HomeMy Public PortalAboutMinutes - 1979/01/17 - Regularr • • CITY OF TEMPLE CITY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION Meeting of January 17, 1979 •ITIATION: 1. The regular meeting of the Parks and Recreation Commission was called to order. by Chairman Villar at 7:31 p.m. on Wednesday, January 17, 1979, in the Council Chamber of the City Hall, 5938 North Kauffman Avenue, Temple City, California. 2. Chairman Villar led the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. 3. ROLL CALL: PRESENT: Commissioners Adams, Burlingame, Crump, and Villar ABSENT: Commissioner Andrews ALSO PRESENT: Victor B. Kobett Director of Parks and Recreation Director Kobett informed the Commission that Commissioner Andrews had notified the Department earlier in the day that he would not be in attendance this meeting and had asked to be excused due to out -of -town :business. 411 Commissioner Crump moved to excuse Commissioner Andrews for cause, seconded by Commissioner Burlingame and carried. 4. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Commissioner Burlingame moved to approve the minutes of the regular meeting of December 20, 1978 as written, seconded by Commissioner Crump and carried. UNFINISHED: BUSINESS: 5. TEMPLE CITY PARK-- PLAYGROUND APPARATUS AREA: Continue discussion, Director Kobett distributed an additional placement diagram as re- quested by the Commission for the proposed lay -out of playground apparatus at Temple City Park incorporating new pieces of playground equipment; this plan identifies the play area incorporating a geodesic climber as well as three other pieces of equipment, and re- location of existing spring- mounted animals, Director Kobett also distributed pictures of the proposed new equip- ment including kangaroo hop, frontier out -post and slide, and arch swing in which the Commission was interested. Plan A, submitted last meeting, was a plan for re- locating existing equipment to accommodate the proposed Temple City Kiwanis Club dona- tion of a geodesic climber. At Commissioner Crump's suggestion, Director Kobett stated he would obtain equipment cost estimates for the Commission's review. Commissioner Burlingame commented it might be possible to approach other civic groups with the suggestion of participating with the redevelopment. Chairman Villar suggested that, in order to study the plan more thoroughly, and since one Commissioner was absent, the Commission continue discussion to an adjourned meeting. • 6. TENNIS COURT USE SURVEY: Continue discussion. • Director Kobett referred the Commission to a memo summarizing the results obtained from compiling the tennis court use survey that was conducted over the holidays and terminated on January 5, 1979. PARKS AND RECREATION COMMI ION MINUTES, - JANUARY 17 ,79 PAGE 2 The purpose of the survey was to obtain information from residents as to how the tennis courts at Live Oak Park should be programmed to best meet their needs. Director Kobett stated that the memo identified that the survey was released to the public in the following manner: Temple City Times Newspaper with a circulation of 3,300 copies and the holiday recrea- tion flyer distributed through public and private schools with a circulation of 4,500 copies. The survey was also distributed in lesser numbers through an individual at Brothers Pharmacy (100 copies), department tennis students (56 copies), and staff conducted surveys (70 copies). All questionnaires were coded to enable the Department to tabulate returns according to the method of release. The number of surveys returned totaled sixty -three (63); nineteen (19) from the newspaper, seven (7) from the holiday recreation flyer, twenty - two (22) from Brothers Pharmacy, ten (10) from department tennis students and five (5) from a staff- conducted survey. Twenty -six (26) persons responding to the questionnaire took the opportunity to comment. Attached to the memo was a "spread sheet" which identified each response to each question. The memo summarized that the majority of those responding were residents between the ages of 18 and 54 years and used the tennis courts either twice weekly or three times a month on weekdays in the morning. They were not interested in taking lessons from a professional tennis instructor but were in favor of a tennis shop. The responses were not in favor of a court reservation system but would join a local tennis club. The majority favored recreational tennis matches over competitive matches and would participate in local tennis tournaments. The memo identified that persons unknown also circulated a Tennis Court Survey at the same time the City's survey was underway. Ten (10) survey replys were received by the Department. The Department did .not tabulate the first three questions because they pertain to tennis rules and the Commission and City Council recently established new rules.. The responses to questions number four and five were as follows: pertaining to a pro shop - five were in favor, two were against, and one undecided; regarding tennis club matches - eight were in favor, and one was against. Chairman Villar suggested that the Comli.ssion cover this item also at 410 an adjourned meeting after having studied the results, whereupon Commissioner Crump moved to continue discussion of items relating to the Temple City Park Playground Apparatus and the Tennis Court Use Survey to an adjourned meeting to be held Wednesday, January 31, 1979, at 7:30 pam., seconded by Commissioner Burlingame and carried. NEW BUSINESS 7. REQUEST FOR USE OF FACILITIES AT LIVE OAK PARK.: Temple City American Little League Director Kobett reviewed with the Commission a request from the Temple City American Little League for the use of the ballfields and concession stand at Live Oak Park, Monday through Friday, 3 p.m. to 10 p.m. and Saturdays, 7 a.m. to 10 p.m. from February 1, 1979 until July 30, 1979. Joe Killen, President, Temple City American Little League, 10049 Lynrose, informed the Commission that the league was presently in the process of registering players. Once registration was completed, a detailed game schedule would be prepared. He informed the Commission 40 that the request includes use of the facilities for the boys leagues as in the past and a new softball league for girls. The girls program is to be a joint effort with Temple City National Little League. PARKS AND RECREATION OMISSION MINUTES..- JANUARY., 1979 PAGE 3 Chairman Villar commented to. Mr..,-,Killen ,that there has been an indication of interest by adults for. .a community. softball program and expressed the concern of the Commission. for the._.number of nights needed by Little League. He continued that this :.being._the first summer with lights that • it is difficult to estimate the:._communi.ty demand for adult softball, Chairman Villar also expressed concern for the outfield fences if they were not removed for adult softball._games.. In response to Commissioner Burlingaa& s: question, Mr. Killen stated that the fences could be down after, :the-:last regular game on June 26, and although tournament play might continue.through July 30, tournament practice could be adjusted and continued without the fences from June 26, thus allowing use of the = _field for adult softball. Commissioner Adams was of the .opinion..that the request could be acted on through June 26, the, end.o.f.Little:League season. After that date, he continued, additional use dates. .could be determined based on the playoff schedule and community.need- ..:for adult softball. • • In response to Commission questions, Director Kobett stated that the request. as submitted would exclude community night use of the lighted ball diamond six days a week through...July 30. He pointed out that, traditionally, Youth. Football starts - August 1 ending in early December and Youth Soccer September .1 through_:the latter part of January. Director Kobett indicated that,fo.r..adults it would be best if the outfield fences were removed. However,.. if the fences were needed for .the. .playoffs in. July, the .adult. rules could be modified to allow for them. It was identified that two evenings a week, July through November, would meet immediate community needs. Commissioner. Adams moved to approve.the application for use of the ball diamonds..and a portion of the .grassed area west of the outfield lighted.po.les as requested by American Little League, with the ex -- cep.ti.on of .the.closing..date.b.eing June 26 instead of July 30, subject .to... the s.ame... use ...conditions^..as_...last -year and City insurance -require- ments.,.. and .use -dates after June- ..26.: to.be re- requested by American Little .League once the playoff dates are known. The motion was seconded.by Commissioner Crump and.carried. . Commis.sioner. Adams moved .to approve the application for use of the concession- .s.tand as requested by American Little League from February 1, 1979 through July 30, 1979 from.-.3 p.,..ma... to 10 p.m. Monday through Fri - .day', and 7 a_m_ to 10 p om .S.aturdays- .subject to established Conditions For Use of. the Concession Stand and products liability insurance, The motion ..was ..seconded by Commissioner- Crump. and carried REQUEST FOR USE OF FACILITIES AT LIVE OAK PARK.: .American Youth - Soccer Organization Director. Kobett addressed the Commission regarding a request for additional use .of .the east field and-concession. stand at Live Oak .Park for .all -.star games. from 11A0-a.m. to 5 p.m. on five Sundays beginning.January 21, 1979, and hosting one championship game on , . F.eb.r.uary- _.17 from .8 :3.0 . a. m .. to 4 , p...m:.. _ He advised the Commission that ...C.ar.ol..Wong_of Youth Soccer and Joe Killen, who were both present, had indicated there would be no conflict with American Little League scheduled use. . Commissioner .,Crump moved _to . approve request of American Youth Soccer Organization for . additional use of Live. Oak Park playing field and concession stand as identified in the application, seconded by Commis- sioner Adams-.and carried. 8 .. .COMMUN:ICATIONS. e.. , . .Director Kobett referred the. Commission, to the reservation sheet for S . th.e..CPRS Installation and Awards Banquet to be held Friday, January 26, 1979 at the El Monte Community Center. Reservations need to be made by January 23, 1979. PARKS AND RECREATION COMMIS ION MINUTES JANUARY 17, "79 PAGE 4 Director Kobett stated the CPRS Conference would be held on March 1, 2, and 3, 1979 in San Diego. 9. TIME FOR THOSE IN AUDIENCE WHO WISH. TO SPEAK.: f s Joe Killen, 10049 Lyn.rose., made a request for use of facilities at Live Oak. Park Friday, March. 9, 1979. for the purpose of holding a fund - raiser Jog- a -thon. which would involve Little League youth running around an. oval track for one hour: He stated the runners get sponsors to donate a minimum of 10 per lap, also that the date needs to be set soon as there are limited available dates from the promotional firm. Commissioner Adams moved to recannend to the City Council that Little League be allowed to conduct a Jog -a -thon, as requested, for the pur- pose of a fund - raiser for the 1979 -80 season on March. 9, 1979, seconded by Commissioner Crump and carried° Mr. Killen was advised to submit a written request through the Depart- ment outlining all details of the project to accompany their recom- mendation to the City Council. 10. DIRECTOR'S REPORT: Recreation Pro ram: Director Kobett informed the Commission a special two -wee Christmas Vacation. Program culminated the activities for the year with special programs being held on two elementary playgrounds and Live Oak Park, Highlights . included a Tots Recreation Christmas Party with 78 children participating, and 29 youths participating in the cross - country meet held at Live Oak Park, Winners represented Temple City at the San. Gabriel Valley meet with three youths winning and going to the Southern California Finals in San Diego on January 27. Director Kobett stated that other activities offered during the holi- days included craft classes with children making Christmas cards, ornaments and gifts. Bingo parties. were held at Live Oak Park, La Rosa and Longden School on two occasions with 115 children participating. A cookout was held at Live. Oak, La Rosa and Longden with 34 youths participating. Sixty -five youths participated in the Super Star con- test held at Live. Oak Park, Emperor, Longden and Cloverly schools. Thirty-five youths participated in the bus excursion to Knotts Berry Farm. The bike hike to Peck Road Spreading Basin was cancelled as a safety precaution due to heavy fog. Funds for Lae cookout, bingo prizes, and Super Stars awards were pro- vided by the Temple City Kiwani.s Club. Fee and charge classes that began pri.or to January 17 include tots recreation, tennis, yoga, dance exercise, needlepoint, cake decorating, youth dance, belly dancing and karat_ The after school recreation. program began with a fifth and sixth grade inter -city basketball league, seventh and eighth grade intra -city basketball league _ an.d girls drill team, New Tennis Courts at Live Oak Park: .Director Kobett advised the Commission that City Counci , at their regular meeting of January 2, 1979 accepted the new tennis courts, authorized final payment, assessed a late construction penalty in the amount of $2,600 and authorized re- tention of $1,379 from the contractor as requested by the architect for necessary addit.ional.inspection services. Athletic Field Light_.i_n Director Kobett informed the Commission that no addition.all work -h' been -done by volunteers on the athletic field lights at Longden.Elementary School since December 16 due to the holi- .days and weather conditions; however, a work party is planned for Saturday, January 20, on which date the remaining fixtures and some wiring is scheduled to be completed, 11. MATTERS FROM CITY OFFICIALS: None • PO , PARKS AND RECREATION CISSION MINUTES - JANUARY", 1979 PAGE 5 12, ADJOURNMENT: On motion by Commissioner Crump, seconded by Commissioner Burlingame, the meeting adjourned to an adjourned. meeting to be held Wednesday, • January 31, 1979 at 7:30 p.mo...The.next regular meeting of the Parks and Recreation Commission will be Wednesday, February 21, 1979, 7:30 p.m. in the Council Chamber of the City Hall. CHAI ATTEST: • • •