HomeMy Public PortalAboutMinutes - 1978/06/21 - Regular" CITY OF TEMPLE CITY PARKS'AND RECREATION COMMISSION Meeting of June 21, 1978 INITIATION: 1. The regular meeting of the Parks and Recreation Commission was called to order by Chairman Adams at 8:44 p.m. on Wednesday, June 21, 1978, in the Council Chambers of the City Hall, 5938 North Kauffman Avenue, Temple City, California. 2. Chairman Adams led the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. 3. ROLL CALL: PRESENT: Commissioners Burlingame, Adams Commissioner Crump arrived at 7:42 p.m. Commissioner Andrews arrived at 7:48 p.m. ABSENT: Commissioner Villar ALSO PRESENT: Victor B. Kobett Director of Parks and Recreation: Chairman Adams indicated that he had received a call from Commissioner Villar prior to the meeting, stating that he had been called to work due to an emergency but would try to arrive later this evening, if time allowed. Commissioner Crump moved to excuse Commissioner Villar for cause. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Burlingame and carried. 4. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Commissioner Burlingame moved to approve the minutes of the regular meeting of May 17, 1978. The motion was seconded by Commissioner. Crump and carried. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: 5. TENNIS COURT RULES - Continue Discussion " Chairman Adams stated that this item had been discussed at their last regular meeting of May 17, 1978, but had been tabled due to Couunissioner Andrews absence and to review comments regarding Tennis Court Rule #7 from the Senior Recreation Leaders at Live Oak Park. Chairman Adams further indicated that the Commission was to decide if Tennis Court Rule #7, which prohibits bringing food or beverage onto the courts, was to include water. Commissioner Crump moved to interpret Tennis Court Rule #7 as being all liquids, including water, and that water not be allowed on the tennis courts. Commissioner Burlingame seconded the motion. In the discussion that followed, Commissioner Andrews stated that he felt that there should be no liquids allowed on courts, as there were drinking fountains outside the gates to the tennis courts. Commissioner Crump stated that his first impression, which was to allow water on the tennis courts, was based on the fact that he thought not allowing water was being "picky;' but after further review, decided that reasons for not allowing water, including safety, were valid. Chairman Adams stated that he personally felt water would not be a major problem, but his reasons for not allowing water on courts wexe mainly based on making it less judgmental for staff to enforce the. rules and not to create another�..problem of breakable containers, such as glass, " being brought onto the courts, that if broken create a hazard and li- ability for the City. Commissioner Burlingame stated that she was also against allowing water on the tennis courts, based on the same reasons given by the other Com- missioners. PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION MINUTES - June 21, 1978 At this time Chairman Adams called for the vote, which carried. 1 Page 2 The Commission., in arriving at their decision, did so as there is a drinking fountain in the immediate area of the courts; that restrict- ing water facilitates uniform enforcement of the rule; that there would be no control over the type of container used to bring water onto the courts, such as glass, which if broken, constitutes a hazard, and if in a commercially labelled container, such as pop or beer cans, etc., requires staff to inspect the contents to verify if the fluid is water, Chairman Adams closed discussion on this item and directed the Depart- ment to continue to enforce Tennis Court Rule #7 to include water. NEW BUSINESS: 6. REQUEST FOR USE OF PLAYING FIELDS AND CONCESSION STAND AT LIVE OAK PARK: Temple City Youth Football, Inc. and Temple City American Youth Soccer Organization With the concurrence of the Commission, Chairman Adams presented both agenda items 6 and 7 at this time due to the nature of the request. Chairman Adams stated that the applications for use of playing fields and the concession stand at Live Oak Park by Temple City Youth Football, Inc. and Temple City American Youth Soccer Organization as originally filed, show an overlap in the use of the facilities. However, Chairman • Adams continued, Director Kobett met with presidents of both groups and the schedules have been revised in the best interest of both organizations. At this time, Chairman Adams called on Director Kobeet to review the applications with the Commission. Director Kobett stated that the presidents of both organizations were very cooperative in working out the overlap of schedules. Director Kobett continued, stating that Youth Football will keep their practice to the east lighted athletic field area. Youth Football will use both the areas identified as the west lighted field and the east lighted field, Monday through Friday before Youth Soccer starts their season, at which time they will limit their use of the park to Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays, and they will only use the east lighted field, Director Kobett further stated that on Monday and Wednesday, Youth Soccer will use both the east and west lighted athletic field areas and on Tuesdayq Thursdaysand Fridays they will use the west side only. Regarding the use of the concession stand, Director Kobeet stated that • Youth Football's request is for weekdays only, and Youth. Soccer's re- quest is for Saturdays only. Commissioner Andrews inquired of Director Kobett regarding how the organizations plan on controlling their inventory in the concession stand. Director Kobett stated that the organizations plan to keep all supplies separate and are hopeful of getting another refrigerator and to install . locks on both refrigerators, Commissioner Crump moved to approve the request for use of the playing fields and concession stand at Live Oak Park by Temple City Youth Football, Inc., as noted on application, subject to required Certifi- cate of Insurance to include products liability coverage. Commissioner Andrews seconded the motion which carried;. Commissioner Andrews moved to approve the request received from Temple City American Youth Soccer for use of playing fields and concession stand at Live Oak Park, as indicated on their application, subject to the required Certificate of Insurance to include products liability coverage. Commissioner Burlingame seconded the motion which carrried. • PARKS AND RECREATLON COMMISSION MINUTES - June 21, 1978 Page 3 Commissioner Andrews moved that the motion be amended to include Friday use of the concession stand by Youth Soccer is for set up only, with Youth Football as the prime user. Commissioner Crump seconded the amendment which carried. Commissioner Andrews inquired as to Youth Soccer's request on their application for use of a portable snack bar on the west field on Saturdays. Commissioners Andrews and Crump questioned the need for a portable snack bar every Saturday as that was why the concession stand was enlarged when rebuilt. Couuuissioner Burlingame stated-she would like to hear Youth Soccer's reason for the request of a portable snack bar before making her de- cision. As there was no representative from Youth,Soccer present to explain the purpose of the portable stand, Chairman Adams tabled action on this portion of their application to the next regular meeting. Director Kobett was instructed to communicate with. Youth Soccer-and obtain ad- ditional information in this regard. Chairman Adams commended Robert Craig, President of Temple City Youth Football, Inc., and Carol Wong, Regional Commissioner, Temple City • American Youth Soccer Organization, on. their cooperative efforts in working out their season schedules. The Commission expressed their concurrence. 7. COMMUNICATIONS: 1 A. Director Kobett brought to the Commission's attention a letter to each of the Commissioners inviting them to Temple City National Little League's Closing Night Ceremonies on Friday, June 23 at the Longden School baseball field. B. Director Kobett stated that Temple City American Little League had asked him to-extend an invitation to the Commission to attend. their Closing Day Ceremonies on Saturday, June 24 at 10 a.m. at Live Oak Parka C. Director Kobett brought to the Commission's attention a letter received from the United States Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, thanking those that made comments on the San Gabriel Planning Unit Final Environmental Statement. D. Director Kobett reminded the Commission of the Los Angeles Basin Parks and Recreation Commissioners and Board Members Dinner, hosted by the City of Carson on Thursday, June 29 at 6:30 p.m. Reservations must be made by Friday, June 23. TIME FOR THOSE IN AUDIENCE WHO WISH TO SPEAK: There were no persons in the audience wishing to speak. 9. DIRECTOR'S REPORT: The Departmen.t's Seventh-& Eighth Grade Girls Softball Team partici- pated in an Inter - City- League-which-culminated last month. Games were- played on Tuesday and Thursday afternoons on a home and away basis. . On Saturday, May 13, one girl represented. Temple City in the Southern California Municipal Track and Field Meet at San Diego. The girl placed. 4th in the long jump event. On May 26, participants at Live Oak. Park made an artificial floral wreath which was placed on the Veterans Monument in Temple City Park on. • Memorial Day, May 29. Classes that began during May included a morning session of Cake Decor- ating with seven adults, and Oil Painting with twelve adults en.rol:led.,. Programs that culminated during May included Adult Oil Painting, Morning Cake Decorating, Youth Drawing, Chil.dren.s Dance and. Acrobatics_ Karate, 1 PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION MINUTES - June 21, 1978 Page 4 Baton, and some daytime Adult Tennis classes, On Saturday, May 13 and May 20, 163 youths presented the Annual Dance Recital which was held at La Rosa School. Approximately four hundred . and fifty parents, relatives and friends were in attendance. On Thursday, June 8, the Tots Recreation Program was concluded with their Annual Graduation at Live Oak Park. Commissioners Burlingame and Crump awarded the diplomas. Afterschool recreation closed on June 2. Last week, 4,350 Summer Recreation Brochures were distributed to local public schools, Longley Way, Gidley, Clem.inson and St. Lukes. The Summer Recreation Program is scheduled to begin. on June 26 and staff in- service started today. The exterior of the concession stand was painted this month. Construction of the tennis courts began on June 1. The contract calls for a 90 day construction period, excluding the curing time for appli- cation of the surface coating, 10. MATTERS FROM CITY OFFICIALS: A. Commissioner Crump wished to commend the Parks and Recreation staff on the fine job they do. B. Commissioner Andrews inquired of Director Kobett as tothe progress of the Athletic Field Lighting Project. Director Kobett stated th.e project-has-been approved by the State and that Temple City American Little League has been authorized to proceed with construction, Price increases since the project was submitted to the State has caused. delay as the youth organizations are reviewing the plans for possible changes to reduce cosh C. Commissioner Andrews also inquired of Director Kobett regarding the outcome of the Mayor's recent meetings with the Youth. Groups of Temple City regarding the concession stand at Live Oak, Park. Director Kobett replied that the purpose of keeping the con.cess.ion stand open was to provide a. conie.nient food service for, patrons of the park., and as a fund raiser for the•groups•operating the stand. The first meet- ing was to explore t :he•concept•with interested youth groups and to share ideas. At the second meeting, the groups indicated. they could not operill ate the•stand all summer, however, two groups will keep 'the stand. open for two weeks to determine-if-there is a need for a service of this nature and if it was economically feasible. D..,Director Kobett informed the Commission that the City Council has authorized funds for•operating a. Youth Employment Program for six weeks this summer. The City Council took. this action as the service formerly provided by the School District was cancelled when Summer School was cancelled. The Department will coordinate the program and use pe.r.sonn.el and facilities of Temple City High School. An effort will be made to develope jobs for youths as well as providing youth. for work requests received. E. Director Kobett further stated that at last night's City Council Meeting, Commissioners Adams, Burlingame and Crump were reappointed for a two year term. 11. ADJOURNMENT: Commissioner Crump moved to adjourn to t1 next. regular meeting on Wednes- day, July 19, 1978 at 730 p.m. in the. Council Chambers at City Hall.. • The motion was seconded by Commissioner Andrews and carried. PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION MINUTES - June 21, 1978 Chairman Adams adjourned the meeting at 8:25 p.m. ATTEST: City Clerk • • • Page 5