HomeMy Public PortalAboutMinutes - 1982/08/18 - RegularParks and Recreation Commission -3- August 18, 1982 • 8 COMMUNICATIONS Director Kobett stated that a request had been received from County of Los Angeles Department of Health Services, requesting the use of Live Oak Park Facilities to conduct a flu clinic on November 2, from 9:00 a.m. to 2 :00 p.m. It was moved by Commissioner Crump, seconded by Commissioner Adams and unanimously carried that this be approved. Director Kobett stated that a request had been received for use of the Picnic Shelters at Live Oak Park on Saturday, Seri - tember 18, from L.D.S. Church in Arcadia; however, it consis- ted of over 507 Temple City residents. Department 'rules 'pre- vents approval of the application inasmuch as the Church is based in Arcadia and this was being presented to the Commission for their consideration. Commissioner Shaw stated he was familiar with this Ward and felt that there were over 50% residents of Temple City in it. It was moved by Commissioner Adams, seconded by Commissioner Burlingame and unanimously carried that the request be approved subject to residency requirement of at least 50% of the con- gregation. 9. TIME FOR THOSE IN THE AUDIENCE WHO WISH TO SPEAK No one came forth. 10. DIRECTOR'S REPORT The Commission reviewed the Director's report indicating a successful summer recreation program which included citywide contests on Dodger Skills, Frisbee Contest, a Liquid Sunshine Carnival. Tuesday Fun Specials on every playground included Ice Cream Feeds, Paper Airplane Contests and Summer Circus Carnivals. The Sports program featured an Adult Softball League, an Adult Basketball League, a Teen Age Girls Basketball Tournament and on the playgrounds, hockey and softball were the popular sports. Bus excursions during the month included a Beach Trip, and a Magic Mountain Trip. Director Kobett also advised the Commission that there had been many requests for bus transportation cards and during the month of July, 139 units of service had been provided. Commissioner Crump asked if all the service clubs will be con- tacted and given flyers on the Hobby Show for the Picnic in the Park on October 2, to which Director advised this would be done. 11. MATTERS FROM CITY OFFICIALS Commissioner Adams stated that the adult recreation •swimming at the Temple City High School seems to be quite popular and feels the Commission should consider adding this to the entire summer program next year, even if we have to put in additional money because there are not many programs available to adults. Parks and Recreation Commission -4- August 18, 1982 Commissioner Adams also stated that he had received a letter from the Human Services Department advising of a slide pre- sentation of the after school program which was funded by both Human Services and Alhambra City Schools. The presen- tation would be held Monday, August 23, at 7:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers at 111 S. First Street, Alhambra. Commissioner Adams stated he would be unable to attend; how- ever, if any other Couthissioner could attend, it would probably be an interesting film to see. Commissioner Burlingame stated she was encouraged to see that the City was building up so many adult programs. Commissioner Crump stated that on his recent visit to the Scandanavian countries, he was very impressed by their parks except he noted that their parks were not geared to recrea- tion, but consisted of a lot of benches where people just gathered together. Chairman Caswell advised that due to a conflict, he would be unable to attend and enlisted the aid of the other Com- missioners to assist with the Antique Car Show for the Pic- nic in the Park. Commissioner Shaw had nothing. 12. ADJOURNMENT ATTEST: • • It was moved by Commissioner Burlingame, seconded by Commissioner Crump and unanimously carried that the meeting be adjotirned'to next regular meeting to be held at 7:30 p.m. Wednesday, Sep- tember 15, 1982 in the Council Chamber of the City Hall, 5938 N. Kauffman, Temple City. Chairman 'aswell adjourned the meeting at 8:25 p.m. •