commission in making a decision. Director Kobett was asked to supply information on estimated maintenance and operational costs as well as additional information pertaining to this type of improvement. Discussion of this item will be continued to an adjourned meeting set for May 12, 1971. The Commission thanked Mrs. Strombotne and the Junior Womans Club for their generous offer. b. REQUEST RECEIVED FROM TEMPLE CITY NATIONAL LITTLE LEAGUE: Director Kobett read a letter from Mr. Vic Riesau, president of Temple City National Little League, requesting permis- sion to use the north baseball diamond at Live Oak Park on Sunday afternoons according to an attached schedule. The request pointed out that loss of a playing field several years ago and an increase of youth in the program neces- sitated the league's playing Sunday games. Commissioner Adams moved that the request for the use of Live Oak Park as outlined be approved subject to the same conditions as last year's use. Commissioner Greenberg seconded the motion, which carried. PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION MINUTES - -April 21, 1971 Page 3. 8. TIME FOR THOSE IN AUDIENCE WHO WISH TO SPEAK: At this point, Mr. Maury Willett of 4851 Kauffman, Temple City, president of the Pony Colt Pinto League of Temple City addressed the Commission. He stated that on behalf of his organization he was requesting the use of part of the newly acquired area at Live Oak Park to construct a baseball field. Mr. Willett de- scribed the nature of their needs indicating that it was the league's opinion that the facilities they were presently using were inadequate and not representative of the quality and safety desirable to attract and keep young boys of the age group they serve. Mr. Willett's organization offered to construct the backstop, fencing and dugouts as well as construct the pitcher's mound and the grassed infield and guaranteed to assist conscien- tiously with an ongoing maintenance program of the area. In the discussion that followed, the Commission apprised Mr. Willett that they were hopeful of obtaining funds in the 1971 -72 fiscal budget to master plan the entire area at Live Oak Park. Now that they are aware of his organization's needs it will be given sincere consideration in the overall development. The Commission pointed out that they have the responsibility to plan the park in the best interest of all the residents and think in terms of year round maximum use for all ages and organi- zational needs. It would then have to be determined if this was the best place in the city for a ball field of this nature. The Commission also explained that, although an area on city property is improved by a volunteer organization, there is no exclusive use of an area granted by the city, as public requests to use the facilities must be renewed on a year to year basis. Also speaking in favor of the installation were Mr. Norman Taylor of 5111 Pal Mal, Temple City and Mr. Louis Palette of 5038 Persimmon, Temple City. Pertaining to the Commission's attention to their needs and wants, Vice- Chairman Walker stated the Commission would give considera- tion for this requested improvement at the time the area is master planned. The Commission informed Mr. Willett that they were most receptive to receiving information from Pony Colt Pinto League regarding the specific improvements that they had in mind. No action was taken on this request pending the City Council's action on the Commission's request for funds to master plan the Live Oak Park area. In the event that the funds requested by the Commission for the park development study are not appropriated for the coming fiscal year, the Commission will give your request their immediate attention. 9. MATTERS FROM CITY OFFICIALS: a. Commissioner Greenberg reminded the Commissioners of the Region III Institute which will be held Thursday, May 20, 1971 in Long Beach. b. Commissioner Greenberg commended the Department on a well - planned, well- executed Annual Egg Hunt on Saturday, April 10, 1971. c. DIRECTOR'S REPORT: The Director presented the Commission with copies of the proposed Department budget for the fiscal year 1971 -72. The budget was reviewed at an earlier date and the copies presented were in their final format. In reviewing the budget, the Commission reaffirmed their desire to provide programs and supervision at playgrounds and parks as outlined in the budget. Director Kobett advised the Commission that the Public Bud- get Hearing of the Parks and Recreation.,Department budget PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION MINUTES - -April 21, 197] Page 4. with the City Council, is scheduled to be held on Thursday, June 10, 1971, • 10. ADJOURNMENT: Commissioner Adams moved to adjourn to an adjourned meeting in the North meeting Room of the Temple City City Hall on Wednesday, May 12, 1971 at 7:30 p.m. • • Commissioner Greenberg seconded the motion, which carried. Vice - Chairman Walker adjourned the meeting at 9:15 p.m. 72' 1 ATTEST: City Clerk Chairman " N 0 S M O K I N G P L E A S E AGENDA PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION TEMPLE CITY, CALIFORNIA APRIL 21, 1971 7:30 p.m. ALL PERSONS ARE INVITED TO ADDRESS THE COMMISSION ON ANY AGENDA ITEM. PLEASE STAND AND ADVISE THE CHAIRMAN AT THE TIME THIS ITEM IS BEFORE THE COMMISSION. INITIATION: 1. CALL TO ORDER: 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Chairman Maudlin. Led by Chairman Maudlin. 3. ROLL CALL: Commissioners Adams, Greenberg, Walker, Viliar, Maudlin. " 4. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Regular meeting of February 17, 1971, Regular meeting of March 17, 1971. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: NEW BUSINESS: 5. REQUEST FOR RECOSPONSORSHIP: Temple City Youth Football, Inc. 6. REQUEST FOR USE OF LIVE OAK Sierra Madres Girl Scout Council PARK: 7. COMMUNICATIONS: 8, TIME FOR THOSE IN AUDIENCE WHO WISH TO SPEAK: 9. MATTERS FROM CITY OFFICIALS: DIRECTOR'S REPORT Victor Kobett " 10, ADJOURNMENT: Next regular meeting of the Parks and Recreation " Commission on Wednesday, May 19, 1971 at 7:30, p.m. in the Council Chambers of the City Hall, 5938 North Kauffman, Temple City. NEXT REGULAR ' ME ET i NG OF: CITY COUNCIL , . . . May 4, 1971. . . . 7 :30 p,m. PARKING COMMISSION . . . .June 16,.1971. , 3 :00 p.m. PLANNING COMMISSION. . , , . .April 28, 1971 . . . 7:30.p.m. TRAFFIC COMMISSION . May 5, 1971. . YOUTH COMMISSION . o . . May 12, 1971 7:30.p.m. "