HomeMy Public PortalAboutMinutes - 1981/06/03 - Regular" " " " " CITY OF TEMPLE CITY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION ADJOURNED MEETING - JUNE 3, 1981 INITIATION 1, The Adjourned Meeting of the Parks and Recreation Commission was called to order by Chairman Burlingame at 6:35 p.m. in the Meeting Room at Live Oak Park, 10144 Bogue Street, Tem- ple City, CA. 2. Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag not conducted due to lack of Flag. 3. ROLL CALL: PRESENT: ABSENT: Commissioners Adams, Caswell, Crump, Shaw and Burlingame. None ALSO PRESENT: Director of Parks and Recreation, Victor Kobett Commissioner Crump advised Chairman Burlingame that it would be necessary for him to leave the meeting at 7:25 p.m. due to a previous commitment he made prior to the scheduling of this meeting. Commissioner Adams moved to excuse Commissioner Crump for cause. Seconded by Commissioner Caswell and carried. UNFINISHED BUSINESS 4. TOUR OF LIVE OAK FACILITIES Chairman Burlingame invited Director Kobett to guide the Com- mission on the tour of the buildings describing the types of activities conducted in the rooms. The tour started in the Meeting Room and uses were described as craft classes, card playing, cake decorating. luncheons, meetings, registration for sport leagues, etc. Next room visited was the kitchen. The kitchen, it was learned, is rarely used for the preparation of food with most use being "pot luck" type meals or refreshments. The Commission ob- served a Womens' Dance Exercise Class in progress in the Auditorium, the largest room. Some of the uses made of this room include the Senior Citizens Club Meetings, luncheons and dancing on a weekly basis, Hawaiian Dance Class, Chil- drens' tap, ballet and acrobatics, meetings, movies, drama productions, banquets, etc. The Craft Room was visited and it was found the room is primarily used for crafts, Tots Recreation and recently, also for meetings. The restrooms and patio was found to be limited and used, primarily in the sum- mer, for childrens drama and talent shows. The Multi- Purpose Room was described as a heavily used room for oil painting, drawing and sketching classes, Senior Citizens Bingo, Karate, Hunter Safety, Yoga, Flu Clinics, and other uses. The tour was completed and the meeting was reconvened in the Meeting Room at 7 :10 p.m. Temple City Times Reporter Julie Estrada joined the meeting at this time. " " PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION -2- JUNE 3, 1981 t"w Chairman Burlingame requested that the Commission continue their discussion following a guide she distributed. The first item addressed was (A) Needs to be Met and included Tots, Organized Groups, Teens, Adults and Senior Citizens. It was the feeling of the Conuuission that building facili- ties at the Fark were adequate for Tots, organization groups and adults, but additional room space would better meet present use and possibly encourage more use. Senior Citizens, it was felt, would benefit by enlarging the Park Building, Teenagers might be attracted to the Park if a certain area was designed for that age group. Commissioner Shaw pointed out that the recent survey taken at Temple City High and South High School indicated teens wanted a place to meet and socialize, a place for bands to play, weight room and sports. Possibly some of these needs, he felt, could be met with a larger facility. Director Kobett pointed out the limitations of the park for teen dances and bands indicating the gymnasium at Temple City High to be a better located facility with more adequate parking. In response to Commissioner Adams' questioning of Service Clubs using the Park, Commissioner Shaw was of the opinion they would not, primarily because of food service. Clubs meet at restaurants, as food service is de- pendable and a variety can be obtained. Catering food ser- vice has not been satisfactory to most clubs, he indicated. The next item was (B) Decisons to be Made. In regard to the immediate land acquisition, it was the feeling of the Com- mission not to propose a purchase at this time. Additional consideration will be given this regard, however, if land becomes available in a critical need area of the City. In regard to new buildings, the Commission felt a new building or addition should be added to Live Oak Park. The need, it was felt, was for a large multi - purpose room, possibly with one or more room dividers located in the area which is now the Patio. The Commissioner were of the opinion that a gymnasium type addition should not be con- sidered as the community presently has two school gymnasiums and two private local church gymnasiums may be available on a rental basis, if needed. The Commission made no comment regarding the use of existing " buildings, other than gymnasiums, on private or school property. Next item discussed was (C) Other Major Projects, for con- sideration for funding with available State Funds. The Conuuission identified, in addition to a new large room at Live Oak Park, three wall handball courts next to the tennis courts adjacent to Gracewood Avenue and possible improvements to the Swimming Pool at Temple City High. Discussions of these items was continued to the next regu- lar meeting on June 17, 1981 and Director Kobett was asked to obtain cost estimates for a room addition and hand- ball courts for review by the Commission at that meeting. " " " " " " PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION -3- JUNE 3, 1981 5, GENERAL PLAN - OPEN SPACE RECREATION AND CONSERVATION ELEMENT It was the opinion of the Commission that their review of the present plan has been completed. Chairman Bur- lingame will draft a report for the Commissioners' review at their June 17, 1981 meeting. 6. CALIFORNIA PARKLANDS ACT OF 1980. Discussion centered around the proposed use of available funds and the need to select a project and file an appli- cationwith the State in the immediate future if the Com- mission desires to meet the September, 1981 deadline. Two projects being considered by the Commission are (1) the enlargement of the building complex at Live Oak Park and (2) construction of three wall handball courts at Live Oak Park. Discussion on this item was continued to the next regular Commission Meeting on June 17, 1981. 7. TOUR OF NEARBY PARKS AND RECREATION FACILITIES This item was considered to be completed and no discussion held. No additional tours are being considered at this time. NEW BUSINESS There was none 8. TIME FOR THOSE IN THE AUDIENCE WHO WISH TO SPEAK No one came forth. 9. DIRECTOR'S REPORT There was none. 10. MATTERS FROM CITY OFFICIALS There were none. 11, ADJOURNMENT It was moved by Commissioner Shaw, seconded by Commissioner Caswell and unanimously carried that the meeting adjourn at 8:25 p.m. to the next regular meeting of the Parks and Recreation Commission at 7:30 p.m. June 17, 1981 in the Council Chambers of the City Hall, 5938 N. Kauffman Avenue, Temple City, CA. ATTEST: