HomeMy Public PortalAboutMinutes - 1977/06/01 - Regular" CITY OF TEMPLE CITY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION Meeting of June 1, 1977 INITIATION: 1. The adjourned meeting of the Parks and Recreation Commission was called to order by Chairman Adams at 7:37 p.m. on Wednesday, June. 1, 1977, in the North Meeting Room of the City Hall, 5938 North Kauffman Avenue, Temple City, California. 2. ROLL CALL: PRESENT: Commissioners Andrews, Crump, Haug., Villar and Adams ABSENT: None ALSO PRESENT: Victor B. Kobett, Director of Parks and Recreation 3. USE AGREEMENT FOR NEW CONCESSION STAND - Chairman Adams informed the Commission that he had met with Director Kobett on May 26, 1977, to discuss the Use Agreement, as agreed upon at their meeting on May 18, 1977. He informed the Commission that he had made no revisions in the agreement, pending receipt of the information requested from Temple City American Little League. He further stated that the Commission has received the information requested of Temple City American Little League, which should enable the Commission to resolve the proposed agreement. Chairman Adams indicated that he was of the opinion that the rough draft of the agreement encompassed the Commission's major concerns and that with some rewording would serve as an "all purpose agreement" for use by any group or organization desiring to use the building. The Commission reviewed the draft "Use Agreement", item by item. During the discussion Commissioner Andrews suggested that Item Number 4 in American Little League's letter dated May 31, 1977, be incor- porated into the agreement in lieu of Agreement Item Number 12. With the concurrence of the Commission, Item Number 12 was changed to read: "MAINTENANCE AND REPAIR. Any organization using the facility will be responsible for damage due to misuse, neglect or abuse of the equipment." Commissioner Villar was of the opinion that the City's insurance requirement should also be included in the agreement. With the concurrence of the Commission, Item No. 13 was added to the agreement to read as follows: "INSURANCE. Organizations or groups requesting the use of the Concession Stand shall supply the City with a Certificate of Insurance, naming the City of Temple City as additionally insured, in an amount, not less than.$100,000 /$300,000 personal injury liability and $25,000 property damage liability. Chairman Adams called. the. Commission's attention to Item Number 1, suggesting that the words "during the season _each year..." be deleted, with the revision to read as follows: "OPERATING RESPONSIBILITIES shall be entitled to the exclusive right to operate the Concession Stand from to Commissioner Crump expressed concern of the wording of Item Number 7, in light of the information received from American Little League. He suggested that the first paragraph include wording that organizations would be financially responsible for the energy they used during the period of their application. PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION ADJOURNED MEETING OF JUNE 1, 1977 Page 2. Commissioner Andrews suggested that the second paragraph be omitted reference be made that those using the Concession Stand would be billed for the energy used after their use period had expired. With the concurrence of the Commission, Chairman Adams reworded Item Number 7 to read as follows: "UTILITIES. shall be responsible to pay all utility costs during the time they are using the building, with the exception of water, which shall be the responsibility of the City. Charges will be made on a pro -rated basis and applicant billed after the use period has ended. There being no further changes, Chairman Adams, with the concurrence of the Commission, continued discussion on this item to the next regular meeting on 'dune 15, 1977. Chairman Adams requested Director Kobett to redraft the agreement, as revised, to include the elimination of blank spaces, with appropriate wording and to forward the agreement to the City Attorney, requesting his comments and suggestions. 4.. MAINTENANCE AND REPAIR AGREEMENT FOR CONCESSION STAND - Chairman Adams opened discussion on this item and indicated that the Cou,uiission had previously discussed the matter, but had made no decision. Chairman Andrews expressed the opinion that a written agreement with American Little League, authorizing them to maintain the building on a year :round basis; granting them exclusive use of the building during their season; and authorizing their billing other organizations and groups using the Concession Stand for the cost of energy used on a pro -rated basis, was in order. He cited American Little League's willingness to accept full responsibility for construction of the new Concession Stand, and that they built the existing stand and have maintained and repaired it to this date. It was the opinion of the Commission that an agreement of this nature would identify one organization as being responsible for the maintenance and repair of the building, which they favored. The City, they continued, would control the use of the building and the utilities, with the exception of water, would be in American Little League's name. With the concurrence of the Commission, Chairman Adams continued discussion of this matter to the next regular meeting on June 15, 1977. Chairman Adams requested Director Kobett to draft an agreement, incorporating the Commission's discussion on this item and to forward it to the City Attorney, requesting his comments and suggestions. 5. ENERGY PROHIBITIONS AND CURTAILMENT PROVISIONS - Chairman Adams reviewed with the Commission the Southern California Edison Company, Rule Number ..14'.1 ;. presented to him by Director Kobett. He referred to Rule Number B -4, which states. that "No customer shall make, cause, or permit the use of electrical energy for recreational or cultural activities in excess of eighty -five (85 %) of the normal or usual amount used by that customer for the same, or similar, activities." He questioned the ramnifications of this rule in regards to installing new athletic field lights. Commissioner Andrews was of the opinion that the rule did not prohibit new recreational lighting projects, but did require a reduction of the normal amount of energy presently being used. Commissioner Villar stated that the proposal to revamp the existing athletic field lights at Longden School will accomplish a significant reduction in energy consumption, which is the purpose of the rule. Al Millham, 9809 Daines Drive, Temple City, informed the Commission that the City of El Monte recently installed lights on a baseball field. He indicated the cost of energy will be very high. It was the decision of the Commission to continue the consideration of lights for the baseball diamond at Live Oak Park until such time as all new lighting installations are prohibited. Director Kobett was requested to contact the Edison Company and obtain additional information regarding Rule Number 14 -1 and specifically if it PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION ADJOURNED MEETING OF JUNE 1, 1977 Page 3. prohibits new lighting projects. ■ , LIGHTING PROPOSAL FOR LIVE OAK PARK - Chairman Adams called on Commissioner Villar to present the lighting proposal. Commissioner Villar indicated that as requested by the Commission, he had obtained a proposal for lighting one baseball field at Live Oak Park. He stated that the cost estimate of $10,841.64 would be reduced approximately $1,635, if the six (6) 70 foot wood poles are available free of charge. The cost, if the poles were available free, would be $9,206.06. Commissioner Villar pointed out that the lighting proposal is for one baseball field and that the cost would be doubled if both fields were lighted. He advised that the prices quoted were for material, only, and did not include labor or equipment cost for installation. The lighting method, he indicated, proposes center field poles with adjustable fixtures for total flexibility of lighting, once the Little League season has ended. Al Millham addressed the Commission, stating that six (6) 70 foot poles were definitely available for use at Live Oak Park; however, at this time an exact delivery date is not available. He also indicated that the 60 foot wood poles needed at the Longden field would be available free of cost. Chairman Adams questioned if the lighting proposal for the Longden ballfield was also a request for City financial support of the project. Commissioner Villar responded that it was. Commissioner Andrews expressed his support of both proposals. He reminded the Commission that at their Budget Study Session with the City Council on. March 14, the Commission had recommended the lighting of two baseball diamonds and two soccer fields at Live Oak Park. The City Council, he stated, expressed concern with the use of additional energy and the cost of the improvement and suggested the Commission consider upgrading existing lighted areas, rather than embarking on new lighting projects. Also, at the Joint Study Session on April 19, 1977, the City Council indicated a general interest in one lighted baseball field at Live Oak Park. Commissioner Villar felt that the Commission is responding to the City Council's request. Commissioner Haug expressed agreement with Commissioner Andrews and that the proposal reflects a savings in energy consumption and cost. Commissioner Andrews was of the opinion that the Commission should prepare a memo to the City Council presenting both lighting proposals and requesting their comments. If the City Council was in approval of this approach to lighting the athletic fields and could provide funding, the Commission could continue to obtain more detailed information. Initial contact with youth groups, he stated, indicated that they are willing to provide the labor on a voluntary basis. The Commission concurred with Commissioner Andrews' suggestion and will prepare a memo to the City Council, outlining the information they have-obtained regarding athletic field lighting. 7, ANGELES NATIONAL FOREST - ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT - Director Kobett informed the Commission that Planning Director Dragicevich had forwarded to him a copy of the Environmental Impact Report for the Angeles National Forest. The Letter from the agency requested that those wishing to comment on the report should do so by July 15, 1977. Chairman Adams continued discussion of this item to their next regular meeting on June 15, 1977. He asked each Commissioner to review the report and be prepared to discuss it at their next meeting. " " " " PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION ADJOURNED MEETING OF JUNE 1, 1977 Page 4. ADJOURNMENT: 8. Commissioner ,,Andrews.moved,:to..adjourn to:::the -?next regular meeting on Wednesday, June 15, 1977, at 7:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers at City Hall, 5938 North Kauffman, Temple City. Commissioner Haug seconded the motion, which carried. Chairman Adams adjourned the meeting at 9:05 p.m. ATTEST: City Clerk Chairman