HomeMy Public PortalAbout06) 7B Planning Commission Actions 2019-09-10COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMEN T MEMORANDUM DATE: Oct obe r 01 , 20 19 TO : T he Honorab le Ci ty Co un ci l FROM: Bry a n Cook, City Ma nage r Vi a : Sco tt Re i mers , Interim Commun ity Deve lopment Di recto r By : Sa ndra Scott, Plann in g Secretary AGENDA ITEM 7.8. SUBJECT: PLANNING COMMISSION ACTIONS -MEETING OF SEPTEMBER 10 , 2019 RECOMMENDATION : T he City Council is req ues ted to receive a nd f i le the Pla nning Commiss ion (C om miss io n) actio ns fr om th ei r m eetin g of Se ptember 10 , 20 19 . BACKGROUND : O n Sep tembe r 10 , 2 01 9, t he Co mm iss ion he ld th eir reg u larly sched u led m eeti ng . ANALYSIS: T he f o ll owing is a summ ary of actio ns t ake n at the September 10 , 2019, meeti ng: 1. R OL L CALL: Present: Co mm iss io ner-Cord es, G ua n, O 'Lea ry , V ice -C ha ir Haddad , Chai r Le e A bse nt: Co mm issioner -Non e Exc used : Co mm is s ione r -No ne 2 . CON SE NT CALENDAR T he Com m issio n a p proved th e minutes from th e ir reg ul ar meetin g of A ugust 27 , 2019 . L City Council October 01 , 2019 Page 2 of 2 3 . PUBLIC HEARING A. PL 17-969: 9711 OLIVE. DESCRIPTION : A request for a modification of a site plan review approved in 2018 for a flag lot subdivision and the construction of two single-family residences . The applicant removed two trees that were to be retained and is seeking approval to plant repla cement trees onsite . ACTION: The Commission voted 5-0 to allow a modification of site plan review to plant two rep lacement trees onsite and donate money for offsite planting to the City 's Parks and Recreation Department. 4 . UNFINISHED BUSINESS -None 5. NEW BUSINESS -None 6 . COMMUNICATIONS -Non e 7. UPDATE FROM THE PLANNING MANAGER Planning Manager Reimers mentioned that the Youth Committee is interested in doing a joint meeting to get to know functions provided by the Planning Commission . They want to meet September 24 from 6 :00 p.m . -6 :45 p.m . The Zoning Code Update will go back to City Council Tuesday , September 17 at 7 :30 p .m . to address questions and concerns of the City Council. He also gave an update on the Regional Housing Needs Assessment (RHNA). 8. ADJOURNMENT The Commission meeting was adjourned at 8 :17p.m . CITY STRATEGIC GOALS: Reviewing the Commission actions of September 10 , 2019 , furthers the City's Strategic Goals of Citizen Education and Communication . FISCAL IMPACT: This item does not have an impa ct on th e Fiscal Year 2019-20 City Budget.