HomeMy Public PortalAboutMinutes - 1983/01/19 - Regulart P. INITIATION 1. 2. CITY OF TEMPLE CITY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION JANUARY 19, 1983 The regular meeting of the Parks and Recreation Commission was called to order by Chairman Caswell at 7:30 p.m. on Wednesday, January 19, 1983 in the Council Chambers of the City Hall, 5938 N. Kauffman, Temple City, CA Chairman Caswell led the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. 3. ROLL CALL: 4. 1 PRESENT: ABSENT: • Commissioners Adams, Burlingame, Crump, Shaw and Caswell None ALSO PRESENT: Victor B. Kobett, Director Parks & Recreation Department APPROVAL OF MINUTES It was moved by Commissioner Shaw, seconded by Commissioner Crump and unanimously carried that the minutes of the regular meeting of December 15, 1982 be approved as written. OLD BUSINESS 5. There was none. NEW BUSINESS 6. 1983 -84 BUDGET Chairman Caswell suggested and this was concurred by the Com- mission that this item be continued to the end of the meeting. 7. REQUEST RECEIVED FROM TEMPLE CITY AMERICAN LITTLE LEAGUE FOR USE OF NORTH, SOUTH DIAMONDS AND SNACK BAR TO CONDUCT CARNIVAL. Commission reviewed request from Temple City American Little League to use North, South Diamonds and Concession Stand at Live Oak Park from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Saturday, April 30, for the purpose of conducting a Carnival. The purpose of the event is to raise funds to offset league expenses and will be patterned after carnivals presented by the PTA on elementary school sites. The Commission felt this activity was acceptable for park usage being very similar to the Halloween Carnival, eliminates children going door to door to raise funds; and that all funds raised shall be deposited in the League Treasury to defray league expenses. It was moved by Commissioner Crump, seconded by Commissioner Burlingame and unanimously carried that this be referred to the City Council recouunending approval subject to all games of chance being approved by the Sheriff's Department; that ho individual benefit financially and that the required Cer- tificate of Insurance naming the City as additionally insured be provided. PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION -2- JANUARY 19, 1983 8. REQUEST RECEIVED FROM TEMPLE CITY AMERICAN LITTLE LEAGUE TO USE LIVE OAK PARK TO CONDUCT A PANCAKE BREAKFAST. Commission reviewed request received from Temple City American Little League for use of all shelters at Live Oak Park from 3:30 p.m. Friday, June 10, to 1:00 p.m. Saturday, June 11, to conduct a pancake breakfast. Mem- bers would remain at the park overnight to protect the equipment. Commissioner Crump emphasized the regulation that only one vehicle would be permitted on the park grounds for loading or unloading cooking grills and this vehicle must be removed by 6:30 a.m. the morning of the break- fast, before the public arrives. The Commission felt that this Group has annually conducted successful like activities at the Park in the past and the nature and purpose of the activity is acceptable for Park Use. It was moved by Commissioner Burlingame, seconded by Com- missioner Adams and unanimously carried that the request be referred to the City Council recommending approval sub- ject to the established City regulations and insurance re- quirements. 9. REQUEST RECEIVED FROM TEMPLE CITY AMERICAN LITTLE LEAGUE TO USE LIVE OAK PARK FOR REGISTRATIONS. Commission reviewed request received from Temple City American Little League for use of the Multi- Purpose Room at Live Oak Park from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 Noon Saturday, January 29, for the purpose of conducting registrations. It was moved by Commissioner Crump, seconded by Commissioner Shaw and unanimously carried that this request be approved. 10. REQUEST RECEIVED FROM TEMPLE CITY YOUTH FOOTBALL FOR USE OF CRAFT ROOM EVERY THIRD THURSDAY FOR YEAR 1983 Commissioner reviewed the request from Temple City Youth Football for reserved use of the Craft Room at Live Oak Park the third Thursday of every month from 7:15 to 9:45 p.m. for meetings. Director Kobett stated this was before the Commission as it was for extended reserved use and that it did not conflict with any Department activities, and a Certificate of Insurance is on file with the Department. It was moved by Commissioner Shaw, seconded by Commissioner Crump and unanimously carried that the request be approved. 11. REQUEST RECEIVED FROM TEMPLE CITY BROWNIE TROOP 448 FOR RE- SERVED USE OF PARK FACILITIES Commission reviewed request from Temple City Brownie Troop #448 for-use of the Meeting Room at Live Oak Park every Thursday during the months of February and March, from 2:45 to 4:30 p.m.for meetings. Director Kobett stated that inasmuch as this was prime time use of .the facilities, it is being asked for on a quarterly basis. At the present time, this use does not conflict with Department activities and there is a Certificate of Insurance on file. It was moved by Commissioner Adams, seconded by Commissioner Shaw and unanimously carried that request be approved. t R J • • PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION -3- JANUARY 19, 1983 12. • • REQUEST RECEIVED FROM TEMPLE CITY AMERICAN LITTLE LEAGUE - SOFTBALL - FOR RESERVED USE OF PARK FACILITIES Commission reviewed request received from Temple City American Little League - Softball - for use of the Multi - Purpose Room at Live Oak Park from 1 :00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. Sunday, February 6, 1983 for the purpose of con- ducting a draft. Director Kobett stated that inasmuch as the Park is open during this time there would be no additional staffing required; however, as this was Sunday use Commission ap- proval was required. There is no conflict with Department activities and a Certificate of Insurance is on file with the Department. It was moved by Commissioner Crump, seconded by Commissioner Adams and unanimously carried that the request be approved. 13. REQUEST RECEIVED FROM SAN GABRIEL VALLEY GUN CLUB FOR RESERVED USE OF PARK FACILITIES. Commission reviewed request from San Gabriel Valley Gun Club for use of Multi- Purpose Room at Live Oak Park from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Saturday, March 26, and Sunday, March 27, 1983. Commission recognized Keith Giles, 10410 E. Live Oak, Ar- cadia, who stated that the training program was open to the public and the $25.00 fee per person charge was to offset the cost of the instructors who are coming from Washington, D.C. and the $5.00 additional fee per person would be to off- set costs of the instructors while they were here. The pur- pose of the class is to train people to coach marksmanship competition with the ultimate goal to be rated and permitted to coach the Olympic team. He further stated that this was the first time this class has been held on the West Coast and there are no plans for another in the near future. Commissioner Adams stated that although it was a worthy program, it would have to be considered as a Non - Resident Group and the cost would be $100.00 for four hours for use of the auditorium. Mr. Giles stated he was under the impression that as long as this was not a fund raiser, that there would be no cost; however, he could use the Multi- Purpose Room. Director Kobett stated that the Multi - Purpose Room had a fee for this Non - Resident Group of $30.00 for four hours. Commissioner Shaw pointed out to Mr. Giles that the Commis- sion did not have the authority to lower or waive any fees but he could appeal the cost to the City Council at the time they consider the application. It was moved by Commissioner Shaw, seconded by Commissioner Adams and unanimously carried that the matter be referred to the City Council recommending approval of their use of the Multi- Purpose Room at Live Oak Park March 26, and 27, 1983 from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. subject to the established rental fee of $400.00 rental and $20.00 personnel coverage and a valid Certificate of Insurance on file naming the City of Temple City as additionally insured. PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION -4- JANUARY 19, 1983 14. REQUEST RECEIVED FROM TEMPLE CITY AYSO FOR RESERVED USE OF PARK FACILITIES Commission reviewed request from Temple City AYSO for reserved use of the Auditorium at Live Oak Park on Satur- day, February 12, 1983 from 7:30 to 10:00 p.m. to conduct an AYSO Awards Dance. Chairman recognized Art Whitmore, 5302 Degas, a Board,Mem- ber, who stated that this would be a social dance and open only to participants in the soccer program. Commissioner Burlingame asked Mr. Whitmore what the average age of the participants would be to which Mr. Whitmore stated they would be between the ages of 11 and 14. As to the number in attendance, Mr. Whitmore estimated ap- proximately 50 to 60 and there would be at least six adult volunteer chaperones. It was moved by Commissioner Burlingame, seconded by Com- missioner Adams and unanimously carried that this be re- ferred to the City Council recommending approval subject to a valid Certificate of Insurance being on file with the City and $15.00 staff coverage fee, and 6 adult chaperones. 15. REQUEST RECEIVED FROM TEMPLE CITY HIGH SCHOOL FOR RESERVED USE OF PARK FACILITIES 16. Commission reviewed request from the Temple City High School requesting reserved use of the softball field at Live Oak Park on February 10, 18, and March 4, 1983 between 9:30 a.m. and 11:30 a.m. It was moved by Commissioner Crump, seconded by Commissioner Burlingame and unanimously carried that the request be granted. 1983 -84 BUDGET Chairman Caswell called the Commissioners' attention to a memo from Director Kobett outlining preliminary 1983 -84 Department recurrent staffing proposals. The staffing pro- posal included Summer Recreation Program, Afterschool Re- creation Program and Oak Avenue /Temple City High School Gym- nasium Program. Additionally, the Department will be planning to continue operation of the Senior Citizens Referral Desk, Summer Youth Employment Program and Summer Recreation Swim Program. The Commission were in support of the Department's proposed request. Chairman Caswell then inquired if the Commission were aware of any needed equipment or improvements for inclusion in the proposed budget. Commissioner Adams suggested consideration of a double -sided handball /racquet ball court be located on the East side of the tennis courts. He also expressed a sugges tion to have the interior side walls of the new Ball Wall plastered. He said he observed the public, both children and adults. using the facility and smooth walls on all three sides would be a definite improvement. As none of the other Commissioners had suggested improvements at this time, Chairman Caswell requested that all members give the proposed budget their close attention and be prepared to discuss it further at their next regular meeting. PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION -5- JANUARY 19, 1983 17. TIME FOR THOSE IN AUDIENCE WHO WISH TO SPEAK No one came forth. 18. DIRECTOR'S REPORT The Commission reviewed the Director's report which gave background information on the various items before the Commission. Director's report also covered the Special Programs offered by the Department during the Christmas Vacation which in- cluded a Boys Basketball Tournament, a Basketball Skills Con- test, an All City Bingo Party, a Snow Trip to Wrightwood, and the Third Annual Dolly and Stuffed Animal Tea Party. Further reported was the asphalt being installed adjacent to the Ball Wall at Live Oak Park which made possible public use of the facility during the Christmas Holiday Period. The Department also assisted in the preparation of the new Agreement with Mid - Valley Manpower Consortium to provide transportation for senior citizens and the handicapped from January 1 through June 30, 1983. Director Kobett also reported that the Department would as- sist in the distribution of surplus Federal Cheese and Butter in February. Director Kobett informed the Commission that Recreation Sys- tems, Inc., had received and responded to their suggestions for the proposed park improvements. He then displayed a con- ceptual diagram of the park buildings which showed all of the changes suggested by the Commission. The Architect, he . said, was receptive to all of the suggestions. The changes suggested by the Commission included enlargement of the North patio entrance to include a walkway 'to the parking lot and enlargement of the patio shade shelter to include covering the stage area. Director Kobett then discussed with the Commission construction concerns of the architect and the Department as they related to the auditorium improvements. First, the concern regarding the installation of the wood floor as original construction drawings show that there was no moisture barrier installed when the slab concrete floor were installed. If a wood floor is installed, he continued, the contractor would not give a guarantee for moisture damage. The architect, he explained, is exploring further the possibility of a glue -down floor to eliminate the extensive and expensive changes to doorways and thresholds due to a raised wood floor. Another: concern of the architect now that they have examined the building closer is the proposed room divider. It is definitely possible to install the movable wall; however, the existing beam may not be sufficient to carry the load and an additional beam may be required. Also, the layout of the heating and air conditioners will require installation of a suspended ceiling to hide required duct work. PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION -6- JANUARY 19, 1983 Following a review of the proposed improvements and discus- sion of the architect's findings, it was the decision of the Commission to set an adjourned meeting for February 8, 1983 for the purpose of meeting with the architect at Live Oak Park to review all proposed improvements and resolve the concerns that have arisen. 19. MATTERS FROM CITY OFFICIALS Commissioner Burlingame stated she wanted to thank Chairman Caswell for arranging the San Sylmar trip which she thought was fantastic. Commissioner Crump also expressed thanks to Chairman Caswell for the trip which was thoroughly enjoyed. Commissioner Shaw stated that although he could not make this trip, he appreciated Chairman Caswell's offer. Commissioners Adams and Caswell had nothing. 20. ADJOURNMENT ATTEST: It was moved by Commissioner Shaw, seconded by Commissioner Crump and unanimously carried that the meeting adjourn to an adjourned meeting to be held at 5 :00 p.m. Monday, Janu- ary 31, 1983 in the Auditorium at Live Oak Park, 10144 Bogue Street, Temple City, CA. Chairman Caswell adjourned the meeting at 9:10 p.m. • Chairman • •