HomeMy Public PortalAboutMinutes - 1979/06/02 - SpecialCITY OF TEMPLE CITY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION Special Meeting -June 2, 1979 •NITIATION: 1. The Special Meeting of the Parks and Recreation Commission was called to order by Vice Chairman Crump at 8:20 a.m. on Saturday, June 2, 19/9, in the Multi - Purpose Room at Live Oak Park, 10144 Bogue Street, Temple City. 2. ROLL CALL: PRESENT: Commissioners Adams, Andrews, Burlingame and Crump ABSENT: Commissioner Andrews ALSO PRESENT: Victor B. Kobett, Director Department of Parks and Recreation Director Kobett stated that he had been notified that Commissioner Villar could not attend this meeting as he was out of the State on business. Commissioner Burlingame moved to excuse Commissioner Villar for cause, seconded by Commissioner Adams and carried. •UNFINISHED BUSINESS: 3. Tennis Instruction Program: Discussion centered on additional information submitted by Mr. Holycross pertaining to his proposal for conducting a Tennis Instruction Program at Live Oak Park. The letter identified that an instructional program on Saturdays, as presented in his proposal, was very important to the development of a Junior Tennis Program and mixed doubles classes for adults. Class times could be adjusted as required by the City. Mr. Holy - cross stressed the need for three (3) courts for two (2) hours on Saturdays to conduct an effective Youth Clinic. • The letter further explained the individual and semi - individual lessons aspect of hours in the original proposal. He suggested a sign be posted on the court to read as follows: "This court is reserved for authorized individual instruction Monday through Saturday. Open to the public when not in use for instruction. For information regarding group or individual instruction call 285- 7185 ". Mr. Holycross in his letter commented on the proposal he submitted as it pertained to tournaments. He clarified that he is requesting authorization to conduct a satellite tournament to promote tennis and help support the upkeep of the courts. Tournament tennis balls would be used in the tennis instructional program. The dates for the proposed tournament is August 6 -10, 1979. He indicated he was hopeful of using the courts at Temple City High School also of which would shorten the time of use of the park courts. Also, courts would not be used after 5 p.m. Tournament finals would be conducted on Saturday. Courts not in use would be open to the public. The Commission indicated their concurrence with the information presented by Mr. Holycross. Vice Chairman Crump stated that this information would be made available to and discussed with the City Council at their study session on June 4, 1979. 4. Tennis Club:. Vice Chairman Crump opened discussion on this item indicating that PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION MINUTES - JUNE 2, 1979 PAGE 2 the Commission had been given copies of the Temple City Tennis Club's Constitution and By -laws by Mr. Lehine at their meeting on May 16, 1979. He reminded the Commission that the review of the By -laws by the Commission was to establish a basis for granting the club reserved use of the tennis courts at Live Oak Park Commissioner Adams expressed concern that the By -laws did not definitely identify that the majority of membership would or must be residents of Temple City. He felt that residency must be resolved before the Commission could recommend reservation privi- leges. The Commission concurred in this regard. It was the decision of the Commission to discuss with the City Council the establishment of a minimum residency requirement of 75% applicable to all athletic /sports groups requesting reserved use of City facilities to include both youth and adult organizations. The Commission included those living within the Temple City Unified School District and property /business owners as residents. The Commission expressed concern that the outdoor facilities at Live Oak Park may become overused by organized groups to the exclusion of the general public. Commissioner Andrews expressed concern with Article III, Section 2 and 3, pertaining to judging prospective members on their moral character. It was the decision of the Commission to also discuss this section with the City Council as granting reservation privileges to the club could or would constitute sanctioning the By -laws and that these sections may be of a discriminatory nature. Couuuissioner Andrews also felt that Section 7 of Article III should be clarified with the club to determine if non - resident junior members will be automatically accomodated into the club if the clubs membership is full and there are residents of Temple City on the waiting list. It was the decision of the Commission to discuss this section with the club. Vice Chairman Crump in closing discussion on this item informed the Commission that the City Council has been given copies of the Tennis Club's Constitution and By -laws for their review prior to the forthcoming study session. 5. Play Apparatus Area at Live Oak Park: Prior to discussion of this item, the Commission relocated the meeting to the play apparatus area. Vice Chairman Crump then called on Vic Kobett to review the project with the Commission. Director Kobett presented pictures of the play equipment being considered by the Commission and pointed out the existing pieces to be removed and the proposed location of the new equipment. Vice Chairman Crump indicated that this item was being discussed to provide Commissioner Andrews the opportunity to review the Commission's work in this regard as he was unable to be in attendance at the May 23, 1979 meeting. He mentioned that the final placement of each item would be determined by the size of the equipment. Equipment being considered for removal he stated, included the Teter - Totter, Junior Slide, Tots Climber, Junior Swing, Merry -Go -Round and Humped Climber. New pieces being considered for installation includes a Spiral Slide, Billy Goats Gruff, Hand Ring Bridge, Nature Action Center and Kangaroo Hop. • • • PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION MINUTES - JUNE 2, 1979 PAGE 3 There being no questions in this regard, Vice Chairman Crump, with the concurrence of the Commission, continued discussion of this item to the Commission's next regular meeting on June 20, 1979. 6. ADJOURNMENT: Commissioner Andrews moved to adjourn to the next regular meeting of the Parks and Recreation Conmuission to be held on Wednesday, June 20, 1979 at 7:30 p.m. in the City Hall, Temple City. The motion was seconded by Coimllissioner Burlingame and carried. Vice Chairman Crump adjourned the meeting at 10:05 a.m. ATTEST: • • •