HomeMy Public PortalAboutMinutes - 1978/07/19 - RegularCITY OF TEMPLE CITY PARKS AND RECREATION.COMI"IISSION Meeting of July 19, 1978 INITIATION 1, The regular meeting was called to order Wednesday, July 19, the City Hall, 5938 California, of the Parks and Recreation Commission by Commissioner Villar at 7:35 p.m. 1978, in.the Council Chambers of North Kauffman Avenue, Temple City, 2. Commissioner Villar led the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. 3. ROLL CALL: PRESENT: Commissioners Andrews, Burlingame, Crump, Villar ABSENT: Commissioner Adams ALSO PRESENT: Victor.B. Kobett Director of Parks and Recreation Director Kobett stated, that Commissioner Adams could not attend the Commission meeting on July 19, 1978 because he is vacationing in. Northern California. Commissioner Crump moved to excuse Commissioner Adams for cause. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Andrews and carried. 4, APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Commissioner Crump moved to approve the minutes of the regular meeting of June 21, 1978. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Burlingame and carried, 5. REORGANIZATION OF COMMISSION: At this time, Director Kobett opened nominations for the Chairmanship of the Commission. Commissioner Crump moved to nominate Commissioner Villar as the new Chairman of the Parks and Recreation Commission. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Andrews and carried." Commissioner Andrews moved that the nominations. for Chairman be closed. Commissioner Crump seconded the motion, which carried. Commissioner Villar was unanimously elected Chairman of the Commission. Director Kobett turned the meeting over to Chairman Villar, who opened the nominations for Vice - Chairman. Commissioner Andrews moved to nominate Commissioner Crump as Vice -- Chairman, Commissioner Burlingame seconded the motion and moved to close nominations for Vice - Chairman,which carried. Commissioner Crump was unanimously elected as Vice - Chairman. 6. • UNFINISHED BUSINESS: Director Kobett directed the Commission's attention to a request for use of a Portable Concession Stand at Live Oak Park and introduced Carol Wong, President of the Temple City American Youth Soccer Organization. Carol Wong, 4816 Rio Hondo, Temple City addressed the Commission indicating that the request for a portable snack stand at the West end of the park stemmed from a request received from the . parents and friends of the players wanting more access to the food for sale. Previous use of card tables and picnic tables for this purpose proved successful but lacked adequate protection for the items. In response to questions, she indicated the stand would be erected and taken down every Saturday and placed in their storage room. She also indicated that only hot coffee, cold drinks, and convenient food items such as candy would be sold. Prepared food items such as hot dogs would only be sold from the main snack bar. The stand, she stated, would not interfere the public's use of the picnic shelter, however, they would need to plug in an electrical extension cord in a receptacle in the shelter, PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES - JULY 19, 1978 Page 2 Coujuiissi.oner Crump moved to grant Temple City American Youth Soccer Organization permission to use a Portable Concession. Stand and the necessary electrical hookup on Saturday at Live Oak Park, seconded by Commissioner Burlingame and carried.. The Commission, in granting the request, did so as the Portable Concession. Stand would only be used on Saturdays, would be put up and taken down each time it was used and would not interfere with the publics use of the picnic shelter The Comu.isston then reviewed the proposed soccer field layout for the 1978-79 season as brought forth by Carol Wong, - Mrs; Wong indicated that they had one less field this year and that the fields are larger than last years, which provides for a better game and better prepares the participants for the playoff competition,. I.n response to questions, Mrs. Wong stated that three of the fields were 60' x 110` and the clinic field 40' x 70`.: The fields, she indicated, were located further away from the picnic shelter and the arrangement should facilitate getting players and spectators on and off the park; Commissioner Crump then moved to approve the proposed soccer field layout presented by the Temple City American Youth. Soccer Organization, with the final placement of the fields coordinated with the Parks and Recreation Department prior to the marking of the boundary lines. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Burlingame and carried; NEW BUSINESS: Director Kobett brought to the attention .of the. Commission. the application in their agenda packets submitted by Pam - Larson., Program Director of the YMCA; The request, he indicated, was received after the agenda had been prepared. Pam Larson, 5926 Rowland, Temple City stated that the reason. for the YMCA request for the use of Live Oak Park for the Summer Day Camp is because of the overwhelming enrollment of youngsters due to the lack of summer school this year_ . Pam stated there would be approximately 40 in attendance at.theday camp, using the • grass area and picnic table shelters.should-_their application be approved by the Comwissiono She stated that. :the youngsters would be picked up at the end of each day by the parents, at Live Oak Parks The .classes are to be held Monday Friday from 9 a,m. to 6 p.m. • July 17, 1978 through September 8, 1978, Chairman. Villar asked Director Kobett .if there were any other groups scheduled to use the park at this time. Director Kobett replied that there were none except that the general public uses the picnic shelter throughout the day with most use being after five o'clock, He continued that Ms Larson has requested the picnic shelter because of the tables therein. The Director further indicated. that if the Commission. would like the entire picnic shelter available for public use, the park ..could accommodate the Summer Day Camp under th.e .trees nearby and still meet their needs,. The Director pointed .out that-groups •do use the shelter from time. to time but that he could not - forsee any conflicts at this time.; Commissioner Andrews asked 'am Larson if she felt there would be any conflict if her group were placed under the trees as opposed to being in the shelter. Pam stated that she felt ilhere would be no conflict, In answer to other, questions, she. stated that her group would not be on the area at all times, but that trips were scheduled and swimming is planned for the youngsters which. would take the group away from the park. at different times. 'PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES JULY 19, 1978 Page 3. She also indicated that they had considered other areas but needed a location within walking distance from the YMCA. The YMCA she stated, was not large enough to accommodate the activity. Funds derived from the day camp fees, she explained, are used by the YMCA to defray expenses of the activity such as personnel cost, supplies, and equipment. Commissioner Andrews asked• if there would be any problems regarding insurance. coverage. Director Kobett replied that the YMCA had the required coverage on file with the City,. Commissioner Crump moved to grant the YMCA, a non - profit organization, the use of a portion of the grassed area at Live Oak Park from July 20, 1978 through September 8, 1978. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Andrews and carried. The Commission, in granting the request, did so as the use is by a local non - profit organization ,.accommodates - primarily local children and the size of the area to be used will not interfere unreasonably with the general public use of the park. 7. REVIEW OF TENNIS COURT RULES: Director Kobett stated that the Commission, at their June 21, 1978 meeting, had decided to review the Tennis Court Rules in light of the construction of new courts at Live Oak Park. To assist the Commission in their review,. the Department, he continued, had obtained copies of Tennis Court Rules of nearby cities which were in their packets. Commissioner Andrews opened the discussion indicating that he had received several complaints regarding rule number five which restricted teenagers from playing on Saturdays, Sundays, holidays, and after 7 p.m.. daily. He spoke in favor of eliminating the rule and having the courts available to everyone equally on a first come, first served basis. Director Kobett reviewed the basis of the.r&le indicating that when the rule was established, :it was to give the working adult better access.to the courts as the youth could use them weekdays when adults could-not. Commissioner Villar also was of the opinion that the rule number five should be eliminated, Director Kobett presented a consideration of eliminating preference to adults on the three existing courts but contihu ng to enforce rule number five on the four new courts, thereby recognizing the playing needs of both age groups. Commissioner Burlingame advised that she felt that the enforcement of the rule in question, . differently on the courts, could cause a problem. Commissioner Andrews agreed and also stated that many of the 14, 15, and 16 year old youngsters could play as well as many of the adults and for this reason, the young adults do not think the rule is fair. It was the feeling of the Commission that rule number five was not fair and not needed. Commissioner Andrews requested that staff check with. the City Attorney as to the discriminating nature of the rule. Chairman Villar then asked for comments from the audience.. Carol Won , 4816 Rio Hondo, Temple City informed the. Commission . tit er 4 year old son and three other teens after waiting almost two hours had recently been turned away from the courts because he was playing tennis during the evening hours. tp PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES - JULY 19, 1978 Page 4, Mrs. Wong indicated that her son did work and go to school during the day and could not play tennis during the weekdays. She also indicated that he was a very good player and that she and her son did not feel the rule was a fair one., Commissioner Andrews then asked the Director about the rule regarding six ball maximum to be used on any one court except for department tennis instruction classes and whether that had been a problem for other cities who had asopted such a rule_ Director Kobett replied that the existing rule number four controls this situation in that if all the courts are in use and others are waiting to play tennis, then only regulation tennis under rule 4a may be played. The Commission, he continued, has officially interpreted rule 4a to permit "practice play" limited to 45 minutes with the time limit beginning when a claim is made for the court under rule 4a. Only department tennis classes are permitted and use of more than six tennis balls on a court is usually only found with an instructional class or someone practicing their serve.. Director Kobett inquired of the Commission if they would like to reduce "practice play" to a maximum of 30 minutes rather than the existing 45 minutes, It was the consensus of the Commission that the time limit be left as it is currently. Also discussed was the consideration of enforcement of tennis court rule violations under the infraction ordinance. Such enforcement would require that the rules be incorporated into the Municipal Code. It was the decision of the Commission to continue discussion of the court rules to the next regular meeting of the Commission on August 16, 1978 when Commission Adams would be present . to present his comments and suggestions. 8, COMMUNICATIONS. Director Kobett informed the Commission that they had received an invitation to attend the rededication and open house the El Monte Community Center, 3130 Tyler Avenue, El Monte on Tuesday, July 25, 1978 from 10:00 a,m. to 4:00 p.m, The Director then announced the Little League San Gabriel Valley Area Tournament on July 20, 21, and 22, 1978 at Longden School with ceremonies beginning at 7:00 p.m. Commissioner Burlingame stated that she could attend the Thursday night game with Chairman Villar attending the Friday night function, 9, TIME FOR THOSE IN THE AUDIENCE WHO WISH. TO SPEAK.: There were no persons in the audience. . wishing to speak. 100 DIRECTORS REPORT: Director Kobett informed the Commission that the Athletic Field Lighting project began July 8, 1978 with volunteers placing the electrical conduit. underground, More supplies are due this week. The Youth.•Employment Program opened June 23, 1978, The. Job Center is open Monday through Friday from 8 a,m, until 12 noon_. Thirty—two jobs were listed and•twent.y of them were filled through July 7, 1978. Thirty work permits were issued since the opening day. • • • • PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES - JULY 19, 1978 Page 5, The pool at Temple City High School is open from 12 noon until 5 p.m. for recreation and from 10_a.ma until 12 noon for classes. Both are no fee activities Night swimming has not been reinstated and it is doubtful it will be offered th.i.s summer. Tennis Court development has -progressed.. .The fence poles have been set, forms are being placed for walls. Persons unknown ex.ploded.a pipe bomb in the South restroom of Live. Oak Park on July 17th The Sheriff'and Bomb Squad were called and the incident is-under investigation. The Summer Recreation Program 'began the week: of June 26th.. Attendance for the first week 'was .in excess -of-.1,200 children Attendance for the week of July 10th was. 1,068 youth attending programs and 445 using the playgrounds for supervised play. Successful All -City Special..Event.s .included:.the Get Acquainted Night with a Balloon -to -the -moon -contes.te Two cards which were attached to balloons were returned; the first from. Hesperia and the second from Duarte. The Annual penny carnivals were exceptionally well presented and-attendeda. . Coming activities include the Festival. of. Arts at Temple City. Park on July 27th; Show 'Follies, th.e Annual' Drama Festival and Talent Show.on.August3rd; and Moving Wheels at Temple. City High School on August 10th. Excursions to be held include Knotts.Bearry Farm, Huntington State Beach, Disneyland; Wild-Animal Park and Old - Fashioned Hay.Ride, Classes that began during the.'month included Ballroom Dance with an enrollment of 19; Youth:Cooking with an.enrollment of 24; Youth Karate with an enrollment of 28;: Adult Karate-with an enrollment of 11; Youth Baton .with - an enrollment. of 16; Tots Day Camp with an enrollment of.66; Adult Oil painting with.an enrollment of 17; yoga with an enrollment.of 27;. Slim and Trim with an enrollment of 48; Belly Danncing with an enrollment of 17; Adult Tennis with an enrollment of 92; and Youth. Tennis with an.enrollment.of 64. Of the 29 classes offered in Tennis, two adult classes were cancelled and three teen.classes were cancelled as well as the three combination classes for youth and adults. A tennage: girls 'basketball.league..also.began its summer season with six teams :participating The league is :composed of a team from Temple City and other nearby schools., Director Kobett. then. p.resented:several.sugges:tions received from Mayor Tyrell for .: consideration •by the _Commission which included 1) A_ fence. along ..the.North, side :of the..new tennis courts with lockable gates at the .East and :West ' ends for-security and to control the use of the 'courts; .:2) consideration- .of a Pro -Shop North of the existing courts'to.help defray maintenance and operating expenses of the. tennis_courts;.3) Bleachers for spectators located between the new and existing tennis courts; 4) Development of a City Tennis Tournament; and .5) 'Development of a City Tennis Club, The Couuuission. reviewed '.drawings -of the new tennis courts as related'to the location -of the proposed security control fence. In response .to ..questions ; Director Kobett stated that additional control and security would be.ach.ieved as those using the courts would have to enter and exit from the West side. Also, the gate. � would be lockable for additional security. Director Kobett continued that the control•fence was not a new concept but had been. considered previously as part of the Pro -Shop concept. PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES - JULY 19, 1978 Page 6. Commissioner Andrews questioned if the additional fencing was needed and if it would provide the additional security and control indicated. In regard to the price, Director Kobett indicated that •cost estimates would be mailed to the. Commission as soon as received and before their next regular meeting Chairman. Villar, with the concurrence of the. Commission, closed. discussion on the tennis court; suggestions to their next regular meeting in August He expressed hisappreciati.on to Mayor Tyr.e.11 for bringing the suggestions to the attention of the Commission indicating that each would be given careful consideration. 11, MATTERS FROM CITY ,OFFICIALS Commissioner Andrews introduced Joe Killen., the new President of Temple City American Little League, who was. in the audience. He also informed the Commission that foul balls from the baseball diamond are going into the area of the new courts and will present a problem to tennis players once the courts are completed. In response to questions, Director. Kobett stated the courts are further to the East and thus closer to the home plate area of t.h.e ball diamond. That due to the addition of the fourth court, the North fence of the ball diamond, he stated, is engineered to be extended higher to deflect foul balls. Director K.obett . indicated that he would investigate the concern. Commissioner Andrews also informed the Commission that he felt the "No Steel Cleats" rule was not being enforced at Live Oak Park, Director Kobett stated that the rule is posted on both . ball diamond backstops and that staff have informed groups of the rule. The Director indicated that he would instruct the park staff to be more watchful for violation of the rule. 12. ADJOURNMENT: Cowutissioner Crump moved to adjourn to the next regular meeting of the Parks and Recreation Commission on Wednesday, August 16, 1978 in the Council Chambers of the City Hall, 5938 N. Kauffman, Temple City at 7:30 p.m. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Andrews and carried, Chairman Villar adjourned the meeting at 9 20 p.m. ATTEST. • • • •