HomeMy Public PortalAboutMinutes - 1975/03/19 - Regular" INITIATION: CITY OF TEMPLE CITY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION Minutes of March 19, 1975 1. The regular meeting of the Parks and Recreation Coimuission was called to order by Chairman Villar at 7:35 p.m. on. Wednesday, March 19, 1975 in the Council Chambers of City Hall, 5938 North Kauffman Avenue, Temple City, California. 2. Chairman Villar led the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag. 3. ROLL CALL: Present: Commissioners Adams, Seibert, Stack, Villar. Absent: Commissioner Andrews. Also Present: Victor B. Kobett, Director of Parks and Recreation. Audrey Gaffrey, Commission Secretary. Director Kobett informed the Commission that Commissioner Andrews had notified the Department that he would not be in attendance at this month's meeting because of a conflict with his personal schedule. Commissioner Seibert moved to excuse Commissioner Andrews for cause, " motion seconded by Commissioner Stack and unanimously carried. 4. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Coumiissioner Seibert called attention to an error in the minutes of the regular meeting of February 19, 1975, on page 5, item 11 -E, which should read, "Commissioner Seibert reported that he observed that pedestrians had to step into the street to walk around the bicycles...." Commissioner Stack moved to approve the minutes of the regular meeting of February 19, 1975 as corrected. Motion seconded by Commissioner Seibert and, as there were no objections, Chairman Villar declared the motion carried. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: None. NEW BUSINESS: " 5. REQUEST FOR USE OF TEMPLE CITY PARK: Y.M.C,A. Indian Princesses to present a Costume and Craft Review: Chairman Villar presented a request received from the Temple City Y.M.C.A. Indian Princesses for the use of Temple City Park for their Eighth Annual Costume and Craft Review on Saturday, April 19, 1975 from 2:00 to 4:00 p.m. Also requested was electric power for a coffee maker and it was indicated that they will provide their own public address system. A diagram of the portion of the park they are request- ing was also presented. Commissioner Seibert asked if this use would present any conflict with Department programs and Commissioner Adams asked if this activity had been conducted at Temple City Park in the past. Director Kobett re- plied that this program on April 19th would present no conflict to Department programs presently planned and that the Y.M.C,A, has not previously conducted this activity in Temple City Park. The Commission reviewed the proposed conditions of park use to deter- mine which conditions would apply to this request. Commission also discussed the pros and cons of requiring groups using the City facilities to file an insurance certificate naming the City of Temple City as additionally insured, with the City Clerk. Commis - sioner Adams recommended that if such a certificate is required by one group, then the Commission should be consistent and require every group to furnish an insurance certificate, All Commissioners agreed with this recommendation. PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION MEETING - -March 19, 1975 Page. 2. Commissioner Seibert moved to recommend to the City Council that the request received from the Temple City Y.M.C,A. Indian Princesses for use of Temple City Park on April 19, 1975 from 2:00 to 4:00 p.m. to present the Eighth Annual Costume and Craft Review, be approved subject to the following conditions: 1. That the Indian Princesses be totally responsible and liable for all expenses related to the event. 2. That the park be cleaned at the conclusion of the event. 3. That a certificate of insurance be filed with the City Clerk naming the City of Temple City as additionally insured. Commissioner Adams seconded the motion. As there were no objections, Chairman Villar declared the motion carried. Chairman Villar directed the Director to coordinate the use of the park to include appropriate set -up and take -down times, use of electric- ity, public address system and guide lines pertaining to the displays which have been planned. 6. COMMUNICATIONS: A. Director Kobett presented a request received for the use of the Auditorium at Live Oak Park on Sunday, April 13, 1975 from 3:00 to 7:00 p.m. for a family reunion. He informed the Commission that a written application had not yet been received but that the request was received over the telephone on Tuesday, March 18th and the Commission will not meet again until after the requested use date. As the family lives in Temple City, they meet the requirements of Group IV, Local Private Groups, in the City's Schedule of Fees and Charges. In this category, the charge levied is $40.00 for the first four hours of use and each additional hour is $10.00 per hour, he added. It was indicated over the telephone that the plans include music by a three -piece "combo," he continued._ Also, they have been informed that no alcoholic beverages are allowed at the park. This request is presented to the Commission as it is for a Sunday use of the buildings at Live Oak Park which requires Commission action. Commissioner Adams moved that the request be approved as stated, with details to be supervised by the Director of Parks and Re- creation. Motion seconded by Commissioner Stack and, as there were no objections, the motion was declared carried by Chairman Villar. 7. TIME FOR THOSE IN AUDIENCE WHO WISH TO SPEAK: No one came forward at this time. 8. MATTERS FROM CITY OFFICIALS: A. Commissioner Stack said he would like to have a -representative from each group requesting use of City facilities present at the Commission meeting when the request is discussed. So many times the Commission has questions which are not answered in the writ- ten requests but which might be answered if someone representing the group were present, he continued. The Department was directed to notify groups or persons requesting use of City facilities that the Parks and Recreation Commission requests their presence at the time their request is being considered, B Commissioner Stack questioned the procedure for requests received by the City for use of City parks as some are directed to the Parks and Recreation Commission and others are directed to the City Council without a Commission recommendation. He requested that the Chairman and Director review the conditions which neces- sitate requests for City facilities be reviewed by the Commission. C. Commissioner Stack mentioned that he was very much impressed with the Seeman School property which he visited on March 7th. He PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION MEETING - -March 19, 1975 Page 3. reported that the property is rustic and nostalgic, with beautiful pepper trees and that it is a quiet, secluded place that would lend itself well to a wilderness park. D. Comuuissioner Seibert said he was pleased that some of the Commis- sioners had taken the opportunity to view the Seeman School property and also that the invitation is still open for other Commissioners to view this property. He stated that he will continue to pursue the possibility of the City obtaining this site if at all possible. E. Commissioner Seibert reported that one of the City Councilmen expressed concern about the attendance at the elementary play- ground afterschool activities and wondered if the attendance is increasing, decreasing or remaining the same. Director Kobett presented ,a chart showing attendance reports of the elementary playground from FY 1973 -74 through February 1975. He explained to the Commission that there are many things which affect the attendance at the playgrounds; some of which are the enthusiasm of those directing and presenting the activity, the weather, turn -over of recreation leaders and the time the activity is presented. The Director commented on LaRosa's attendance, indicating that the program is now offered from 2:00 to 3:30 p.m. and that the earlier schedule, although beneficial to that age group, was difficult to staff and consequently, lack of adequate leaders affected the quality of the programs and quantity of participants to some degree. In the discussion that followed, it was Commissioner Adams opinion that the afterschool recreation programs are well worthwhile and that the attendance totals reflected in the report, on an overall basis, were acceptable to him. He further commented, "that leadership is an important factor in the success of a playground program, citing an occasion where a change in leadership significantly increased participation at a school playground site. As a means for the Commissioners to be.aware of the playground attend- ance, the Department will mail copies of the monthly attendance reports to them, Director Kobett said. He . also informed the Commission that new programs are planned at Temple City High School Gymnasium this spring and the attendance report will also show the number of participants in these programs. The two programs were identified as wrestling and body conditioning for boys, grades seven through twelve and co -rec volleyball, for youth in grades nine through twelve. • F. Commissioner Seibert reported that when visiting a.t..Longden School playground, the recreation leaders mentioned to him that little league practices are sometimes started before 5:00 p.m. and, as a result, the leaders found it necessary to leave the fields. Director Kobett indicated that if this is happening, the Depart- ment will contact the little league representatives to resolve this situation. • G. Commissioner Adams asked the Commission to consider the possibility of the installation of neighborhood tennis courts. It seems to him, he said, that there is some merit in providing tennis courts throughout the City rather than all in one central location. One such location, he suggested, could be the property across the street from Longden School on'Longden Avenue. Also, he said, it is his feeling that the high school tennis courts should be renovated. H. Chairman Villar extended congratulations to Commissioner Seibert on his election to the Board of Directors of the California Association of Park and Recreation Commissioners and Board Members (CAPRCBM). Chairman Villar said that Commissioner Seibert has much to offer to the community at large and to the state association. I. Commissioners Stack and Adams and Chairman Villar commented on the excellent workshop which was conducted in San Diego by the CAPRCBM. Commissioner Seibert added that the Workshop Program of the CAPRCBM is a self - supporting unit and also that there are tentative plans- to enlarge the training program this coming year. PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION `MEET'ING' - March :1 9 1975 Page J. Commissioner Adams suggested that a time other than Saturday mornings be offered for youth programs such as track and tennis, K, Commissioner Seibert encouraged the Commissioners to attend the seminar being offered by the Chamber of Commerce. on April 22nd at the Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, The topic will be. "Adventures in. Achievement" and will be conducted by Mr. James Rohn, he said. 9. DIRECTOR'S REPORT: Director Kobett reported to the Commission: A, That the Department has prepared a tentative schedule of programs and activities to be conducted during the nation's Bicentennial celebration, as distributed to the Commission,. He solicited any ideas or thoughts for programming during this time from the Com- missioners, • Commissioner Seibert questioned whether or not some of the activi- ties during this period of time could be conducted at the Temple City Park, to which. Director Kobett replied, "Yes," and that "the Department was hopeful of presenting several at that location." B. That the Department has received several concerns from the public regarding the reservation of two of the tennis courts at Live Oak Park for the Temple City High School tennis teams, as reported by the Recreation. Supervisor. Since the end of February, when the tennis teams started to play on the Live Oak Park courts, it is estimated that approximately five to seven complaints have been received; however, that there have been no concerns expressed in the past few weeks. Other comments received by the Department in regard to tennis include a"r.equest.,for more tennis courts at Live Oak Park and flights ' installed :'o ithe high school courts, he added, C. That.' Chairman'Villar had received a concern regarding the Tots Recreation registration at. Live Oak Pa ;k, Chairman Villar stated that the concern he receivedwas''from a 1, man whose child was not registered for g r the comin session of 'Tots Recreation at Live Oak Park as the 'c'1 es were all filled. It is this person's feeling that there sYibul`dJ be 'aano`ther system of registering whereby .Temple City residents could register one . day, those living in the Templ'eEityTJnifi'ed='School District another day and non - :residents_ on a different day. After reviewing the present registration procedure, it was the feeling of the Commission that no change was necessary at this time, Director Kobett said that since the time the concern was received, the Department has instituted another class on Friday" mornings and that all people whose names, including the concerned parent, had been placed on a waiting list had been notified. 'A minimum num- ber, however, must enroll for the new class to be presented, That' Recreation Systems, Inc. is still working on the development plan fo"r "Live Oak Park. The Department has recently worked with the firm; regarding drainage and relocation of ball diamonds That the City has received a notice from the State Clearinghouse stating that review of our application or funds from the Park Bond" Act of 1974 will begin on Februa -, 1975. It is expected that the. City will hear further by April 9th. He also reported that the Southern Association of Governments (SCAG) has notified the City of receipt of the City's application, That one call was received from a non - resident expressing concern over the fact that no dogs are allowed in the parks in Temple City. The person phoning felt that dogs should be accommodated in the parks and would like consideration be given to the possibility of allowing dogs in the parks if leashed: • • • PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION MEETING -March 19,. 1975 Page 5. G. That 16 women attended the first day of women's volleyball at Live Oak Park, that 20 women attended the first day of women's crafts and that women's softball would be offered for the first time tomorrow (Thursday, March 20th) from 10:00 a.m. to 12 :00 noon. H. That a Baton program was being presented this evening, (Wednesday, March 19th) at Memoli Hall by the participants in the Department's Baton classes. I. That Temple City Youth Football has removed the blocking sled from Live Oak Park with apologies for the delay. J. That the 13th Annual Easter Egg Hunt and Easter Bonnet Contest will be conducted at Live Oak Park on Saturday, March 29th. K. That activities will be conducted at Live Oak Park during the spring vacation for the children who live in Temple City but who attend schools in other school districts which have spring vaca- tions at different times than the Temple City Unified School District. 10. ADJOURNMENT: Commissioner Adams moved to adjourn to the next regular meeting on Wednesday, April 16, 1975 at 7:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers of the City Hall, 5938 North Kauffman, Temple City. Motion seconded by Commissioner Stack and carried. Chairman Villar adjourned the meeting at 9:00 p.m. ATTEST: City Clerk • • Chairman