HomeMy Public PortalAboutMinutes - 1975/05/21 - Regular" N.ITIATION: CITY OF TEMPLE CITY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION Minutes of May 21, 1975 1. The regular meeting of the Parks and Recreation Commission was. called to order by Chairman Villar at 7 :37 p.m. on Wednesday, May 21, 1975 in the Council Chambers of City Hall, .5938 North Kauffman Avenue, Temple City, California. 2. Chairman Villar led the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag. 3. ROLL CALL: Present: Commissioners Adams,.Seibert, Stack, Villar. Absent: Commissioner Andrews. Also Present: Victor B. Kobett, Director of Parks and Recreation. Director Kobett informed the Commission that Commissioner Andrews had notified the Department of his absence this meeting due to a business conflict. Commissioner Seibert moved to excuse Commissioner Andrews for cause, motion seconded by Commissioner Stack and carried. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: " 5. SANTA FE DAM DEVELOPMENT PROPOSAL: Director Kobett reported that he had contacted Mr. Ludwig of Los Angeles County regarding cost estimates for the Santa Fe Dam Develop- ment Proposal, as requested by the Commission at the meeting of April 16, 1975. Mr. Ludwig said that the plan which was forwarded to the City was a proposed development plan presented for the purpose of receiving the opinions of the City for additions or delections. The only cost estimate available at this time is a round figure of $5,125,000 for the first phase which would include the swimming area to the entrance and the full development of the lake (excavation, sealing and provisions for maintaining the water :level of the lake). The suggested first phase would not include any athletic fields, according to Mr. Ludwig. The source of the funding is anticipated to be Los Angeles County and the federal government, as the Army Corps of Engineers will be largely the responsible government agency in charge of the Santa Fe Dam Development. Commissioner Seibert was of the opinion that, in view of the economic situation and the fact that the County has also proposed development of the Peck Road Basin, the Santa Fe Dam Development could not be supported at this time. Commissioner Stack questioned what had been done on the Peck Road Basin Development and also stated that it would seem as if the area might be "over - parked" if both of these suggested County developments were accomplished. Commissioner Adams said that he would favor tabling this item until a future time when there might be more information as to how this project would be funded. Chairman. Villar favored tabling this item until there is more definite information on the funding from the federal government. After. Commission discussion, Commissioner Adams moved to table discus- sion on. the Santa Fe Dam Development until there is more information available on the progress of the Peck Road Basin Development. Com- missioner Stack seconded the motion and as there were`n.o objections, Chairman. Villar declared the motion carried. 6. POLICY ON COSPONSORSHIP: Commissioner Seibert opened the discussion on this item by commenting that he is personally in favor of the City's cosponsorship program as Parks and Recreation Commission Meeting- -May 21, 1975 Page 2. the organizations feel that the City is interested, which he feels is important. It is his feeling also that all cosponsored groups should present a certificate of insurance naming the City of Temple City as additionally insured, if the organization has a treasury and if they . have activities away from the park.' If there is no treasury and the organization meets only at the park, than the insurance would not be necessary, he added, If an organization has a treausry, it would provide the necessary funds for the insurance premium and it also would be an indication that the group is formally organized, he said. There was also some discussion, at the Study Session with the City Council recently, about the necessity of insurance for people who use the picnic shelter; such as a family group. He felt that if a group is not cosponsored, there is no need to require an insurance certificate. Commissioner Adams said he can see no value in an organization being cosponosred by the City because there are no advantages to the group. Also, he questioned if other groups using the park would not also be required to present a certificate of insurance; for instance, the persons who rent the facilities at the park. Commissioner Stack said he feels the City is offering an advantage to cosponsored groups through the availability of the facilities at the park at a certain time and particular days, which eliminates the possibility of anyone else using the rooms on those days. It is his opinion that these groups like to be attached to the City, that the City should be protected by insurance and that the cosponsored groups III should be requested to have certificates of insurance. He suggested contacting the current cosponsored groups inquiring of them what their opinion is regarding the City cosponsorship program; for instance, do they think the advantages of being supported by the City outweighs the disadvantage of not being cosponsored by the City and having to request the use of the facilities every 90 days and of not having any storage at the park? Chairman Villar was in favor of surveying the present cosponsored groups as to their opinions regarding City cosponsorship and requested the Commissioner to put forth an effort to visit a meeting and talk. to the groups. It was the concensus of the Commission that the Department be directed to correspond with the groups presently cosponsored by the City asking them their opinion on the cosponsorhsip program and requesting that they respond either in writing or with a telephone call to Director Kobett. Commissioner Seibert moved that the present City Policy on Cosponsor- ship remain as it is until the replies have been received from all groups presently cosponsored and then continue study of this item. Commissioner Adams seconded the motion and, as there were no objections, Chairman Villar declared the motion carried. Commissioner discussion on the requirement of a certificate of in- surance then continued. Chairman Villar called on Councilman Dennis, who was in the audience, for his comments in this regard. Councilman Dennis replied that consideration could be given to the possibility of attaching a rider to the City's policy to make it easier for the groups to obtain insurance coverage, rather than each individual group obtaining their own insurance. Commissioner Seibert moved to recommend to the City Council that the following additional requirement be added to the existing City Policy of Cosponsorship: That any group cosponsored by the City must furnish a certificate of insurance in the amount of $100,000 /$300,000 bodily injury liability and $50,000 property damage liability naming the City of Temple City as additionally insured. Commissioner Adams seconded the motion and as there were no objections, Chairman Villar declared the motion carried. • Parks and Recreation Commission Meeting- -May 21, 1975 Page 3. NEW BUSINESS: • 7. COMMUNICATIONS: A. Director Kobett presented a request received from Temple City Babe Ruth requesting the use of the four sets of five -row bleachers which are presently on the Varsity Field at Temple City High School, for the duration of their season, through August 1, 1975. The group will assume all responsibility and liability for these bleachers, he continued, which will include moving them to the Babe Ruth field and returning them to the Varsity field when their season is over, or at the conclusion of tournament play should the Babe Ruth League host a tournament this year. Commissioner Adams moved that this request be granted as presented by the Director, Commissioner Stack seconded the motion and, as there were no objections, Chairman Villar declared the motion carried. B. Chairman Villar presented a letter of request for recosponsorship from the Temple City Youth Soccer Association for the 1975 -76 soccer season and use of the Meeting Room on June 5th and June 6th for registration from 5:00 to 9:00 p.m. He commented to the Commission that because of the over -all review that the Commission is presently involved in as far as cosponsorship is concerned, it might be better to table this request until the next meeting. Commissioner Seibert suggested that the request be tabled until the Commission's next meeting on June 18, 1975;, with the necessary additional information; such as a complete schedule of practices, games and times and which fields are requested. Mr, William Halverson, 9527 Nadine Street, Temple City, from Temple City Youth Soccer Association, stated that the organiza- tion's league games are played on Saturdays and that a practice schedule cannot be prepared until they know how many youth will register and how many teams there will be this year. He said they hope to have Opening Day on September 20, 1975 and Closing Ceremonies on February 7, 1976. Director Kobett called the Commission's attention to paragraph two of the Youth Soccer Association's letter of request where it is stated that the program is "presently administered by the City as a fee /charge.activity." He said that the City no longer conducts a soccer program so that statement is incorrect. The Director also called the Commission's attention to paragraph four of the letter of request where it is recommended that the owner- ship of soccer balls, uniforms and goals be transferred to the Youth Soccer Association. He said that all of this equipment was trans- ferred last year to the group. Commissioner Stack moved that the Temple City Youth Soccer Associa- tion be granted permission to conduct registration on June 5th and June 6th in the Meeting Room at Live Oak Park from 5:00 to 9:00 p.m. Commi- ss-ioner, Seibert seconded the motion and as there were no object- ions, Chairman Villar declared the motion carried. 8. TIME FOR THOSE IN- AUDIENCE WHO WISH TO SPEAK: No one came forward at this time. 9. MATTERS FROM CITY OFFICIALS: A. Commissioner Adams requested that Director Kobett contact the Temple City Unified School District to inquire about the status of the placement of a sign at the Temple City High Sch6ol tennis courts indicating that preference be given to the playing of tennis over any other sport when the courts are not in use by the school. B. Commissioner Seibert reported to the Commission that he has talked with several people who were involved with the Juniot Woman's home beautification program several years ago. Some questions were raised regarding the procedure for selecting the winners in a Home Beautification Contest. The Commission requested Commissioner Parks and Recreation. Commission Meeting, May 21, 1975 PagR 4. Seibert to continue to pursue this matter and report at the next meeting on June 18, 1975. Co Commissioner Seibert reported that he and Director Kobett attended. the California Parks and Recreation Society Conference on the Queen Mary in Long Beach on. May 8, 1975. He stated that the conference was well - attended by Commissioners and professionalso 10. DIRECTOR'S REPORT: A. Director Kobett presented a request from Mr, Larry E. Naake, Executive Director of the California Park and Recreation Society to write members of the Assembly Ways and Means Committee urging them to vote in favor of AB 997, California Local Government Recreation Program. Bo The Director announced that the Summer Recreation Program will start on June 23rd for eight weeks at the school sites and at Live Oak Park. 11, ADJOURNMENT: Commissioner Stack moved to adjourn to the next regular meeting on Wednesday, June 18, 1975 in the Council Chambers of the City Hall, 5938 North Kauffman. Avenue, Temple City, at 7:30 p.m. Commissioner Adams seconded the motion, motion carried. Chairman Villar adjourned the meeting at 9:04 p.m, ATTEST: City Clerk Chairman Vil ar • • •