HomeMy Public PortalAboutR 00:411Nil. 00-7!!! Datctl \dill y December 19, 2001 i:'ROVIDING FOIl TIlE TRANSFER OF SURPLUS FUNDS WI IEREAS, N.J.S. 40:4-58 provides lbr the transfer of surplus funds from one account lo thc other during the last two months of thc calendar year: NOW, TI IFR[{FORE. [3l{ IT RESOLVED By thc Council of thc Borough of Cartcrct that transt'crs Dc made in th¢ Boroughs' 2000 budgct appropriations in accordance with thc following schedule: BE fl' FURTIIER RESOLVED that this Resolution shall take ell'cci immediately: A/C ~ NAME 122.100 School ©uards-S & W 122.100 Policc-S & W 108.200 Legal Scrviccs-O.E. FROM $ I 0,000.00 10,000.00 TO $20,000.00 112. 0 ) Bu Id ~g & Gmunds-S & W 164.200 Utilities-Natural Gas 3,000.00 3,000.00 144.10(1 Community l)cvclopmcnt-S & \V 143. 100 St' Cd Transportat~on-~ 8.:. XN' 3,000.00 3.0O0.0O 158.201) l'olicc. Fireman Retirement 156.200 Social Security 1,000.00 1,000.00 'Fotals S 27,000.00 $ 27,000.00 Adopted this 19th day of December 2000 and certified as a true copy of the original on December 20th, 2000. KATHLEEN M. BARNEY, RMG/CMC Municipal Clerk Adopted itt a nlcctin~ oI thc Mtmicipa[ Ct mlcil December 19, 2000