HomeMy Public PortalAboutMinutes - 1978/11/28 - SpecialCITY OF TEMPLE CITY PARKS AND - RECREATION COMMISSION' Special Meeting - November 28, 1978 INITIATION: 1. The special meeting of the Parks and Recreation Couuuission was called to order by Chairman.Villar at 7:20 p.m. on Tuesday, November 28, 1978, in the North Meeting Room of the City Hall. 2. ROLL CALL: PRESENT: Commissioner Burlingame, Crump, Villar. Commissioner Andrews arrived at 7 :29 p.m. ABSENT-;' Commissioner Adams ALSO PRESENT: Victor B. Kobett Director of Parks and Recreation Chairman Villar stated that he had received a call from Commissioner Adams prior to the meeting, who informed him that he was ill and could not be in attendance. Commissioner Crump moved to excuse Commissioner Adams for cause, seconded by Commissioner Burlingame and carried. UNFINISHED- BUSINESS: 3. Tennis Court Use Survey - Chairman Villar opened discussion on this item by referring to the proposed survey developed by the Couuuission at their regular meeting on November 15, 1978. The'Commission reviewed each question of the original survey deleting some and rewording others. It was the decision of the Commission to add one additional question designed to obtain the age grouping of those using the courts. It was the unanimous opinion of the Commission that a survey of this nature was necessary to obtain information from residents relative to the tennis court suggestions received from Mayor Tyrell. The survey is designed to obtain information from residents as to how often they use the courts and when, if they are interested in lessons from a Tennis Professional, a tennis shop, a reservation system for 0 use of the courts, belonging to a tennis club, participating in tennis matches and tournaments and their age group. The Commission directed staff to solicit the cooperation of the Temple City Times to print the survey form and to release it rftough the local public and private schools and Live Oak Park. The public will be requested to return the surveys on or before January 5, 1979. The information obtained is to be presented to the Commission at their regular meeting on January 17, 1979. IMPROVEMENT -OF PLAY-APPARATUS`AREA TEMPLE" CITY` PARK' 4. Chairman Villar reviewed with the Commission their decision to explore improving the Play Apparatus Area at Temple City Park which they arrived at at their meeting in the Park on November 18, 1978. The Commission-he- explained, came to this decision as a result of investigating the area to acccomodate park equipment being Differed to the- City from -the-Kiwanis Club, The Commission:reviewed-the proposed diagram of-the:play - apparatus area prepared. by Mr. Shoemaker. of. the.Kiwanis.Club as well as catalogues from the manufacturers of playground and park equipment. PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES - NOVEMBER 28, 1978 The Commission found the existing play apparatus area as it presently exists to be safe and well maintained, however, they were concerned . withethe age of the equipment and the dirt play surface, The Commission requested staff to develop a proposed layout of the play apparatus area confining it to the present size, providing neces& sary dimensions and a concrete curbed sand area similar to that at Live Oak Park. The Commission also requested that staff present a proposal to relocate existing play apparatus to accomodate the geodesic climber and bench suggested by the Kiwanis Club and a proposedlayout.incorporat.ing new play apparatus including a geodesic climber for presentation to the Commission at their next regular meeting on. December 20, 1978. ADJOURNMENT': 5, Commissioner Andrews moved to adjourn to the next regular meeting of the Parks and Recreation Commission to be held on Wednesday, December 20; 1978, at 7 :30 p.m, in the City Hall, Temple City. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Burlingame and carried. Chairman Villar adjourned the meeting at 8:40 p.m. Chairman ATTEST: City Clerk • • •