HomeMy Public PortalAboutMinutes - 1976/01/21 - RegularINITIATION: • • ;1 CITY OF TEMPLE CITY Parks and Recreation. Commission Minutes of January 21, 1976 1. The regular meeting of the Parks and Recreation Commission was called to order by Chairman Seibert at 7:30 p.m. on. Wednesday, January 21, 1976 i, the Council Chambers of City Hall, 5938 North Kauffman Avenue, Temple City, California, 2, Chairman Seibert led the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag" 3. ROLL CALL: Present: Commissioners Adams, Andrews, Stack, Seibert. Absent: Commissioner Villar. Also Present: Victor B. Kobett, Director of Parks and Recreation. Director Kobett advised the Commission that Couuuissioner Villar had notified the Department that he could not be in attendance at this evening's meeting due to illness in the family, Commissioner Andrews moved to excuse Commissioner Villar's absence, Commissioner Adams seconded the motion, which passed. 4. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Commissioner Adams moved to approve the minutes of the regular meeting of December 17, 1975 and the adjourned meeting of January 14, 1976. Commissioner Andrews seconded the motion, which passed. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: 5. REQUEST FOR USE OF FACILITIES: Temple City Creative Arts: Director Kobett stated that at the Commission's last meeting, a request was received from the Creative Arts for use of the Multi - Purpose Room at Live Oak Park every Monday of 1976 from 10:00 a.m. to 2 :00 p.m. and the second and fourth Tuesday of each month. of 1976 from 7 :30 to 10 :00 p.m. to conduct art workshops and meetings. At that time, the Commission' approved this request for the month of January 1976 without the require- ment of liability insurance and requesting the group to return this month with some estimates as to how much liability insurance would cost the club. Mrs. Judy Magnell a, Temple City Creative Arts, 456 Fairview, Apt. 105, Arcadia, spoke and informed the Commission that the premium for her organization would be $46.00 to purchase the amount of liability insurance required by the City, and that her club had approved the purchase of this insurance. Director Kobett inquired if this includes the Certificate of Insurance naming the City as coinsured to which Mrs. M:agnell.a replied that it did. Commissioner Andrews moved to approve the request received from Temple City Creative Arts for the use of the Multi- Purpose Room at Live Oak Park on Mondays and Tuesdays from February through December 1976 and at the times as stated, subject to the filing of the necessary insurance certificate. Commissioner Adams seconded the motion and, as there were no objections, Chairman Seibert declared the motion carried, 6. REQUEST FOR USE OF FACILITIES: Temple City Convertible TOPS #506: Director Kobett stated that representatives from the TOPS Club were not able to be present at the last Commission meeting and that the Commission approved the TOPS request for use of the Meeting Room at Live Oak Park on Tuesday evenings in 1976, for the month, of January only without the -requirement of liability insurance, " " Parks atld Recreation Commission Meeting -- January 21, 1976 Page 2. Mrs. Harriet Storra,r Leader of Temple City Convertible TOPS #506, 5636,N. Pal Mal, Temple City informed the Commission that she had in- quired from several insurance companies as to the cost of the liability insurance required by the City. Several large insurance companies did not handle that type of coverage, she reported, and one company quoted a premium of $25.00 a month while several others quoted premiums of from $100.00 to $150.00 a year. She indicated that her organization could not afford that kind of expense as they charge the maximum amount of dues now, which is just enough to maintain the club at its present standards. Chairman Seibert suggested that the club contact several local insurance brokers, rather than large insurance companies and compare the rates. In view of the new information presented at this meeting, Commis.Sioner Andrews moved to approve the use of the Meeting Room at Live Oak Park by the TOPS Club on Tuesdays for an additional 30 days without the insurance certificate. Commissioner Adams seconded the motion and, as there were no objections, Chairman Seibert declared the motion carried. Chairman Seibert requested that a representative of the TOPS Club be present at the Commission's next regular meeting on February 18th to present the new information obtained regarding insurance rates. At that meeting, the Commission will act on the club's request for the remainder of 1976. " 7. SANTA FE DAM RECREATION AREA: Discussion of Master Plan received from Los Angeles County: Director Kobett indicated that information had been mailed to the Com- mission regarding the Recreation Master Plan for the Santa Fe Dam and advised them that the City Council requested they review:,the plan,and... forward:their comment and suggestions. The document was placed in Com- mission circulate over the weekend for their perusal and discussion this evening. Chairman Seibert informed the Commission that he was present at the City Council meeting on Tuesday, January 20, 1976, at which time the Council reviewed this item and moved to notify Supervisor Schabarum by letter that, in light of the County's statement that they are presently in finan- cial difficulties which may require an increase in taxes or a reduction of existing services, that they could not support a major expenditure of funds for a recreation facility at this time. Commissioner Adams said he might see some reasons for this development; however,, he did not read the proposal and felt that any comments he wouiii make now would be after the fact. Commissioner Andrews also felt that the action taken by the City Council has identified the City's position on the project and that there was no need for comments or recommendations from the Commission to the City Council. Conuuissioner Stack concurred with Commissioner Andrews. Director Kobett suggested that the Commission. take the opportunity to review the plan and forward their comments even though the City Council has expressed their position to the County. It was the feeling of the Commission that a response to the City Council was no longer necessary and therefore no action was taken on the request and the report was received and filed. NEW BUSINESS: 8. COMMUNICATIONS: A. REQUEST FOR USE OF PICNIC SHELTER AT LIVE OAK PARK Temple City American Little League: Director Kobett presented a request received from the Temple City American Little League for permission to conduct a breakfast at the Live Oak Park picnic shelter on Saturday, June 12, 1976. Permission is also requested for use of the picnic shelter on Friday, June llth and to brin& a vehicle on the park that date overnight for the protecr tion , of egii.pment . " " " Parks and Recreation Commission Meeting -- January 21, 1976 Page 3. Mr, John Alcantara, 9053 East Ardendale, San Gabriel, President, Temple City American Little League, indicated that they would like permission to keep a pick -up truck on the park while the breakfast is being served to store ice for the perishable foods. Commissioner Adams moved to approve the request received from American Little League as stated, to include the use of one vehicle on the park and subject to the same conditions as last year. Motion seconded by Commissioner Andrews and, as there were no objections, Chairman Seibert declared the motion carried. " " " Director Kobett informed Mr. Alcantara that the City's Charitable Solicitation Permit must be filed with the Deputy City Clerk for this event. B. REQUEST FOR USE OF BASEBALL DIAMONDS: Temple City Girl's Baseball League: Director Kobett presented a request received from Temple City Girl's Baseball League for use of the Baseball Diamonds at Live Oak Park for baseball practice, Monday through. Friday, from February 9, 1976 through June 30, 1976 from 2:30 to 4:30 p.m. Chairman Seibert recognized John Wemyss, 9114 East Howland, Temple City, representing Girl's Baseball, who stated that they would like to add use of the East Field to their request. He also asked that Girl:A Baseball be allowed to play games on the two diamonds on Sundays from 1:00 to 5:00 p.m. during the 1976 baseball season. He indicated that if the diamonds are not needed any given Sunday, the League would notify the Department 48 hours in advance. In answer to Chairman Seibert's question whether the Girl':s Baseball League could schedule their games on one diamond only, John repiied_that with only one diamond, only two games could be scheduled on each Sunday, as each game takes two hours and the need is to play four games each Sunday to complete their 56 game schedule. Also, in reply to other Commission inquiries, John indicated that the concession gtand would be opened and that they cannot prepare a definite schedule until they hear which times and dates American Little League and National Little League will make the diamonds available to them. Director Kobett indicated that this use would not interfere with with any Department programs presently scheduled, that the park opens at 1:00 p.m. on Sunday and, in answer to Chairman Seibert's inquiry, stated that in the past, public use of the baseball diamonds on Sunday has been minimal. Mr. Alcantara indicated that neither American Little League or National Little League would be able to relinquish enough days on the baseball diamonds to enable the Girls' League to play their necessary 56 games on weekdays. It was the consensus of the Commission that Girng Baseball League should complete their schedule of games and then request only the Sundays that will be needed for the season. Couuuissioner Adams moved that the request received from Temple City Girl!-,g Baseball League for use of the Baseball Diamonds and the East Field, if available due to redevelopment, at Live Oak Park for baseball practice, Monday through Friday, from February 9, 1976 through June 30, 1976 from 2:30 to 4:30 p.m. be approved subject to the necessary insurance certificate being obtained, Commissioner Stack s- econded the motion and, as there were no ob- jections, Chairman Seibert declared the motion carried. 9. TIME FOR THOSE IN AUDIENCE WHO WISH TO SPEAK: A. Mr. John Alcantara, Temple City American Little League, suggested to the Commission that perhaps the Chamber of Commerce could assist the organizations and groups inquiring where to purchase liability insurance. He indicated that American. Little League's cost is $6.00 for each certificate of insurance that is needed. " " Parks and Recreation Commission Meeting -- January 21, 1976 Page 4. B Mr, John Alcantara, Temple City American Little League, inquired of the Commission what the plans were regarding the concession stand at Live Oak Park. Chairman Seibert replied that there has been no definite decision asS to what direction will be followed as yet, but, as he sees it, there are two choices, 1) leaving it where it is or 2) destroying it and using a mobile unit. It was his feeling that the City could not expend funds to relocate a structure as temporary as the concession stand, Commissioner Stack stated that the concession stand is not really vital to the development of the park and it does not benefit. the City as a whole, therefore, it becomes the responsibility of the Little League to provide a replacement stand. The baseball games can be played without the concession stand, he continued. Possibly the City and the Little League could jointly construct a combination storage /concession building where park tools and other City equipment could be stored, he added. Commissioner Andrews indicated that he remembers a statement indicat- ing that it was felt the City would be responsible to move the facil- ity of the league. Also, as other youth groups use the concession stand too, the Master Plan shows a combination concession /storage building for the storage of youth group's equipment. " Commissioner Andrews commented, and the Commissioners agreed, that American Little League h-Ls shown a tremendous amount of cooperation thus far in the development of Live Oak Park and that the conces- sion stand would not be demolished without notifying the league. Mr. Alcantara submitted two reasons why the concession stand should be constructed in Phase One as opposed to Phase Two, 1) the stand, where it is now located, will be in the field where soccer and football will be played and 2) it does not enhance the appearance of the park as it now stands. He questioned to which location the stand would be moved and who would have the pad for the building installed. He added that American Little League can provide man- power but not funds for this project. Chairman Seibert said it might be best to obtain a mobile unit for a few years, at the League's expense, rather than moving one con- cession stand and then having to demolish it and build a new one. There was considerable discussion regarding the installation of a concrete pad for the concession stand as to size, who would cover 0 the cost for the pad, plumbing and electrical installations. Director Kobett reminded the Commission that there is no funding, presently, in this phase of the redevelopment of Live Oak Park, for the concession stand, pad, plumbing or electrical work, etc. He indicated that the development plans show the proposed new location of the concession stand and that a domestic water line to serve the stand is being installed as part of the irrigation project. Chairman Seibert suggested that before a pad, plumbing and electri- cal work can be accomplished, design plans and specifications need to be drawn. Director Kobett informed the Commission that Mr, Al Saviano, a resident and contractor, was present at one.of the community meetings regarding the Live Oak Park development and offered to design a concession stand for the youth groups and to assist in supervising the building project, The Commission suggested to Mr: Alcantara that he contact Mr. Saviano and explore his offer and to consider other alternatives for a concession stand until such time as a decision is made: " Ce Chairman Seibert informed the Commission that the City had received a proposal for the lighting design for the athletic fields at Live Oak Park in the amount of $4,600:00: " " Parks and Recreation Commission Meeting -- January 21, 1976 Page 5, Director Kobett indicated that since that time another proposal was requested and has been received for the design of the underground phase only at an estimated cost of $2,700.00. Commissioner Andrews indicated that Youth Football was actively pursuing a project for assisting with the lighting at the park; however, it will not be available for several weeks. The Commission was generally of the opinion that as the City does not have the funds to install the lights, that those organizations identified with having a need for lighted outdoor facilities be contacted to determine that if the lighting design was available, would they finance the project and provide the necessary volunteer manpower needed to complete it. If the organizations indicate they cannot undertake the project, there would be no need for the lighting design at this time. Chairman Seibert informed the Commission that the lighting for the tennis courts at Temple City High School are again being discussed by the City and the School District. " 10. DIRECTOR'S REPORT: Director Kobett reported to the Commission that: " A. Glickman Street at Live Oak Park has been removed. B. Bids on Construction Contracts number one, two and three will be opened on Friday, January 23, 1976. C. Recreation Supervisor Bertha 011ivier is developing a Men's Basketball league, an active volleyball program and a gymnastic and tumbling program. D. A Whale Watching Trip is scheduled for Saturday, January 31, 1976. 11. MATTERS FROM CITY OFFICIALS: A Commissioner Adams stated that the action the Commission took earlier this evening approving the use of City recreation facilities at Live Oak Park be Creative Arts subject to the City insurance requirement, was not in accord with the decision of the Commis- sion at their adjourned meeting of January 14, 1976. At the adjourned meeting all of the Commissioners were in favor of re- viewing the insurance requirement for all groups whose activities were not hazardous even though the guidelines require them to supply an insurance certificate due to extended use. It was his feeling that the Commission has set a precedent in approving Creative Arts use of facilities subject to filing a certificate of insurance and it will be difficult to approve requests received from other groups involved in non - hazardous activities without requiring that they also obtain liability insurance. From a recreation standpoint, he added, it is a shame that gnoups cannot come into a recreation building without buying insurance. We are not performing our job as a Co imission responsible to the citizens of Temple City by adding the insurance requirement for groups like Creative Arts, he stated. Chairman Seibert said that, for the group's own protection, they should have insurance. He also said that he had talked with the Mayor indicating that the Commission is desirous of a definite direction from the City Council regarding which groups and organiza- tions should and which groups and organizations should not be required to obtain liability insurance naming the City of Temple City as coinsured. Commissioner Andrews felt it is important for the City Council to be aware that a group like TOPS, for instance, meets only to weigh themselves and conduct a meeting. He wondered if it is fair to require them to obtain insurance and felt a clarification was needed. Parks and Recreation Commission Meeting -- January 21, 1976 Page 6. Commissioner Stack said it is his opinion that there is no danger of injury in painting a picture and that he is definitely opposed to requiring an organization such as Creative Arts or TOPS to obtain insurance because of the nature of their meetings. Under the guidelines the Commission established, he continued, the organization. needs to be involved in an activity which is dangeroulll or injurious and, he stated, that neither of these two groups conduct activities which are hazardous. Director Kobett commented that the memo from the City Council indicates that it is their intent that organizations and groups that are using the recreation facilities and are conducting activi- ties the nature of which are hazardous should purchase liability insurance, The City Council also expects groups or organizations which use the park on an extended use basis to purchase liability insurance because of the amount of exposure to the City. As a result of the Commission discussion on this item, Commissioner Stack moved that, at this time, the Commission rescind that part of the prior motion requiring the Temple City Creative Arts to file an insurance certificate. Commissioner Adams seconded the motion, Chairman Seibert called for a moll call vote, which showed the following results: Commissioner Adams, Yes; Commissioner Andrews, Yes; Commissioner Stack, Yes; Chairman Seibert, No. The motion passed with a 3 -1 vote, • Commissioner Stack moved to recommend to the City Council that the liability insurance requirement for the use of City recreation facilities at Live Oak Park by Temple City Creative Arts, be waived. Commissioner Adams seconded the motion. Chairman Seibert called for a roll call vote, which showed the following results: Com- missioner Adams, Yes; Commissioner Andrews, Yes; Commissioner Stack, Yes; Chairman Seibert, No. The motion passed with a 3 -1 vote. Director Kobett was requested to contact Mrs. Judy Magnella, of Temple City Creative Arts to inform her that subsequent to her appearance at the Parks and Recreation Commission meeting, the Commission reconsidered their decision that Creative Arts should be required to supply a certificate of insurance to the City, and that the Commission suggests that Creative Arts not obtain the insurance for the City until action is taken on the Commission's recommendation to the City Council. B Commissioner Andrews inquired if a sign has been placed at Live Oak Park indicating that work on the park development has begun. In answer to his inquiry, Director Kobett replied that the Depart - • meat is in the process of posting such a sign and is hopeful of having it completed before the end of the month, C Chairman Seibert announced his resignation from the Parks and Recreation Commission, effective on January 31, 1976 to accept an appointment to the Planning Commission. Coiiuilissioner Stack commended Chairman Seibert on an outstanding job as a member and Chairman of the Parks and Recreation Commission. Commissioner Adams and Commissioner Andrews also commended Chair- man Seibert for his service on the Parks and Recreation Commission and congratulated him on his appointment to the Planning Commis - sion. 12, ADJOURNMENT: COmmissioner Stack moved to adjourn to the next regular meeting on Wednesday, February 18, 1976 at 7030 p.m. in the Council Chambers of the. City Hall, 5938 North Kauffman Avenue, Temple City. Motion seconded by Commissioner Andrews and passed. Chairman Seibert adjourned the meetin °50 p.m. ATTEST: Chai m City Clerk