HomeMy Public PortalAboutMinutes - 1973/04/18 - RegularCITY OF TEMPLE CITY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION Minutes of April 18, 1973 0 INITIATION: 1. CALL TO ORDER: The regular meeting of the Parks and Recreation Commission was called to order by Chairman Greenberg at 7 :3.0 p.m. on Wednesday, April 18, 1973 in the Council Chambers of City. Hall, 5938 North Kauffman Avenue, Temple City, California. 2. Chairman Greenberg led the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag. 3. ROLL CALL: Present: Commissioners Adams, Andrews, Harrington, Vi1lar,.Greenberg- Absent: None Also Present: Victor B. Kobett Director of Parks and Recreation UNF I N:i.SHED. BUS.I NESS,::. 4114. WADINGPOOL PULES: Continue Discussion: Commission continued discussion of the rules and regulations for,use and supervision .of the Wading Pool at Live Oak Park as suggested byr the Director of Parks and Recreation at Commission request. General Commission: feeling was that, with a few minor additions and changes,_ the proposed rules to govern the supervision of the wading pool met all concerns voiced in previous discussions. Commissioner Adams moved to recommend to the City Council that the following rules to govern the supervision: of the wading pool at Live Oak Park be approved: 1. Open only to 6 year olds and under in appropriate swimming atti''re -- please, no diapers. 2. Parents must remain with and be responsible for their children who are using the pool. 3. No life guard on duty. • 4. No running or rough play on pool deck or, in the water. 5. No pets allowed. 6. No food or beverages allowed. 7. No toys or foreign objects permitted. Commissioner Harrington seconded the motion, which carried unanimously. • 5 REQUEST FOR USE OF FACILITIES: Support Your Local Police: Chairman Greenberg called Commission attention to letter received from the San Gabriel Valley -- Committee to Support Your Local Police, dated March 19,.1973, which requested use of a meeting room at Live Oak Park for Monday, April 16th and Monday May 21, 1973. In reviewing Commission action of the regular meeting of March 21st, Chairman Greenberg stated . approval was granted to this group for fee free use of the meeting room at Live Oak Park for Monday, April. 16th only, pending receipt of a roster of names and addresses of the committee, members which would enable the Commission to place the Support Your Local Police Committee in the proper category in the City's Fee and Charge Schedule for use of facilities at the park. Mr. John Stacey, Program Chairman of the San Gabriel Valley -- Committee to Support Your Local Pol ice, , 5626 Gracewood Avenue, Arcadia, ,California addressed the Commission advising them that at 7 :00 p.m. this evening " " " PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION MEETING - -April 18, 1973 Page 2. he received a phone call from Mr. George Hlista, Committee Chairman, informing him (Mr. Stacey) of the fact that no letterhead been sent to the Commission. He presented the Commission with a revised Com- mittee. letterhead which reflected changes in the Executive Committee and also indicated many of the listed sponsors were Temple City merchants. Chairman Greenberg inquired if a membership list is available to which Mr. Stacey replied the Committee really does not have the authority to release the names of the members. Commissioner Adams remarked the list of names and addresses is necessary as it is the requirement to determine whether or not a group may use the facility on a fee free basis or what charge should be levied. If it is determined that 50% or more of the members are not Temple City residents on requests received from any group, it is necessary for . the group to pay a fee according to the City's Fee and Charge schedule. Commissioner Harrington inquired if the Committee had received a tax exemption from the Internal Revenue Service and if the sponsors contribute any money to the Committee. Mr. Stacey replied the Committee does not have what he would consider a sufficient amount of money to apply for a tax exemption and also that the sponsors .contribute money if they are approached. The money is required for printing of letterhead stationery and the flyers announcing the monthly meetings but is very nominal, he continued. Director Kobett commented that most groups requesting use of Live Oak Park facilities are easily and quickly classified in the Department office; however, in the event the classification is not easily deter- mined, it is then the Department responsibility to inform the individual that the request must be put to the Commission for consideration. Because of the name of this group, San Gabriel Valley -- Committee to Support Your Local Police, he stated, the Department found it neces- sary to present the request for use of facilities to the Commission as the organization was desirous to be identified as :a fee -free category. Once this is established, the Department can process applications for use of facilities in routine fashion in the Parks and Recreation office. Commissioner Harrington indicated he would be in favor of placing this group in Category Number V-- Non - resident, until such time that the required list of, members . and addresses is received. Commissioner Adams felt this was not necessary as the Commission merely needs written verification of Mr. Stacey's statement that 60% of the committee's members are Temple City residents. Commissioner Greenberg suggested Group III- -Local Public Non - profit Organizations, or perhaps again tabling final action. Commissioner Adams moved to table placing the San Gabriel Valle.y -- C.ommittee to Support Your Local Police in any category on the Schedule of Fees and Charges until the next regular meeting in May to enable the Committee to present a roster of names and addresses to the Commission. Commissioner Andrews seconded the motion. Commissioner Villar was of the opinion that the Committee had re- ceived ample time to bring forth the " information requested and there- fore also feels the proper use category at this time is Group V -- Non- resident as there is no information to support the fact that this committee is non- profit. As there were no objections to the motion, the motion to table action " was carried. Mr. Stacey indicated there was a possibility he could submit a membership list to the Commission at their next meeting however, it will be necessary for his committee to receive permission from each person .before placing any names on the list to be presented. The original request for use of facilities showed two dates, he indicated, PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION MEETING- -April .18, 1973 Page 3. and questioned if approval would be granted for May 21, 1973. Commissioner Harrington moved to deny request for use of a meeting room for May 21, 1973 he felt sufficient time had elapsed from the meeting last month until this meeting for a list to be prepared and presented as requested. Commissioner Villar seconded the motion to deny as he felt, too, that the request for membership list made by the Commission in March should be met before approving requests for other dates. Commissioners Adams and Greenberg felt there was no reason not to approve the request for use for the one more date, fee -free, extending the time for one more month to enable the committee to present the requested membership list. Vote taken showed two voting No (Commissioners Adams and Greenberg) and three voting Yes (Commissioners Andrews, Harrington and Villar), thus the motion to deny was carried. NEW BUSINESS: 6. COMMUNICATIONS: There were none. 7. TIME FOR THOSE IN AUDIENCE WHO WISH TO SPEAK: No one came forward at this time. 8. MATTERS FROM. CITY: OFFICIALS: :A. Commissioner. Adams presented a survey.of tennis court use at Live'Oak Park taken from Saturday, April 7th through Tuesday, April 17th which showed a total of 78 persons playing on the three .courts and.15 persons found to be waiting for a court. These.figures were taken at random .times once each day. The survey will be filed in the Department of Parks and Recreation files. Commissioner Adams suggested that a lot of improvements could be put into the courts at the High School with the result of four good courts in the northern part of the City as opposed to only two new courts at Live Oak Park. Chairman Greenberg commended Commissioner Adams for taking the survey and added that visiting of the playgrounds and reviewing of activities is one of the duties of a Parks and Recreation Commissioner. B. Commissioner.An.drews reported the City Council, at their regular meeting on Tuesday, April.l7th, approved the Commission's recom- mendation for a Band Concert at Temple City.'Park on Sunday, May 6, 1973 subject to the necessary. insurance coverage, chaperones'and .signed, application for use of park as well as agreement to certain conditions for use of park. C:., Chairman Greenberg apprised the Commission of a meeting of the Los Angeles Basin Parks and Recreation Commissioners and Board Members Association in Fullerton, California on April 14, 1973 at 7:00 p.m. D. Chairman Greenberg reported on a meeting with the City Manager and the Director of Parks and Recreation in which the topic was joint use of City and Temple City. Unified School District facili- ties. This meeting came about as the result of the last City Seminar where the Director and Chairman of the Parks and Recreation Commission were assigned to investigate the possili'lity of further joint use of facilities. " " PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION MEETING - -April .18, 1973 Page 4. After general discussion, Commission decision was to investigate the expense and possibility of lighting the tennis courts at the high school and move the basketball backboards, the possibility of the school selling the property on Oak north of Emperor to the City for a building, the possibility of using the high school shop and swimming pool during given hours and discussions regarding the staffing and sharing of expenses if any such programs material- ize. E. Director Kobett informed the Commission that the Creative Arts Club has announced to the .Department that they will meet only on the second and fourth Tuesday evenings of each month thus relin- quishing the first, third and fifth Tuesday evenings of each month to other groups. F. The Director apprised the .Commission of the relocation of the Department of Parks and Recreation office to 9229 Pentland Street (Pentland Yard) by'a targeted date of May 1, 1973. The two offices vacated at the City Hall will be utilized by the Sheriff's Department for several months as back-up to a City- sponsored .burglar prevention program. G. Director Kobett reminded the Commission of the Annual City. Egg Hunt and Easter Bonnet Contest to be conducted at Live .Oak Park on Saturday, April 21, 1973 at 9:00 a.m. H. The Director also reminded the Commission of the Annual Easter Track and Field Meet at Temple City High School on. April .19, 1.973 at 1:00 p.m. I. In response to Chairman Greenberg's inquiry regarding the new format at LaRosa Playground, Director Kobett said it appears that moving the hours of playground activities a little earlier has been an improvement in that we are experiencing a better response to the activites. 9. ADJOURNMENT: Commissioner Adams moved to adjourn to the next regular meeting on May 16, 1973 in the Council Chambers at the Temple City. City Hall, 5938 North Kauffman. Avenue, Temple City. Commissioner Villar seconded the motion, which carried. Chairman Greenberg adjourned the meeting at 9:00 p.m. ATTEST: City Clerk