HomeMy Public PortalAboutR 00:383Dar¢o?AdoFionNovember 14, 2000 PROFFESIONAL SERVICES CONTRACT FOR A~,CH~IE~IhxA~ SERVICES WHEREAS, there exists a need for professional services to design documents~soliat proposal~ administer the contract, provide construction inspection services, and "as built" preparation in connection with the proposed handicapped access ramp at the Carteret Board of Heath; and WItEREAS, professional requirements pursuant to N.3.S.A. 40A:ll-5~l)(a) services are exempt from the of competitive bidding;and WHEREAS, the local finance officer has certified thats funds are available. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that Mayor and Council of the Borough of Carteret does hereby approve and appointment of Lauro Architects at a ma×imam cost of not to exceed per attached contract. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Mayor and Borough Clerk are hereby authorized to execute said contract. IT IS FURTHER RESOLVED that the contract is awarded without competitive bids in accordance with N.J.S.A. 40A:ll-5<l)<a) due to the specialized and professional nature of the services provided. Adopted this 14th da)' of November, 2000 and certified as a true copy of the original on November 15, 2000. KATHLEEN M. BARNEY,, RMC/CMC Municipal Clerk COLNCILMAN CRILLEY FAZEKAS RECORD OF COUNCIL VOTE --x [~~: NO Nx, , A.B.7~T COUNCILMAN YE.SI NO [ NV ~__~ ~ ~ QUINONES ix ~ ~ x I ' [ II SANTORO [- x I O' BRIEN t [ 7 ~[ , ' x I ,, SOHAYDA i x I I ~ I , I II ~ , I ~ I [A.B~ I I [ q November 14~ 2000 CLERK BOROUGH OF C\I~,TERET 20 COOKE AVENUE CARTERET, NE'~V JERSE5~ 07008 'IHIS AGREEMENT: made II, is 14['~ day Novcmbcr o1' 2000 and bctx,,ccn: Lauro Associates. Arch. 1700 Galloping l lill Road Kenilworth. N.I 07033 And tile Borough o1' Carteret, a municipal corporation, hax ing ils Principal oflicc at thc Borough Hall 61 Cooke Avenue, Ca tetct. Nc',', Jc~s%, As per Rcso[ution Numbcr 00-383. l'll I-'~ CON'I P, AC10 R docs hcrcl)) agrcc to peri, tm thc Ibllox~ing ProJ~ssional Set-vice to provide design doctll]lCtllS solisat proposal administer thc Contract. Provide construction inspection service, and "As Built" prcparation m cotmcclion with thc proposcd hmldicappcd acccss ramp at Board of Health. NOT TO EXCEED 52 70( )0 According to the tct-ms scl forth ill RESOI_L TION.. TIlE BOROUGII docshcrcbyagrcctopaytlle(ontractortllesumscl Iht-th in Resolution. IN WITNESS WHEREOF. thc parties hcrcto haxe hereunder set thcir hands and scals or caused those presents to be signed b> their proper coq)orate oFliccrs and their corporatescals to be hereto aFllxcd, thc cia} and >car xx rittcn abo~c. WITNESSETI{ BY: For 'thc Corporation: L/~.d/-o ~la~ ~,~l;A~, TITLE: BOROUGII OF (AR1 LRLT ~ . James Failace Mayor Kathlecn M. Barnc} Municipal Clerk