HomeMy Public PortalAboutMinutes - 1974/07/17 - Regular" " " CITY OF TEMPLE CITY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION Minutes of July 17, 1974 INITIATION: 1. The regular meeting of the Parks and Recreation Commission was called to order by Vice - Chairman Villar at 7:37 p.m. on Wednesday, July 17, 1974 in the Council Chambers of City Hall, 5938 North Kauffman Avenue, Temple City, California. 2. Vice - Chairman Villar led the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag. 3. ROLL CALL: Present: Absent: Commissioners Seibert, Stack, Villar. Commissioners Andrews, Adams. Also Present: Victor B. Kobett, Director of Parks and Recreation Commissioner Seibert moved to excuse Chairman Adams as he is on vacation, and Commissioner Andrews as he has indicated that he has a conflict for this evening's meeting. Commissioner Stack seconded the motion, which carried. 4. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Commissioner Seibert moved to approve the minutes of the regular meeting of June 19, 1974 as mailed.. Commissioner Villar seconded the motion, which carried. 5. REORGANIZATION OF COMMISSION:. Director Kobett opened nominations for Chairman of the Parks and Recreation Commission. Commissioner Seibert nominated Vice-Chairman Villar, Commissioner Stack seconded the nomination. Commissioner Stack moved that nominations for Chairman be closed, Commissioner Seibert seconded the motion, which carried. Vice - Chairman Villar was elected as Chairman. Chairman Villar opened nominations for the Vice - Chairman of the Parks and Recreation Commission. Chairman Villar nominated Commissioner Seibert, Commissioner Stack seconded the nomination. Commissioner Stack moved that nominations for Vice- Chairman be closed, Chairman Villar seconded the motion, which carried. Commissioner Seibert was elected as Vice - Chairman. Chairman Villar welcomed Commissioner Frank Stack to the Parks and Recrea- tion Commission. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: 6. YOUTH SOCCER PROGRAM: Director Kobett reported that a Letter of Understanding between the soccer specialist, Ronald (Nick) Carter and the Department of Parks and Recreation has been prepared and forwarded to Mr. Carter for his signature. Friday, July 19th, is the due date on the letter at which time a signed copy of the Letter of Understanding should be returned to the Department office, if the specialist understands and agrees with all the terms indicated in the letter. NEW BUSINESS: 7. TEMPLE CITY YOUTH SOCCER ASSOCIATION: Mr. Sam LaSala, 5015 North Baldwin Avenue, Temple City, presented a request from the members of the Soccer Steering Committee. He mentioned that in the two years under City direction, the soccer program has grown with amazing speed and has proved to be a great success in " providing recreation for over 200 Temple City boys and girls. " " PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION MEETING - -July 17, 1974 Page 2. Consistent with City philosophy that government should not take over an entire activity and discourage independence, he continued, the Steering Committee of the Temple City Youth Soccer Association petitions the Parks and Recreation Commission to approve the Steer- ing Committee's request for City cosponsorship of a soccer program for youth, presently administered by the Department of Parks and Recreation as a fee and charge activity. The Steering Committee of six community residents is desirous, also, of receiving assistance from the City for authorization to use the soccer balls, uniforms and goals, without which the Steering Commit- tee could not conduct a soccer program this Fall. In addition, Mr. LaSala continued, the Steering Committee request includes use of crassed areas at Live Oak Park for the soccer season. In response to the inquiry regarding availability of fields, Director Kobett stated it is an intent of the Department to make available the same areas to the volunteer soccer organization that would have been available had the Department conducted the program, namely, two playing fields - -one official size field located between Glickman and Gracewood and one modified size field located between the two existing baseball diamonds west of Glickman. The Director further commented that the Department would communicate with Youth Football to clarify both organization's use of grassed areas at Live Oak Park as neither organization has exclusive use of the entire grassed areas at the park. Mr. LaSala stated the Steering Committee would assume complete responsibility for maintaining the future success of the soccer program and, in addition, by utilizing volunteer community support, the Steering Committee is hopeful of offering the soccer program at a lower charge than if it were to remain a Department fee and charge program. Commissioner Seibert said he agrees that the soccer program, as presented by the Department, has grown to the point that the inter- ested residents in the community could well assume the responsi- bility of this activity. He stated that he is glad to receive this request from the soccer Steering Committee. Chairman Villar commented that he agrees with the statement made by Commissioner Seibert and mentioned that through his experience with various youth organizations in the past, he was of the opinion that the soccer program in Temple City was at the point where it could be conducted by volunteers in the community. Commissioner Stack stated he is in favor of the cosponsorship request and questioned if the City could legally transfer the owner- ship of the equipment requested by the Steering Committee. Director Kobett replied that he has contacted the City Attorney's office and has been informed that it is legal to allow the non - profit community organization being formed to conduct this program to use the equipment as long as the equipment is no longer needed by the Department and that it will continue to be used for the benefit of the youth of this City. The Director also commented that, in meeting with Mr. LaSala and others of the Steering Committee, he feels the philosophy of this committee towards a soccer activity is similar to that of the Department. This philosophy involves presenting a soccer activity to the youth of the City which stresses sportsman- ship through reasonable competition allowing every youth the oppor- tunity of playing the game for its recreational value. Commissioner Seibert moved to recommend to the City Council that the request received from the newly formed Temple City Youth Soccer Association for cosponsorship for the 1974 youth soccer season be approved subject to the filing of an insurance certificate with the City Clerk, prior to the start of their league season in September 1974, naming the City of Temple City as coinsured. The Commission also recommends that the Temple City Youth Soccer Association be authorized use of the soccer - related equipment (uniforms soccer balls goal posts and nets, corner flags, perpe- tual trophies and rule b g ooks) formerly identified with the Department " " " " PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION MEETING - -July 17, 1974 Page 3. program, as that equipment is no longer needed by the City for the purpose for which it was purchased, and that this equipment continue to be used by the organization for the benefit of the youth of this City; that Temple City Youth Soccer Association take full responsi- bility for the soccer equipment authorized for their use to include maintenance, replacement and storage at their expense and that should Temple City Youth Soccer Association cease operation before July 1, 1976, that all usable equipment shall be returned to the City. Commissioner Stack seconded the motion, which carried. Director Kobett commented that the Department feels this is a very feasible and practical approach and looks forward to working very closely with the newly founded organization. He also informed Mr. LaSala that the Parks and Recreation Commission's recommendation will be considered by the City Council at the City Council's next regularly scheduled meeting on August 6, 1974 at 7 :30 p.m. and he recommended that Mr. LaSala or a representative of the Steering Committee be in attendance at that meeting to answer any questions the City Council might have. NEW BUSINESS: 8. PECK ROAD. SPREADING BASIN -- REGIONAL PARK DEVELOPMENT: Director Kobett presented a memo from the City Council requesting the assistance of the Commission in reviewing the proposed develop- ment of the Peck Road Spreading Basin and obtaining costs related to this development, as well as the manner in which the various cities approached may undertake the proposed improvements. Commission requested the Director to obtain additional information regarding the proposed development for their review at their next regular meeting on August 21, 1974. 9. COMMUNICATIONS: A. Director Kobett reminded the Commission of the announcement directed to them regarding an Advisory Commissioners Workshop at the Torrance Recreation Center on Saturday, August 10, 1974 from 8 :30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Commissioner - Seibert and Stack are planning to attend and request- ed the Director to communicate with the City Manager on their behalf seeking City approval and also to process the registration. B. Commission received a letter from the Temple City American Little League inviting them to attend the opening ceremonies before each District 18 Little League Tournament game at Live Oak Park on July 25, 26 and 27, at 5 :30 p.m. 10. TIME FOR THOSE IN AUDIENCE WHO WISH TO SPEAK: No one came forward at this time. 11. MATTERS FROM CITY OFFICIALS: DIRECTOR'S REPORT: A. The Director reported that Summer activities are being conducted at the Temple City High School every afternoon from 1 :00 to 4:30 p.m., Monday, Tuesday and Thursday for the Elementary Playground youth and Wednesday and Friday for teenagers. The High School gymna- sium also has Teen Basketball on Monday evenings, adult Volleyball and weight development on Tuesday and Thursday evenings and Girl's Basketball and Adult's Basketball on Wednesday evenings. The Summer activities at the Oak Intermediate School gymnasium include Women's Volleyball, Badminton and Slim and Trim Classes on Monday evenings, Men's Basketball on Tuesday evenings and Coed Adult Volleyball and Badminton on Thursday evenings. " " PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION MEETING - -July 17, 1974 Page 4. The Commission were very pleased with the availability of and the use of the high school for community recreation and ex- pressed hope that use of the high school facilities can be continued in the Fall. " " B. Director Kobett called the Commission's attention to the Depart- ment's projected Day Camp Program on August 19 -23 and August 26 -30, 1974. C. The Director reported that a review of the past fee and charge classes offered by the Department utilizing the services of a specialist, reveals that they have been of an instructional nature; that is, a class which offers instruction in one particu- lar skill. An example of such classes is cake - decorating, macrame, karate, tennis and needlepoint. One current exception to this pattern, he continued, has been the youth soccer program. As there has been a concern expressed regarding the Department's role in conducting highly organized sports leagues, financed by a fee and charge, and youth sports leagues organized by the Department utilizing volunteer coaches and minimal fees designed only to offset a specific need, such as trophies; the Director inquired of the Commission the direction the Department should take when future requests of this nature are received. In reply to Commissioner Seibert's inquiry that if the Department was approached by other volunteer groups to conduct athletic leagues, could the Department furnish the equipment, the Director informed him that the Department would be unable to as no funds are budgeted For sports programs with the exception of those sport activities offered to the general public on the school playgrounds and Live Oak Park. Equipment for new or additional requests can only be supplied through the levying of a fee or charge. The Commission directed the Department, to continue to offer instructional type classes on a fee and charge basis and, if approached for assistance in the formation of sports leagues, to present these requests to the Commission for direction. 12. ADJOURNMENT: Commissioner Stack moved to adjourn to the next regular meeting of the Parks and Recreation Commission on Wednesday, August 21, 1974 at 7:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers of the City Hall, 5938 North Kauffman, Temple City. Commissioner Seibert seconded the motion, which carried. Chairman Villar adjourned the meeting at 8:45 p.m. /' ' Chairman ATTEST: City Clerk " "