HomeMy Public PortalAbout6/25/2003 regularCity of Greencastle City Hall ® One North Locust Street P.O. Box 607 Greencastle, Indiana 46135 GREENCASTLE BOARD OF WORKS REGULAR SESSION WEDNESDAY, JUNE 25, 2003 4:00 P.M. Pamela S. Jones Clerk- Treasurer CITY HALL The Greencastle Board of Works met in Regular Session Wednesday, June 25, 2003, 4:00 p.m. at City Hall. Mayor Michael called the meeting to Order at 4:08 p.m. On the Roll Call, the following were found to be present: Sue Murray and George Murphey. Motion to approve minutes from May 21, 2003, Regular Session; May 28, 2003, Executive Session; May 28, 2003 Special Session and June 2, 2003 Special Session, was made by Sue Murray, seconded by George Murphey. Brian Phillips was present to request an extension of his unpaid Medical Leave. Mr. Phillips told the Board he had surgery Thursday, June 19, 2003 and recovery will take approximately 4 -8 weeks. CT Jones stated she has helped Mr. Phillips apply for Long Term Disability. Mr. Phillips is on FMLA which started May 13, 2003 and Mr. Phillips is required to pay his portion of health insurance. Motion to authorize Mayor Michael to extend the medical leave as medically necessary was made by Sue Murray, seconded by George Murphey. Vote was unanimous. Street Commissioner Miles reported to the Board that Jeff Young left the City's employment June 20'2003. Street Commissioner Miles requested Terry Oty, a part- timer, be placed in that position. Street Commissioner Miles stated that Mr. Oty does have his CDL license and he will complete a 90 -day probationary period as required for all full -time positions. Motion to approve made by Mayor Michael, seconded by Sue Murray. Vote was unanimous. A contract for Wabash Valley Asphalt for the 2003 Asphalt Overlay was presented at the meeting by Engineer Glen Morrow. The total amount of the contract is $150,695.50 which includes asphalt and stripping in the amount of $138,502.50; sanitary sewer manhole casting in the amount of $9,177.00 and water castings in the amount of $3,016.00. CT Jones stated that $130,000.00 is appropriated for street resurfacing and $75,000.00 is earmarked for the West Side Project, leaving only $55,000.00. CT Jones stated that she has checked the cash balance and an additional appropriation can be done. Mayor Michael made the motion to accept the contract contingent upon the additional appropriation being approved, seconded Sue Murray. Vote was unanimous. F1 ® Police Chief Hendrich distributed a memo at the meeting requesting Officer Brian Hopkins be promoted to the rank of Captain effective June 30, 2003. Motion to accept made by Sue Murray, seconded by George Murphey. Vote was unanimous. Attorney Robertson stated she still has some changes that need to be made to the Police SOP. Motion to table the Police SOP was made by Sue Murray, seconded by George Murphey. Vote was unanimous. Engineer Morrow distributed a memo at the meeting regarding a request from the Putnam County Commissioners to fix a portion of CR 75 W or Columbia Street that was damaged during our W WTP project. Engineer Morrow stated he and WW Superintendent Neese met with Dave Sutherlin and offered four options: 1. Lower the castings as much as possible so that a layer of gravel may cover the casting. It would be the County's responsibility to keep enough gravel over the castings for their maintenance activities. 2. Place a concrete pad around the manhole casting. This is a similar practice to what we do with our manholes in City Streets. 3. Place a concrete pad that extends across the width of the street. Tapering the ends would allow the grader operator to raise the blade at each manhole and not worry about uneven surface across the width. 4. Come to our Board of Works meeting and ask the City to pave the road. Engineer Morrow stated he does not feel the City is responsible for repaving the entire road. George Murphey stated he feels a formal agreement is needed. e Sue Murray made the motion to move forward with option three with a letter being sent to the County Commissioners sharing the interlocal agreement that was signed prior to our WWTP project beginning, seconded by George Murphey. Motion to approve the ADA Policy was made by George Murphey, seconded by Sue Murray. Vote was unanimous. Mr. Ernest Henninger, South 43 Water Association Treasurer, was present at the meeting to request renegotiation of the 50 million gallon water contract between the City and South 43 Water Association signed in 1993 to 75 million gallons of water. Mr. Henninger stated the South 43 Water Association Board does not want to go over their allotted amount and be in violation of the agreement. George Murphey asked for a break down for the additional 25 million gallons of water. Mr. Henninger stated they add approximately 5 -8 customers a year and the amount creeps up on you — we don't want to be in violation and we have tried to find a number that will be acceptable to both parties without having to bother you again, Mr. Henninger explained. Water Superintendent Dale stated that Reelsville Water Corporation use will go down once their new plant is on line. George Murphey made the motion to enter into a new agreement with South 43 Water Association allowing 55 million gallons of water at this time, but let Mr. Henninger know that the City will be receptive to amend this agreement when and if it is needed, seconded by Sue Murray. Vote was unanimous. ® An Agreement with DLZ for testing on the old City Hall was tabled until money is appropriated for this project. Motion to approve an Agreement with Crowe Chizek to prepare the Continuing Disclosure Statements for the Water and Wastewater Bonds in the amount of $1500.00 (fifteen hundred dollars) for both was made by George Murphey, seconded by Sue Murray. Vote was unanimous. Mayor Michael stated Sprint has requested an additional extension of the agreement dated November 3, 1999. George Murphey stated they have been given their ninety day notice and don't feel we need to keep extending this — the water tower is scheduled to come down after Labor Day. George Murphey made the motion to authorize City Attorney Robertson to write a letter stating they have to have their equipment off the water tower no later than September I, 2003, seconded by Sue Murray. Vote was unanimous. Wastewater Superintendent Mike Neese addressed the letter supplied in the packets regarding an eight inch sanitary sewer line that runs north 200 feet from Ave B. WW Superintendent Neese stated this line is in very poor shape and once the CVS project takes place this line will only serve one customer at 1015 Avenue B. Superintendent Neese stated his recommendation is to install a new sanitary lateral for this resident with an approximate cost of $3,800.00. Sue Murray made the motion to accept the recommendation of Superintendent Neese ® with a letter of approval from the resident at 10 15 Avenue B, seconded by George Murphey. Vote was unanimous. Triad I & I Update. Superintendent Neese stated they have been using the camera truck and have found fourteen violations in the DePauw area. Superintendent Neese stated he has met with DePauw about these problems and twelve have already been fixed. Update on Eastside Waterworks project — Attorney Robertson stated we are waiting on signed deeds. Update on Greencastle Police Department Paving — Attorney Robertson is to contact bonding company. Water Superintendent Dale stated he is looking into an eight foot fence around the entire water plant for security. Motion to approve Water claims in the amount of $59,772.12 was made by George Murphey, seconded by Sue Murray. Vote was unanimous. Motion to approve Wastewater claims in the amount of $58,104.01 was made by Sue Murray, seconded by George Murphey. Vote was unanimous. C Motion to adjourn made by George Murphey, seconded by Sue Murray. Vote was unanimous. C ATTEST: Pamela S. Jones, Cl 1' reasurer 1(t Q. Nancy A. Mic el, Mayor